Lessons in Learning Chinese: Yangyang Cheng
Today we are thrilled to talk with Chinese teacher Yangyang Cheng, founder of Yoyo Chinese, and host of one of…
Lessons in Learning Chinese: Greg Bell
Today we feature Greg Bell. Originally from New Jersey, he went to college in Michigan, then proceeded halfway around the…
Top 3 Chengyus to Describe FluentU Launch
If you are currently reading this, no doubt you have already signed up for FluentU beta (and if not, then…
FluentU Launching Public Beta in 3 Days!
Since announcing our planned beta launch less than two short weeks ago, we have welcomed hundreds of new users, uploaded…
The Ultimate Guide to 想 vs 觉得 in Chinese
In Chinese, there are two ways to say “I think”: 我想 (wǒ xiǎng) and 我觉得 (wǒ jué de). But they’re…