Important Terms for Understanding Directions in Spanish
If you’re planning on traveling to a Spanish-speaking country, then you should absolutely take the time to learn how to…
13 Best Binge-worthy Spanish Series on Netflix in December 2024
There’s nothing quite like a great Spanish TV series. They’ve got romance, drama, slapstick comedy, you name it. As an…
How to Use the Pluscuamperfecto
Just looking at the longer name of the pluperfect in Spanish is scary enough, isn’t it? In fact, when you…
How to Use Tener and Venir
Learning Spanish can have many surprises and challenges, like how the most commonly-used verbs are actually some of the most…
How to Use Volver A + Infinitive
The Spanish phrase volver a means “to return to” or “to do something again.” So, for example, the Juanes song…
20 Prefixes in Spanish That’ll Help You Understand Hundreds of Words
Learning and memorizing Spanish verb conjugations can be a drag. On the other hand, without knowing the correct conjugations—and especially…
Spanish Filler Words to Sound More Natural
Um, uh, like, I guess, I mean… Whether we like it or not, these words are a part of our…
6 Sites for Spanish Translation Practice
Just be glad you’re not a Spanish learner from 100 years ago. Translation was the primary method of foreign language…