7 Creative Ways to Learn English Offline
There are many offline English learning activities you can do that are convenient, inexpensive and relevant. Some of them still…
Cómo pedir café en inglés como un auténtico anglosajón
A veces, pedir un café es casi como aprender otro idioma, pero es imprescindible si eres adicto al café y…
English Rhythm
Put down that textbook and learn to feel the rhythm of English! Many English learners focus on improving their vocabulary…
20 Common English Questions and Answers
One reason why learning a language is so difficult is because your learning materials can start to seem irrelevant for…
21 preguntas y respuestas en inglés para usar en diferentes situaciones
Aunque está bien entender la gramática básica, también es importante saber cuáles son las preguntas más comunes, las frases clave,…
영어 회화에 활용하기 좋은 영어 질문과 대답 13가지
Let’s face it: “Hello! How are you?” can only get you so far in life. Your English classes have prepared…
미국 현지인처럼 자연스럽게 커피 주문하는 방법
커피 한 잔을 주문하는 게 때로는 완전히 새로운 외국어를 배우는 것만 같은 순간이 있습니다. 하지만 당신이 java(커피) 중독 수준으로 날마다…