
201 Thanksgiving Words and Phrases to Show Gratitude This Year (With Definitions, Audio and Examples)


In the United States, there’s a whole holiday about showing gratitude (the state of being thankful): Thanksgiving. Like many holidays in the United States, the exact date of Thanksgiving changes every year. However, it’s always on the fourth Thursday of November.

In this article, we’re going to talk about Thanksgiving vocabulary. You’ll learn 201 words and phrases specifically associated with the holiday, so you can impress your friends when Thanksgiving dinner comes around. You’re also going to learn a little bit about Thanksgiving—what it means, its history and how people celebrate it now.

General Thanksgiving Words

Most people in the United States celebrate Thanksgiving.

Those who came from other countries (also called expats or expatriates ) often celebrate with friends or other Americans by having a traditional Thanksgiving dinner.

As a holiday, Thanksgiving is generally considered to be a secular one. That means it’s not associated with any specific religion or denomination.

Many people say prayers at Thanksgiving dinner, of course. However, anyone of any religion can participate in Thanksgiving.

General Thanksgiving WordsMeaningExample Sentence
abundancea large amount of something, plentyAn abundance of love and happiness fills our home during Thanksgiving.
appreciationthankful acknowledgment and recognitionAppreciation for our family's support is important on Thanksgiving.
celebrationa joyful event to mark a special occasionWe have a big celebration with friends and family on Thanksgiving Day.
charitythe act of giving help, typically to those in needThanksgiving is a time for charity, and many people donate food to the less fortunate.
communitya group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in commonOur community comes together to organize a Thanksgiving parade every year.
compassionsympathetic concern for the suffering of othersShowing compassion by volunteering at a shelter is a great way to spend Thanksgiving.
connectiona relationship in which a person or thing is linked or associated with something elseThanksgiving is a time to strengthen our connection with family and friends.
conversationstalks or discussions between peopleDuring Thanksgiving dinner, lively conversations fill the room.
cornucopiaa symbol of abundance and nourishment, often in the shape of a horn filled with fruits and vegetablesThe cornucopia on the Thanksgiving table represents the bountiful harvest.
craftscreative activities involving skill in making things by handChildren enjoy making Thanksgiving crafts like paper turkeys and colorful leaves.
fallthe season from late September to DecemberIt’s been especially cold this fall.
familya group of people related by blood or affectionFamily is at the heart of Thanksgiving, bringing loved ones together.
fellowshipfriendly association, especially with people who share one's interestsWe cherish the fellowship of our close friends during the Thanksgiving holiday.
festivala day or period of celebration, often with cultural or religious significanceThanksgiving is a joyful festival where people give thanks for their blessings.
friendspeople with whom one has a bond of mutual affectionFriends often gather for a Thanksgiving feast and share good times together.
generositythe quality of being generous or givingGenerosity shines through when people help those in need during Thanksgiving.
gatheringthe act of coming together, especially for a social eventA gathering of loved ones is a common tradition on Thanksgiving Day.
gratefulnessthe state of being thankfulGratefulness is expressed through words of thanks on Thanksgiving.
gratitudethe quality of being thankful and showing appreciationGratitude for the little things in life is a key aspect of Thanksgiving.
harvestthe season when crops are gathered, or the act of collecting cropsThe bountiful harvest of fruits and vegetables is a symbol of Thanksgiving.
heartfeltshowing sincere and deep emotionWe exchange heartfelt wishes for a happy Thanksgiving with our loved ones.
holidaya day that is special for many people for any reason. People often do not work on this day.Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.
homecomingthe act of returning home, or the event or tradition that celebrates the return of people to their hometown or a place they consider their homeEvery year, the town has a big homecoming celebration where people come back to visit and enjoy time with their families.
hospitalityfriendly and generous reception and entertainment of guestsHospitality is a hallmark of Thanksgiving as people open their homes to others.
kindnessthe quality of being friendly, generous and considerateKindness toward one another is a central theme of Thanksgiving.
leavesthe usually green and flat organ that grows from the stem of a plantColorful leaves falling from trees are a sign of the autumn season.
lovea strong feeling of affection and care toward someone or somethingLove and gratitude are expressed toward family and friends during Thanksgiving.
neighbora person living near or next door to the speaker or person referred toWe often invite our neighbor to join our Thanksgiving celebration to strengthen community bonds.
Novemberthe eleventh month of the year, known for the Thanksgiving holidayNovember is when we gather for Thanksgiving and give thanks for our blessings.
prayera solemn request for help or expression of thanks to a deity or godMany families say a prayer before their Thanksgiving meal to express thanks.
reflectionserious thought or considerationReflection on our blessings is an important part of Thanksgiving Day.
remembrancethe action of remembering somethingThanksgiving is a time for remembrance of our heritage and loved ones.
servicethe action of helping or doing work for someoneMany people volunteer their service to those in need on Thanksgiving Day.
sharingthe action of giving a portion of something to othersSharing a meal and love with family and friends is what Thanksgiving is all about.
Thanksgivinga holiday about giving thanks and being thankful for the good things that we have in our livesThanksgiving Day is on November 24th this year.
unitythe state of being united or joined as a wholeThanksgiving promotes unity as people come together to give thanks and celebrate.
volunteera person who freely offers to take part in an enterprise or undertake a taskMany people choose to volunteer their time to help those in need during Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving Food Words

