
The 1028 Most Common Words in English


One of the hardest parts of English is mastering common English words you hear almost everywhere. The good news is that once you learn these words—and how to use them properly—you will be able to express almost any idea.

Below, we have all the information you need to learn the most common words in English, their meanings and what category they fall under to make them easier to learn. We also have some tips to help make your vocabulary studies even easier.


There are three articles in English: a, an and the. All of them are used before words to show that those words are being talked about.

English ArticlesHow It's UsedExample Sentence
aindefinite article; used before a noun that starts with a consonant when talking about something not specific.I would love to eat a sandwich.
anindefinite article; used before a noun that starts with a vowel when talking about something not specific.She bought an apple.
thedefinite article; used before a noun (person, place or thing) when you want to reference something specific.The girl I met yesterday was friendly.


Pronouns are words used to replace nouns or noun phrases.

For example, if you want to talk about a person named “John,” you say “John is a nice person. He always greets me in the morning.” . In that sentence, “he” is used to refer to “John.” Otherwise, your description will sound repetitive and awkward, like “John is a nice person. John always greets me in the morning.”

Here are some of the most common pronouns you should know.

Personal Pronouns

Personal pronouns refer to specific people or things and can change based on person, number and gender.

English Personal PronounsHow It's UsedExample Sentence
IUsed when you are talking about yourself. Instead of saying your name, you can use the word I.I am happy today.
youRefers to another person you are talking to directlyWhat do you think?
heUsed when you are talking about a male, but not talking to the male directlyMy dad is funny. He tells me jokes.
sheUsed when you are talking about a female, but not talking to the female directlyShe is reading a book.
itRefers to a thing or animal with no genderOur house is new. It is small and white.
weRefers to a group of people you are part ofWe like going to the movies.
theyRefers to a group of people or things not included in the conversationThe students in the class are tired. They need a break.

Demonstrative Pronouns

Demonstrative pronouns talk about specific people, things or ideas.

English Demonstrative PronounsMeaning and UsageExample Sentence
thisRefers to a single thing that is nearThis is a beautiful ring.
thatRefers to a single thing that is farLook at that! It's a wonderful fireworks display.
theseRefers to multiple things nearbyThese are the flowers my beloved gave me yesterday.
thoseRefers to multiple things farther awayThose are called ravens.

Interrogative Pronouns

Interrogative pronouns are used to ask questions about people or things.

English Interrogative PronounsWhat It Asks AboutExample Sentence
whatthings or actionsWhat is your favorite color?
whichchoices or optionsWhich book do you want to read?
whopeopleWho is coming to the party tonight?
whomobject of a sentenceWhom did you invite to the event?
whosepossession or ownershipWhose car is parked outside?

Possessive Pronouns

Possessive pronouns indicate ownership or possession of something.

English Possessive PronounsWho the Pronoun Indicates Is the OwnerExample Sentence
mineyouThe red car is mine.
yoursthe person you are talking toThe blue bike is yours.
hisa male person being talked aboutHis black coat looks good.
hersa female person being talked aboutThe brown bag is hers.
oursa group you are part ofThe big house is ours.
theirsa group you are talking aboutThe white boat is theirs.

Reflexive Pronouns

Reflexive pronouns are used when the subject and object of a sentence are the same. They are also used to show that something is being done by the subject without any help.

English Reflexive PronounsTypeExample Sentence
myselfFirst person singularI will do the dishes myself.
yourselfSecond person singular or pluralYou should be proud of yourself.
himselfThird person singular masculineHe taught himself to play the guitar.
herselfThird person singular feminineShe bought the dress herself.
itselfThird person singular neutral or no genderThe cat can clean itself.
ourselvesFirst person pluralWe prepared the dinner ourselves.
yourselvesSecond person pluralYou can fix the problem yourselves.
themselvesThird person pluralThe students organized the event themselves.

Indefinite Pronouns

Indefinite pronouns refer to non-specific people or things.

English Indefinite PronounsMeaning and UsageExample Sentence
anyoneRefers to any person or peopleAnyone can join the club.
anythingRefers to any thing or thingsWe can eat anything for dinner.
anywhereRefers to any place or placesWe can go anywhere for vacation.
someoneRefers to a specific unknown person or peopleSomeone is waiting for you at the door.
somethingRefers to a specific unknown thing or thingsI saw something strange in the woods.
somewhereRefers to a specific unknown place or placesLet's go somewhere new this weekend.
everyoneRefers to every personEveryone enjoyed the party.
everythingRefers to every thingShe knows everything about computers.
everywhereRefers to every placeThe festival attracts visitors from everywhere.
nobodyRefers to no personNobody was present at the meeting.
nothingRefers to no thingHe said nothing during the entire class.
nowhereRefers to no placeThe lost keys are nowhere to be found.
somebodyRefers to a specific unknown person or people (more casual than "someone")Somebody left their umbrella in the café.
anybodyRefers to any person or people (more casual than "anyone")Anybody can participate in the talent show.


Conjunctions are used to connect ideas within a sentence. They can also connect two sentences together.

English ConjunctionsWhat It's Used ForExample Sentence
andJoins two similar ideas or elements togetherThe girl went to the kitchen and made a cup of coffee.
butShows how two ideas or elements contrast or add to one anotherI want to go to the bar, but I have to finish my work.
orPresents options or alternativesWould you like tea or coffee?
norUsed in negative sentences as a partner to "neither"I am neither a doctor nor a lawyer.
forIndicates a reason or purposeShe went to the store for some groceries.
soShows a consequence or resultThe weather was bad, so we canceled the picnic.
ifIntroduces a conditional clauseIf it rains, we will stay indoors.
becauseGives a reason or causeShe was late because of heavy traffic.
althoughIntroduces a concession or contrastAlthough it was raining, they went for a walk.
sinceIndicates a time or reason in the pastI have known her since childhood.


Prepositions tell you where a noun is in relation to other things.

English PrepositionsMeaningExample Sentence
aboutconcerning or related to somethingWe talked about the weather.
abovein a higher position than somethingThe kite is flying above the clouds.
acrosson the opposite side of somethingThe bank is just across the street.
afterfollowing in time or sequenceWe will have dinner after the movie.
againstin opposition to somethingThe soccer team is playing against their rivals.
alongmoving in a line or directionThe river flows along the valley.
amongin the middle of a group or surrounded by somethingThere is a red apple among the green ones.
aroundmoving in a circular manner or surrounding somethingThe children are playing around the tree.
atindicating a specific time or locationWe'll meet at the park at noon.
beforeearlier in time or in front of somethingPlease clean up before you leave.
behindat the back of something or in a position further backThe book is behind the shelf.
belowin or to a lower positionThe fish are swimming below the water surface.
besideby the side of or next to somethingI sat beside my friend in class.
betweenin the space separating two things or peopleThe cat is between the two boxes.
bynear to or beside somethingThe restaurant is by the park.
downmoving from a higher position to a lower positionThe ball rolled down the hill.
duringthroughout the course of a particular time periodHe ate a lot during the party.
exceptnot including or excluding somethingEveryone is here except for Sara.
forintended to benefit someone or somethingI bought a gift for my sister.
fromindicating the starting point of a movement or distanceThe train is coming from the station.
ininside or within somethingThe keys are in the drawer.
intoexpressing movement or direction towards the inside of somethingThe cat jumped into the box.
likesimilar to or in the same manner as somethingShe sings like a bird.
nearclose to or not far from a particular placeThere is a grocery store near my house.
next todirectly beside or adjacent to somethingThe library is next to the school.
ofexpressing the relationship between a part and a whole or possessionA friend of mine visited me yesterday.
offaway from or not on somethingTo go to the mall, get off at X train station.
ontouching or covering a surfaceThe book is on the table.
outoutside or away from a placeThe cat ran out of the house.
overabove or higher than something elseThe plane flew over the mountains.
pastgoing beyond or in front of somethingThe car drove past the traffic light.


Interjections are words used to show strong emotions. They are usually written with an  exclamation point (!) to show that whoever is saying it is doing so in a louder or higher voice than normal.

English InterjectionsWhat It ExpressesExample Sentence
Wowsurprise, amazement or admirationWow, that's incredible!
Ohsurprise, realization or disappointmentOh, I see what you mean.
Ahunderstanding or satisfactionAh, now I understand.
Ouchpain or discomfortOuch, that hurt!
Oopsindicates a small mistake or accidentOops, I dropped my pen.
Yayjoy, excitement or celebrationYay, we won the game!
Hurraytriumph or happinessHurray, we did it!
Hmmhesitation, thoughtfulness or uncertaintyHmm, I'm not sure about that.
Ewwdisgust or distasteEww, this food tastes terrible!
Phewrelief or exhaustionPhew, I finally finished my project.


Determiners are words that introduce nouns and let you know what these nouns are referring to.

English DeterminersUsageExample Sentence
anyUsed before a singular countable or uncountable noun to indicate an indefinite or non-specific amountYou can choose any book from the shelf. (singular countable noun)
Do you have any milk left? (uncountable noun)
someUsed before a plural countable or uncountable noun to indicate a non-specific amountHe brought some snacks to the party. (plural countable noun)
Would you like some water? (uncountable noun)
manyUsed before a plural countable noun to indicate a large quantity or numberThere are many books on the shelf.
muchUsed before an uncountable noun to indicate a large quantity or amountThere isn't much time left.
severalUsed before a plural countable noun to indicate an unspecified small number of itemsShe bought several new dresses.
allUsed before a plural countable noun or an uncountable noun to indicate the entire quantity or every itemAll students should submit their assignments. (plural countable noun)
She ate all the cake. (uncountable noun)
eachUsed before a singular countable noun to indicate every individual item separatelyEach student received a certificate.


Nouns are words that refer to people, places, things, events or ideas. There are two types: common nouns and proper nouns.

Common nouns refer to a generic person, object, place, events or idea. They are usually not capitalized (written with a bigger first letter) unless they start a sentence. Proper nouns, on the other hand, refer to specific people, objects, places, events or ideas. They are always capitalized.

For the sake of brevity (using as few words as possible to convey as much as possible), we will only tackle common nouns.

