Talking About School in German: 98 Words and Phrases
School is a commonly discussed topic for German language learners, so there’s lots of unique vocabulary you’ll find useful. In…
German Bank Vocabulary: 40 Words and Phrases
In Germany, a bank account is necessary for everything, from paying your rent to paying monthly phone and internet bills.…
59 German Oral Exam Phrases [Audio Included]
I personally consider Steve Jobs to be one of the greatest oral speakers. His key tip was: rehearse, rehearse and…
Daily Routine in German: 10 Useful Verbs + Grammar Notes
There are a ton of interesting German verbs you can learn for talking about your daily routine. Mastering them is…
The Umlaut in German
The letters Ä, Ö and Ü look so similar to A, O and U… But, tempting as it might be,…