
154 Easy English Words Worth Knowing


No matter the language you are learning, it will have words and phrases that you will end up using more often. Knowing these will help you express yourself in most situations, especially in everyday conversations

And the best part is, most of these words are really simple and can be easily mastered with some practice. In this post, I will discuss some very easy English words that every language learner must know. I will also explain their meanings and teach you exactly how to use them in sentences.

Here is a lesson from our YouTube channel to get you started:


Nouns are “naming” words. They can refer to people, things, places and ideas. Here are some of the most common ones you need to know as a beginner.

1. Address

Your address tells someone exactly where you live. If someone requires proof of your existence or they want to send you something by mail, they will ask for your address.

My mailing address is 34566 Jimmie Meadows, Lake Raina MD 80047.

2. Apple

The apple is a round fruit that is often red, green or yellow. It is a common fruit in places like the United States.

I like to eat apples in the morning.

3. Ball

A ball is a round object used in games like soccer or basketball.

We kicked the ball back and forth between us.

4. Banana

A banana is a long and yellow fruit with a sweet taste.

My favorite fruit is the banana.

5. Beach

A beach is an area covered in sand, and is usually near a body of water like the sea or ocean.

I went to the beach for my vacation.

6. Bed

A bed is a place where you sleep. When you are in a bed, you may also use pillows under your head and cover yourself in blankets or comforters to keep you warm.

I like to read a book in bed before going to sleep.

7. Bird

A bird is an animal with feathers that can fly.

I saw a beautiful bird in the tree outside my window.

8. Book

A book is a collection of pages bound together. It often contains writing or pictures.

I enjoy reading mystery books on rainy days.

9. Business

A business is an organization or a system where you buy or sell things to make money.

She has been running her own business for five years now.

10. Car

A car is a vehicle with wheels that people use to travel or get around.

They traveled to their parents’ house using a car.

11. Cat

A cat is a furry animal that people often keep as a pet and makes a “meowing” sound.

The cat curled up near my feet and took a nap.

12. Chair

A chair is a piece of furniture that you sit on.

I spend long hours sitting in a chair when I am working.

13. Clock

A clock is a device that shows the time.

The clock on the wall makes a tinkling sound every 12 pm.

14. Dog

A dog is a loyal and furry animal often kept as a pet and makes a barking sound.

My dog wags his tail every time he sees me.

15. Door

A door is an opening (often rectangle-shaped) that marks the entrance or exit to a room or building.

Please close the door.

16. Fish

A fish is an animal that lives in water. It is usually covered in scales and swims using fins.

We had grilled fish for dinner last night.

17. Flower

A flower is the part of a plant that is colorful and  blooms (opens).

I gave her flowers for her birthday.

18. Food

Food is what you eat to live. If you do not eat for a long time, you will feel hungry and die.

She asked me what sort of food I like the most, and I replied, “chocolate.”

19. Friend

A friend is someone you like, spend time with and can ask for help but who is not part of your family.

I went to watch a movie with a friend from school.

20. Hat

A hat is a piece of clothing worn on the head for protection or style.

He wore a hat to keep the sun out of his eyes.

21. House

A house is a building or the place where you live. It is usually your “home” and is also called a residence .

I live in a large house with my sister.

22. Job

A job is what you do to earn money and keep on living. Based on how much work you do, you get paid a certain amount.

Mina is looking for a new job.

23. Love

Love is what you feel when you care about someone or like something a lot.

I love this book so much that I have read it five times.

24. Money

Money refers to the thin strips of paper or the metal coins that you use to pay for things. Generally, the more money you have, the richer you are.

Her business failed, so she does not have a lot of money right now.

25. Moon

The moon is the white round object you see in the sky at night.

I love watching the moon when I am alone at night.

26. Park

A park is a place with trees and grass where people can play and relax. You may have one of those near you!

Families have picnics in the park on weekends.

27. Pen

A pen is a tool, often filled with ink, that is used for writing.

She always uses the same pen for writing.

28. Pencil

A pencil is a thin writing tool that uses lead (pronounced as “led”) to make marks on paper or other similar surfaces.

He sketched a picture using a pencil.

