
233 Mispronounced Words in English


Why are there so many English words that look completely different than they sound? English pronunciation can be so complicated that even native speakers go their whole lives mispronouncing certain words. There are probably at least a few that you have been saying incorrectly without knowing it.

But we want to change that. We will teach you the most often mispronounced words in English, including some very common words that you will encounter all the time.

We’ve also covered some of these words on our YouTube channel:

Commonly Mispronounced English Words

In the list below, we will spell out the common incorrect pronunciations as well as the correct pronunciation for each word. We will put the stressed syllables in bold.

You can also click on a word below to hear its pronunciation. Finally, I recommend finding these words on FluentU, where you can hear them spoken by a native English speaker in short videos.

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1. Açaí

How it is mistakenly pronounced: “Uh-kai” or “Ah-kai

How it is actually pronounced:Ahh-sai-ee”

Açai berries are a type of South American fruit.

Even native English speakers mispronounced this word for a while when açaí bowls first became popular in the U.S.

Let’s all go out for açaí bowls, I’m starving!

2. Flautist

How it is mistakenly pronounced:Floo-tist”

How it is actually pronounced:Flah-tist” (U.S.) or “Floh-tist” (U.K.)

A flautist is a musician who plays the flute. Flutist (pronounced “floo-tist”) is an older word that is also an appropriate way to use to describe a flute player, but mostly in the U.S. Typically, Americans will say flutist while the rest of the world’s English speakers will say flautist.

Tyler is an accomplished and talented flautist.


3. Definitely

How it is mistakenly pronounced: “Dee-fie-ant-lee” or “Def-in-it-lee”

How it is actually pronounced:Def-in-it-lee”

Not only is this word sometimes mispronounced by non-native speakers, but its spelling is also butchered (destroyed) by just about everyone.

Who knows why? It kind of sounds how it is spelled, but we just cannot get “definitely” right! We might spell it “definately” or “defiantly” for years, even after being corrected. It is a cursed word.

I’m definitely going to study my English lessons tonight.

4. Library

How it is mistakenly pronounced:Lie-bear-ee”

How it is actually pronounced:Lie-brair-ee”

The “r” sounds in this word are hard for a lot of non-native speakers to figure out. Though it is clearly spelled with an “r” right next to the “b,” even native speakers tend to leave it out.

We went to the local library to check out some books.

5. Itinerary

How it is mistakenly pronounced: “Eye-tin-air-ee” or “Eye-ten-ee-air-ee”

How it is actually pronounced: “Eye-tin-er-air-ee”

When you plan to go on vacation somewhere, you will probably make a list of things you plan to do while you are there. This would be known as an itinerary, but boy is that word weird to say!

Just remember to pronounce it how it is spelled, even if it sounds weird, and you will be good to go.

Sophia wrote up an itinerary for our trip to the Bahamas.

6. Pronunciation

How it is mistakenly pronounced: “Pro-nun-say-shun”

How it is actually pronounced: “Pro-nun-see-ay-shun”

Well this is kind of a pun, huh? Pronunciation is mispronounced a lot, but it is quite the complex word to say (and to spell!) due to all those syllables.

 The correct pronunciation will be listed in your textbook.

7. Pseudonym

How it is mistakenly pronounced:Puh-soo-doh-nim” or “Soo-doh-name”

How it is actually pronounced:Soo-doh-nim”

A pseudonym is a fake name used by authors or artists. It is a great example of the silent “p” sound, which is found frequently in English.

J.K. Rowling used a pseudonym when she started writing crime fiction.

8. Salmon

How it is mistakenly pronounced:Saul-mon” or “Saul-man”

How it is actually pronounced:Sam-in”

So many words in English have silent “l” sounds. Think of words like half, calf, talk, walk, and would. We just love shoving the letter “l” into whatever word we want!

In the case of this tasty fish, the “l” is silent as well.

I had salmon for lunch yesterday.

