8 ejemplos de correos electrónicos en inglés: ¡aprende a redactar emails en diferentes contextos!
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Aquí te explico cómo redactar un email, su estructura, frases clave y ejemplos de cartas para diferentes contextos: trabajo, estudios, viajes…
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La estructura de un correo electrónico en inglés
Aquí debes tener en cuenta si ya conoces a la persona, si hay cierta confianza o si no la conoces de nada para elegir un tono formal o informal para saludar.
Saludos formales
- Dear [nombre]: Es el más común en correos electrónicos formales. Incluye el nombre del destinatario seguido de una coma y comienza tu mensaje en el siguiente párrafo.
- Hello [nombre]: Es algo menos formal, pero apropiado en un contexto profesional. Incluye el nombre del destinatario seguido de una coma, igual que en el anterior.
- Good morning/afternoon/evening: Este también es un saludo formal con el que te no te diriges a nadie en concreto.
- Dear Sir/Madam: Si no conoces el nombre del destinatario ni a qué persona te estás dirigiendo, utiliza este saludo.
- To whom it may concern: Este podría decirse que es el más formal de todo y se utiliza cuando no se sabe el nombre de la persona.
Saludos informales
- Hi [nombre]: Podría decirse que es el más común en los emails informales. Incluye el nombre seguido de una coma.
- Hello [nombre]: Es algo más formal que hi, pero también vale para contextos informales.
- Hey [nombre]: Este es el más informal de todos y deberías utilizarlo únicamente con amigos o compañeros con los que tengas muy buena relación.
Si es la primera vez que escribes:
- I hope this email finds you well
- I would like to introduce myself
- Allow me to introduce myself
- My name is [tu nombre] and I am [tu puesto o cargo] at [tu empresa o institución]
- I am reaching out to you regarding…
- I am writing with regard to…
- I would like to share information about…
- I wanted to reach out to discuss [Tema o asunto del correo]
- I am contacting you to…
- I came across your contact information on [Fuente] and wanted to connect regarding [Tema o asunto del correo]
- I would appreciate the opportunity to [Motivo de tu correo]
Si estás contestando a un email:
- In reference to our previous conversation…
- Thank you for your email
- I’m writing in response to your email about [Tema]
- I appreciate you reaching out to me
- Thank you for getting in touch with me
- I wanted to follow up on our previous conversation regarding [subject]
- In regards to your inquiry/question about [subject]
- Organiza el mensaje: divide el contenido del correo en párrafos para que sea fácil de leer y entender.
- Sé claro y ve al grano: expresa las ideas con claridad y sin ambigüedades. Evita frases largas y complicadas. Es mejor usar frases simples y estructuras gramaticales sencillas.
- Sé amable: no te olvides de incluir frases como please y thank you.
- Revisa y corrige tu email: Antes de enviarlo, leélo unas cuantas veces para evitar errores gramaticales, ortográficos o de puntuación.
Puedes usar correctores ortográficos que te ayuden a buscar este tipo de errores de tecleo como Grammarly o Wordtune.
- Thank you for your attention/time
- Thank you for your help
- Thanks in advance
- Let me know if you need anything else
- I look forward to hearing from you
- If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to ask
- If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask
- I appreciate your consideration
- Thank you for considering my request/proposal
- I would be grateful for any assistance you can provide
- I look forward to the opportunity to work together
- I look forward to hearing from you soon
- Please let me know if there’s anything else I can assist you with
- I’ll be awaiting your reply
- Once again, thank you for reaching out to me
- Kind regards
- Best regards
- Regards
- Sincerely
- Best
- Warmest regards
- Take care
- Until next time
- Thanks
- Many thanks
Después de estas expresiones, añade una coma y en la siguiente línea, incluye tu nombre. Por ejemplo:
Ejemplos de correos electrónicos en inglés
Para enviar tu CV
Good morning,
I am writing to apply for the [nombre del puesto] position at [nombre de la empresa]. Please find attached my updated resume for your review and consideration.
I have a strong background in [menciona tu experiencia o habilidades relevantes], and I believe my qualifications align well with the requirements of the position. I am confident in my ability to contribute to the success of [nombre de la empresa] and thrive in a dynamic work environment.
Thank you for considering my application. I would appreciate the opportunity to further discuss my qualifications in an interview. I look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
[Tu nombre]
Para solicitar información sobre estudios
Dear Sir/Madam or Admissions Committee,
I am reaching out to you regarding the Master’s program in [Nombre del programa] at [Nombre de la institución académica]. I am highly interested in pursuing my studies in this field and would appreciate any information you can provide.