Common Nouns for People

Common Nouns for PeopleMeaningExample Sentence
accountanta person who helps manage and keep track of financial records for individuals or businessesMy friend's mom is an accountant. She helps people with their taxes and budgeting.
actora person who performs in plays, movies or TV shows to entertain othersThe actor played the role of a brave superhero in the movie.
activista person who works to bring about social or political change by speaking out and taking action on important issuesThe activist organized a peaceful protest to support environmental protection.
adulta fully grown person who is no longer a child or a teenagerIn many countries, you become an adult when you turn 18 years old.
aidesomeone who helps and supports another person, especially in their work or daily tasksThe teacher's aide assists students with their homework and class projects.
artista person who creates art (such as paintings, drawings, sculptures or music) to express themselves or evoke emotionsThe artist painted a beautiful landscape with bright colors and stunning details.
athletea person who participates in sports or physical activities, often competing against othersShe trained hard to become an athlete and compete in the upcoming marathon.
auntthe sister of someone's mother or fatherMy aunt gave me a lovely birthday present last week.
bossa person in charge of a company, organization or group of workersMy boss is always busy, but he is fair and supports us in our work.
chefa person who cooks professionally, often in restaurants or hotelsThe chef prepared a delicious three-course meal for the guests.
childa young person who is not yet an adult, usually under the age of 12 or 13The children played games and had fun at the birthday party.
coacha person who trains and guides athletes or sports teams to improve their skills and performanceThe soccer coach taught the players new techniques to play better.
comediana person who tells jokes and funny stories to entertain an audienceThe comedian had everyone laughing with their hilarious stand-up comedy.
cousinthe child of one's aunt or uncleMy cousin and I like to play games together whenever we visit each other.
coworkera person who works together with you in the same company or organizationMy coworker and I collaborated on the project to finish it on time.
customera person who buys goods or services from a store or a businessThe customer was happy with the quality of the product they purchased.
dancera person who moves rhythmically to music as an art form or for entertainmentThe ballet dancer performed gracefully on the stage, captivating the audience.
doctora person who practices medicine and treats people's illnesses and injuriesThe doctor examined the patient and prescribed some medicine for their cold.
drivera person who operates a vehicle, such as a car, bus or truckMy dad is a good driver, and he takes us safely to school every day.
economista person who studies and analyzes economic systems and issuesThe economist predicted that inflation would go down in the next year.
employeea person who works for a company or an organization, usually receiving a salary or wagesThe employee was happy to receive a promotion for their hard work.
engineera person who designs and builds machines, structures, or technological systemsThe engineer created a new device that makes our lives easier.
firefightera person who works to put out fires and rescue people from dangerous situationsThe firefighter bravely entered the burning building to save the trapped residents.
flight attendanta person who assists passengers during a flight, ensuring their safety and comfortThe flight attendant served refreshments and provided instructions before takeoff.
frienda person you like and enjoy spending time with; someone you trust and care aboutMy best friend and I share secrets and have fun together.
grandchildthe child of one's son or daughterMy grandparents love spending time with their grandchild during the holidays.
grandparentthe parent of one's parentMy grandmother bakes delicious cookies for us every weekend.
guesta person who is invited to someone's home or an eventThe host welcomed the guests and offered them drinks.
hosta person who organizes and invites others to an event or gatheringThe host of the party prepared a variety of games and activities.
immigranta person who moves to a new country to live there permanentlyThe immigrant worked hard to build a better life in their new homeland.
journalista person who writes news stories and reports on current events for newspapers, magazines or TVThe journalist interviewed people to gather information for the article.
judgea person in a court of law who decides the outcome of a legal caseThe judge carefully listened to the evidence before making the verdict.
lawyera person who practices law and represents clients in legal mattersThe lawyer helped the client understand their rights and legal options.
manan adult male personThe man helped the elderly woman cross the street.
musiciana person who plays a musical instrument or singsThe musician performed a beautiful song on the guitar.
neighbora person who lives near you, usually in the same neighborhoodMy neighbor and I often chat while walking our dogs.
nursea person who provides medical care and support to patients, often in a hospital or clinicThe nurse checked the patient's temperature and gave them medicine.
parenta mother or father who takes care of and raises a childThe parent read a bedtime story to their child before sleep.
patienta person receiving medical treatment or care from a doctor or a nurseThe patient felt better after taking the prescribed medicine.
photographera person who takes pictures or photographs as a profession or hobbyThe photographer captured beautiful scenery during their travels.
pilota person who operates and flies an aircraft, such as an airplane or helicopterThe pilot announced that the flight would land soon.
police officera person who works in law enforcement to protect people and maintain orderThe police officer helped the lost child find their parents.
politiciana person who is involved in politics and works for the government or public officeThe politician campaigned to improve education and healthcare.
programmera person who writes and develops computer programs or softwareThe programmer created a new app that helps people learn languages.
receptionista person who works at the front desk of a hotel, office or organization, welcoming and assisting visitors or guestsThe receptionist greeted the guests and directed them to the meeting room.
refugeea person who has been forced to leave their home country to escape war, persecution or disasterThe refugee found safety and assistance in a neighboring country.
refereea person who ensures that the rules are followed in sports games or competitionsThe referee awarded a penalty kick to the opposing team.
relativea person who is connected to you by family ties, like a cousin, aunt, uncle or grandparentMy relatives from out of town came to visit us during the holidays.
salespersona person who works in sales, helping customers choose and purchase productsThe salesperson showed the customer different models of smartphones.
scientista person who studies the natural world and conducts experiments to discover new knowledgeThe scientist conducted research to find a cure for the disease.
shoppera person who goes to stores to buy goods or productsThe shopper filled their cart with groceries for the week.
singera person who sings songs or performs vocallyThe singer had a beautiful voice that touched the audience's hearts.
siblinga brother or sisterMy sibling and I love playing games together.
soldiera person who serves in the military to defend their country or participate in warsThe soldier bravely fought on the front lines to protect their homeland.
studenta person who attends school or college to learn and studyThe student studied hard for the upcoming exam.
teachera person who educates and instructs students in school or other learning settingsThe teacher explained the lesson clearly and answered students' questions.
tour guidea person who leads and provides information to tourists during sightseeing or visits to places of interestThe tour guide showed the group around the historical landmarks.
tourista person who travels to different places for leisure and explorationThe tourist took pictures of famous landmarks during their vacation.
unclethe brother of someone's mother or fatherMy uncle taught me how to ride a bike when I was little.
vendora person who sells goods or services, often in a market or on the streetThe vendor offered fresh fruits and vegetables at the market.
votera person who participates in elections by casting their vote to choose political leaders or decide on issuesAs a responsible citizen, I registered to be a voter and cast my vote in the election.
waitera person who serves food and drinks in a restaurantThe waiter brought us the menu and took our orders.
womanan adult female personThe woman smiled and thanked the helpful stranger.
writera person who creates written works, such as books, articles, or storiesThe writer published a new novel that became very popular.

Common Nouns for Objects / Technology

Common Nouns for Objects / TechnologyMeaningExample Sentence
(short for "application")
a small computer program you can install on your phone or tablet for various tasks or entertainmentI downloaded a language learning app to help me practice English.
audiosound or the part of technology that deals with recording and playing soundThe audio quality of the music player was excellent.
baga container used to carry thingsSarah carries her books to school in a blue bag.
batterya device that provides power to electronic devices and can be recharged or replacedMy phone's battery is low, so I need to charge it.
belta strip of material worn around the waist to hold clothes in placeThe brown belt matches well with his trousers.
blanketa large piece of fabric used to keep warm, usually on a bedDuring winter, I like to get under a warm blanket.
booka collection of pages with information or stories, usually bound togetherMary enjoys reading adventure books before bedtime.
bottlea container, usually made of glass or plastic, used to hold liquidsPlease pass me the water bottle. I'm thirsty.
boxa container with a lid, used to store or carry itemsGrandma keeps her old photos in a wooden box.
braceleta piece of jewelry worn around the wristJenny received a beautiful silver bracelet as a birthday gift.
brooma long-handled cleaning tool used to sweep floorsEvery morning, she uses a broom to clean the kitchen.
brusha tool with bristles used to clean or groomDana uses a brush to straighten her hair every morning.
bucketa container with a handle, used for carrying liquids or other materialsMark filled the bucket with sand to build a sandcastle.
cablea wire used to connect devices together, like a charging cable for a phonePlease plug the cable into the computer to transfer the files.
cameraa device used to capture photographs or record videosLisa loves taking pictures with her new digital camera.
can openera tool used to open the lid of a canJames used the can opener to open a can of soup.
chaira piece of furniture with a seat and a backrest for one person to sit onThis chair is very comfortable.
chargera device used to supply power to recharge electronic devicesI need to find my phone charger; my battery is low.
clipa small metal or plastic fastener used to hold things togetherShe uses a clip to keep her papers organized.
clothespina wooden or plastic clip used to hang clothes on a line to dryMom hung the wet laundry on the line using clothespins.
clocka device that shows the timeThe clock on the wall tells us when it's time for lunch.
coina small, flat piece of metal used as moneyI found a shiny coin on the sidewalk.
colandera bowl-shaped container with small holes, used for draining liquids from foodAfter boiling the pasta, she used a colander to drain the water.
comba tool used to untangle and style hairEmma brushed her hair with a comb before going to school.
computera machine that can process information and perform various tasksHe uses his computer to write essays and watch videos.
cupa small container with a handle, used for drinking liquidsCan you pass me a cup of hot cocoa, please?
cutting boarda flat surface used for cutting and preparing foodBefore chopping vegetables, she placed them on the cutting board.
datainformation or facts that can be stored and used by a computerThe data on my computer includes pictures from my last vacation.
detergenta cleaning substance used for washing clothes or dishesMom added detergent to the washing machine to clean the clothes.
dustpana flat scoop used to collect dust and dirt from the floorAfter sweeping the floor, she used a dustpan to pick up the dirt.
earringsjewelry worn on the earsSarah received a pair of beautiful earrings as a birthday gift.
emailelectronic messages sent and received using the internetI sent an email to my friend, inviting her to the party.
erasera small rubber tool used to remove pencil marksBen used the eraser to correct his mistake on the paper.
forka utensil with three or more prongs used for eating or serving foodThe fork is essential for eating spaghetti.
flossa thin thread used for cleaning between teethExperts recommend using a dental floss daily to keep teeth healthy.
(short for "refrigerator")
a household appliance used to keep food and drinks coldThe milk is in the fridge.
glassa transparent container used for drinking liquidsThe waiter brought a glass of water to the table.
gluea liquid used to stick things togetherHe used glue to fix his broken toy.
gratera tool with sharp-edged holes used to shred or grate foodShe used a grater to grate some cheese for the pasta.
hangera device used to hang clothes in a closetPlease put your coat on the hanger when you come inside.
headphonesa pair of speakers worn over the ears to listen to audioI like to listen to music with my headphones on the bus.
ice cube traya container used to make ice cubes in a freezerThe ice cube tray should be full at all times.
interneta global network that connects computers and allows access to informationI use the internet to search for information and watch videos.
keya small metal object used to unlock doors or start vehiclesDon't forget your house key when you go out.
keyboarda set of keys used for typing on a computer or smartphoneHe typed an email using the keyboard on his laptop.
knifea sharp-edged utensil used for cutting or slicingThe chef used a knife to cut the vegetables for the salad.
ladlea large spoon with a long handle, used for serving soup or stewMom used a ladle to serve the delicious soup.
lampa device that produces light, usually with a shade to cover itTim turned on the lamp to read his book in bed.
laptopa portable computer that can be used on one's lapShe carries her laptop with her when she travels.
magnetan object that attracts and holds metal objectsThe magnet stuck to the fridge door.
mopa tool used for cleaning floors, typically with a long handle and absorbent materialAfter spilling juice, he used a mop to clean the floor.
mirrora reflective surfaceShe looked in the mirror before leaving the house.
microphonea device used to amplify and record soundThe singer held the microphone and sang a beautiful song.
microwavean appliance used to heat or cook food quicklyHe warmed up the leftovers in the microwave.
modema device that connects a computer to the internet through a phone line or cableThe modem allows us to access the internet in our home.
mousea small device used to move the cursor on a computer screenHe clicked on the icon using the mouse to open the program.
nail clippera tool used to trim fingernails and toenailsJohn used a nail clipper to cut his nails neatly.
necklacea piece of jewelry worn around the neckJane received a beautiful necklace as a gift.
ovena kitchen appliance used for baking and cooking foodMom baked a delicious cake in the oven.
papera thin material used for writing, drawing and printingHe wrote a letter on a piece of paper.
pena writing instrument with ink used for writing or drawingMy pen ran out of ink.
perfumea scented liquid used to make someone smell pleasantShe put on some perfume before going to the party.
pencil sharpenera device used to sharpen the tip of a pencilJimmy used a pencil sharpener to make his pencil pointy.
peelera tool used to remove the skin or outer layer of fruits and vegetablesSarah used a peeler on the apple.
phonea device used for making calls and sending messagesWhen the phone rang, she answered it quickly.
pillowa soft cushion used to support the head while sleepingShe fluffed the pillow before going to bed.
pina small thin object used to fasten or hold things togetherShe used a pin to attach the badge to her shirt.
platea flat dish used for serving or eating foodThe waiter brought a plate of pasta to the table.
printera machine that produces paper copies of documents and picturesShe printed the report and handed it to her teacher.
projectora device used to display images or videos on a large screen or wallThe teacher used a projector to show educational videos in class.
remotea handheld device used to control electronic devices like TVsShe changed the channel with the remote while sitting on the couch.
ringa circular piece of jewelry worn on the fingerLinda received a diamond ring as an engagement gift.
rolling pina cylindrical tool used to flatten and shape doughMom used a rolling pin to roll out the dough for the pie.
routera device that connects multiple computers to the internet within a networkThe router at home allows everyone to use the internet simultaneously.
rulera straight measuring tool used to measure length or draw straight linesThe ruler helped her draw a straight line.
scannera device that captures images or documents and converts them into digital filesShe scanned the photo and saved it on her computer.
scarfa piece of fabric worn around the neck for warmth or fashionIn winter, he wears a warm scarf to keep the cold away.
scissorsa tool with two blades used for cutting paper, fabric or other materialsShe used scissors to cut out pictures for her project.
sensora device that detects changes in the environment and sends signalsThe sensor in the room turns on the lights when it's dark.
shampooa liquid used to clean and wash hairShe used shampoo to wash her hair in the shower.
shovela tool with a long handle and a scoop used for diggingThe shovel is rusty now.
sinka bowl-shaped basin used for washing dishes or handsShe washed her hands in the sink before dinner.
slipperscomfortable indoor footwear worn for warmth and comfortAfter a long day, he put on his cozy slippers to relax.
smartphonea mobile phone that has advanced capabilities like internet access and appsHe uses his smartphone to check emails and play games.
soapa substance used for cleaning and washing the bodyShe washed her hands with soap before eating.
spatulaa flat, flexible tool used for flipping or lifting foodWith a spatula, she flipped the pancakes on the griddle.
spoona utensil with a small bowl and a handle, used for eating or serving foodThe spoon is perfect for scooping ice cream.
staplera device used to fasten papers together with staplesThe stapler helped her keep her papers organized.
strainera device with tiny holes used to separate liquids from solidsShe used a strainer to drain the water from the pasta.
sunglassesglasses with tinted lenses used to protect the eyes from the sunWhen she puts on her sunglasses, she looks like an actress.
tableta portable device with a touch screen for various tasks and entertainmentShe reads e-books on her tablet before going to bed.
tapea narrow strip of adhesive material used for sticking things togetherHe used tape to seal the package.
televisionan electronic device used for watching programs and showsAfter dinner, we gathered around the television to watch a movie.
thermometera device used to measure temperatureThe doctor used a thermometer to check her temperature.
tiea long, narrow piece of fabric worn around the neck, usually with formal attireHe wore a tie to the wedding to look smart.
tissuea soft, thin piece of paper used for wiping and cleaningWith a tissue, she wiped away her tears.
toothpastea paste used for cleaning teethHe squeezed some toothpaste onto his toothbrush.
tongsa tool with two arms used for picking up and holding objectsShe used tongs to pick up the hot toast from the toaster.
towela piece of fabric used for drying the body or handsAfter the shower, she wrapped a towel around her body.
vacuum cleaneran electrical device used for cleaning floors and carpetsShe ran the vacuum cleaner to clean the living room.
vasea decorative container used to hold flowers or other itemsShe placed the fresh flowers in a beautiful vase on the table.
videomoving images and sound that can be recorded and playedWe watched a funny video of cats playing on the internet.
walleta small, flat case used to carry money and cardsHe kept his driver's license and credit cards in his wallet.
washing machinea household appliance used to wash clothesMom put the dirty clothes in the washing machine to do laundry.
watcha small timepiece worn on the wrist to tell timeHe checked his watch to see if it was time for lunch.
websitea collection of related web pages that can be accessed on the internetI found a helpful website with recipes for cooking.
whiska kitchen utensil used for beating eggs or mixing liquidsShe used a whisk to beat the eggs for the omelet.
windowan opening in a wall with glass, used to let in light and airShe opened the window to let fresh air into the room.
yarnfibers used for knitting, weaving, or making fabricShe bought colorful yarn to knit a scarf for her friend.