9. Subtle

How it is mistakenly pronounced:Sub-tell”

How it is actually pronounced:Suh-tell”

We have been covering a lot of words with silent letters in this article, but “subtle” really takes the cake (is exceptional) for being an odd one. Silent “b” sounds in English are rare, but they do pop up.

The metaphors in this novel are quite subtle.

10. GIF

How it is mistakenly pronounced (up to debate): “Jiff”

How it is actually pronounced: “Giff”

You have definitely seen a GIF (the abbreviation for “Graphics Interchange Format”) online. It is a small image file, often with a quick animation or motion.

The pronunciation of this word has been the subject of many memes through the years. Even Steve Wilhite, the inventor of the GIF file format, claims that it is pronounced “jiff.”

But you could argue that “jiff” is not correct, since GIF is an abbreviation. “Graphics” has a hard “g,” so it is only sensical that GIF be pronounced with a hard “g” as well.

Did you see that GIF of a cat doing a backflip? Hilarious.

11. Chimera

How it is mistakenly pronounced:Chim-air-uh” or “Kim-air-uh”

How it is actually pronounced:Kie-mear-uh”

Honestly, this word does not pop up in English very often. How many casual English conversations involve a chimera, a fire-breathing mythical beast with lion, goat and snake parts? Still, it is a very commonly mispronounced word among native and non-native speakers.

How cool would it be to see a real-life chimera?

12. Gyro

How it is mistakenly pronounced: “Guy-ro” or “Gee-ro” or “Hee-ro”

How it is actually pronounced: “Yee-ro”

A gyro is a Greek wrap made with shredded meat that is cooked on a vertical rotisserie. English-speakers in the U.S. and the U.K. love this dish, but everybody seems to pronounce it wrong. To be fair, you do not see words with a silent “g” in English very often. The correct pronunciation comes from the original Greek word.

I usually order a lamb gyro with a side of hummus when I eat at the Greek restaurant down the street.

13. Ask

How it is mistakenly pronounced: “Axe”

How it is actually pronounced: “Ah-sk”

Pronouncing “ask” is weirdly uncomfortable, but saying “axe” is somehow easier. Lots of native and non-native English speakers get this one wrong for that very reason.

Note that in black communities in the U.S., “axe” can be considered a proper pronunciation.

I must ask John where he left the library books.

14. Wednesday

How it is mistakenly pronounced:Wed-nez-day”

How it is actually pronounced:Wenz-day”

Why on earth is Wednesday spelled like that? Apparently, it is due to the word’s German origins. “Wednesday” was pronounced more like “Wodan’s Day” in old German, a tribute to the Anglo-Saxon god Wodan.

On Wednesdays we wear pink.

15. Stomach

How it is mistakenly pronounced:Stoh-mahk” or “Stoh-match”

How it is actually pronounced:Stum-ick”

It is a bit weird to pronounce “ach” as “ick,” but that is how “stomach” is properly pronounced.

My stomach is killing me, I need some food.

16. Meme

How it is mistakenly pronounced: “Mehm” or “Mee-mee”

How it is actually pronounced: “Meem”

If you are guilty of mispronouncing this word, do not fret. This word was almost never used until the rise of Internet memes, so it makes sense why it would confuse some people.

Did you see that meme about the moth and the lamp? Hilarious.

17. Bury

How it is mistakenly pronounced:Buh-ree”

How it is actually pronounced:Bare-ee”

“Bury” and “berry” are homophones, meaning they have the same pronunciation, if you were interested in a fun fact.

Let’s bury the evidence, nobody will ever know.

More Hard English Words to Pronounce

Are you ready to take on some more difficult English words? Here are over 200 English words that many learners—and even some native English speakers!—struggle to pronounce.

In the chart below, you can also see the official IPA pronunciation, a phonetic reading and the meaning of the word. Plus, click on any word to hear its audio.

