The Ultimate List for Chinese Soccer Vocabulary

Chinese soccer fans ( 球迷 — qiú mí) are some of the most dedicated in the world. So if you want to be part of the conversation, check out this post to pick up some Chinese soccer terminology.
With this guide, you’ll be able to talk about the finer points of the game with your Chinese-speaking friends.
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General Soccer Vocabulary
助理裁判 (zhù lǐ cái pàn) — assistant referee
(zhù lǐ cái pàn xiàng zhǔ cái pàn jǔ qí shì yì bǐ sài jì xù.)
The assistant referee held up his flag to show the referee that the ball was still in play.
客场比赛 (kè chǎng bǐ sài) — away game
Literal translation: guest or traveler’s field match
(fēi lì pǔ bù xǐ huān kè chǎng bǐ sài, tā zǒng shì róng yì gǎn dào hěn pí bèi.)
Philip hates traveling for away games. He always gets really tired and never plays well.
角球 (jiǎo qiú) — corner kick
Literal translation: corner ball
(shǒu mén yuán yòng shǒu pèng dào le qiú, cái pàn gěi le duì fāng yī gè jiǎo qiú.)
When the goalkeeper touched the ball, the referee awarded the other team a corner kick.
更衣室 (gēng yī shì) — locker room
Literal translation: changing clothes room
(qiú yuán men zuò zài gēng yī shì lǐ tīng jiào liàn jiǎng huà.)
The players sat in the locker room while they listened to their coach speak.
后卫 (hòu wèi) — defender
(yīn wéi yǒu qiáng dà de hòu wèi, yīng gé lán duì zài shì jiè bēi bǐ sài zhōng zǒng shì biǎo xiàn liáng hǎo.)
England always does well in World Cup matches because of their strong defenders.
平局 (píng jú) — draw
(bǐ sài yǐ píng jú jié shù, zuì hòu bǐ fèn shì èr bǐ èr.)
The game ended in a draw, and the final score was 2-2.
打成平局 (dǎ chéng píng jú) — to equalize
Literal translation: to score into a draw
(zài zuì hòu yī fèn zhōng, mǎ sāi luò shè jìn yī qiú, jiāng bǐ sài dǎ chéng píng jú.)
In the last minute, Marcello score an equalizing goal.
加时赛 (jiā shí sài) — extra time; injury time
(tā men hěn xìng yùn bǐ sài jìn rù jiā shí sài, yīn wéi tā men zuì zhōng huò shèng.)
They were lucky the game went into extra time because they ended up winning.
体能 (tǐ néng) — fitness
(mài kè er xū yào zài xià tiān huī fù tǐ néng.)
Michael needs to get fit over the summer.
犯规 (fàn guī) — foul
Literal translation: breaking the rules
(tā fàn guī le, yīn wéi tā tuī dǎo le duì fāng.)
He fouled because he pushed over the other player.
终场 (zhōng chǎng) — full-time
(cái pàn chuī shào liǎng cì, xiàng dà jiā xuān bù yǐ jīng zhōng chǎng.)
The referee blew his whistle twice to tell everyone it was full-time.
守门员 (shǒu mén yuán) — goalkeeper
Literal translation: protect gate player
(fǎ guó duì shǒu mén yuán pū dào dì shàng jié zhù le luó nà ěr duō de shè mén.)
The goalkeeper for France dived to the ground and saved Ronaldo’s shot.
中场休息 (zhōng chǎng xiū xī) — half-time
(qiú yuán men pǎo xià chǎng, zài zhōng chǎng xiū xī shí kāi le yī gè huì.)
The players ran off the pitch and had a meeting during half-time.
手球 (shǒu qiú) — handball
(cái pàn chuī xiǎng le kǒu shào,pàn dìng tā shǒu qiú.)
The referee blew the whistle and called a hand ball on him.
头球 (tóu qiú) — header
(luó nà ěr duō de duì yǒu chuán gěi tā yī gè gāo qiú, tā zòng shēn yī tiào, tóu qiú jìn mén.)
Ronaldo’s teammate passed the ball high to him. He jumped up and headed it into the goal.
主场 (zhǔ chǎng) — home game
(hěn duō qiú duì zài zhǔ chǎng dōu huì tī dé gèng hǎo.)
Most teams perform better when they have a home game.
中线开球 (zhōng xiàn kāi qiú) — kick off
(nǐ zhī dào shén me shí hòu yào zhōng xiàn kāi qiú ma?)
