44 Helpful Daily Use English Sentences in School

I vividly remember my first day at an English-language school—feeling scared, shy and tongue-tied (unable to speak). It was not my native language—I didn’t know the right words nor have the confidence. And if you are reading this, you’re probably looking for the right words, too.
This article has some simple daily-use English sentences for school, with essential English phrases and words to help you say the right words at the right time, talk with greater confidence and take a step closer to becoming fluent in English.
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Common English Words and Phrases
To start, it’s important to learn (or review) some common school-related vocabulary.
These words are typically used in a school environment, and it’s best to know their meanings before studying sentences.
It’s also important to note that some of these terms are more commonly used in British English than in American English. So if a word has UK (United Kingdom) or US (United States/ America) next to it, that’s to tell you which culture uses it most!
Let’s jump into the vocabulary, shall we?
- Student (US) / or pupil (UK): When you study in a school, you’re a student or a pupil of that particular school.
- Classmates : The other students who study with you are your classmates. Together, all of you form a class.
- Classroom : The room—with desks, chairs and a blackboard—where you sit and receive the lesson.
- Teacher / or professor : The person standing in front of the class teaching is called a teacher and in higher classes, a professor.
- Periods and subjects : A day in school is usually divided into several periods. In each period, you study a particular subject or topic (like mathematics, English, art, science, history and so on). Certain subjects have short forms, too. For example, mathematics is called math or maths (UK), biology is bio, chemistry is chem and so on.
- Lessons : The classes taught by teachers are often called lessons or lectures.
- Timetable or schedule : Every student has a timetable (UK) or a schedule (US) telling when the lessons are. This information may be in the classroom, on a chart or the student may have it written down in a planner or organizer.
- Textbooks : Each subject has its own books that you read and study.
- Exercise books (UK) / or workbooks (US): You also have a number of blank copies where you take notes, write down important things and solve problems for practice.
- Stationery : You also carry some stationery with you, which includes pens, pencils, erasers and sharpeners. The store that you can buy these from is a stationery shop .
- Break / or recess : Halfway through a school day, there’s usually a break, recess and/or lunch period. Students have a break from their lessons and eat their lunch or snacks while talking to their friends.
- Lunchbox or lunch kit : Students bring food in a container called a lunchbox or a lunch kit. They may go to the school cafeteria /dining room / lunchroom and buy food from there.
- Other school rooms
: A school building usually has classrooms, offices and other rooms. For example, there may be music rooms
, laboratories
(or labs for short), a concert hall
or an auditorium
(for performances) and a gym
(for physical exercise).
The teachers will have their own staffroom . Students will play in an open field area or the playground . To go from one room to another, everyone has to walk through corridors (UK) or hallways (US). They also take the stairs , or sometimes there’s a lift (UK) or elevator (US) available!
- Washroom (UK) or restroom (US): When the students need to go to the bathroom, they usually ask permission from the teacher to the washroom or the restroom. Among friends, the toilet is often called a loo (UK).
Phrases for Talking to Your Classmates
Talking to new people is always scary. However, these daily-use English sentences will help you introduce yourself, ask for important information and even make new friends!
Below are some typical questions asked within a classroom, along with some ideas for responses. The phrases and words in bold can be reused in different situations. Try making your own sentences!
Introducing Yourself and Meeting New People
When you’re talking to someone for the first time, it’s always a good idea to tell them your name and ask theirs. Maintaining a polite and friendly tone also makes you seem like a very nice person!
Hello. What’s your name?
My name is
Reya. What’s yours?
Hello. I’m Sam. Would you like to be friends?
Sure, I’d love to!
Hey. Is anyone sitting here?
No, but you can sit here if you want.
Which grade are you in?
(US) / What class are you in?
I’m in ninth grade! What about you?
Do you want to be partners for the group project? I don’t have one yet.
Class-related Topics, Questions and Phrases
Oftentimes, we need to ask the person sitting next to us for information. Use these phrases to ask and respond to them confidently!
What’s the homework for today?
We have to write an essay on “A Trip to the Haunted House.”
What subject do we have for the first period?
Do you have the new timetable/schedule?
Yes! It’s in my bag. Do you need one?
What time do we have lunch?
At noon.
Phrases to Use When Asking for Help
We all need help from time to time. Whether you missed a class or can’t solve a certain problem, it’s always okay to ask your friends and classmates for aid.
Can you help me with the geography homework?
Sure. This is how you do it.
How did you get that answer?
We have to apply the Pythagoras Theorem here.
I missed class yesterday. Can I look at your notes/What did we learn?
Sure! We learned about the second conditional in English.
Excuse me, I think I’m lost. Where’s the math classroom?
It’s down the corridor on the left. Look for Room #201!
Phrases for Lunchtime Conversations
During a break, the students usually have their lunch and interact with their classmates. These are some typical conversations that can happen.
Did you bring your lunch?
Yes. My mother packed a sandwich she made for me this morning.
What did you have at lunch today?
I had a chicken wrap and an apple. What did you eat?
Will you sit with me during breaktime?
Yes, sure!
What do you think about the school’s cafeteria food?
I don’t like it much. The sandwiches barely have any flavor!
I forgot my lunch. Can you share with me?
Yes, of course.
Phrases for Making Small Talk
You can’t make new friends if you don’t talk to the people in your class!
Ask about simple topics and share your likes and dislikes to find things in common to continue the conversation. As you gradually get to know other people, you’ll soon make friends. This type of conversation is called small talk.
How do you get to school?
I ride on the school bus. What about you?
I find history very difficult. How do you feel about the class?
Me too. I can’t remember so many dates!
What’s your favorite subject?
Mine is English. You?
Have you read this book?
Yes, I borrowed it from the library and enjoyed it.
Did you watch the new movie?
Oh, the last Star Wars one? I did, but I didn’t enjoy it much.
Phrases for Talking to Your Teachers
In most schools, the students usually address the teacher as “Sir” or “Ma’am,” depending on gender. You might also refer to the teacher by their last name, like “Mr. Smith” or “Mrs. Smith.”
Here are some useful phrases to keep in mind while talking to them!
Phrases to Use While Entering and Leaving the Class
- Sir, I’m feeling very ill. May I please go to the sickroom/nurse’s office?
Are you wondering why we’re using may instead of can here?
The answer is simple. Can usually refers to the ability or the skill of doing something, such as “I can draw” or “she can speak English.”
But “may” refers to permission, such as if you’re allowed to do a certain activity or not.
When you’re talking to a teacher, you’re not asking whether you have the ability to do something, but rather for permission to do it.
Let’s take the first example.
Sometimes, the teachers may not allow you to enter the class if you’re late. So when you say “may I come in?” you’re asking if you have the teacher’s permission to enter the class.
You can get a better sense of how to use common phrases in English by watching them in use by native English speakers—like you’ll find in the videos on FluentU.
FluentU takes authentic videos—like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks—and turns them into personalized language learning lessons.
You can try FluentU for free for 2 weeks. Check out the website or download the iOS app or Android app.
P.S. Click here to take advantage of our current sale! (Expires at the end of this month.)