English WordIPA PronunciationPhonetic ReadingMeaning
Accoutrements əˈkuːtrəməntsuh-KOO-truh-muhntsAdditional items of dress or equipment
Acquiesce ˌækwiˈɛsak-wee-ESTo accept or comply without protest
Aesthetics ɛsˈθɛtɪkses-THET-iksThe branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of beauty and taste
Alliteration əˌlɪtəˈreɪʃənuh-li-tuh-RAY-shuhnThe repetition of initial sounds in a series of words
Anemone əˈnɛməniuh-NEH-muh-neeA type of flower
Antediluvian ˌæntɪdɪˈluːviənan-ti-di-LOO-vee-unVery old or old-fashioned
Anthropomorphic ˌænθrəpoʊˈmɔːrfɪkan-thruh-puh-MOR-fikHaving human characteristics or form
Anthropophagous ˌænθrəˈpɒfəɡəsan-thruh-POF-uh-guhsFeeding on human flesh
Aphorism ˈæfəˌrɪzəmAF-uh-riz-uhmA concise statement of a general truth or principle
Apostrophe əˈpɒstrəfiːuh-POS-truh-feeA punctuation mark used to indicate possession or the omission of letters
Aptitude ˈæptɪˌtudAP-ti-toodNatural ability or talent
Arboretum ˌɑːrbəˈriːtəmahr-buh-REE-tuhmA botanical garden devoted to trees
Archaeopteryx ˌɑrkiːˈɒptərɪksar-kee-OP-tuh-riksA fossil bird with characteristics of both birds and dinosaurs
Archipelago ˌɑːrkɪˈpɛləɡoʊahr-kih-PEL-uh-gohA group or chain of islands
Architecture ˈɑrkɪˌtɛkʧərar-ki-TEK-chuhrThe art and science of designing and constructing buildings
Asphyxiate æsˈfɪksiˌeɪtas-FIK-see-aytTo cause to die or lose consciousness by depriving of air
Aurora əˈrɔːrəuh-RAWR-uhNatural light display in the sky, also known as the "northern lights"
Aurora Borealis əˌroʊrə bɔriˈælɪsuh-RAWR-uh buh-ree-AL-isThe Northern Lights, a natural light display in the sky
Autodidact ɔːtoʊˈdaɪdæktaw-toh-DY-daktA self-taught person
Avuncular əˈvʌŋkjələruh-VUHNG-kyuh-luhrKind, friendly, and helpful, especially towards younger people
Balaclava ˌbæləˈklɑːvəbal-uh-KLAA-vuhA close-fitting garment covering the whole head and neck
Ballet bæˈleɪbah-LAYA theatrical dance form characterized by grace and precision
Bougainvillea ˌbuːɡənˈvɪliːəboo-guhn-VIL-ee-uhA tropical climbing plant with colorful flowers
Bough baʊbowA main branch of a tree
Bourgeoisie ˌbʊrʒwɑːˈziːboor-zhwah-ZEEThe middle class, typically with materialistic values
Brooch broʊtʃbroachA decorative pin or clasp
Bruschetta bruˈskɛtəbroo-SKEH-tuhAn Italian appetizer of toasted bread topped with various ingredients
Byzantine ˈbɪzənˌtinbih-ZAN-teenRelating to the Byzantine Empire or its architecture
Cacophony kəˈkɒfənikuh-KAH-fuh-neeA harsh, discordant mixture of sounds
Calliope kəˈlaɪəpiːkuh-LYE-uh-peeA keyboard musical instrument resembling an organ
Capricious kəˈprɪʃəskuh-PRISH-uhsGiven to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior
Cartilage ˈkɑːrtəlɪdʒKAR-tuh-lijA tough, flexible connective tissue found in many parts of the body
Celadon ˈsɛləˌdɒnSEL-uh-donA pale gray-green color or a type of ceramic pottery
Chiaroscurokiˌɑroʊˈskjʊroʊkee-AR-uh-SKOOR-ohThe use of strong contrasts of light and dark in art