Common Nouns for Places

Common Nouns for PlacesMeaningExample Sentence
airporta place where airplanes take off and landWe are going to the airport to catch our flight.
amusement parka fun place with rides and gamesLet's go to the amusement park and try the roller coaster.
apartmenta place where people live, which is part of a larger buildingI live in a small apartment with my family.
archipelagoa group of small islandsThe Philippines is an archipelago with many beautiful islands.
archwaya passage under an arch or a curved structureThe archway leads to a lovely garden.
arenaa large place where sports or entertainment events take placeThe basketball game will be held at the arena.
beacha sandy or pebbly area next to the sea or a lakeWe love to build sandcastles on the beach.
bridgea structure that connects two areas separated by a river or a valleyThe bridge allows people to cross the river easily.
bus stopa designated place where buses pick up and drop off passengersWait at the bus stop for the next bus to arrive.
campsitea specific spot within a campground where someone sets up their tent or camperWe found a nice campsite near the lake.
canyona deep valley with steep sides, often carved by a riverThe Grand Canyon is one of the most famous canyons in the world.
castlea large, fortified building where royalty or nobility used to liveThe castle was surrounded by high walls to protect it from enemies.
cavea hollow space in the ground or on a hillsideWe explored the dark cave with flashlights.
cemeterya place where dead people are buriedWe visited the cemetery to pay our respects to our loved ones.
churcha building where Christians worship and prayWe go to church every Sunday for the service.
cinemaa place where people watch moviesLet's go to the cinema and see the new film.
citya large and busy place where many people live and workNew York city is a bustling metropolis with tall buildings.
continentone of the seven large landmasses on EarthAfrica is the second-largest continent.
countrysidethe rural area away from cities and townsWe enjoy the peacefulness of the countryside.
countrya nation with its own government and bordersCanada is a beautiful country with stunning landscapes.
deserta dry, sandy area with little or no vegetationThe Sahara desert is the largest desert in the world.
downtownthe central business area of a cityWe went downtown to do some shopping.
farma place where crops are grown and animals are raisedWe visited a farm and saw cows and chickens.
foresta large area with many trees and plantsWe took a hike through the forest and spotted some birds.
gardena place where plants, flowers, and sometimes vegetables are grownGrandma has a beautiful garden with colorful flowers.
glaciera large mass of ice that moves slowly down a mountain valleyWe saw the glacier while hiking in the national park.
harbora sheltered area of water where ships can anchorThe fishing boats are docked in the harbor.
hillselevated areas of land that are lower than mountainsWe climbed the hills to get a better view of the countryside.
hospitala place where sick or injured people are treated by doctors and nursesHe stayed in the hospital for a week after his surgery.
housea building where people liveOur new house has a big backyard.
islanda piece of land surrounded by waterWe went on a boat trip to explore the island.
lakea large body of water surrounded by landThe lake is perfect for fishing and boating.
lagoona shallow body of water separated from the sea by sandbanks or reefsThe lagoon is a great spot for snorkeling.
librarya place where people can borrow books and other materialsI borrowed a book from the library to read.
malla large shopping center with many stores and shopsLet's meet at the mall and do some shopping together.
marketa place where people buy and sell goods and foodThe local market is full of fresh fruits and vegetables.
marshan area of low-lying land that is often wet and covered in grassBirds and frogs can be found in the marsh.
meadowa field with grass and wildflowersWe had a picnic in the meadow.
mosquea place of worship for MuslimsWe visit the mosque for Friday prayers.
mountaina high, rocky landform that rises steeply above its surroundingsMount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
museuma place where objects of historical, cultural or artistic interest are displayedThe museum has ancient artifacts and paintings.
nature reservea protected area where wildlife and natural resources are conservedThe nature reserve is home to many rare animals.
oasisa fertile area in the desert with water and vegetationThe oasis provided a refreshing stop during our desert journey.
palacea grand and impressive building where royalty or important people live or livedThe king's palace is adorned with beautiful architecture.
parka large area of land with trees, grass and facilities for recreationFamilies enjoy picnics in the park on weekends.
peninsulaa piece of land surrounded by water on three sidesThe peninsula has beautiful beaches on both sides.
porta place where ships load and unload goodsThe port is busy with cargo ships.
reefa ridge of rocks or coral in the sea, close to the surfaceSnorkelers can see colorful fish near the reef.
restauranta place where people go to eat meals prepared by chefsLet's have dinner at that Italian restaurant.
rivera large natural stream of water that flows into a sea or lakeWe went fishing in the river.
ruinsthe remains of a building or structure from the pastThe ancient ruins are fascinating to explore.
savannaa grassy plain with scattered trees, typical of tropical regionsMany wild animals roam freely in the African savanna.
schoola place where children go to learnThe students are excited to go back to school after the summer break.
seashorethe area of land along the edge of the seaWe built sandcastles on the seashore.
shrinea place of religious or spiritual importanceMany people visit the ancient shrine to offer prayers.
stadiuma large sports arena with seats for spectatorsThe football match will take place at the stadium.
suburba residential area on the outskirts of a cityThey live in a quiet suburb with lots of green spaces.
templea place of worship for religious traditions other than ChristianityThe ancient temple is visited by many pilgrims each year.
theatera place where people watch plays, shows and performancesLet's go to the theater to see the new musical.
universitya higher education institution where students pursue degreesShe studies chemistry at the university.
valleylow land between hills or mountainsThe beautiful valley is surrounded by snow-capped peaks.
volcanoa mountain with a hole through which lava, gas and ash can eruptThe volcano erupted, covering the sky with ash and smoke.
waterfalla place where water flows over the edge of a cliffThe waterfall is a popular spot for tourists to take photos.
wildernessa remote and uncultivated areaThey went on an adventure in the wilderness and camped under the stars.
zooa place where people can see and learn about different animalsChildren love to visit the zoo and see the animals.

Common Nouns for Ideas

Common Nouns for IdeasMeaningExample Sentence
ambitiona strong desire to achieve something or be successfulShe has the ambition to become a doctor and help people.
assumptionsomething believed to be true without enough evidenceHis assumption was that the bus would arrive on time.
beliefa strong feeling that something is true or realMany people have a belief in the power of positive thinking.
biasa preference or unfair inclination towards somethingThe news article showed a bias towards a particular political party.
capitalisman economic system where businesses are privately owned for profitIn capitalism, individuals can start their own businesses.
communisma system where everything is shared equally among the peopleUnder communism, the government owns most industries.
conclusionthe final decision or judgment made after considering informationBased on the evidence, the detective reached a conclusion about the case.
conceptan idea or thought that represents somethingThe teacher explained the concept of gravity to the students.
convictiona strong belief in somethingDespite the challenges, she held onto her conviction to follow her dreams.
creativitythe ability to come up with new and original ideasChildren often show creativity when they draw imaginative pictures.
democracya system of government where people vote for leadersThe citizens of the country participate in elections to support democracy.
dictatorshipa government where one person has complete powerUnder the dictatorship, there was limited freedom of speech.
discriminationunfair treatment of people based on differencesLaws have been put in place to prevent discrimination in the workplace.
doubtfeeling unsure or uncertain about somethingHe had doubt about his ability to pass the exam.
dreama series of thoughts and images that occur while sleepingShe had a strange dream about flying over a rainbow.
emotiona strong feeling, such as happiness or sadnessThe movie's ending filled her with emotion and tears.
epiphanya sudden moment of understanding or realizationAfter reading the book, he had an epiphany about the meaning of life.
equalitytreating everyone fairly and equallyThe school promotes equality by encouraging diversity among students.
ethicsthe moral principles that guide a person's behaviorThe doctor's decision was based on his strict code of ethics.
expectationa belief or hope about what will happen in the futureShe had high expectations for her birthday party.
faithstrong trust or belief in something without proofReligious individuals are known for their strong faith.
feelingan emotional state or sensationAfter the win, he felt a rush of happiness.
freedomthe state of being free and not restrictedMany people fought for freedom from oppression.
goalsomething you want to achieveHis goal is to become a professional football player.
hypothesisa suggested explanation that can be testedScientists are conducting experiments to test their hypothesis.
ideologya system of beliefs or ideasThe politician's ideology influenced his decisions.
imaginationthe ability to create mental images of things not presentChildren have vivid imaginations and love to play pretend.
innovationthe introduction of new ideas or methodsThe company's innovation led to the development of groundbreaking technology.
instincta natural feeling or behavior that is not learnedBirds have the instinct to build nests for their eggs.
inspirationa feeling of motivation or creativityThe beautiful landscape served as inspiration for the artist's painting.
intuitiona feeling of knowing something without conscious reasoningHer intuition told her not to trust the stranger.
interpretationthe explanation or understanding of somethingDifferent people may have varying interpretations of a poem.
judgmentthe ability to form an opinion or make a decisionThe judge used her judgment to determine the verdict.
justicefair treatment and equality under the lawThe court delivered justice to the wronged party.
knowledgeinformation and understanding gained through learning and experienceReading books helps increase your knowledge about the world.
libertythe state of being free and having the right to do as you pleasePeople fought for liberty and independence from colonial rule.
liea false statement told to deceive someoneShe told a lie to avoid getting into trouble.
logicreasoning or sound thinking based on evidenceUsing logic, he solved the puzzle quickly.
mathematicsthe scientific study of numbers and related subjectsMathematics is not my favorite subject.
misconceptiona mistaken belief or idea about somethingOne common misconception is that bats are blind.
misinterpretationto understand or explain something incorrectlyHe misinterpreted her smile as a sign of agreement.
misunderstandinga failure to understand something correctlyThe misunderstanding between them led to an argument.
moralityprinciples concerning what is right or wrong behaviorTeaching children about honesty helps develop their morality.
motivationthe reason or drive behind a person's actionsHer love for music is her motivation to practice every day.
notionan idea or thought that represents somethingHe had no notion of what was going on.
objectivea specific goal or purposeThe objective of the project is to improve environmental sustainability.
opiniona personal belief or judgment about somethingEveryone has a right to express their opinion.
perceptionthe way someone sees or understands somethingHer perception of the movie was that it was entertaining.
perspectivea particular way of looking at thingsThe story is told from the perspective of the main character.
philosophya set of beliefs or values about life and the worldHis philosophy is to treat others with kindness.
plana detailed scheme for achieving somethingShe made a plan to visit all the tourist attractions in the city.
possibilitysomething that may happen or be trueThere is a possibility of rain tomorrow.
prejudiceunfair opinions or attitudes formed without enough knowledgeIt is essential to challenge prejudice and treat everyone with respect.
principlea fundamental truth or lawHonesty is a principle valued in many societies.
probabilitythe likelihood of something happeningThe probability of winning the lottery is very low.
privacythe state of being free from public attentionShe valued her privacy and didn't share personal information.
progressimprovement or advancement towards a goalThe team made great progress in their project.
proposala plan or suggestion put forward for considerationHe presented a proposal to improve the school's facilities.
rationalethe reason or explanation behind a decision or actionThe rationale for the new policy was to increase safety.
reasoningthe process of thinking logically to reach a conclusionThe detective used reasoning to solve the mystery.
revolutiona significant and often sudden changeThe technological revolution transformed the way we communicate.
sentimenta feeling or emotion related to somethingThe sentiment towards the new policy was mixed.
securitythe state of being safe from harm or dangerThe security guard ensures the security of the building.
solutionan answer or way to solve a problemAfter much thought, he found a solution to the math question.
speculationthe act of guessing or thinking about something without certain knowledgeThere was much speculation about who would win the competition.
strategya plan of action designed to achieve a goalThe team developed a strategy to win the game.
suggestiona proposal or idea put forward for considerationShe made a suggestion to improve the company's productivity.
suppositionan assumption or hypothesis based on limited evidenceThe supposition is that the experiment will yield positive results.
sustainabilitythe ability to maintain or continue without harming the environmentMany companies are working towards sustainability to protect the planet.
theoryan idea or explanation that is based on evidenceThe theory of evolution explains how species adapt over time.
thoughtan idea or opinion formed in the mindDeep in thought, he contemplated the meaning of life.
trustbelief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someoneMutual trust is essential in any relationship.
understandingthe ability to comprehend or grasp somethingThe teacher ensured all students had a clear understanding of the lesson.
visiona mental image of what the future will be likeThe CEO had a vision of expanding the company globally.
wisdomthe quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgmentGrandparents are often a source of wisdom for their grandchildren.
wondera feeling of amazement or aweAs she looked at the stars, she felt a sense of wonder about the universe.
worryto feel anxious or concerned about somethingShe couldn't help but worry about the upcoming test.