Do you have any idea what time is kickoff?
比赛 (bǐ sài) — match
(nǐ rèn wéi shuí huì yíng dé bǐ sài?)
Who do you think is going to win the match?
中场 (zhōng chǎng) — midfielder
(méi sū tè è qí ěr shì shì jiè shàng zuì hǎo de zhōng chǎng zhī yī.)
Mesut Ozil is one of the best midfielders in the world.
越位 (yuè wèi) — offside
(méi xī chà yī diǎn jiù jìn qiú le, dàn cái pàn chuī shào shuō tā yuè wèi.)
Messi had been very close to scoring a goal, the referee blew his whistle to say that he was offside.
传球 (chuán qiú) — pass
(fú lán kè lán pà dé chuán qiú gěi bèi kè hàn mǔ, bèi kè hàn mǔ shè mén, qiú jìn le)
Frank Lampard passed the ball to Beckham. Beckham kicked the ball and scored!
任意球 (rèn yì qiú) — penalty kick
(bèi ěr bèi fàn guī le, qiú duì huò dé le rèn yì qiú.)
Bale fouled and the team got a penalty kick.
点球大战 (diǎn qiú dà zhàn) — penalty shootout
(qiú mí men ān jìng xià lái, bēng jǐn shén jīng, guān kàn liǎng zhī qiú duì de diǎn qiú dà zhàn.)
The fans went silent as they nervously watched the penalty shootout between the two teams.
足球场 (zú qiú chǎng) — pitch or (football) field
(qiú duì yǐ jīng xùn liàn le jǐ tiān, suǒ yǐ zhè gè zú qiú chǎng yǒu xiē ní nìng, bú tài hǎo yòng le.)
Because it had been raining for a couple of days, the pitch was muddy and difficult to play on.
红牌 (hóng pái) — red card
(tā yīn wéi hé duì fāng qiú yuán dǎ jià ér bèi hóng pái fá xià chǎng.)
He was handed a red card for starting a fight with the other team and as a result, their team lost.
射门 (shè mén) — shoot
Literal translation: to shoot on goal
(luó nà ěr duō yī jiǎo shè mén, dǎ jìn zhì shèng yī qiú.)
Ronaldo shot the ball right into the back of the net to score the winning goal.
观众 (guān zhòng) — spectator(s)
(yīn wéi xià yǔ le, qiú chǎng shàng méi yǒu hěn duō guān zhòng.)
There weren’t many spectators at the game because of the rain.
看台 (kàn tái) — stands
Literal translation: viewing platform or area
qiú mí men zài wéi zì jǐ xǐ huān de qiú duì huān hū,kàn tái shàng zǒng shì yī piàn rè nào de jǐng xiàng。
There was a lot of excitement in the stands as the fans cheered for their teams.
前锋 (qián fēng) — striker
Literal translation: forward or front edge
里奥· 梅西是世界上最杰出的前锋之一,他是巴塞罗那进球最多的球员。
(lǐ ào méi xī shì shì jiè shàng zuì jié chū de qián fēng zhī yī, tā shì bā sāi luó nà jìn qiú zuì duō de qiú yuán.)
Lionel Messi is one of the best strikers in the world. He has scored the most goals ever for Barcelona.
替补 (tì bǔ) / 换人 (huàn rén) — substitute
(dāng yà lì kè sī fú gé sēn kàn dào zì jǐ de qiú yuán láo lèi shí, tā zǒng shì jiào tì bǔ shàng chǎng.)
When Sir Alex Ferguson saw that his players were getting tired, he always substituted them.
铲球 (chǎn qiú) / 抢截 (qiǎng jié) — tackle
(dāng mài kè shì tú chǎn qiú de shí hòu, tā yòng shǒu tuī le duì fāng qiú yuán yī bǎ, jié guǒ dé dào le huáng pái jǐng gào.)
When Mike tried to tackle the other player, he pushed him and he was given a yellow card and a warning.
掷界外球 (zhì jiè wài qiú) — throw in
(jié kè kuài sù zhì jiè wài qiú gěi tā de duì yǒu.)
Jake quickly threw the ball to his teammate.
边线 (biān xiàn) — touchline
(zú qiú jiào liàn zhàn zài biān xiàn shàng duì zì jǐ de duì wǔ hǎn chū zhǐ lìng.)
The manager and coach stood on the touchline shouting out instructions to their team.