29. Restaurant

A restaurant is a place where you go to eat food and pay for it.

Yesterday, I had dinner with my friends at a restaurant near my house.

30. School

A school is a place where students go to learn and study. You are probably going to one or have gone to one!

Children go to school to learn to read, write and make friends.

31. Shoe

Shoes are what people wear to cover their toes and protect their feet.

She put on rubber shoes before going to the gym.

32. Sun

The sun is the bright, round object in the sky that gives us light and heat. Unlike the moon, the sun appears in the sky during the day.

Her personality is like the sun: bright and warm.

33. Table

A table is a piece of furniture with “legs” and a flat surface on top of those legs. It is used for eating, working and placing things.

They set the table for dinner.

34. Teacher

A teacher is a person who helps students learn new things.

The teacher explained the lesson to the class.

35. Telephone

A telephone is an object that you use to call someone who is far away from you.

Can I use your telephone to call my brother? He is in a different country.

36. Tree

A tree is a tall plant with a trunk, branches and leaves on top of it.

Birds build nests in trees.

37. Water

Water is a clear liquid that people drink. It is also used to clean things and generate (create or produce) electricity.

She drank a glass of cold water because it was hot.

38. Window

A window is an opening in a wall. It is usually covered with glass to let light in.

I looked out of the window and saw the stars shining in the sky.


Pronouns are words use to replace nouns. Here are a few examples.

39. I / Me / Mine

If you are talking in the first person (or about yourself), you use pronouns like “I,” “me” and “mine.” “I” is used when you are the one doing the action, while “me” is used when the action is being done to you. “Mine” is used to show ownership or possession.

I lost my wallet today.

Can you see me in the picture?

This toy is mine.

40. You / Yours / Your

If you are talking in the second person (or about a person you are talking to), you use “you,” “yours” and “your.”

“You” is used when the person you are talking to is the doer of an action. Both “your” and “yours” can show ownership or possession—the difference is that “yours” can stand alone, while “your” needs to be followed by a noun that the person you are talking to owns.

You look very happy today.

Is this your wallet?

This gift is yours.

41. We / Us / Our

If you are talking about you and one or more people together, you use “we,” “us” and “ourselves.”

“We” refers to a group of people that includes you and is doing a specific action together. “Us” refers to a group that includes you that is receiving an action. “Our” means you and your group own something.

We like to go to the movies every weekend.

Mary invited us to her birthday party.

Our family is very close.

42. He / Him / His

If you are using the third person (talking about someone other than you and the person you are talking to), gender and number become important. For example, if someone identifies as male, you use “he,” “him” and “his.”

“He” is used when that male person is doing an action, “him” if that person is the receiver of an action and “his” is used to show that the person owns something.

He is my friend.

I saw him at the store yesterday.

His name is Mark.

43. She / Her / Hers

Likewise, you use “she,” “her” and “hers” for those who identify as female. “She”  indicates (shows) that the person the doer of the action. Both “her” and “hers” can indicate possession, except “hers” can stand alone while “her” needs to be followed by a noun that the person owns. 

She writes in the pink notebook every day.

Hilary broke her favorite toy.

The big teddy bear is hers.

44. It / Its

If something has no gender, you refer to it as “it.” “Its” is the possessive form of “it.” (Be careful not to confuse this with “it’s” which is the contracted form of “it is.”)

What is it?

I cannot see what kind of animal that is. Its tail looks like it has many colors, though.

45. They / Their / Them

If someone does not identify as male or female, you often refer to them as “they,” “their” or “them.” These pronouns can also refer to two or more people other than you and the group you are in. “They” refers to the doer of an action, “them” refers to the receiver of an action and “their” indicates possession or ownership.

Be careful not to confuse “their” with “they’re” or “there.” “They’re” is the contracted form of “they are,” while “there” talks about a place.

They are my friends.

I borrowed their pencils to do my homework.

I talked to them about the new movie.


Verbs are action words. They show us the process of doing things.

A noun usually comes with a verb, and knowing the following verbs is sure to  come in handy (be useful).

46. Buy

When you say you want to “buy” something, it means you are getting it by paying money for it.

I want to buy a new book.

47. Clean

To “clean” is to make something neat and tidy.