Common Nouns for Animals

Common Nouns for AnimalsMeaningExample Sentence
alligatora large reptile with a long body, short legs and a broad snout, found in swamps and rivers in the southeastern United States and ChinaWe saw an alligator sunbathing near the riverbank during our trip to Florida.
anta tiny insect that lives in colonies and works together to build complex underground tunnels and find foodThe ant carries food back to its nest to share with the other ants.
bata flying mammal that sleeps during the day and hunts insects at night using echolocationBats are excellent at catching mosquitoes in the dark.
beara large mammal with a thick fur coat found in many parts of the worldThe bear hibernates in the winter to conserve energy.
beea flying insect that collects nectar from flowers to make honey and pollinates plantsBees play an essential role in helping flowers grow by spreading pollen.
beetlean insect with a hard shell-like covering and six legsWe found a shiny green beetle crawling on the leaves.
birda warm-blooded, flying animal with feathers, wings and a beakThe colorful bird sings beautiful melodies in the morning.
butterflya flying insect with colorful wingsThe butterfly gracefully fluttered from one flower to another.
cata small domesticated carnivorous mammal with retractable claws and a love for chasing miceMy cat enjoys sitting by the window and watching birds outside.
chickena domesticated bird raised for its meat and eggsWe had fried chicken for dinner, and it was delicious.
claman animal with a shell found in sandy or muddy shores and often used for foodWe found several clams buried in the sand during our beach walk.
craban animal with a broad, flat shell and pincers that lives in saltwater and freshwater environmentsThe crab scuttled sideways along the shore, looking for food.
crocodilea large reptile with a long, powerful jaw that lives in tropical watersThe crocodile quietly approached its prey near the riverbank.
cowa domesticated farm animal kept for its milk and meatThe cow grazed peacefully in the pasture.
cricketan insect known for its chirping sound, especially at nightWe could hear the cricket's song as we sat around the campfire.
deera graceful, hoofed mammal, commonly found in forests and meadowsThe deer leaped over the fence and disappeared into the woods.
ducka waterbird with a broad flat beak and webbed feet that makes a quacking soundThe duck is protective of its young.
eaglea large, powerful bird of prey with excellent vision and sharp talonsThe eagle soared high in the sky, scanning for potential prey.
elephanta massive, herbivorous mammal with a long trunk and large tusks native to Africa and AsiaThe elephant used its trunk to grab branches and feed itself.
falcona swift bird of prey, trained for hunting and known for its high-speed divesThe falcon caught the mouse with incredible speed.
fisha cold-blooded aquatic vertebrate with fins and gills, living in waterWe saw colorful fish swimming in the coral reef during our snorkeling trip.
flamingoa tall, long-legged bird with pink feathers, commonly found in saltwater habitatsThe flamingo gracefully waded through the shallow waters of the lagoon.
foxa small, cunning mammal with a bushy tailThe fox cleverly outwitted the farmer's attempts to catch it.
froga small amphibian with a moist skin and powerful legs for leaping, often found near waterWe spotted a green frog sitting on a lily pad in the pond.
giraffea tall, long-necked mammal with distinctive spotted patterns native to African savannasThe giraffe stretched its long neck to reach the leaves on the tree.
goata domesticated mammal with curved horns often kept for its milk and meatThe goat climbed the rocky hill with ease.
goosea large waterbird with a long neck, commonly found in ponds and lakesThe geese flew in a V-shape formation across the sky.
gorillaa large, powerful ape native to Africa, known for its strength and intelligenceThe gorilla beat its chest to display dominance.
grasshoppera hopping insect with powerful hind legs, often found in grassy areasThe grasshopper leaped from blade to blade of grass.
hedgehoga small, spiny mammal that curls into a ball for protection when threatenedThe hedgehog rolled into a tight ball, keeping its vulnerable parts safe.
herona long-legged wading bird with a long neck, often found near waterThe heron stood still, waiting patiently for a fish to catch.
hippopotamusa large, herbivorous mammal with a barrel-shaped body and short legs that lives in African rivers and lakesThe hippopotamus submerged itself in the water to stay cool.
horsea strong, hoofed mammal often used for riding, pulling carts or racingShe rode her horse through the meadow, enjoying the breeze.
jellyfisha gelatinous sea creature with long tentacles, often found in the oceanWe need to be careful of jellyfish while swimming in the sea.
kangarooa marsupial with powerful hind legs that is native to Australia and known for its hopping movementThe kangaroo carried its joey in its pouch.
koalaa small, tree-dwelling marsupial native to Australia with a rounded face and large earsThe koala slept most of the day, nestled in the eucalyptus tree.
lemura small primate native to Madagascar, known for its long tail and big eyesThe lemur leaped from one tree branch to another with agility.
leoparda large, spotted big cat found in various regions of the worldThe leopard stealthily stalked its prey through the dense jungle.
liona large, carnivorous cat known for its majestic appearance and loud roarThe lion is often called the "king of the jungle" due to its dominance.
lizarda reptile with a long body, short legs and a tail, often found in warm environmentsThe lizard basked in the sun to warm itself.
lobstera marine crustacean with a hard shell and large pincers, often caught for foodWe ordered a lobster dinner at the seaside restaurant.
lousea small, wingless insect that can be a parasite on humans and animalsThe louse infestation in the classroom caused concern among parents.
mammotha large, extinct mammal with long, curved tusks that lived during the Ice AgeThe mammoth roamed the icy tundra during prehistoric times.
monkeya primate with a long tail and flexible limbs, often found in tropical regionsThe playful monkeys swung from branch to branch in the rainforest canopy.
moosea large deer with long, palmate antlers native to North America and northern EurasiaWe encountered a majestic moose grazing by the lake on our hiking trip.
mosquitoa small flying insect known for feeding on the blood of humans and animalsThe annoying mosquitoes buzzed around us during our camping trip.
motha nocturnal insect with feathery antennae, often attracted to lightA moth fluttered around the lamp.
mousea small rodent with a pointed snout and a long tail, often found in homesThe mouse nibbled on a piece of cheese left on the kitchen counter.
newta small amphibian with bright colors, often found in or near waterThe newt swam gracefully in the pond, its orange belly shining brightly.
octopusa marine mollusk with a soft body and eight arms, known for its intelligence and camouflage abilitiesThe octopus changed its color to blend in with the coral reef.
ostricha large flightless bird with long legs and a long neck native to AfricaThe ostrich can run at high speeds, making it one of the fastest birds on land.
ottera semiaquatic mammal with a sleek, water-resistant coat and webbed feetThe playful otter slid down the riverbank and into the water.
owla nocturnal bird of prey with large, forward-facing eyes and silent flightThe owl hooted softly from the treetop, its eyes glowing in the dark.
oxa domesticated bovine used as a working animal on farmsThe ox helped plow the fields, tilling the soil for planting crops.
pandaa bear native to China, known for its distinctive black and white coatThe panda peacefully ate bamboo leaves in the bamboo forest.
panthera large, powerful big cat with a sleek black coatThe panther moved stealthily through the dense jungle, its golden eyes focused on its prey.
parrota brightly colored bird with a curved beak, capable of mimicking human speechThe parrot repeated the words it had learned from its owner, amusing everyone in the room.
peacocka large bird with a colorful, iridescent plumage, often displaying its tail feathers in a fan-like mannerThe peacock proudly displayed its vibrant feathers to attract a mate.
pelicana large waterbird with a long beak, known for its pouch-like throat used for catching fishThe pelican dived into the water and emerged with a mouthful of fish.
penguina flightless seabird with a black and white coat native to the Southern HemisphereThe penguin waddled clumsily on land but swam gracefully in the icy waters.
piga domesticated mammal raised for its meatThe pig happily rolled in the mud to cool down on a hot day.
pigeona bird with a plump body and short legs, often found in urban areasA flock of pigeons gathered in the park, searching for breadcrumbs.
polar beara large bear native to the Arctic region, known for its white fur and excellent swimming skillsThe polar bear gracefully glided across the ice in search of seals.
porcupinea small mammal with sharp quills on its back, which it can raise when threatenedThe porcupine warned potential predators by raising its quills.
possuma nocturnal marsupial with a prehensile tail native to Australia and the AmericasThe possum climbed the tree, using its tail for balance.
prawna small shrimp-like crustacean, often used as seafoodWe enjoyed a delicious platter of grilled prawns at the seafood restaurant.
pufferfisha fish that can inflate itself into a ball when threatened, containing toxinsThe pufferfish displayed its defensive behavior, puffing up to deter predators.
pumaa large, solitary cat native to the Americas, also known as a cougar or mountain lionThe puma stealthily stalked its prey, ready to pounce.
pythona non-venomous snake that can be very large, known for constricting its preyThe python coiled itself around the small mammal, squeezing tightly to kill it before swallowing it whole.
quaila small game bird with a plump body and distinctive markings, often found in grasslandsThe quail chicks scurried behind their mother, seeking safety in the tall grass.
rabbita small, furry mammal with long ears and powerful hind legs, often kept as a petThe rabbit hopped around the garden, nibbling on fresh vegetables.
raccoona small, nocturnal mammal with a black mask-like pattern around its eyesThe mischievous raccoon raided the trash bin in search of food.
rata small rodent with a long tail, often considered a pest in urban areasA rat scurried along the wall, seeking shelter in the dark corners.
rattlesnakea venomous snake with a rattle at the end of its tail found in the AmericasThe rattlesnake warned intruders with its distinctive rattling sound.
ravena large, black bird known for its intelligence and association with myths and folkloreThe raven perched on a tree branch, its dark feathers gleaming in the sunlight.
reindeera deer species with both males and females growing antlers native to northern regionsSanta's sleigh is said to be pulled by reindeer on Christmas Eve.
rhinocerosa large, herbivorous mammal with one or two horns on its snout native to Africa and AsiaThe rhinoceros charged at the perceived threat, using its horn for defense.
robina small bird with a red or orange breast, often associated with the arrival of springThe robin sang a cheerful song, signaling the beginning of a new season.
salamandera small amphibian with a long, slender body and a tail, often found in moist habitatsThe salamander hid under a damp log, away from the scorching sun.
salmona fish that migrates between freshwater and saltwater for breedingThe salmon swam upstream, returning to its birthplace to spawn.
scorpionan arachnid with a venomous stinger at the end of its tail found in warm regionsWe cautiously stepped back when we spotted a scorpion crawling on the ground.
seahorsea small marine fish with a horse-like head and a curled tailThe seahorse swam gracefully, its tail curling around a strand of seaweed.
seala marine mammal with flippers and a sleek body, often found on the coastlinesThe seal basked in the sun, occasionally slipping into the water to cool off.
sharka large predatory fish with sharp teeth found in oceans around the worldThe shark glided silently through the water, its presence concealed by the deep blue.
sheepa domesticated mammal raised for its wool and meatThe shepherd herded the sheep to the grazing pasture for the day.
shrimpa small crustacean with a slender body, often used as seafoodWe ordered a plate of delicious shrimp at the seafood restaurant.
skunka small mammal known for its ability to spray a foul-smelling liquid when threatenedThe skunk released its pungent spray, deterring the curious dog from getting any closer.
slotha slow-moving mammal found in Central and South America, known for its lazinessThe sloth leisurely hung from a tree branch, barely moving throughout the day.
snaila small, slow-moving mollusk with a spiral shell, often found in gardensThe snail left a silvery trail as it made its way across the path.
snakea long, legless reptile with scales found in various habitats around the worldThe snake slithered silently through the grass, searching for prey.
sparrowa small, common songbird with a brown or gray plumageThe chirping of sparrows filled the air, signaling the arrival of spring.
squirrela small, agile rodent with a bushy tail, often seen climbing treesThe squirrel scurried up the tree, clutching an acorn in its paws.
starfisha marine echinoderm with five arms found in tide pools or on the seafloorThe starfish slowly moved across the sandy seabed, using its tube feet to glide.
stingraya flat, diamond-shaped fish with a venomous stinger on its tailWe spotted a stingray gracefully gliding through the water in the coral reef.
storka large, long-legged bird associated with delivering babies in folkloreThe stork built its nest on top of the tall chimney, away from predators.
swana large waterbird known for its elegant appearance and graceful swimmingThe swan glided across the tranquil lake, its reflection mirrored in the water.
swordfisha large fish with a long, pointed bill resembling a swordThe swordfish sliced through the water with incredible speed, hunting its prey.
tigera large, powerful big cat with a distinctive orange coat and black stripesThe tiger prowled through the jungle, its eyes keenly searching for prey.
toada squat, leaping amphibian with dry, warty skinThe toad sat motionless, blending in perfectly with the forest floor.
tortoisea slow-moving land reptile with a high-domed shell, often kept as a petThe tortoise retreated into its shell when it sensed danger nearby.
toucana colorful bird with a large, brightly colored beak native to Central and South AmericaThe toucan perched on the branch, its colorful beak standing out against the green foliage.
turkeya large bird native to North America, often served as the main course for Thanksgiving dinnerThe aroma of roasted turkey filled the air, signaling the festive holiday season.
turtlea reptile with a protective shellThe turtle crawled slowly along the shore before disappearing into the water.
vulturea scavenging bird of prey, often associated with death and decayA group of vultures circled high above, searching for carrion to feast upon.
walrusa large marine mammal with long tusks and thick blubber native to the ArcticThe walrus basked on an ice floe, occasionally diving into the frigid water to find food.
waspa slender, stinging insect, often with black and yellow markingsA wasp buzzed near the picnic table, causing everyone to swat it away.
weasela small carnivorous mammal known for its slender body and quick movementsThe weasel darted through the grass, chasing after a mouse.
whalea large marine mammal, such as the humpback or sperm whale, known for their size and songsThe whales breached the surface, putting on a spectacular show for the onlookers.
wolfa carnivorous mammal known for its pack behavior and haunting howlThe wolf let out a mournful howl under the full moon.
woodpeckera bird with a strong, chisel-like beak used for drilling into trees for insectsThe woodpecker tapped rhythmically on the tree trunk, searching for its next meal.
worma long, legless invertebrate that lives in the soilThe worms aerated the soil as they burrowed, improving its fertility.