Many families eat different things for Thanksgiving depending on their culture, but there are some foods and related words closely connected to the holiday. Let’s learn more about them!

Thanksgiving Words Related to FoodMeaningExample Sentence
acorn squasha type of winter squash with a sweet and nutty flavorI roasted acorn squash with a drizzle of honey for a delicious side dish.
allspicea spice with a flavor resembling a combination of cloves, cinnamon and nutmegI used allspice in the pumpkin pie for a warm and spicy flavor.
applea fruit that is red, green or yellow and is commonly used in pies and dessertsMy mother likes to put apple butter on everything.
brussels sproutssmall, green vegetables that are part of the cabbage family and are often roasted or sautéedI roasted brussels sprouts with olive oil and garlic for a tasty side dish.
buttera creamy dairy product used in cooking and as a condimentSpread some butter on your dinner rolls for a rich and savory flavor.
caramela sweet, sticky sauce made by heating sugar and creamThe caramel on the apple pie is the best part, in my opinion.
casserolea dish made by cooking a mixture of ingredients, often including vegetables, in the ovenThe green bean casserole is a classic Thanksgiving side dish.
chutneya condiment made from fruits or vegetables cooked with sugar and spicesThe mango chutney adds a sweet and tangy kick to the turkey.
cidera beverage made from the juice of pressed applesA glass of apple cider is a refreshing drink on a fall day.
cinnamona spice with a warm and sweet flavor often used in bakingThe cinnamon in the pumpkin pie filling makes it taste so good.
collard greensleafy greens that are often cooked and served as a side dishMy grandmother's collard greens recipe is a family favorite.
corna yellow or white vegetable with sweet kernels often eaten on the cobWe enjoyed corn on the cob with melted butter at our Thanksgiving dinner.
cranberriessmall, red berries often used to make cranberry sauce or relishThe cranberries add a tart flavor to the turkey stuffing.
feasta large and delicious meal with a variety of dishesThanksgiving is a time for family and a big feast of traditional dishes.
garlica pungent and flavorful bulb used in cooking to add a savory tasteI roasted the turkey with garlic and herbs for extra flavor.
gravya sauce made from meat drippings and flour, often served over meat or potatoesPass the gravy, please. It goes perfectly with the mashed potatoes.
grillto cook food over an open flame or on a grillWe like to grill vegetables for a healthy and smoky flavor.
green beanslong, slender green vegetables often used in casseroles and side dishesThe green beans were seasoned with almonds for a crunchy texture.
hama cured and smoked meat often served as a main courseWe usually have ham alongside the turkey for Thanksgiving dinner.
honey glazea sweet and sticky mixture used to coat roasted meats or vegetablesThe honey glaze gives the carrots a delicious sweetness.
macaroni and cheesea creamy pasta dish made with cheese and macaroniKids love macaroni and cheese as a comforting side dish at Thanksgiving.
mashed potatoespotatoes that are boiled and mashed with butter and milkPass the mashed potatoes, please. I can't get enough of them!
maple syrupa sweet syrup made from the sap of sugar maple trees, often used as a toppingI drizzle maple syrup over my pancakes on Thanksgiving morning.
mulled winered wine heated with spices and served warm, often during the holiday seasonSipping on a glass of mulled wine by the fireplace is so cozy on Thanksgiving.
nutmega spice with a warm and slightly nutty flavor used in sweet and savory dishesA pinch of nutmeg enhances the flavor of the pumpkin pie.
oystera type of shellfish often used in seafood dishes and stuffingI love the unique taste of oyster stuffing with herbs and breadcrumbs.
pecana type of nut often used in pies and dessertsThe pecan pie is a classic Thanksgiving dessert with a rich, nutty filling.
piea baked dish consisting of a sweet or savory filling in a pastry crustWe can't have Thanksgiving without a slice of pumpkin pie for dessert.
sagean aromatic herb with a savory flavor, often used in stuffing and gravyThe sage in the turkey stuffing gives it a wonderful earthy taste.
scalloped potatoessliced potatoes baked in a creamy sauce and cheeseThe scalloped potatoes were golden and bubbly, a perfect side dish for Thanksgiving dinner.
stuffinga mixture of bread, herbs and other ingredients, often cooked inside the turkeyMy grandma's stuffing recipe is a family tradition on Thanksgiving.
sweet potatoesa starchy and sweet root vegetable often served mashed or as a casseroleThe candied sweet potatoes are a delightful Thanksgiving side dish.
tofurkeya vegetarian or vegan alternative to turkey made from tofu or other plant-based ingredientsWe're having tofurkey for our vegan Thanksgiving dinner this year.
turkeya large bird traditionally roasted and served as the centerpiece of the Thanksgiving mealMy family always enjoys a beautifully roasted turkey on Thanksgiving Day.
yama type of sweet potato with orange flesh and a sweet flavorI'm making candied yams with marshmallows for Thanksgiving dinner.