I clean my house every Saturday.

48. Close

When you close something, you are shutting or putting a lid on it.

Please close the door before you leave.

49. Cook

To “cook” is to prepare food, usually by heating it.

I will cook pasta for dinner.

50. Cry

You usually “cry” or shed tears from your eyes when you feel sad.

She cried after the movie.

51. Dance

To “dance” is to move your body to music.

Let us dance together.

52. Do

We use this word whenever we refer to an action that we are carrying out or accomplishing.

I will do the task as soon as I get home from work.

53. Draw

To “draw” means to make pictures with a pen or pencil.

I like to draw animals and trees.

54. Drink

When you swallow a liquid, you are “drinking” it. You drink water every day, for example.

It is important to drink water after exercising.

55. Drive

To make a car (or other land vehicles) move, you have to “drive” it.

My dad drives very well.

56. Eat

During every meal, you take food, put it into your mouth, chew it and swallow it. This action is called “eating.”

Mary loves to eat chocolate.

57. Feel

This is a verb that we use to describe an emotion or a feeling (like love or anger) or a sensation (like heat or touch). It is how we relate to others, ourselves and the world around us.

I feel that something is wrong with her because she is not behaving like she usually does.

58. Go

We use this word whenever we move or travel from one place to another.

Ray will go to his sister’s house tomorrow by train.

59. Hate

When you say you “hate” something or someone, you mean you strongly dislike that thing or person.

I hate waking up early in the morning.

60. Help

To “help” is to give support to someone or something. You can also use “assist” in more formal situations.

Can you help me with my homework?

61. Jump

Imagine bending your knees, pushing your feet off the ground and then going up into the air. That action is called “jumping.”

Frogs can jump very high.

62. Laugh

When you make a sound like a loud “HAHAHA” after you see or hear something funny, that is laughing.

Her joke made everyone laugh.

63. Learn

To “learn” is to gain knowledge or skills—like what you are doing while reading this post!

I want to learn how to play the guitar.

64. Like

“Like” is like a weaker version of love, but it also means to have a positive feeling about something.

I like chocolate ice cream.

65. Listen

When you pay attention to the sounds of English, you are “listening.”

I like to listen to classical music when I am studying.

66. Make

This verb refers to the act of creating something.

He is going to make plans for a new business.

67. Open

“Open” is the opposite of “close”—that is, to remove a cover to see what is inside or outside.

Can you open this box for me?

68. Play

When you are not studying English, you are probably doing something for fun—which is what this word means!

Let us play soccer tomorrow.

69. Read

This refers to the action of what you are doing right now—looking at and understanding written words.

I like to read books about magic.

70. Ride

When you get on a vehicle or animal so you can get somewhere faster, you are “riding” that vehicle or animal.

She learned how to ride a bicycle when she was five.

71. Run

“Running” is moving your legs so you can get from one place to another as fast as you can.

The kids love to run in the park.

72. Sell

When you receive money in exchange for a thing you are giving to another person, you are “selling” that thing.

He wants to sell his old phone.

73. Sing

To “sing” is to make music with your voice.

We like to sing Christmas songs together.

74. Sleep

To “sleep” is to lie down, rest and close your eyes at night (or whenever you feel tired).

John goes to sleep at 10 pm.

75. Smile

People who are happy usually smile—that is, the corners of their mouths move upward and show their teeth.

She smiled when she saw the guy she liked.

76. Speak

When you say you want to speak English fluently, you are saying you want to communicate in English using your mouth and in a way that other English speakers understand.

I can speak English and Spanish.

77. Study

You are not just “reading” this post. You are “studying” it, because you are reading it to learn more about a topic—namely, easy English words.

I need to study for my math test.

78. Swim

When you try to move in water using your body, arms and legs (with your body positioned flat against the water), you are “swimming.”

Let us swim in the pool today.

79. Talk

You talk whenever you speak to someone or say anything out loud.

I talk to my best friend every night over the telephone.

80. Wait

When someone tells you to “wait,” it means they want you to stay in one place for a while.

I will wait for you at the park entrance.

81. Walk

When you move from one place to another using your feet, you are “walking.”

