6 Top Chinese Music Apps You Can Download Today
You love Chinese music—and you know that listening to it often will work miracles for your listening comprehension skills. But…
The 5 Best Korean Channels on Roku
Roku may be your main stop for wasting time, but it can actually be an incredible tool for learning Korean …
How to Say Thank You in Russian: 12 Easy Phrases
There aren’t many cultural differences in how we thank people in Russian compared to English. The most common way to…
Le Migliori 8 App-Vocabolario Inglese per Android
Come andare a sbattere su un muro. Avete presente quando desiderate pronunciare una frase in inglese, ma vi bloccate a…
Chinese Typing Practice: A 4-step Resource Guide to Get You Started
If you’re learning Mandarin Chinese, being proficient at typing 拼音 (pīn yīn) — Chinese romanization and 汉字 (hàn zì) —…
11 Chinese Cartoon TV Shows for Learners of All Ages
It’s no secret that kids can pick up languages more quickly than adults, so why not do as they do…
Korean Conversation: 10 Basic Ways to Start a Dialogue with Native Speakers
You don’t have to be fluent in Korean to connect with native speakers. Although understanding things like the Korean alphabet…
3 Best Russian Channels on Roku to Learn the Language
From news to talk shows to documentaries and original Russian classic films, there’s a ton of content to watch in…