Common Nouns for Plants

Common Nouns for PlantsMeaningExample Sentence
acornthe small seed of an oak treeI found an acorn on the ground and picked it up.
aloea type of plant with thick leavesMy mom applied aloe gel on my sunburn to make it feel better.
applea sweet and juicy fruit that grows on an apple treeShe took a bite of the crisp red apple.
bananaa long and curved fruit with a yellow skinHe enjoyed eating a banana as a healthy snack.
barleya cereal grain used for making food and drinksBarley is often used in soups and stews.
basilan aromatic herb commonly used in cookingShe sprinkled some fresh basil leaves on the pasta.
bayan evergreen tree with aromatic leaves used in cookingThe chef added a bay leaf to the simmering soup for flavor.
beana nutritious seed that grows inside a pod on a bean plantWe harvested green beans from the garden for dinner.
bircha type of tree with smooth bark that peels off in layersThe birch trees sway gently in the breeze.
broccolia green vegetable with a tree-like shapeMom cooked delicious broccoli for a healthy dinner.
busha small woody plant with many branchesThere's a colorful bush with red flowers in our backyard.
cactusa plant that stores water in its thick and fleshy stemsThe cactus thrives in arid desert conditions.
carrotan orange vegetable with a crunchy textureShe enjoys eating baby carrots with hummus.
cauliflowera pale vegetable with a compact head of floretsThe cauliflower was boiled and served with cheese sauce.
cilantroan herb with fresh and flavorful leaves often used in cookingThe chef garnished the dish with chopped cilantro.
chamomilea plant known for its small daisy-like flowers used to make calming teaI drink chamomile tea before bedtime to help me relax.
cherrya small red or black fruit with a stone insideShe picked ripe cherries from the tree to make a pie.
chrysanthemuma flowering plant with colorful petalsThe chrysanthemums in the garden bloom in various shades.
coffeea beverage made from roasted coffee beansHe enjoys drinking a cup of coffee in the morning.
corna tall cereal plant that produces yellow kernels on a cobWe grilled fresh corn on the cob for a summer barbecue.
cottona soft white fiber used to make fabric and clothingThe cotton was spun into yarn to make a cozy sweater.
cucumbera long green vegetable with a refreshing tasteWe sliced some cucumbers to add to our salad.
daisya small flower with white petals and a yellow centerShe loves picking daisies and making flower crowns.
dandeliona weed with yellow flowers that produce fluffy seedsThe kids blew on dandelions and watched the seeds fly away.
elma type of tree with serrated leaves and winged seedsThe elm tree provided shade in the park on a hot day.
eucalyptusa tall tree with aromatic leaves used in medicine and oilsEucalyptus leaves are the favorite food of koalas.
ferna plant with feathery leaves that reproduce through sporesThe fern grows in the shady part of the garden.
flowerthe colorful part of a plant that produces seedsShe received a bouquet of beautiful flowers on her birthday.
geraniuma flowering plant with rounded leaves and clusters of flowersThe geraniums bloomed brightly in the flowerpot.
ginsenga plant root believed to have health benefitsGinseng is often used in traditional medicine.
grapea small fruit that grows in clusters on a vineHe ate a handful of sweet grapes for dessert.
grassa green plant with narrow leaves that covers the groundThe kids played soccer on the soft grass in the park.
honeysucklea climbing plant with fragrant flowersThe honeysuckle vine twined around the fence.
herba plant used for flavoring or medicinal purposesShe added some fresh herbs to the soup for extra taste.
hydrangeaa shrub with large flowers that change color based on soil acidityThe hydrangea bush displayed pink and blue blooms.
ivya climbing plant with dark green leavesThe ivy grew up the side of the building.
jasminea fragrant flower used in perfumes and teasThe scent of jasmine filled the air in the garden.
kiwia small green fruit with brown skin and black seedsHe peeled the kiwi and ate it for a snack.
lavenderan aromatic herb with purple flowers used in scents and oilsShe put dried lavender flowers in a sachet for her closet.
lemona yellow citrus fruit with sour juiceThe lemonade tasted tangy and refreshing.
lettucea leafy vegetable used in salads and sandwichesShe made a delicious salad with fresh lettuce.
lilya large and colorful flower with a trumpet-like shapeThe lily blossoms bloomed in the garden.
mangoa juicy tropical fruit with a sweet flavorThe ripe mango was sliced and served for dessert.
marigolda bright yellow or orange flowerThe marigold flowers added vibrant colors to the garden.
magnoliaa tree or shrub with large fragrant flowersThe magnolia tree's blossoms were stunning.
maplea tree with distinctive leaves that change color in the fallThe maple tree's leaves turned red in autumn.
mintan herb with a refreshing taste often used in drinksThe mint leaves were used to make a refreshing drink.
mossa small green plant that grows on rocks and treesThe moss covered the stones in the shaded area.
oaka large tree with strong wood and distinctive lobed leavesThe oak tree provided a lot of shade in the park.
oniona bulbous vegetable with a strong flavorShe chopped some onions for the soup.
orangea round citrus fruit with a bright orange skinHe peeled an orange and ate the juicy segments.
orchida beautiful and delicate flowering plantShe received a potted orchid as a gift.
palma tree with large leaves growing at the topThe palm tree swayed in the breeze on the beach.
papayaa tropical fruit with orange flesh and black seedsThey enjoyed a fresh papaya for breakfast.
parsleyan herb used as a garnish or flavoringThe chef sprinkled some chopped parsley on the dish.
peaa small round green seed that grows in a pod on a pea plantThe peas were steamed and served with butter.
peonya large and showy flowerThe peony blooms were a beautiful sight in the garden.
pinea type of tree with needle-like leavesThe pine tree stood tall in the forest.
pineapplea tropical fruit with a spiky skin and sweet juicy fleshThe pineapple slices were served as a dessert.
pansya small colorful flower with distinctive markingsShe planted some pansies in the flowerbed.
poppya flower with showy petals and a center containing seedsThe red poppies grew wild in the meadow.
potatoan edible starchy tuberShe baked some potatoes for dinner.
primrosea small delicate flower with bright petalsThe primroses bloomed in the early spring.
pumpkina large round orange fruit often used for carving and cookingThey carved a scary face on the pumpkin for Halloween.
radisha small crisp vegetable with a peppery flavorThe radishes added a zesty taste to the salad.
redwooda tall evergreen tree with reddish-brown barkThe redwood trees in the forest were enormous.
ricea cereal grain commonly used as a staple foodWe cooked some rice to go with the curry.
rosea fragrant flower with thorny stemsHe gave her a bouquet of red roses on Valentine's Day.
ryea cereal grain used for making bread and whiskeyRye bread has a distinctive flavor and texture.
sagean herb with grayish-green leaves used in cookingThe roasted chicken was seasoned with sage and thyme.
sunflowera tall plant with large yellow flowersThe sunflowers swayed in the breeze in the field.
saffronan expensive spice derived from the crocus flowerSaffron adds a rich golden color and flavor to dishes.
strawberrya sweet red fruit with small seeds and a green leafy capWe enjoyed fresh strawberries with whipped cream.
tulipa bulbous flower with cup-shaped petalsThe colorful tulips bloomed in the spring garden.
tomatoa red fruit with juicy flesh used in cooking and saladsShe sliced some ripe tomatoes for the sandwich.
thymean herb with small aromatic leaves used in cookingThyme adds a wonderful aroma to roasted vegetables.
turnipa round root vegetable with a white or purple skinShe added some diced turnip to the stew for extra flavor.
vanillaa flavoring extracted from the vanilla orchid flowerHe loves the taste of vanilla in ice cream.
violeta small purple or blue flower with heart-shaped leavesThe violet blossoms added color to the garden.
walnuta nut with a hard shell that grows on a walnut treeThey cracked open the walnuts and enjoyed the tasty kernels inside.
watermelona large juicy fruit with a green rind and red fleshThey chilled slices of watermelon for a refreshing snack.
willowa tree with long flexible branchesThe branches of the willow tree swayed gracefully in the breeze.
wheata cereal grain used for making flour and breadThe field was filled with golden wheat ready for harvest.
yama starchy edible tuberShe cooked some yams as a side dish for dinner.