人墙 (rén qiáng) — wall
Literal translation: human wall
(dāng lǐ ào méi xī shè mén shí, qiú yuán men zhù qǐ yī dào rén qiáng.)
The players made a wall as Lionel Messi went to shoot.
黄牌 (huáng pái) — yellow card
(bèi ěr zài tī qiú shí xū yào gèng jiā xiǎo xīn, yīn wéi tā yǐ jīng dé le yī cì huáng pái le.)
Bale needs to be more careful when playing because he’s already been given one yellow card.
Scoring Related Vocabulary
Do you find it difficult to talk with your friends about the scores? Read on to learn some very useful soccer words that will help you communicate better.
失球 (shī qiú) — concede
(yīng gé lán de shǒu mén yuán yīn wéi zì jǐ shī qiú guò duō ér bèi pī píng.)
England’s goalkeeper was criticized for the amount of goals he conceded.
失败 (shī bài) — defeat
(mǎ dé lǐ jìng jì zāo yù shī bài hòu, hěn míng xiǎn dà jiā dōu hěn shēng qì.)
It was evident that everyone was upset when Atletico Madrid suffered defeat.
净胜球 (jìng shèng qiú) — goal difference
(yīn wéi zài jiǎ jí lián sài zhōng, suǒ yǒu duì wǔ dōu hěn yǒu shí lì, jìng shèng qiú chà yì hěn xiǎo.)
Because all of the teams in the Premier League are really strong, the goal difference is usually small.
淘汰 (táo tài) — knock out
(zài shàng yī jiè shì jiè bēi shàng, xīn xī lán zài bǐ sài zhōng bèi mò xī gē táo tài.)
In the last World Cup, New Zealand was knocked out of the competition by Mexico.
领先 (lǐng xiān) — to be in the lead
(huáng jiā mǎ dé lǐ zài shàng bàn chǎng chù yú lǐng xiān, dàn qiē ěr xī zuì zhōng yíng dé le bǐ sài.)
At the end of the first half Real Madrid were in the lead, but Chelsea won in the end.
比分 (bǐ fēn) — score
(wǒ jiào dé bā sāi luó nà hé huáng jiā mǎ dé lǐ de zuì zhōng bǐ fēn jiāng huì shì èr bǐ líng.)
I think the final score between Barcelona and Real Madrid will be 2-0.
计分板 (jì fēn bǎn) — scoreboard
(jì fēn bǎn shàng de shí jiān xiǎn shì, lí bǐ sài jié shù zhī shèng wǔ fèn zhōng.)
The time on the scoreboard shows there’s only 5 minutes left of the match.
获胜 (huò shèng) / 赢 (yíng) — to win
(wǒ rèn wéi, bā xī yōng yǒu shì jiè shàng zuì qiáng dà de zú qiú duì, tā men hěn yǒu kě néng zài 2014 nián shì jiè bēi zhōng huò shèng.)
I think that Brazil has the strongest football team in the world and they have a good chance of winning the 2014 World Cup.
Advanced Chinese Soccer Vocabulary
We’re not finished yet. Now you know the basics. Why not show off your real soccer/football knowledge with this more advanced football vocabulary?
有利原则 (yǒu lì yuán zé) — advantage
Literal translation: the principle of advantage
(cái pàn gēn jù yǒu lì yuán zé, jǔ qǐ shǒu shì yì jì xù jìn gōng.)
The referee, according to the principle of advantage, raised his hand and motioned for the advance to continue.
替补席 (tì bǔ xí) — bench
Literal translation: substitute seats or area
(yóu yú xùn liàn chí dào, jié kè de jiào liàn jué dìng bǎ tā liú zài tì bǔ xí.)
Jack’s coach decided to keep him on the bench for being late to training.
倒勾球 (dǎo gōu qiú) — bicycle kick
Literal translation: falling hook ball
(luó nà ěr duō yǐ tā de dǎo gōu qiú ér wén míng. dāng tā zhǎn shì dǎo gōu qiú de shí hòu, qiú mí men dōu fèi téng le.)
Ronaldo is famous for his bicycle kick. When he does it, the fans go crazy.
吃牌 (chī pái) — booking
Literal translation: to ‘eat’ or get a card
(qiáo nà sēn chī pái le, yīn wéi yǔ duì fāng qiú yuán dǎ jià.)
Jonathan was booked because he got into a fight with a player on the other team.
踢 (tī) — boot, kick
(tuō léi sī bǎ qiú tī gěi le duì yǒu.)
Torres booted the ball to his teammate.