Phrases to Use When Asking the Teacher Questions
If you’re confused during a lesson, you usually raise your hand and ask the teacher your question.
But if you need a specific answer to something (such as the date of an exam) which isn’t directly related to the lesson, it’s best to not interrupt the class. Instead, you ask the teacher after the lesson ends.
Can you please explain or repeat the last point?
Of course.
Ma’am, when is the exam?
You’ll have the first test on May 2nd.
I’m having trouble with this problem/assignment.
Can you help me?
Okay. What is confusing you?
Phrases Teachers Say in Class
These are some statements and questions that are commonly said by teachers in a classroom.
Phrases Teachers Use to Check for the Students’ Understanding
While teaching a lesson, the teacher might pause from time to time to ask if the students understand the lesson.
You usually respond by raising your hand and replying “yes” or “no” to these questions, then explain what the problem is.
English Vocabulary and Speaking Resources
Here are some great places to learn vocabulary that you can use in school and anywhere else.
- English learning blogs. There are lots of educational blogs by teachers and educators to help students with the difficult bits of the English language. Plus, they’re packed with useful information and lessons! Some of the best blogs to read are Espresso English, the FluentU English Language and Culture Blog, Espresso English, Real English Conversations and ESL Kids Stuff.
- Online courses and MOOCs. If you’re looking for something like an online classroom, you should check out MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) where you can access lessons and educational content online. Each MOOC is made by professionals or universities, so they make excellent courses. Some are free while others are paid and they usually come with certification. For beginners, Udemy’s “Complete English Course for Beginners” and Coursera’s “Improve Your English Communication Skills” are great places to start.
The only way to get better is to practice, so try saying these sentences out loud in front of a mirror. Make an effort to apply what you’ve learned when you go to school and interact (talk) with your friends and teachers.
In the beginning, you’ll make mistakes but that’s a necessary part of learning. Keep at it and you’ll become a confident English speaker in no time!
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And One More Thing...
If you like learning English through movies and online media, you should also check out FluentU. FluentU lets you learn English from popular talk shows, catchy music videos and funny commercials, as you can see here:
The FluentU app and website makes it really easy to watch English videos. There are captions that are interactive. That means you can tap on any word to see an image, definition, and useful examples.
For example, when you tap on the word "searching," you see this:
Learn all the vocabulary in any video with quizzes. Swipe left or right to see more examples for the word you’re learning.

FluentU helps you learn fast with useful questions and multiple examples. Learn more.
The best part? FluentU remembers the vocabulary that you’re learning. It gives you extra practice with difficult words—and reminds you when it’s time to review what you’ve learned. You have a truly personalized experience.
Start using the FluentU website on your computer or tablet or, better yet, download the FluentU app from the iTunes or Google Play store. Click here to take advantage of our current sale! (Expires at the end of this month.)