Common Nouns for Events

Common Nouns for EventsMeaningExample Sentence
anniversarythe yearly celebration of a past eventThey had a special dinner to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary.
auctiona public sale where items are sold to the highest bidderHe won the antique vase at the auction last week.
baptisma religious ceremony involving water to welcome someone into a faithThe baptism took place at the local church.
battlea fight between opposing forces or groupsThe soldiers fought bravely in the battle to defend their homeland.
campaignan organized effort to achieve a specific goal, often in politicsThe politician launched a campaign to improve the city's schools.
celebrationa joyful event or gathering to mark a special occasionThere was a big celebration for her birthday with cake and balloons.
ceremonya formal event with specific rituals or traditionsThe graduation ceremony was held in the school auditorium.
commemorationa special event to remember or honor something importantThe city organized a commemoration to honor the veterans.
competitiona contest where people or teams try to winThe children participated in a drawing competition at school.
conferencea meeting where people discuss specific topics or issuesShe attended a business conference to learn about new strategies.
cruisea trip on a ship for pleasure or vacationThey went on a cruise to explore different islands.
demonstrationa public display or protest to show support or oppositionThe students held a demonstration to raise awareness about climate change.
exhibitiona public display of art, objects, or itemsMany people visited the art exhibition to see the paintings.
fairan event with games, rides, and vendors selling goodsThe kids had a lot of fun at the local fair, especially on the merry-go-round.
festivala joyful event with music, dancing, and various activitiesThe town organizes a music festival every summer.
fundraiseran event to collect money for a specific cause or charityThe school held a fundraiser to buy books for the library.
galaa fancy and formal celebration or partyThey dressed up for the charity gala at the fancy hotel.
graduationthe ceremony when students complete their studies and receive diplomasHe was excited to attend his sister's graduation from college.
honeymoona trip taken by newlyweds after their weddingThey went to a beautiful island for their honeymoon.
inaugurationa formal ceremony marking the beginning of a new position or ventureThe president's inauguration took place in the capital city.
lecturea talk or speech on a specific topicThe professor gave a lecture on history to the students.
marathona long-distance running race of 26.2 miles (42.2 km)She trained hard for months to participate in the marathon.
meetinga gathering where people come together to discuss or plan somethingThe team had a meeting to discuss the project's progress.
negotiationthe process of discussing and reaching an agreement between partiesThe two countries entered into negotiations to resolve the conflict.
networkingthe act of meeting and connecting with people for professional or social reasonsShe attended a networking event to expand her business contacts.
paradea public procession often celebrating a special occasionThe city held a colorful parade on Independence Day.
partya gathering of people to celebrate or have fun togetherThey threw a surprise party for her birthday.
performancea display of skill or talent, often in music, theater or sportsThe band gave a fantastic performance at the concert.
picnican outdoor meal or gathering in a park or countrysideThe family had a picnic and enjoyed the sunny weather.
seminara meeting or class for discussion and learning about a specific topicThe seminar focused on improving communication skills.
symposiuma conference or meeting where experts discuss a particular subjectScientists from around the world attended the environmental symposium.
trucea temporary pause in hostilities during a conflictThe countries signed a truce to stop fighting and begin peace talks.
vacationa time of rest and leisure away from work or homeThey went on a beach vacation to relax and enjoy the sun.
wara state of armed conflict between different countries or groupsMany soldiers fought bravely during the war to defend their nation.
weddinga ceremony where two people get marriedThe couple had a beautiful wedding ceremony with all their friends and family.


Verbs are action words. Remember that English verbs sometimes change their spelling depending on the subject and tense of the sentence.

Regular Verbs

Regular verbs follow a standard pattern to form their past tense and past participle by adding “-ed” to the base form (infinitive). For example,  play would be  played in the past tense and past participle.

English Regular VerbsPast Tense/Past Participle FormMeaningExample Sentence
acceptacceptedto agree to take something offeredHe accepted the gift from his friend.
actactedto perform a particular actionThe children acted out a funny play at school.
answeransweredto reply or respond to a questionShe answered the phone when it rang.
arrivearrivedto reach a destination or place you want to come toThe train arrived at the station on time.
askaskedto pose a questionHe asked his teacher for help with the homework.
bakebakedto cook in an ovenShe baked delicious cookies for her family.
believebelievedto have confidence in something as trueThey believed the story the teacher told them.
callcalledto use one's voice to get someone's attentionHe called his friend to come and play outside.
cleancleanedto make something tidy and free of dirtShe cleaned her room before her parents came home.
climbclimbedto go up something using hands and feetThe kids climbed the tree to get a better view.
closeclosedto shut somethingPlease close the door before you leave.
cookcookedto prepare food by heating itMom cooked dinner every evening.
dancedancedto move to musicThey danced at the party and had a great time.
enjoyenjoyedto take pleasure in somethingThey enjoyed their day at the beach.
explainexplainedto make something clearThe teacher explained the lesson to the students.
finishfinishedto complete or reach the end of somethingHe finished his homework before dinner.
fixfixedto repair somethingDad fixed the broken toy.
followfollowedto go after or come after somethingThe dog followed its owner around the house.
helphelpedto assist or give supportShe helped her friend with the heavy bags.
hopehopedto wish for something to happenI hope we have a sunny day for the picnic.
jumpjumpedto leap off the groundThe rabbit jumped over the fence.
kisskissedto touch with lips as a sign of affectionThey kissed each other goodbye.
learnlearnedto acquire knowledge or skillThe students learned new things in school every day.
likelikedto find something enjoyable or pleasingShe liked to read books in her free time.
listenlistenedto pay attention to soundsThe children listened to their favorite songs.
livelivedto stay in a place, usually a homeThey live in a big house on the corner.
looklookedto direct one's gazeLook at the beautiful sunset!
lovelovedto have a strong affection for someone or somethingThey love spending time together.
movemovedto change position or locationThe furniture moved to a new house.
needneededto require something essentialWe need food and water to survive.
openopenedto make something accessible or visiblePlease open the door for me.
paintpaintedto apply color to a surfaceShe painted a picture of her family.
playplayedto engage in an activity for enjoymentThe children played games in the park.
rememberrememberedto recall information from memoryHe remembered his friend's birthday.
repairrepairedto fix something that is brokenThey repaired the car engine.
savesavedto keep something for later useHe saved his money to buy a new toy.
shoutshoutedto speak loudlyThey shouted with joy when they won the game.
showshowedto display or exhibit somethingShe showed her artwork to the class.
smilesmiledto express happiness with the mouthThe baby smiled at her mother.
startstartedto begin or commence an actionThey started the race as soon as the whistle blew.
staystayedto remain in one placeThey stayed at the hotel during their vacation.
studystudiedto learn and examine informationHe studied for the test all night.
talktalkedto communicate using speechThey talked about their plans for the weekend.
traveltraveledto go on a journeyThey traveled to a new country for their vacation.
trytriedto attempt to do somethingShe tried to solve the puzzle.
turnturnedto change direction or positionHe turned left at the intersection.
useusedto employ or utilize somethingShe used a computer for her school projects.
visitvisitedto go and see someone or somethingThey visited their grandparents over the weekend.
waitwaitedto stay in a place until something happensThey waited for the bus to arrive.
walkwalkedto move on footThe family walked in the park on a sunny day.
watchwatchedto look at something attentivelyThey watched a movie at the cinema.
workworkedto perform tasks for a specific purposeHe works at a restaurant as a waiter.
yawnyawnedto open the mouth wide involuntarily, usually when tiredShe yawned after a long day at school.
zipzippedto fasten or close with a zipperShe zipped her jacket before going outside.

Irregular Verbs

Irregular verbs do not follow the standard pattern to form their past tense and past participle. For example, go becomes  went in the past tense and  gone in the past participle.

English Irregular VerbsPast Tense FormPast Participle FormMeaningExample Sentence
beginbeganbegunto start or commence somethingThe movie began at 8 PM.
breakbrokebrokento separate into piecesHe broke his phone.
bringbroughtbroughtto carry something or someone with youSarah brought her dog to the park.
buildbuiltbuiltto construct or makeThey built a new house in the neighborhood.
buyboughtboughtto acquire something by paying money for itShe bought a new dress for the party.
catchcaughtcaughtto capture or seize somethingHe caught the ball.
choosechosechosento select or pick somethingThey chose the blue car.
comecamecometo move toward the speaker or the speaker's locationThey came to visit us last weekend.
dodiddoneto perform an actionShe did her homework.
drinkdrankdrunkto consume liquidHe drank a glass of water.
drivedrovedrivento operate a vehicleShe drove the car carefully.
eatateeatento consume foodThey ate pizza for dinner.
fallfellfallento drop or descend to the groundThe leaves fell from the tree.
feelfeltfeltto sense or experience an emotionHe felt happy when he received the gift.
findfoundfoundto discover or locate somethingShe found her lost keys.
flyflewflownto travel through the airThe bird flew high in the sky.
forgetforgotforgottento fail to rememberI forgot my umbrella at home.
getgotgotto acquire or receiveThey got a new puppy.
givegavegivento transfer ownership or present something to someoneShe gave him a present.
gowentgoneto move away from the speaker or the speaker's locationThey went to the beach.
growgrewgrownto increase in size or developThe plants grew quickly.
havehadhadto possess or hold somethingShe had a great time at the party.
hearheardheardto perceive soundHe heard the music playing.
hidehidhiddento conceal or keep something out of sightThey hid the treasure.
hithithitto strike or collide with somethingThe baseball hit the window.
holdheldheldto grasp or cling to somethingShe held her sister's hand.
keepkeptkeptto retain or have something in possessionThey kept the book.
knowknewknownto be aware of or familiar with somethingI knew the answer to the question.
learnlearnedlearnedto gain knowledge or skillHe learned a new skill.
leaveleftleftto go away from a placeThey left the party early.
loselostlostto misplace or be unable to findShe lost her keys.
makemademadeto create or produceThey made a delicious cake.
meetmetmetto encounter or come across someone or somethingWe met a friend at the mall.
paypaidpaidto give money in exchange for goods or servicesShe paid for her meal.
putputputto place or position somethingHe put the keys on the table.
readreadreadto look at and comprehend written or printed materialShe read the book in one sitting.
rideroderiddento travel on a vehicle or animalThey rode their bikes to the park.
runranrunto move quickly on footHe ran to catch the bus.
saysaidsaidto utter words or express somethingShe said hello to everyone.
seesawseento perceive with the eyesI saw a movie last night.
sellsoldsoldto transfer ownership in exchange for moneyHe sold his old phone.
sendsentsentto cause to go or be taken to another placeShe sent a letter to her friend.
singsangsungto produce musical sounds with the voiceThey sang a song together.
sitsatsatto rest on one's buttocksShe sat on the chair.
sleepsleptsleptto rest in a state of unconsciousnessI slept well last night.
speakspokespokento communicate verballyHe spoke to the audience.
swimswamswumto move through water using the arms and legsThey swam in the pool.
taketooktakento hold or grip somethingShe took the book from the shelf.
teachtaughttaughtto give knowledge or instructionHe taught the class.
telltoldtoldto communicate informationShe told me a story.
thinkthoughtthoughtto have a belief or opinionI thought about the question.
throwthrewthrownto propel something through the airShe threw the ball.
understandunderstoodunderstoodto comprehend or grasp the meaningHe understood the instructions.
wakewokewokento emerge from sleep or become awakeShe woke up early.
wearworewornto have clothing on the bodyHe wore a suit to the event.
writewrotewrittento create words or text on paper or a screenThey wrote a letter.

Auxiliary Verbs

Auxiliary verbs, or helping verbs, are used with the main verb to provide additional information about the action or state expressed in the sentence. Auxiliary verbs do not mean anything on their own but serve to change the meaning of the main verb.

English Auxiliary VerbsWhat It's Used ForExample Sentence
beCommunicates the existence or state of somethingEveryone wants to be free.
haveShows ownership or indicate something you need to doI have a meeting today. (indicates ownership)
I have to go grocery shopping because there is no food in the house. (indicates something you need to do)
doTalks about completing an actionI will do my work.
willForms the future tenseHe will arrive tomorrow.
shallMakes suggestions or offers in the futureShall we go for a walk?
canExpresses ability or permissionShe can swim well.
couldExpresses past ability or possibilityI could speak two languages when I was younger.
shouldGives advice or make recommendationsYou should study for the exam.
wouldExpresses a polite request or talk about hypothetical situationsWould you like some tea?
mustExpresses obligation or necessityThey must finish their homework.
ought toGives advice or make suggestionsYou ought to apologize for your mistake.

You can check out this video for more examples of common English verbs:


Adjectives are words that describe or modify a noun.