禁区 (jìn qū) — box
Literal translation: forbidden or restricted area
(duì fāng qiú yuán zài jìn qū nèi zǔ chéng yī dào fáng xiàn, shì tú zǔ jié méi xī de shè mén.)
The opposition formed a line in the box to try and block Messi from scoring.
抛硬币 (pāo yìng bì) — coin toss
(cái pàn pāo yìng bì lái jué dìng shuí lái kāi qiú.)
The coin toss decides who will kick off the match.
死球 (sǐ qiú) / 僵局 (jiāng jú) — dead ball
(zài sǐ qiú qī jiān, lù yì sī pǎo xiàng qiú, yī jiǎo tī shàng qù.)
When the ball was dead, Luis ran up to the ball and booted it.
联赛 (lián sài) — division
(yīng guó suǒ yǒu de dǐng jiān qiú duì dōu zài chāo jí lián sài zhōng.)
All the top teams of the UK are in the premier division (league).
赛程 (sài chéng) — fixture
(suǒ yǒu shì jiè bēi de sài chéng dōu shì tōng guò chōu qiān jué dìng de, yǐ bǎo zhèng jué duì gōng píng.)
All the World Cup fixtures are chosen out of a hat to make sure it’s completely fair.
盯守 (dīng shǒu) — mark
(jiào liàn duì zì jǐ de qiú yuán dà hǎn, ràng tā dīng shǒu duì fāng qiú yuán.)
The manager shouted out to his players to mark the opposition.
乌龙球 (wū lóng qiú) — own goal
Literal translation: oolong or ‘black dragon’ ball
(dāng yuē hàn jìn le yī kē wū lóng qiú de shí hòu, qiú mí men fēn fēn hè dǎo cǎi.)
The fans booed when John scored an own goal.
打气 (dǎ qì) / 动员讲话 (dòng yuán jiǎng huà) — Pep talk
(qiú yuán men zuò zài gèng yī shì, tīng jiào liàn gěi tā men dǎ qì.)
The players sat and listened to their coach give them a pep talk in the changing rooms.
晋级 (jìn jí) — promotion
(jīng guò yī gè chéng gōng de sài jì, tā men zhōng yú jìn jí gāo jí bié lián sài le.)
After a successful season, they were finally promoted to the advanced group.
对手 (duì shǒu) — rivals
(màn chè sī tè lián duì hé màn chè sī tè chéng duì shì duō nián de duì shǒu le.)
Manchester United and Manchester City have been rivals for years.
降级 (jiàng jí) — relegation
(jiàn yú shàng sài jì pèng dào tài duō de huài yùn qì, hè ěr chéng duì jiàng jí le.)
After having a lot of bad luck last season, Hull was relegated.
领队 (lǐng duì) — skipper, team captain
(yuē hàn tè lǐ bèi xuǎn wéi yīng gé lán duì lǐng duì, yíng zhàn 2014 nián shì jiè bēi zú qiú sài.)
John Terry was chosen to skipper the English side for the 2014 FIFA World Cup.
剪刀脚踢 (jiǎn dāo jiǎo tī) — scissor kick
(ruì ēn jí gé sī jiāng qiú shú liàn de yòng jiǎn dāo jiǎo tī gěi duì yǒu.)
Ryan Giggs scissor kicked the ball skillfully to his teammate.
罚点球 (fá diǎn qiú) — spot kick
(bèi kè hàn mǔ bǎ qiú fàng hǎo, zuò hǎo fá diǎn qiú de zhǔn bèi.)
Beckham placed the ball down in preparation for his spot kick.
转会费 (zhuǎn huì fèi) — transfer fee
(zú qiú shǐ shàng zuì gāo de zhuǎn huì fèi zhī yī shì qiē ěr xī duì mǎi jìn fèi ěr nán duō tuō léi sī.)
One of the highest transfer fees in football history was when Chelsea bought Fernando Torres.
Chinese Vocabulary for Soccer Equipment
Of course, you all know that football requires a ball to play, but what about the other things that are needed to play?
钉鞋 (dìng xié) — studs; cleats
Literal translation: spike shoes
手套 (shǒu tào) — gloves
门柱 (qiú mén zhù) — goal posts
足球服 (zú qiú fú) — jersey; shirt
Literal translation: football uniform
足球套装 (zú qiú tào zhuāng) — kit
Literal translation: football set attire
球网 (qiú wǎng) — net
足球袜 (zú qiú wà) — soccer socks
护腿板 (hù tuǐ bǎn) — Shin-pads
Literal translation: leg protector boards or pads
球服 (qiú fú) — strip
(huáng jiā mǎ dé lǐ de qiú fú shì bái sè de, wǒ rèn wéi bú shì hěn shí yòng, yīn wéi hěn róng yì jiù zāng le.)