Chrysanthemumkrɪˈsænθəməmkrih-SAN-thuh-muhmA flowering plant of the daisy family
ChthonicˈθɒnɪkTHON-ikRelating to the underworld or the earth
CinnamonˈsɪnəmənSIN-uh-muhnA spice derived from the bark of certain trees
Clandestineklænˈdɛstənklan-DESS-tinKept secret or done secretively
Coalescenceˌkoʊəˈlɛsnskoh-uh-LESS-uhnsThe merging or joining together of elements into a whole
Cognoscentiˌkɑnjəˈʃɛntiːkan-yuh-SHEN-teePeople who are considered to be experts or enthusiasts
Colloquialkəˈloʊkwiəlkuh-LOH-kwee-uhlInformal or conversational language
ColonelˈkɜːrnəlKUR-nlAn army rank
Connoisseurˌkɑːnəˈsɜːrkon-uh-SURAn expert judge in matters of taste
Conundrumkəˈnʌndrəmkuh-NUN-druhmA confusing or difficult problem
Credulitykrɪˈdjuːlɪtiːkruh-DOO-li-teeA tendency to believe too readily or easily
Crescendokrəˈʃɛndoʊkruh-SHEN-dohA gradual increase in loudness or intensity
CrystallineˈkrɪstəˌlaɪnKRIS-tuh-linHaving the structure and form of crystals
CynosureˈsaɪnəˌʃʊrSY-nuh-shoorA person or thing that is the center of attention or admiration
CzechoslovakiaˌtʃɛkoʊsləˈvækiəCHEK-oh-sluh-VAH-kee-uhFormer country in Central Europe
Debonairdɪˈbɒnɛrdih-BON-airConfident, stylish, and charming
Defenestrateˌdiːfɪˈnɛstreɪtdee-fuh-NES-treytTo throw someone or something out of a window
Defibrillatordɪˈfɪbrɪˌleɪtərdih-FIB-ruh-lay-tuhrA device used to restore a normal heartbeat
Deleteriousˌdɛlɪˈtɪriəsde-li-TEER-ee-uhsHarmful or damaging
Denouementdeɪˈnuːmɒ̃dey-NOO-mawnThe final part of a play, movie, or narrative
DesiccateˈdɛsɪkeɪtDES-i-kaytTo remove moisture from or dry out
DiaphragmˈdaɪəˌfræmDYE-uh-framA dome-shaped muscular partition separating the thorax from the abdomen
Dichotomousdaɪˈkɑtəməsdye-KAH-tuh-muhsDivided or dividing into two parts or classifications
Dichotomydaɪˈkɑtəmidie-KAH-tuh-meeA division or contrast between two things
Discombobulateˌdɪskəmˈbɑːbjəˌleɪtdis-kuhm-BAH-byuh-laytTo confuse or disconcert
Ecclesiasticalɪˌkliːziˈæstɪkəlih-klee-zee-AS-ti-kuhlRelating to the Christian Church or clergy
Effervescentˌɛfərˈvɛsntef-er-VES-uhntGiving off bubbles; fizzy
Efficaciousˌɛfɪˈkeɪʃəsef-i-KAY-shuhsEffective in producing a desired result
Egregiousɪˈgriːʤəsih-GREE-jussOutstandingly bad or shocking
Epiphanyɪˈpɪfəniih-PIF-uh-neeA moment of sudden realization or understanding
EpitaphˈɛpəˌtæfEP-uh-tafAn inscription on a tomb or gravestone
Epitomeɪˈpɪtəmiih-PIT-uh-meeA perfect example or embodiment
Equanimityˌiːkwəˈnɪmətiːee-kwuh-NIM-i-teeMental calmness and composure in difficult situations
Equilibriumˌiːkwəˈlɪbriəmee-kwuh-LIB-ree-uhmA state of balance or stability
Esotericˌɛsəˈtɛrɪkes-uh-TER-ikIntended for or understood by only a small group
EsplanadeˈɛspləˌneɪdES-pluh-neydA long, open, level area, typically next to a waterfront
EuphemismˈjuːfəmɪzəmYOO-fuh-miz-uhmA mild or indirect word or expression substituted for one considered to be too harsh or blunt
Euphoriajuˈfɔːriəyoo-FOH-ree-uhA feeling of intense happiness or excitement