English AdjectivesMeaningExample Sentence
absent-mindedforgetful or not paying attention to what is happening around youSarah is so absent-minded that she often forgets where she put her keys.
adorableextremely cute and lovableLook at the adorable puppies playing in the park.
amiablefriendly and pleasant, easy to get along withThe new neighbor seems very amiable; she greeted everyone with a smile.
anxiousfeeling worried or nervous about something that might happenTom felt anxious before his exam because he hadn't studied enough.
arroganthaving an exaggerated sense of self-importance, thinking highly of oneselfThe arrogant actor refused to sign autographs for his fans.
awkwardclumsy or uncomfortable in social situationsSally felt awkward at the party because she didn't know anyone there.
beautifulattractive, pleasing to the sensesThe sunset over the ocean was a beautiful sight to behold.
bigsomething that is greater in sizeThe elephant is a big animal.
boringnot interesting or excitingThe movie was so boring that many people fell asleep while watching it.
braveshowing courage and not afraid of facing dangerThe firefighters were brave as they rescued people from the burning building.
bubblyfull of enthusiasm and energy, cheerfulAnna is always bubbly and makes everyone around her smile.
calmpeaceful and relaxed, not agitatedAfter taking a deep breath, Mary felt calm and ready to face the challenge.
carefultaking precautions and paying attention to avoid mistakes or accidentsBe careful while crossing the road to avoid any accidents.
chaoticextremely disorderly and confusingThe classroom was chaotic after the students finished their exams.
charmingpleasant and attractive, having a likable qualityThe little girl had a charming smile that won everyone's heart.
cleanfree from dirt, stains, or unpleasant odorsThe kitchen was clean after Mary spent hours tidying it up.
cleareasy to understand, transparentThe teacher gave clear instructions for the homework.
clumsyawkward in movement, often causing accidents or dropping thingsHe is so clumsy that he tripped over his own shoelaces.
coldhaving a low temperature, opposite of hotIt's so cold outside; don't forget to wear a warm jacket.
cozywarm and comfortable, giving a feeling of relaxationThe cabin in the mountains was cozy, with a fireplace and soft blankets.
creativehaving the ability to come up with new ideas or artistic expressionsEmily's creative artwork impressed everyone at the art exhibition.
cruelwillfully causing pain or suffering to othersIt's cruel to tease or bully someone just because they are different.
cynicaldistrusting or doubting the sincerity of others' intentionsAfter several disappointments, Jack became cynical about love.
delicatefragile and easily broken or damagedHandle the glass vase with care; it's delicate and valuable.
delightfulgiving pleasure and enjoymentThe picnic in the park was delightful; the weather was perfect.
destructivecausing harm or damageThe storm was destructive; it uprooted many trees and damaged houses.
differentnot the same as othersI look and feel different after going to the salon.
dirtynot clean, covered in dirt or grimePlease wash your dirty hands.
disinterestednot having any personal interest or involvement in somethingThe disinterested judge listened to the case without any bias.
dishonestnot truthful, prone to lying or deceiving othersIt's not right to be dishonest and cheat on a test.
eagerexcited and enthusiastic about doing or achieving somethingThe kids were eager to open their presents on Christmas morning.
elegantgraceful and stylish in appearance or behaviorShe looked elegant in her long, flowing gown at the formal event.
eloquentfluent and expressive in speech or writingMartin Luther King Jr.'s speeches were eloquent and inspiring.
energeticfull of vitality and enthusiasmThe puppy was so energetic; it ran around the yard all day.
excitingthrilling and full of excitement or adventureGoing on a roller coaster ride can be an exciting experience.
fakenot genuine or authentic, pretending to be something it's notThe detective discovered that the painting was fake, not an original.
foolishlacking good sense or judgment, sillyIt's foolish to go out without an umbrella when it's raining heavily.
forgetfulprone to forgetting things or detailsGrandma sometimes gets forgetful and misplaces her glasses.
fragileeasily broken or damaged, delicateThe antique vase was so fragile that it had to be handled with care.
fiercevery strong or powerful, intenseThe fierce lion roared loudly in the jungle.
funnycausing laughter or amusement, humorousThe comedian's jokes were so funny that the audience couldn't stop laughing.
generouswilling to give or share, kind in actions or behaviorMark is generous; he often donates to charity and helps others in need.
gentlemild and kind in nature, not rough or harshThe gentle touch of the mother calmed the crying baby.
giddyfeeling light-headed or giddy, often due to excitement or happinessAfter winning the game, the kids were giddy with joy.
glamorousattractive and stylish, associated with luxury and eleganceThe actress looked glamorous on the red carpet in her designer gown.
goodsomething that is favorable or beneficialHer grades were good enough to get her into university.
gracefulelegant and smooth in movement, possessing poiseThe ballerina's graceful performance captivated the audience.
gullibleeasily fooled or deceived, believing things too easilyThe gullible person fell for the scam and lost all their money.
happyfeeling joy and contentmentThe children were happy to play in the park on a sunny day.
harshsevere and unkind, having a rough or unpleasant effectThe teacher's harsh words hurt the student's feelings.
hastydone quickly and without much thought, often resulting in mistakesDon't make hasty decisions; take your time to consider all options.
honesttruthful and sincere, not lying or deceivingJohn was honest and admitted that he made a mistake.
humblenot boastful or arrogant, showing modestyDespite his success, the humble actor remained down-to-earth.
impatientunable to wait calmly, wanting something to happen quicklyThe impatient child kept asking, "Are we there yet?" during the car ride.
indifferenthaving a lack of interest or concern, not caringThe indifferent attitude of the shopkeeper drove away potential customers.
insecurelacking self-confidence and feeling unsure about oneselfThe new student felt insecure on the first day of school.
insensitiveunaware or indifferent to the feelings of others, not considerateIt's insensitive to make jokes about someone's appearance.
inquisitivecurious and eager to learn about thingsThe inquisitive child asked many questions about the stars.
jadedtired and bored of something, often due to having too much of itAfter years of traveling, the seasoned traveler felt jaded and wanted to settle down.
jitterynervous or anxious, feeling uneasyHe felt jittery before his speech in front of a large audience.
jovialcheerful and full of joyThe family had a jovial dinner together, sharing stories and laughter.
kindshowing compassion and consideration for others, gentleThe kind lady helped the lost child find his way home.
lazydisinclined to work or move, preferring to do nothingOn weekends, Sarah likes to be lazy and stay in bed late.
luckyhaving good fortune or being favored by chanceThe lucky lottery winner couldn't believe their luck.
melancholicfeeling sad or sorrowful, often with a sense of nostalgiaThe melancholic song reminded her of her childhood days.
mysteriouspuzzling or difficult to understand, with an air of secrecyThe old abandoned house had a mysterious aura about it.
newsomething that has recently come into existenceShe bought her new clothes from a famous store.
noisyloud and causing a lot of soundThe playground was noisy with children playing and laughing.
obviouseasily seen or understood, clearIt was obvious that Sarah was upset because she was crying.
optimistichaving a positive outlook on life, expecting good things to happenDespite the challenges, Tom remained optimistic about the future.
organizedarranged in a structured and orderly mannerHer neatly organized desk made it easy to find everything she needed.
patientable to wait calmly without getting annoyed or anxiousThe doctor was patient and took the time to explain the treatment.
perceptivehaving keen insight and understanding, observantThe perceptive detective noticed the small clues that others missed.
playfulfull of fun and a desire to playThe playful kittens chased each other around the room.
politeshowing good manners and consideration for othersAlways remember to be polite and say "please" and "thank you."
powerfulhaving great strength or influence, strongThe superhero had powerful abilities to save the city from villains.
preciousof great value or highly cherishedThe diamond ring was precious and held sentimental value for the family.
proudfeeling a sense of accomplishment and satisfactionThe proud parents watched their child receive an award.
quietmaking little or no noise, peaceful and calmThe library is a quiet place where people can study and read in silence.
rudeshowing a lack of respect or consideration for othersIt's rude to talk loudly on your phone in a crowded restaurant.
sillyfoolish or showing a lack of good senseThe silly clown made everyone laugh with his funny antics.
smartintelligent and quick-wittedThe smart student easily solved the challenging math problem.
sneakybehaving in a secretive or deceitful mannerThe sneaky cat quietly stole a piece of fish from the kitchen counter.
sorepainful, usually because of injury or overuseAfter running a marathon, the athlete's legs were sore and needed rest.
strictenforcing rules and discipline, not lenientThe strict teacher didn't tolerate any disruptions in class.
stronghaving great physical power or mental fortitudeThe weightlifter demonstrated strong muscles as he lifted the heavy barbell.
sturdystrong and firmly built, able to withstand rough treatmentThe sturdy oak table had been in the family for generations.
tallhaving a greater height than averageThe tall basketball player could easily reach the hoop.
tardylate or delayed in arrival or completionJane was tardy for class because she missed her bus.
thoughtfulconsiderate and showing concern for others' feelings and needsSarah sent a thoughtful gift to her friend on her birthday.
thoughtlessnot showing consideration for others, carelessIt was thoughtless of him to leave the door open during a storm.
thriftycareful with money and resources, economicalShe was thrifty and always looked for discounts before making a purchase.
toughstrong and resilient, able to withstand difficulty or hardshipThe tough hiker climbed the steep mountain trail with determination.
tenseanxious and uptight, often due to stress or nervousnessThe tense atmosphere in the room eased once the important presentation was over.
unluckyexperiencing bad luck or unfortunate eventsHe felt unlucky as he missed the winning lottery numbers by one digit.
victoriousexperiencing triumph or successThe team felt victorious after winning the championship game.
vigilantwatchful and alert, keeping an eye out for dangerThe security guard remained vigilant throughout the night to protect the building.
vivaciouslively and full of energyHer vivacious personality made her the life of the party.
wittyclever and quick in thinking, able to make amusing or clever remarksThe witty comedian had the audience laughing throughout the show.

Many of the adjectives you will encounter are descriptive as shown above. However, there are many other types of adjectives you should know—such as possessive and distributive adjectives.

Possessive Adjectives

Possessive adjectives are adjectives that answer the question “Who or what does something belong to?” Unlike possessive pronouns, possessive adjectives do not replace a noun; instead, they describe a noun.

English Possessive AdjectivesMeaning or UsageExample Sentence
myindicates ownership by the speakerThis is my book.
yourindicates ownership by the listenerYour car is parked over there.
hisindicates ownership by a male personHis phone is ringing.
herindicates ownership by a female personShe is holding her umbrella.
itsindicates ownership by an inanimate object or animalThe cat is licking its paws.
ourindicates ownership by the speaker and othersWe love our new house.
theirindicates ownership by a group of peopleTheir dog is very friendly.

Distributive Adjectives

Distributive adjectives are words that refer to individual members of a group or distribute an action or quality among the members of a group.

English Distributive AdjectivesMeaning and UsageExample Sentence
eachrefers to every individual member of a group, one by oneEach student in the class received a book as a prize.
everyrefers to all the members of a groupEvery child loves to play in the park.
eitherrefers to one of the two members of a group or both members separatelyYou can choose either the blue or the green shirt.
neitherrefers to not one of the two members of a group or both members not separatelyNeither of the candidates won the election.
bothrefers to the two members of a group togetherBoth sisters are talented musicians.
allrefers to the entire group as a whole, including all the membersAll students must attend the assembly.
anyrefers to one, some, or all members of a group without specifying a particular oneYou can buy any of these books for your project.
somerefers to an unspecified number or portion of the members of a groupSome people enjoy spicy food.


Adverbs are words that describe or modify a verb, adjective or another adverb. They are different from adjectives in that adjectives can only modify nouns, but not other words.

Below are the most common types of adverbs you will encounter.   

Adverbs of Manner

Adverbs of manner describe how an action is performed or the manner in which something happens. They often end in “-ly” and modify verbs.