I have completed my undergraduate degree in [Nombre de la carrera] at [Nombre de la universidad], where I developed a strong passion for [menciona tu área de interés]. I am particularly drawn to the comprehensive curriculum and the esteemed faculty members associated with your program.
I have attached my resume for your reference. Please let me know if there are any additional materials or steps I need to follow to complete my application.
Thank you very much for your attention to my inquiry. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Kind regards,
[Tu nombre]
Para proponer una reunión a otra empresa
To whom it may concern,
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to request a meeting to discuss a potential proposal between our companies, [nombre de tu empresa] and [nombre de la empresa del destinatario].
We have been following the success and growth of [nombre de la empresa del destinatario] and believe that a strategic collaboration could greatly benefit both parties. We have developed a proposal outlining the potential areas of cooperation and the mutual advantages it could bring.
I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you and your team to present the proposal in detail, address any questions or concerns you may have, and explore the possibilities of working together.
Thank you for considering this request. I look forward to discussing this opportunity further and finding a mutually agreeable time to meet.
Best regards,
[Tu nombre]
Para ampliar tu red de contactos profesional
Hello [Nombre del contacto],
My name is [Tu nombre], and I recently came across your profile on [menciona la plataforma o el evento de donde has sacado su contacto]. I was impressed by your background and accomplishments in [menciona el sector].
I am reaching out to you today to explore the possibility of connecting and networking with you. I am currently working in [menciona tu puesto o área actual], and I am passionate about [menciona tus áreas de interés o experiencia]. I believe that by exchanging ideas and experiences, we can mutually benefit and potentially collaborate on future projects.
I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to learn more about your work and career journey. It would be wonderful to schedule a brief call or have a virtual coffee meeting to discuss our professional experiences and potential synergies.
Please let me know if you would be available for a short conversation in the coming weeks. I am open to any suggestions regarding the time and format that work best for you. I have also attached my resume for your reference.
Thank you for your time, and I look forward to the possibility of connecting and learning from each other.
Best regards,
[Tu nombre]
Para comunicarte con un compañero de la oficina
Hi [nombre del compañero/a],
I hope you’re doing well. I wanted to touch base regarding tomorrow’s team lunch. As you may know, we’ve been planning to get together for a casual lunch to celebrate our recent successes as a team.
I wanted to confirm that we’re still on for tomorrow at 12:30 p.m. at [nombre del restaurante]. They have a variety of options to suit everyone’s preferences, and I thought it would be a great opportunity for us to relax and enjoy some time outside the office.
Please let me know if you have any dietary restrictions or if there’s anything specific you’d like me to consider when making the reservation. Also, if you have any colleagues who would like to join us, please feel free to extend the invitation.
Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow and having a fun time together!
Best regards,
[Tu nombre]
Para reservar una habitación en un hotel
Good afternoon,
I am contacting you to inquire about room availability and make a reservation for my upcoming stay in [ciudad/país].
I will be arriving on [fecha de llegada] and departing on [fecha de salida]. I would like to book a [tipo de habitación], preferably with [los requisitos que quieras, como cama doble o ventana con vistas]. My stay will be for [número de noches].
Could you please provide me with information regarding the availability and pricing of the requested room type for the specified dates? Additionally, I would like to inquire about any special offers or packages that may be available during that period.
Please let me know the total cost of the reservation, including any applicable taxes or fees. Also, kindly provide details on the booking procedure, including payment methods and cancellation policies.
Thank you in advance for your assistance. Should you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at the email address or phone number provided below.
I am looking forward to a pleasant stay at your esteemed hotel.
Best regards,
[Tu nombre]
Para felicitar las fiestas
Dear [nombre del destinatario],
Wishing you a joyful holiday season filled with love, laughter, and warmth. May this festive time bring you happiness and cherished moments with your loved ones.
May the New Year bring you new opportunities, growth, and prosperity. Thank you for being an important part of my journey.
Happy Holidays!
Warmest regards,
[Tu nombre]
Para hacer reclamaciones
To Whom It May Concern,
On [fecha de la compra], I acquired a [nombre o modelo del producto], but unfortunately, it appears to be defective.
Upon receiving the product, I immediately noticed [describe el problema con el producto].
I have attached the purchase receipt and photos of the defect for your reference. Please let me know if there is any further information or documentation required to facilitate the resolution process.
Thanks very much for your help with this situation.
[Tu nombre]
Ya tienes todas las claves para redactar un correo en inglés. ¡Ahora toca ponerlo en práctica!