Thanksgiving History Words

The Internet is full of information and videos about the history of Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving began in 1621. In that year, a group of people from England who traveled to America were having a hard time getting accustomed to (used to) their new country.

There was a group of Native Americans who helped the English people plant food and survive the difficult winter. As a result, the English decided to have a large dinner to give thanks to their Native American friends, and to celebrate that they were still alive.

The main reason that people still celebrate the holiday today is because it’s a nice time to get together with your friends or family to have fun and eat a delicious meal. Plus, it’s a great excuse for a party!

Thanksgiving Words Related to HistoryMeaningExample Sentence
settlerspeople who establish a new community or colonyThe settlers built homes and farms in the new land.
PilgrimsEnglish settlers who came to America seeking religious freedomThe Pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving with the Wampanoag tribe.
colonistsearly European settlers in AmericaThe colonists celebrated the first Thanksgiving in the United States.
immigrantsomeone who moved from one country to anotherMy parents were immigrants to this country years ago.
indigenous peoplesoriginal inhabitants of a placeThe indigenous peoples of America had diverse cultures and traditions.
Mayflowerthe ship that brought the Pilgrims to America in 1620The Mayflower carried the Pilgrims to Plymouth, Massachusetts.
Native Americansthe indigenous peoples of North AmericaMany Native Americans lived off the land, hunting and gathering food.
Plymoutha town in Massachusetts where the Pilgrims settledThe Plymouth colony was established in 1620.
Squantoa Native American who helped the Pilgrims survive in AmericaSquanto taught the Pilgrims how to plant crops and fish.
voyagea long journey, especially by seaThe voyage across the Atlantic was challenging for the Pilgrims.
Wampanoaga Native American tribe who helped the PilgrimsThe Wampanoag shared a feast with the Pilgrims during the first Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving Events Vocabulary

Every Thanksgiving, people in the United States follow certain traditions. Here are a few examples.