Adverbs of MannerMeaningExample Sentence
abruptlysuddenly or quickly, without warningShe stopped talking abruptly when the teacher entered the classroom.
accidentallyby mistake or unintentionallyHe accidentally spilled his drink on the table.
angrilyin a way that shows strong displeasure or irritationThe little girl stomped her feet angrily when she couldn't have a cookie.
anxiouslynervously or with worryHe waited anxiously for the test results.
awkwardlyin a clumsy or uncomfortable mannerHe tried to dance, but he moved awkwardly on the dance floor.
badlypoorly or in an unsatisfactory wayShe played the piano badly, hitting the wrong keys.
beautifullyin a way that is very pleasing or attractiveThe flowers bloomed beautifully in the garden.
boldlyfearlessly or with confidenceHe spoke boldly in front of a large audience.
brisklyquickly and energeticallyThe old man walked briskly in the park every morning.
carefullywith great attention or cautionShe handled the fragile vase carefully.
cheerfullyin a happy and positive mannerThe children sang cheerfully during the school performance.
clearlyin a way that is easy to understand or seeShe spoke slowly and clearly so everyone could hear.
closelynear or in proximity to somethingThe cat followed the mouse closely.
curiouslyin a way that shows interest or wanting to know moreThe little boy looked curiously at the strange object.
deliberatelyintentionally or on purposeHe deliberately stayed up late to finish his project.
differentlyin a way that is not the same as othersEach person approached the problem differently.
eagerlywith enthusiasm or excitementThe children eagerly opened their presents on Christmas morning.
easilywithout difficulty or effortlesslyShe solved the puzzle easily.
efficientlyin a way that gets things done well and quicklyThe new system allowed them to work more efficiently.
elegantlygracefully or with refinementThe ballerina moved elegantly across the stage.
enthusiasticallywith great interest and excitementThe fans cheered enthusiastically for their favorite team.
fearfullyin a scared or afraid mannerThe child looked fearfully at the dark room.
freelywithout restraint or restrictionThe birds flew freely in the sky.
graciouslyin a polite and courteous mannerShe graciously thanked her host for the delicious dinner.
happilyin a joyful or contented mannerThe children played happily in the park.
hesitantlywith uncertainty or reluctanceShe answered hesitantly when asked about her plans.
honestlyin a truthful and sincere mannerHe honestly admitted his mistake.
hungrilyfull of hungerThe child hungrily ate their food.
incrediblyto a remarkable or unbelievable degreeThe magician performed incredibly impressive tricks.
indifferentlywithout interest or concernShe shrugged indifferently at the news.
joyfullyin a joyful and happy mannerThey danced joyfully at the celebration.
lazilyin a relaxed or idle mannerThe cat stretched lazily in the sun.
loudlyin a high volume or noisy mannerThe kids laughed loudly at the funny joke.
lovinglywith affection or careShe hugged her pet lovingly.
nervouslyin a worried or anxious mannerHe tapped his fingers nervously on the table.
patientlywith tolerance and enduranceShe waited patiently for her friend to arrive.
politelyin a respectful and courteous mannerHe said politely, "Please, may I have some water?"
powerfullywith strength or forceThe athlete threw the discus powerfully in the competition.
quicklyin a fast or speedy mannerShe ran quickly to catch the bus.
quietlyin a low volume or hushed mannerThe librarian reminded everyone to speak quietly in the library.
rapidlyin a fast and speedy wayThe water flowed rapidly down the river.
reluctantlywith hesitation or unwillingnessHe reluctantly agreed to help with the chores.
rudelyin an impolite or disrespectful mannerThe customer spoke rudely to the waiter.
sadlyin a sorrowful or unhappy mannerShe looked sadly at the old photograph.
seriouslyin a sincere or solemn way.He seriously asked for advice about his future career.
silentlyin a quiet or noiseless manner.The ninja moved silently through the darkness.
sincerelywith genuine honesty or authenticityShe expressed her gratitude sincerely in the thank-you note.
slowlyin a leisurely or unhurried mannerHe walked slowly through the park, enjoying the scenery.
smoothlyin a fluid and even wayThe car glided smoothly along the highway.
softlyin a gentle or quiet manner.She whispered softly to avoid waking the baby.
thoughtfullyin a reflective and considerate mannerHe gazed at the painting thoughtfully, pondering its meaning.

Adverbs of Time

Adverbs of time indicate when or how often an action takes place.

Adverbs of TimeMeaningExample Sentence
agoin the past; before the present timeHe left the house five minutes ago.
dailyoccurring or done every dayThe newspaper is delivered to our house daily.
earlybefore the expected time; at or near the beginningShe woke up early to catch the first bus.
eventuallyafter some time or at a later point; in the endWith hard work, he eventually learned to play the guitar.
frequentlyhappening often; at frequent intervalsThe teacher frequently praises students for their good work.
laterat a time subsequent to the present or an earlier timeWe will have dinner later when Dad comes home.
monthlyhappening or done once a monthThey pay their rent monthly.
nevernot at any time; not everShe never eats spicy food because she doesn't like it.
nowat the present moment; immediatelyWe're busy now, but we can talk later.
oftenmany times; frequentlyHe often goes for a walk in the evening.
onceon one occasion only; one timeI saw that movie once, and I really enjoyed it.
rarelynot often; infrequentlyThey rarely go out to eat at fancy restaurants.
recentlynot long ago; in the recent pastI saw her at the mall recently.
seldomrarely; not oftenThey seldom visit their relatives who live far away.
sometimesoccasionally; now and thenSometimes I like to take a long walk in the park.
soonin a short time; before longThe movie will start soon, so get your popcorn ready.
stillup to and including the present or the time mentionedIt's late, but she's still working on her homework.
thenat that time; afterwardWe went to the beach, and then we had a picnic.
todayon the present day; this dayToday is a beautiful day for a picnic.
tomorrowon the day following the present dayWe will visit the zoo tomorrow.
usuallyin most cases; generallyHe usually wears a hat when it's sunny outside.
weeklyhappening or done once a weekThe students have a weekly spelling test.
yesterdayon the day before the present dayShe watched a movie at the cinema yesterday.
yetuntil now; so farHave you finished your homework yet?

Adverbs of Place

Adverbs of place indicate where an action takes place or the location of something. They answer questions like “where.”

Adverbs of PlaceMeaningExample Sentence
abroadin a foreign country or overseasMy friend is studying abroad in France to learn French.
aboveat a higher positionHang the picture above the sofa, please.
awayat a distance from a particular placeThe nearest restroom is just a short walk away from here.
backwardin the opposite direction to usualHe fell backward when he slipped on the wet floor.
belowat a lower positionThe keys are below the bookshelf, on the small table.
besidenext to or by the side of somethingPlease sit beside me; there's an empty chair here.
betweenin the space separating two objects or locationsThe playground is between the school and the park.
beyondat a point or place further away than anotherThe mountains are beyond the river; we can't see them from here.
closeat a short distance awayThe supermarket is close to my house, so I often shop there.
downstairson or to a lower floor or level in a buildingThe kitchen is downstairs, where we prepare meals.
eastin the direction of the EastThe sun rises in the east every morning.
farat a considerable distance awayThe park is far from here, so we need to take the bus.
herein or at this placeCome here and sit next to me.
homeat one's place of residenceI can't wait to go home and relax after school.
in front offacing or ahead of somethingThe playground is in front of the school building.
insidewithin the limits or boundaries of somethingIt's raining outside, so let's stay inside the house.
nearbyat a short distance awayThere's a nice café nearby where we can have coffee.
northin the direction of the NorthCanada is north of the United States.
on top ofpositioned over or above somethingPlace the vase on top of the table.
outsidebeyond the limits or boundaries of somethingThe children are playing outside in the garden.
sidewaysin a direction to the side; horizontallyThe crab moved sideways along the sandy beach.
southin the direction of the SouthIt's warmer in the south during the winter.
therein or at that placeThe bus stop is over there, near the big tree.
underpositioned below or beneath somethingThe cat is hiding under the bed.
upstairson or to a higher floor or level in a buildingMy room is upstairs, on the second floor.
westin the direction of the WestThe sun sets in the west, painting the sky orange.
withininside the boundaries or limits of somethingThe keys are within the drawer.
withoutoutside the boundaries or limits of somethingYou can't play outside without your jacket; it's cold.
yonderat or in a distant placeLook yonder, where the mountains meet the sky.

Adverbs of Degree

Adverbs of degree modify adjectives or other adverbs to indicate the intensity, extent or degree of something. They answer questions like “how much” or “to what extent.”

Adverbs of DegreeMeaningExample Sentence
almostnearly; not quiteThe bus is almost full.
barelyonly just; almost notShe barely passed the exam.
completelytotally; entirelyThe project was completely successful.
entirelywholly; completelyThe book was entirely different from the movie.
extremelyto a very high degreeThe view from the mountain top was extremely beautiful.
fairlyreasonably; moderatelyThe price of the product was fairly affordable.
hardlybarely; almost not at allThe room was so dark; I could hardly see anything.
highlyto a great extent; with much praiseHe is highly skilled at playing the guitar.
justexactly; preciselyHe arrived just in time for the meeting.
merelyonly; simplyIt's merely a suggestion, not a requirement.
mostlymainly; for the most partThe day was mostly sunny.
nearlyclose to; almostWe are nearly there.
partiallyto some extent; not completelyThe task was only partially completed.
quiteto a moderate extent; somewhatThe movie was quite interesting.
rathersomewhat; to a certain extentThe dress was rather expensive.
reallytruly; in actualityShe is really talented at singing.
simplymerely; onlyShe simply forgot about the meeting.
slightlyto a small extent; somewhatThe coffee is slightly bitter.
tooto an excessive extentThe water was too cold to swim.
utterlycompletely; totallyThe idea was utterly ridiculous.
veryto a great extent or high degreeThe cake was very delicious.

Adverbs of Certainty

Adverbs of certainty indicate the level of certainty or doubt about an action or statement.

Adverbs of CertaintyMeaningExample Sentence
absolutelycompletely or without a doubt"I absolutely love ice cream!"
certainlywithout a doubt or definitely"Can you help me with my homework?" " Certainly!"
definitelycertainly or for sureIt will definitely rain later, so take an umbrella.
inevitablyunavoidably or bound to happenWith such dark clouds, rain is inevitably coming.
invariablyalways or without changingThe bakery's pastries are invariably delicious.
likelyprobably or with a good chance of happeningIt's likely to snow tomorrow, so wear warm clothes.
maybepossibly or perhapsI'm not sure yet; maybe I'll go to the party.
mayused to express permission or possibilityMay I use your phone to make a call?
mightused to express possibility or uncertaintyI might go to the park later if the weather is nice.
mustused to express necessity or strong certaintyYou must finish your chores before you can play.
perhapspossibly or maybePerhaps we'll see each other again someday.
probablymost likely or likely to happenIt will probably be sunny tomorrow, so bring your sunglasses.
surelywith confidence or undoubtedlyYou will surely enjoy the movie; it's very funny.
unquestionablywithout a doubt or certainlyThe team's victory was unquestionably well-deserved.
undeniablywithout a doubt or unquestionablyThe view from the top of the mountain is undeniably beautiful.
undoubtedlywithout question or certainlyThe little boy is undoubtedly excited about his birthday.


The words below can serve multiple purposes and may be categorized differently depending on context. We will focus on the most common uses of each word below.


The word not helps express negation. It explains the absence of a thing, action, state of being, etc.

It will not rain today.

She is not at work.


Okay, here is a weird one.

No native English speaker would tell you that n’t is a word. However, since it is used so frequently to show negation, it gets its own space in the Corpus of Contemporary American English word list.

Adding n’t to the end of words shows when not is being used as a contraction.

When combining not with another word, not is shortened to n’t. It is then added onto the end of the other word. This creates a new word.

For example, the two words is and not are combined to make the contraction isn’t.

I can’t study today.

My mail hasn’t arrived.

Why Is It Helpful to Learn Common English Words?

It is no good knowing big and complicated words if you do not understand the small and simple ones.

Think of common English words as the building blocks of language. They allow you to build many different types of sentences. You will use them again and again to express basic ideas in English.

Knowing common English words also helps you better understand English speakers. Otherwise, you will have a big gap in your English comprehension.

Finally, it is important to study common English words because it can be easy to mix them up. Some of them look very similar or have similar meanings. Others may be hard to explain or may have slightly different meanings when used in different contexts.

Learning common English words is especially when you’re starting out and studying English for beginners.

Practical Activities to Help You Learn Common Words

Seeing, reading and using words consistently will help them become memorable to you.

Use Sticky Notes

Choose the common English words that are most important or difficult to you. Write each word on a sticky note (like Post-it notes). Then place the sticky notes around your house or workplace.

Each time you pass one, read or say the word. Try spelling it out and using it in a sentence.

This activity will boost your memory and help you to use words in your daily conversations and writing.

Keep a Diary

Diaries help you reflect on your learning. Look back and write about moments in your day and try to use at least five or 10 common English words. Using the words you have learned helps keep them in your brain.

Writing your learning in a diary also makes you feel good! It gives you a confidence boost. It also means you have a handy notebook you can use whenever you feel stuck for words.

Play Games with Words

Learn a language game such as hangman, crosswords or Scrabble. These are popular English word games where you will encounter many common words. They help create a fun and memorable learning experience.

Be a Word Detective

Look for common English words around you every day. Look at English signs and posters. Search in newspapers and magazines. Browse the internet. Challenge yourself to see how many common English words you can find.

This activity makes you realize just how often English speakers use these words! It turns every day into an engaging English lesson.

Ask What They Mean

Do not be shy. Learning common English words is as easy as asking!

When you are in English class or talking to native English speakers, do not be afraid to ask what a word means if you do not understand it.

Ask them to repeat the pronunciation and why they used the word the way they did. Asking an English speaker directly is a great way to get helpful explanations that you will understand.


Learning the most common words in English will greatly improve your communication skills. Then you can go on to enjoy speaking, reading and writing with confidence!

And One More Thing...

If you're like me and enjoy learning English through movies and other media, you should check out FluentU. With FluentU, you can turn any subtitled content on YouTube or Netflix into an engaging language lesson.


I also love that FluentU has a huge library of videos picked specifically for English learners. No more searching for good content—it's all in one place!


One of my favorite features is the interactive captions. You can tap on any word to see an image, definition, and examples, which makes it so much easier to understand and remember.


And if you're worried about forgetting new words, FluentU has you covered. You'll complete fun exercises to reinforce vocabulary and be reminded when it’s time to review, so you actually retain what you’ve learned.


You can use FluentU on your computer or tablet, or download the app from the App Store or Google Play. Click here to take advantage of our current sale! (Expires at the end of this month.)

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