Every day, they walk home from school.

82. Watch

When you look at something and move your eyes away quickly, you are just “looking.” But if you are looking at something more closely or a bit longer, you are “watching” it.

Let us watch a movie tonight.

83. Write

Whether you are making words with a pen or a keyboard, you are “writing.”

Can you write your name here?

84. Work

Work is what you do at your job to keep earning money.

I work between seven and eight hours a day at my job.


Adjectives are words used to describe nouns. They make whatever we say sound clearer and more  precise (accurate).

Here are some of the most common adjectives you can start using immediately.

85. Angry

When you have the strong feeling to hurt or shout at someone for what they did, chances are you are angry at them.

Joe’s mother was very angry and shouted at him because he did not do his homework.

86. Annoyed

When you are only moderately (somewhat) angry at someone, you are probably just annoyed with them.

She was very annoyed that he kept making jokes about what she said instead of listening to her.

87. Bored

When you feel that you have nothing to do and that nothing around you is interesting, you are feeling bored.

She was very bored, as she had nothing to do.

88. Brave

When you feel ready to face a situation that makes most people afraid, you are being brave.

I think she is brave, because she climbed the tall tree.

89. Busy

When your mind is active and focused on one thing, you are busy with that activity and cannot pay attention to anything else.

I cannot meet you tonight, because I am busy with work.

90. Calm

When you are calm, you feel relaxed. Your mind is not full of racing thoughts and you feel like you can think clearly.

He felt calm after taking a deep breath.

91. Cold

“Cold” is what you feel when you touch a block of ice or when you are outside on a snowy day.

He wore a coat because it was cold outside.

92. Crazy

When something is called “crazy,” that means it is silly or strange. It can also be a negative word used to refer to someone who does not think in a way that is considered “normal” or like other people.

The cat in the video did a crazy dance.

93. Cute

“Cute” simply means pretty in a charming way.

The baby’s smile was very cute.

94. Dirty

“Dirty” is the opposite of “clean” (which is both a verb and an adjective). It means something is covered in dirt or has not been washed.

His shoes are dirty because he played outside.

95. Excited

Excitement is that feeling you get when you know something good is going to happen. When you are looking forward to something, you often feel excited about it.

I was excited to see my brother after five years.

96. Fast

When something is moving at high speed, you can say it is “fast.”

The car is very fast.

97. Funny

Something that is “funny” makes you laugh.

My cousin told a funny joke during the party.

98. Gentle

“Gentle” means soft and kind.

She is a gentle person.

99. Good

“Good” can mean nice, positive or not bad.

The cake tastes really good.

100. Happy

When you are feeling pleased, glad or delighted about something, the emotion that you are feeling is called happiness.

The playground was full of happy children.

101. Hot

If you touch something and you feel a burning sensation in your hands, that thing is probably “hot.”

The coffee is too hot to drink right now.

102. Hungry

When your stomach  growls (makes a noise) after not eating for a long time, you are probably hungry.

Everyone is hungry from working all day.

103. Kind

A “kind” person is nice and friendly. They do good things because it is the right thing to do.

She is a kind person who helps others.

104. Lazy

A “lazy” person does not want to do things because they do not feel like it.

He feels lazy every Sunday morning.

105. Lonely

When you are alone and feel sad about being alone, the emotion you are feeling is loneliness. It is also possible to feel alone even when you have others around you (probably because you feel like they do not really understand you).

Mia did not know anyone at the party so she was feeling very lonely.

106. Neat

When something is organized or tidy, like freshly ironed clothes or a bookshelf where the books are not spilling out, you say it is “neat.”

Her room is always neat and clean.

107. Noisy

When something makes a lot of sound, especially one that you do not want to listen to for long, it is “noisy.”

The class becomes noisy when the lesson is almost over.

108. Pleased

When you feel happy about something, you are pleased. It means you are satisfied and feel content.

The boss was so pleased with the new employee’s work that he promoted her.

109. Polite

If someone says you are “polite,” it means you have good manners. You know how to act in a way that makes people feel good and will not hurt or offend them.

I think he is polite, because he always says “please” and “thank you”.