Real Madrid’s strip is white, which I don’t think is very practical because it gets dirty easily.
Chinese Vocabulary for Soccer Commentary
It’s great being able to speak with your friends about a soccer match, but if you’re really a huge soccer fan, then you need to understand the news as well as the commentary.
评论员 (píng lùn yuán) — commentator
(yuē hàn mò sī dùn shì yīng guó zuì yǒu míng de píng lùn yuán zhī yī.)
John Motson is one of the most famous British commentators.
控球 (kòng qiú) — keep possession
Literal translation: control ball
(xī bān yá duì hěn shàn zhǎng kòng qiú.)
Spain is great at keeping possession.
长传球 (cháng chuán qiú) — Long-ball game
(xiè fēi ěr dé xīng qī sān duì zài tī tā men xí guàn de cháng chuán qiú.)
Sheffield Wednesday is playing their usual long-ball game.
一脚传球 (yī jiǎo chuán qiú) — one-touch football
(xī bān yá duì xiàng wǎng cháng yī yàng xuàn yào tā men yī jiǎo chuán qiú de qiú jì.)
As usual, the Spanish team are showing off their skills at one-touch football.
多产射手 (duō chǎn shè shǒu) — prolific goal scorer
(luó nà ěr duō shì yī gè duō chǎn shè shǒu, jī běn shàng tā néng zài měi yī chǎng bǐ sài zhōng jìn qiú.)
Ronaldo is a prolific goal scorer and it’s almost guaranteed that he will score a goal in every match.
重播 (chóng bō) — replay
(ràng wǒ men lái kàn yī xià kǎ kǎ nà kē jīng cǎi jìn qiú de chóng bō.)
Let’s take a look at the replay of that fine goal scored by Kaka.
失败者 (shī bài zhě) — underdog
Literal translation: loser, the team that loses
(měi gè rén dōu hěn jīng yà mǎ dé lǐ jìng jì huì zhàn shèng bā sāi luó nà, yīn wéi tā men zài xī bān yá lián sài zhōng zǒng shì shī bài zhě.)
Atletico Madrid surprised everyone with their win against Barcelona as they’ve always been the underdogs in the Spanish league.
Chinese Vocabulary for Casual Soccer Talk
Learn how to chat casually with your friends about a game you’re watching or playing with these cool words and slang phrases.
全神贯注 (quán shén guàn zhù) — get stuck in
(kàn nà xiē tī qiú de duì yuán men! tā men zhēn shì quán shén guàn zhù ā!)
Look at those guys play! They’re really getting stuck in!
神速 (shén sù) — have a lot of pace
Literal translation: god-like speed
(wa, tā zhēn shì shén sù a, zhēn ràng wǒ yìn xiàng shēn kè!)
Wow, she’s got a lot of pace, I’m impressed!
背后有人 (bèi hòu yǒu rén!) — man on!
(dāng hé sāi kàn dào mǎ sài luó hòu miàn yǒu yī gè duì fāng qiú yuán shí, tā dà hǎn “bèi hòu yǒu rén.”)
Jose screamed, “man on” when he saw a player from the opposition behind Marcello.
世界级的扑救 (shì jiè jí de pū jiù) — pull off a great/amazing save
(bō tè shì zuì bàng de shǒu mén yuán zhī yī. tā cháng cháng kě yǐ yǒu shì jiè jí de pū jiù.)
Peter’s one of the best goalkeepers ever. He’s always able to pull off great saves.
黑哨 (hēi shào) — we were robbed!
Literal translation: black or corrupt whistle
(cái pàn duì wǒ men wán quán yǒu piān jiàn, zhàn dào le duì fāng nà yī biān. wǒ men běn gāi yíng de, dàn cái pàn shì hēi shào.)
The referee was totally biased and sided with the other team. We should have won, we were robbed!
伪球迷 (wěi qiú mí) — fair weather fans
nǐ shì zhēn qiú mí hái shì wěi qiú mí?
Are you a real fan, or fair weather fan?
Chinese Soccer Vocabulary for the World Cup
Do you want to be able to discuss the Football World Cup in more detail with your friends? Check out some of the more specific vocabulary related to the FIFA World Cup.
