20 Useful Expressions for Agreeing and Disagreeing in English
There are many ways you can express agreement and disagreement in English, but depending on the situation, some are more…
Best Spotify Podcasts to Learn English
Thanks to music streaming services like Spotify, you can now listen to any kind of audio content right on your…
English Conversation Books: 10 Best E-Books
One of the greatest tests for English learners is to just get out there and have an entire conversation in…
Great English Songs with Continuous Tenses
Did you know there are six main continuous tenses, including the present continuous and progressive tenses? It sounds like a…
17 Easy English Lessons for Beginners
Language learning is a long, difficult journey. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t some tricks and shortcuts you can take…
Vocabulario sobre música en inglés: ¡conoce estos 93 términos y expresiones con su pronunciación!
¿Te encanta la música? ¿Tocas algún instrumento? ¿Cantas? ¿O eres fan de algún grupo? Si sientes que te falta vocabulario…
46 historias en inglés para aprender mientras lees
Leer libros en inglés aporta muchos beneficios a corto y largo plazo. Sin darte cuenta, irás interiorizando diferentes palabras, estructuras…
25 English Minimal Pairs with Examples
There are a few things you can try to learn English more quickly. One of them is to practice your…