Common Conversational Phrases in 5 Languages
It can be very overwhelming to start a new language, but knowing some of basic phrases makes all the difference…
10 Obscure Languages You’ve Probably Never Heard Spoken (with Videos)
Europe has close to 200. The United States, over 350. Indonesia alone has over 700. In Africa, there are nearly…
Language Learning Styles and Learning Techniques That Suit Each
Let’s face it, learning a new language is time consuming and we’d like to get through as quickly and easily…
The 4 Core Language Skills and How to Improve Them
Language learning requires concentration, dedication and skills. These core skills—listening, reading, writing and speaking—may not be easy to master, but…
Where to Find International Penpals Online
Whatever language you’re learning, having a penpal who speaks it will greatly enhance your access to natural communication. Consistency is…