Evanescentˌɛvəˈnɛsəntev-uh-NES-uhntTending to vanish or disappear like vapor
Exacerbateɪɡˈzæsərbeɪtig-ZAS-uhr-baytMake (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse
Extemporaneousɪkˌstɛmpəˈreɪniəsik-STEM-puh-RAY-nee-uhsSpoken or done without preparation or planning
Exuberantɪɡˈzuːbərəntig-ZOO-buh-ruhntFull of energy, excitement, and cheerfulness
Facetiousfəˈsiːʃəsfuh-SEE-shuhsTreating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor
FauvismˈfoʊvɪzəmFOH-viz-uhmAn early 20th-century art movement
Faux pasfoʊ ˈpɑːfoh-PAHA social blunder or mistake
Februaryˈfɛb.juˌɛriFEB-yoo-erryThe second month of the year
Feuilletonfjʊˈtɔːnfyoo-TAWNA part of a European newspaper devoted to light literature
Flamboyantflæmˈbɔɪəntflam-BOI-uhntAttracting attention through stylishness or confidence
FlibbertigibbetˈflɪbərtiˌdʒɪbɪtFLIB-er-tee-jib-itA frivolous or flighty person
Floccinaucinihilipilificationˌflɒksɪˌnoʊsɪnˌɪhɪlɪˌpɪlɪfɪˈkeɪʃənflok-si-noh-sin-i-hil-i-pil-i-fi-KAY-shuhnThe act of estimating something as worthless or unimportant
FrangipaneˈfrændʒɪˌpeɪnFRAN-juh-paynA sweet almond-flavored pastry cream or filling
Fricasseeˌfrɪkəˈsiːfrik-uh-SEEA method of preparing meat by braising and stewing
FurtiveˈfɜːrtɪvFUR-tivAttempting to avoid notice or attention, typically because of guilt or a belief that discovery would lead to trouble
FuselageˈfjuːzəˌlɑːʒFYOO-zuh-lahzhThe main body of an aircraft, excluding wings and tail
Galapagosˌɡæləˈpeɪɡəsgal-uh-PAY-guhsAn archipelago in the Pacific Ocean, famous for its biodiversity
GalvanizeˈɡælvənaɪzGAL-vuh-nyzTo shock or excite someone into taking action
Gastronomyˈɡæstrɑːnəmiːgas-TRAH-nuh-meeThe practice or art of choosing, cooking, and eating good food
GistdʒɪstjistThe main or essential part of something
GossamerˈɡɒsəmərGOS-uh-merA fine, filmy substance consisting of cobwebs spun by small spiders
Haberdasheryˌhæbərˈdæʃəriːhab-er-DASH-uh-reeA shop selling men's accessories and clothing
Haphazardˌhæpˈhæzərdhap-HAZ-erdLacking any obvious principle of organization
Hemoglobinˌhiːmoʊˈɡloʊbɪnhee-muh-GLOH-binA red protein responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood
HierarchyˈhaɪəˌrɑrkiHY-uh-rahr-keeA system of organization in which people or things are ranked
Homogeneousˌhoʊməˈdʒiːniəshoh-muh-JEE-nee-uhsOf the same kind or nature
Hyperbolehaɪˈpɜːrbəliːhi-per-buh-LEEExaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally
Hypocrisyhɪˈpɑkrəsihi-PAHK-ruh-seePretending to have qualities or beliefs that one does not actually have
Hypothesishaɪˈpɑːθəsɪshi-PAH-thuh-sisA supposition or proposed explanation based on limited evidence
Idiosyncrasyˌɪdiəˈsɪŋkrəsiid-ee-uh-SING-kruh-seeA distinctive or peculiar feature or behavior
Inchoateɪnˈkoʊɪtin-KOH-itJust begun and not fully formed or developed
Ineffableɪnˈɛfəbəlin-EF-uh-buhlToo great or extreme to be expressed or described in words