110. Poor

A “poor” person does not have much money or things. It can also refer to someone who is not lucky or is experiencing misfortune.

They help the poor by giving food to the homeless.

111. Rich

“Rich” is the opposite of poor. It means having a lot of money or other things that people consider  valuable or important.

Kings are usually rich.

112. Sad

“Sad” is the opposite of happy. You feel it after something bad or terrible has happened to you.

After losing her job, Rita became very sad.

113. Scared

When you feel like you want to get away from something or are afraid of it, you are scared of it.

The thunder made the dog scared.

114. Shiny

When light shines on an object and it reflects that light back, the object becomes shiny.

Her new shoes are shiny and sparkly.

115. Sick

When you are sick, you are not feeling well or healthy.

She stayed home because she was sick.

116. Silly

A silly person or thing is funny in a playful way.

The children were making silly faces.

117. Smart

A “smart” person is someone who is intelligent and clever. It means they learn things and solve problems faster than most people.

He is smart and solves puzzles easily.

118. Strong

This word usually refers to someone with a lot of physical power, like a man who can lift 250 pounds. It can also refer to something or someone that has a great ability to do something, like a person who is considered “strong” because they can  withstand (bear or endure) difficulties.

The superhero is very strong.

119. Sweet

Desserts, like cakes and chocolates, usually taste “sweet.” The word can also refer to people who are nice and caring.

The cake is sweet and delicious.

120. Tired

You know that feeling when you feel like you can barely move your body, and just want to close your eyes and fall asleep? That is feeling “tired.”

I was very tired after doing all those new exercises at the gym.


Adverbs are used to describe verbs or adjectives. Below are the adverbs commonly used in everyday conversations.

121. Already

When something has happened, you use the word “already.”

I already finished my homework.

122. Always

When something happens every time or all the time, you say it “always” happens.

The sun always rises in the east.

123. Apart

“Apart” means being separated by distance or time.

The two friends live apart, but they still talk on the phone.

124. Carefully

When you pay close attention to something to make sure everything goes well, you are doing it carefully.

She told her young daughter to wash the dishes carefully, as they were made of glass.

125. Certainly

If you are talking about something and you feel very confident about it, you use the adverb “certainly.”

I will certainly meet you next week for the interview.

126. Clearly

If something is very easy to  perceive (see/smell/hear/touch/taste) or understand, it is clear. It is the opposite of complex, complicated or hidden.

Once the rain stopped, I could clearly see the mountains from my window.

127. Early

When something or someone is “early,” it means it happened or came before the expected or usual time.

I woke up early to catch the bus.

128. Easily

“Easily” means something happens or is done without too much trouble or difficulty.

She can solve math problems easily.

129. Everywhere

Something that is “everywhere” is in all places.

During Christmas, there are decorations everywhere.

130. Generally

This adverb refers to something that usually happens. It is also used to refer to  most people or things.

Generally, taking the train gets you to the city faster.

131. Here

“Here” means something is in a place that is close to the speaker.

Come here and see the beautiful view.

132. Inside

“Inside” means the same thing as “indoors.” It means you are  within a building or a similar place.

It is warm inside the house.

133. Late

“Late” is the opposite of “early.” It means something happened or came after the expected time.

I apologize for being late to the meeting.

134. Loudly

When something is described with the word “loudly,” it means it is happening with a strong sound or at a high volume.

The music at the concert was playing loudly.

135. Maybe

“Maybe” is used to refer to something that can possibly happen, but is not 100% guaranteed to happen.

Maybe we will go to the park this weekend.

136. Never

“Never” means something that will not happen at any time—not in the past, present or future.

He never eats vegetables.

137. Nowhere

Something that is “nowhere” cannot be found in any place.

The keys are nowhere to be found.

138. Now

When something is happening “now,” it is happening at this moment or immediately.

Can I talk to you now?

139. Often

If something happens on a more or less regular basis, you say that it happens often.

I often see her sitting in the cafe with a book.

140. Outside

“Outside” means something is outdoors or beyond a  boundary (something that marks where one place ends and another begins).

Let us play outside today.

141. Quickly

Something that happens or is done “quickly” occurs at a fast pace or without delay.

He finished his homework quickly.