世界杯 (shì jiè bō) — world-class goal
(tā zài bǐ sài zhōng dǎ jìn le yī lì shì jiè bō.)
He scored a world-class goal during the match.
直播 (zhí bō) — broadcast
(nǐ kàn le bā xī duì hé xī bān yá duì zhī jiān bǐ sài de zhí bō ma?)
Were you able to watch the live broadcast of the match between Brazil and Spain?
疯狂 (fēng kuáng) — fever pitch
dāng qiú duì zài bǐ sài zuì hòu de jǐ miǎo zhōng dǎ jìn le bān píng bǐ fèn de jìn qiú shí, huáng jiā mǎ dé lǐ duì de qiú mí yǐ jīng fēng kuáng le.
The Real Madrid fans reached a fever pitch as they scored the equalizing goal in the last few seconds of the match.
小组赛 (xiǎo zǔ sài) — group stage
(kè luó dì yà, kā mài lóng, bā xī hé mò xī gē zǔ chéng le 2014 nián shì jiè bēi de A zǔ, wǒ yù cè bā xī huì chéng wéi xiǎo zǔ sài de yíng jiā.)
Croatia, Cameroon, Brazil and Mexico make up Group A of the FIFA World Cup 2014. I predict Brazil will be the winner of the group stage.
主办国 (zhǔ bàn guó) — host country
(é luó sī shì 2018 nián shì jiè bēi de zhǔ bàn guó.)
The host country for the 2018 World Cup is Russia.
国歌 (guó gē) — national anthem
(zài měi yī chǎng guó jì bǐ sài zhī qián, suǒ yǒu de duì yuán dōu yào zì háo de chàng guó gē.)
All players proudly sing their national anthem before playing an international match.
国家队 (guó jiā duì) — national team
(xī bān yá duì shì shì jiè shàng zuì qiáng de guó jiā duì zhī yī.)
Spain has one of the strongest national teams in the world.
淘汰赛 (táo tài sài) — knockout stage
(tā men bú néng shū diào táo tài sài lǐ de bǐ sài. měi yī chǎng dōu hěn zhòng yào!)
They can’t lose a game in the knockout stage. This is too important!
资格 (zī gé) — qualify
(ā ěr bā ní yà méi yǒu cān jiā 2014 nián bǐ sài de zī gé.)
This year Albania did not qualify to take part in the 2014 games.
四分之一决赛 (sì fèn zhī yī jué sài) — quarter-finals
(jīn nián de sì fèn zhī yī jué sài lǐ,yǒu yī xiē shí lì hěn qiáng de duì wǔ .)
There are some strong teams in this year’s quarter-final.
亚军 (yà jūn) — runners-up
(mǎ dé lǐ jìng jì duì shì 2014 nián ōu zhōu guàn jūn lián sài de yà jūn.)
Atletico Madrid were runners-up in the 2014 Champions League.
半决赛 (bàn jué sài) — semi-finals
(cān jiā bàn jué sài de měi yī zhī duì wǔ dōu huì pīn jìn quán lì, yīn wéi néng gòu cān jiā jué sài, jiāng shì mò dà de róng yào.)
Every team plays their hardest in the semi-finals because it’s a great honor to reach the finals.
赞助商 (zàn zhù shāng) — sponsor
(kě kǒu kě lè gōng sī shì 2014 nián bā xī shì jiè bēi de guān fāng zàn zhù shāng zhī yī.)
One of the official sponsors of the 2014 FIFA World Cup is Coca-Cola.
决赛阶段 (jué sài jiē duàn) — the finals
(zài 2014 nián ōu zhōu guàn jūn lián sài de jué sài jiē duàn, lái zì xī bān yá hé yīng gé lán de qiú duì zhàn jù le tǒng zhì dì wèi.)
The finals of the 2014 Champions League were dominated by Spain and England.
决赛 (jué sài) — the final
(huáng jiā mǎ dé lǐ duì hé mǎ dé lǐ jìng jì duì zhī jiān de guàn jūn lián sài jué sài shì yī chǎng hěn lìng rén jī dòng de bǐ sài.)
The Champions League final between Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid was a very exciting match.
奖杯 (jiǎng bēi) — trophy
(duì yuán men xìng fèn de jǔ qǐ le jiǎng bēi, gǎn xiè qiú mí.)
The team held up the trophy excitedly to show appreciation to their fans.
Have fun and may the best team win!
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