Inoculateɪˈnɑːkjəleɪtih-NAHK-yuh-laytTo treat with a vaccine to produce immunity against a disease
Inscrutableɪnˈskruːtəbəlin-SKROO-tuh-buhlImpossible to understand or interpret
Interlocutorˌɪntərˈlɑːkjətərin-ter-LAHK-yuh-terA person who takes part in a dialogue or conversation
Intransigentɪnˈtrænzɪdʒəntin-TRAN-zi-juhntUnwilling to change one's views or agree
Intrepidɪnˈtrɛpɪdin-TREP-idFearless; adventurous
InundateˈɪnənˌdeɪtIN-uhn-daytTo overwhelm or flood with water, ideas, or information
Inveigleɪnˈveɪɡəlin-VAY-guhlTo persuade someone to do something by deception or flattery
Irrevocableɪˈrɛvəkəbəlih-REV-uh-kuh-buhlNot able to be changed, reversed, or recovered
IsthmusˈɪsməsIS-muhsA narrow strip of land with sea on either side
Jalapenoˌhɑːləˈpiːnoʊhah-luh-PEE-nohA type of chili pepper
JeopardyˈʤɛpərdiːJEP-er-deeDanger or risk of loss, harm, or failure
Kaleidoscopekəˈlaɪdəˌskoʊpkuh-LYE-duh-skohpA toy consisting of a tube containing mirrors and colored objects
LabyrinthˈlæbərɪnθLAB-uh-rinthA complicated network of paths or passages
Labyrinthineˌlæbəˈrɪnθaɪnlab-uh-RIN-thyneIntricate and confusing like a labyrinth
LachrymoseˈlækrɪmoʊsLAK-ruh-mohsTearful or inclined to shed tears
Laissez-faireˌlɛseɪˈfɛrles-ey-FAIRA policy or attitude of letting things take their own course, without interfering
LanguidˈlæŋɡwɪdLANG-gwidDisplaying or having a disinclination for physical exertion or effort
LeitmotifˈlaɪtmoʊˌtiːfLYTE-moh-teefA recurring theme in a musical or literary work
Lieutenantlɛfˈtɛnəntlef-TEN-uhntA deputy or substitute acting for a superior
Lingerieˌlɒ̃ʒəˈriːlawnzh-reeWomen's underwear and nightclothes
Loquaciousloʊˈkweɪʃəsloh-KWAY-shuhsTending to talk a great deal
Lugubriousluˈɡuːbriəsloo-GOO-bree-uhsLooking or sounding sad or dismal
Machiavellianˌmækiəvəˈliːənmak-ee-uh-vuh-LEE-uhnCunning, scheming, and unscrupulous
Magnanimousmæɡˈnænɪməsmag-NAN-i-muhsGenerous or forgiving, especially towards a rival or less powerful person
Malfeasancemælˈfiːzənsmal-FEE-zuhnsWrongdoing or misconduct, especially by a public official
MalleableˈmæliəbəlMAL-ee-uh-buhlEasily influenced or shaped
MauvemoʊvmohvA pale purple color
MelancholyˈmɛləŋˌkɑːliːMEL-uhn-kol-eeA feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause
Metallurgyməˈtælərʤimuh-TAL-ur-jeeThe branch of science and technology concerned with the properties of metals and their production and purification
Metamorphosisˌmɛtəmɔrˈfoʊsɪsmet-uh-MOR-foh-sisA change of form or nature into a completely different one
Meticulousməˈtɪkjələsmuh-TIK-yuh-luhsShowing great attention to detail; thorough
Milieumiːˈljuːmee-LYOOA person's social environment or surroundings
NeophyteˈniːəˌfaɪtNEE-uh-fytA person who is new to a subject, skill, or belief
NichenɪtʃneeshA specialized segment of the market or a specific area of expertise
Nomenclatureˌnoʊmənˈkleɪtʃərnoh-muhng-KLAY-churA system of naming or classifying things