142. Quietly

When something happens or is done “quietly,” it happens or is done with little sound or noise.

The girl walked quietly toward her parents’ room.

143. Rarely

You say something happens “rarely” when it occurs not often or seldom.

I rarely eat chocolate.

144. Really

This adverb refers to something that is true or puts emphasis on something.

Are you really sure about this?

145. Slowly

Something described with the adverb “slowly” is the opposite of “quickly”—moving at a pace that is not rushed or hurried.

The turtle walks slowly.

146. Sometimes

When something does not happen often or always, or it takes place from time to time, you use the word “sometimes.”

Sometimes, I go to the library after lunch.

147. Soon

When you expect something to happen in a short time or quickly, you use the adverb “soon.”

The sun will set soon.

148. There

“There” is the opposite of “here.” It refers to a place that is far from the speaker.

The cat is sitting over there.

149. Then

“Then” has two meanings. It can mean something that happened at one time ( “Back then, we were friends” ) or something that you want to do next.

I will have lunch, and then I will go to the store.

150. Today

“Today” is the current day. It is the date that your calendar is showing right now.

Today is a sunny day.

151. Tomorrow

“Tomorrow” is the day after today.

We are going to the zoo tomorrow.

152. Together

“Together” means two or more things or people are with each other or in a group.

They should work together on this project.

153. Well

When you use well as an adverb, you mean that something is or has been good or satisfactory.

Sheila’s job has been going well. She is happy and is making a lot of money.

154. Yesterday

“Yesterday” means the day before today.

Yesterday was a great day.

Basic Grammar Rules to Remember

Remembering the simple rules and suggestions listed below will ensure that your sentences are free of careless mistakes.

You may be somewhat familiar with these basic grammar rules, but just in case, here is a refresher (something to help you review or remember).

  • A noun and a verb are all you need to form a sentence. English grammar has many parts. A typical sentence usually includes a noun, a verb, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions and more. However, the most important parts are the noun and the verb.
  • Remember that a sentence needs a subject and a predicate. When you are trying to express yourself, just keep in mind that every sentence usually has a doer, or the  subject (the one doing the action), and a  predicate —which can include an  object (the one receiving the action) or describe the subject in some way.
  • Use simple conjunctions. When you are trying to form slightly longer sentences, make sure you use conjunctions or connecting words like and , but and or .
  • Always begin a question with any of the six main question words. In English, when you are asking something, there are certain words you always use to indicate what kind of question it is. These words are what , who , how , when , where and why .
  • Add -ly to turn adjectives into adverbs. As mentioned earlier, adjectives describe nouns, while adverbs describe verbs and adjectives. Many adjectives can easily be turned into adverbs simply by adding an -ly to them at the end.

You can also check out this video to quickly learn 30 easy English words in video format! Between the video and the list of 154 words above, you will be well on your way to major vocabulary growth!

Finally, you can use the FluentU program to study this vocabulary and more.

FluentU takes authentic videos—like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks—and turns them into personalized language learning lessons.

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When you are learning a language, try to take things slow.

Practice making simple sentences with only a few words. In time, you will gain more confidence and be able to frame more complex thoughts.

Keep reviewing the basics as often as you can, even when you move on to newer and more difficult things.

Above all, do not give up when you make mistakes or get stuck. Mistakes are a  crucial (important) part of your learning experience, and without them, you would make very little progress. Stay optimistic and be dedicated, and you will be fluent in English before you know it!

And One More Thing...

If you like learning English through movies and online media, you should also check out FluentU. FluentU lets you learn English from popular talk shows, catchy music videos and funny commercials, as you can see here:


If you want to watch it, the FluentU app has probably got it.

The FluentU app and website makes it really easy to watch English videos. There are captions that are interactive. That means you can tap on any word to see an image, definition, and useful examples.


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The best part? FluentU remembers the vocabulary that you’re learning. It gives you extra practice with difficult words—and reminds you when it’s time to review what you’ve learned. You have a truly personalized experience.

Start using the FluentU website on your computer or tablet or, better yet, download the FluentU app from the iTunes or Google Play store. Click here to take advantage of our current sale! (Expires at the end of this month.)

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