Obsequiousəbˈsiːkwiəsuhb-SEE-kwee-uhsObedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree
OminousˈɑːmɪnəsAH-muh-nuhsGiving the impression that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen
Omnipotentɑːmˈnɪpətəntahm-NIP-uh-tuhntHaving unlimited power
Ophthalmologistˌɑfθælməˈlɑːʤɪstaf-thal-muh-LOH-jistA medical doctor specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases
OscillateˈɒsɪˌleɪtOS-uh-laytTo move or swing back and forth between two points
OtorhinolaryngologyˌoʊtoʊˌraɪnoʊˌlærɪŋˈɡɒləʤiOH-toh-ry-noh-LAR-ing-GOL-uh-jeeThe medical specialty dealing with the ear, nose, and throat
Panaceaˌpænəˈsiːəpan-uh-SEE-uhA solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases
Paraphernaliaˌpærəfərˈneɪliəpar-uh-fuh-NAY-lee-uhEquipment or accessories associated with a particular activity
Pariahpəˈraɪəpuh-RY-uhAn outcast or someone who is rejected
Pastichepæˈstiːʃpah-STEESHAn artistic work that imitates the style of another artist or period
Penultimatepɪˈnʌltɪmətpi-NUL-tuh-muhtSecond to last in a series or sequence
Perfunctorypərˈfʌŋktəriːpur-FUNK-tuh-reeCarried out with a minimum of effort or reflection
Perpendicularˌpɜːr.pənˈdɪk.jə.lərpur-puh n-DIK-yuh-lurAt an angle of 90 degrees to a given line, plane, or surface
Perspicaciousˌpɜːrspɪˈkeɪʃəspur-spi-KAY-shuhsHaving a ready insight into and understanding of things
Perspicacityˌpɜrspɪˈkæsətiːpur-spi-KAS-i-teeKeenness of mental perception or understanding
PharaohˈfɛroʊFAY-rohA ruler in ancient Egypt
PharaohsˈfeəˌroʊzFAIR-ohzRulers of ancient Egypt
Phenomenonfəˈnɑːməˌnɒnfuh-NAH-muh-nonA fact or event that can be observed or experienced
Philanthropyfɪˈlænθrəpiːfi-LAN-thruh-peeThe desire to promote the welfare of others, usually through donations
Photosynthesisˌfoʊtoʊˈsɪnθəsɪsfoh-toh-SIN-thuh-sisThe process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize foods
Plenipotentiaryˌplɛnɪpəˈtɛnʃəriːplen-uh-puh-TEN-shuh-reeA person, especially a diplomatic representative, invested with full power or authority
Pneumonianuˈmoʊnjənoo-MOH-nee-uhInflammation of the lungs caused by infection
Potpourriˌpoʊpʊˈriːpoh-poo-REEA mixture of dried petals and spices used to scent the air
PrecipiceˈprɛsɪpɪsPRES-uh-pisA very steep rock face or cliff
Preternaturalpriːtərˈnætʃərəlpree-ter-NAT-shuh-ruhlBeyond what is normal or natural
Pulchritudinousˌpʌlkriˈtjuːdɪnəspul-kri-TOO-di-nuhsBeautiful; physically attractive
QuerulousˈkwɛrjələsKWER-yuh-luhsComplaining in a petulant or whining manner
QueuekjuːkyooA line or sequence of people or vehicles waiting their turn
QuinoaˈkiːnwɑːKEEN-wahA grain-like crop grown primarily for its edible seeds
Quintessentialˌkwɪntɪˈsɛnʃəlkwin-tuh-SEN-shuhlRepresenting the most perfect or typical example of something
Quotidiankwəˈtɪdiənkwoh-TID-ee-uhnOccurring or recurring daily
Rambunctiousræmˈbʌŋktʃəsram-BUNK-shuhsUncontrollably exuberant or boisterous
Rapportræˈpɔːrra-PORA close and harmonious relationship
RendezvousˈrɑndeɪˌvuːRAHN-duh-vooA meeting at an agreed time and place
Resiliencerɪˈzɪliənsri-ZIL-yuhnsThe ability to recover quickly from difficult conditions
Sagacioussəˈɡeɪʃəssuh-GAY-shuhsHaving or showing keen mental discernment and good judgment
Salmagundiˌsælməˈɡʌndisal-muh-GUHN-deeA dish of various meats, vegetables, fruits, and seasonings, mixed together
SassafrasˈsæsəˌfræsSAS-uh-frasAn aromatic deciduous tree of the laurel family
SchadenfreudeˈʃɑːdənˌfrɔɪdSHAH-dn-froy-duhPleasure derived from the misfortune of others
SchnappsʃnæpsshnapsA type of strong alcoholic drink
SeismographˈsaɪzməˌɡræfSYZ-muh-grafAn instrument that measures and records earthquakes
Serendipityˌsɛrənˈdɪpətiːser-uhn-DIP-uh-teeThe occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way
Soporificˌsɑːpəˈrɪfɪksah-puh-RIF-ikTending to induce drowsiness or sleepiness
Sphygmomanometerˌsfɪɡmoʊməˈnɑːmɪtərsfig-muh-muh-NOM-i-terA device used to measure blood pressure
SquirrelˈskwɜːrəlSKWUR-uhlA small, agile rodent with a bushy tail
Subpoenasəˈpinəsuh-PEE-nuhA writ ordering a person to attend a court
SycophantˈsɪkəfəntSIK-uh-fuhntA person who acts obsequiously towards someone important in order to gain advantage
Synecdochesɪˈnɛkdəkisih-NEK-duh-keeA figure of speech in which a part represents the whole
TaciturnˈtæsɪtɜːrnTAS-i-ternReserved or uncommunicative in speech
TenebrousˈtɛnəbrəsTEN-uh-bruhsDark, shadowy, or obscure
Tmesistəˈmiːsɪstuh-MEE-sisThe insertion of one or more words between the words of a compound phrase
Tsunamisuːˈnɑːmisoo-NAH-meeA long high sea wave caused by an earthquake or other disturbance
Ubiquitousjuːˈbɪkwɪtəsyoo-BI-kwuh-tuhsPresent, appearing, or found everywhere
UnctuousˈʌŋkʃuəsUHNGK-choo-uhsExcessively flattering or ingratiating
UvulaˈjuːvjələYOO-vyuh-luhA fleshy extension at the back of the soft palate
ValetˈvæleɪVAL-ayA personal attendant or servant
Vexatiousvɛkˈseɪʃəsvek-SEY-shuhsCausing or tending to cause annoyance, frustration, or worry
Vexillologyˌvɛksɪˈlɒləʤiːvek-si-LAW-luh-jeeThe study of flags
VisceralˈvɪsərəlVISS-er-uhlRelating to deep inward feelings rather than to the intellect
Vivaciousvɪˈveɪʃəsvi-VAY-shuhsLively and animated
WhimsicalˈwɪmzɪkəlWIM-zi-kuhlPlayfully quaint or fanciful
WorcestershireˈwʊstərʃərWUUS-tuhr-shuhrA type of sauce
XylophoneˈzaɪləfoʊnZY-luh-fohnA musical instrument played by striking wooden bars
YachtjɑːtyahtA medium-sized sailboat or motorboat used for pleasure or racing
ZeitgeistˈzaɪtɡaɪstZYTE-gystThe defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history
ZephyrˈzɛfərZEF-erA soft, gentle breeze
Zucchinizuˈkiːniːzoo-KEE-neeA type of summer squash


English words can be quite complex when it comes to pronunciation. With a little bit of hard work, any English learner can definitely figure them out. It just takes some context, the proper pronunciation and a desire to master the English language. Good luck!

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