Thanksgiving Words Related to EventsMeaningExample Sentence
Thanksgiving dinnera special meal that families have on Thanksgiving Day, typically featuring roasted turkey and various side dishesEvery year, my family gathers for a delicious Thanksgiving dinner.
Black Fridaythe day after Thanksgiving when many stores offer significant discounts and sales, marking the beginning of the holiday shopping seasonShops are crowded with people looking for great deals during Black Friday.
Cyber Mondaya day known for online shopping deals and discounts, similar to the Black Friday sales that occur in physical retail storesI make sure my budget is enough for Cyber Monday.
family gatheringspeople coming together, often relatives, to celebrate and enjoy each other's company during special occasions like ThanksgivingFamily gatherings are an important part of Thanksgiving, where we share love and gratitude.
paradea public event where people march or walk in a procession, often involving floats, music and entertainmentWe watched a colorful parade on Thanksgiving morning with big balloons and marching bands.
footballa popular sport in which two teams compete to carry or throw a ball into the opposing team's end zone to score pointsFootball games are often played on Thanksgiving, and we cheer for our favorite teams.
turkey trot racesrunning races held on or around Thanksgiving, often with participants wearing costumes or turkey-themed attireI joined a turkey trot race on Thanksgiving morning and had fun running with others.
Friendsgivinga popular tradition where friends gather to celebrate Thanksgiving togetherAre you coming to John's Friendsgiving party tomorrow?

Objects Related to Thanksgiving

Below are the things you’ll often see on Thanksgiving. Make sure to remember what they are so you’ll know what to call them on Thanksgiving dinner!

Thanksgiving ObjectsMeaningExample Sentence
breadbasketa container used to serve and store breadI was busy preparing the breadbasket when my friends came.
centerpiecea decorative item placed in the middle of a table to enhance its appearanceThe beautiful centerpiece added a festive touch to our Thanksgiving table.
garlanda decorative string of flowers, leaves or other materialsWe hung a colorful garland on the fireplace for Thanksgiving.
headdressan ornamental piece of clothing worn on the headShe wore a traditional headdress as part of her Thanksgiving costume.
bonneta type of head covering, often with ties under the chinThe baby looked adorable in her tiny bonnet on Thanksgiving.
triveta small stand used to protect surfaces from hot cookwareWe placed the hot casserole dish on the trivet during our Thanksgiving meal.
table runnera long decorative cloth placed on a tableThe colorful table runner added a touch of elegance to our Thanksgiving dinner table.

Games to Play On Thanksgiving

Of course, Thanksgiving won’t be complete without fun and games.

Thanksgiving GamesWhat This Game Is
charadesa classic party game where players act out words or phrases without speaking, and others try to guess what they're acting out
board gamesgames played on a game board, such as Monopoly, Scrabble and Settlers of Catan
triviaa game that involves asking questions related to the holiday, its history, traditions or general knowledge
Pictionarya drawing and guessing game where players draw a word or phrase without using letters or numbers while their team tries to guess what it is
bingoa game where players mark off Thanksgiving-related words or images on their bingo cards as they're called out
card gamesgames like Poker, Rummy or Uno that can be enjoyed on Thanksgiving as a casual and social activity
scavenger hunta game or activity in which participants are given a list of items, clues or tasks to find or complete, and they must search for these items or complete the tasks within a specified time frame
cornholea popular lawn game that involves throwing bean bags into holes on a wooden board
tabletop role-playing gamesa game where participants create characters and embark on epic quests guided by a game master

Thanksgiving Quotes

Want to send your loved ones in the U.S. some special messages on Thanksgiving Day? Here are some ideas for you.

Quotes on ThanksgivingWho Said ItMeaning
"Gratitude turns what we have into enough."AesopBeing thankful for what we have makes us feel content with what we already possess.
"Thanksgiving is a time to count your blessings."UnknownThanksgiving is a time to think about and appreciate all the good things in your life.
"Gratitude is the best attitude."UnknownHaving a thankful and positive outlook is a great way to approach life.
"Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow."Melody BeattieBeing thankful helps us understand our past, find peace in the present and plan for the future.
"In every day, there are 1,440 minutes. That means we have 1,440 daily opportunities to make a positive impact."Les BrownEach day provides many chances to do something good and be thankful for those opportunities.
"Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it."William Arthur WardIt's important to show and share your thankfulness, just like giving a gift to someone.
"The more you are thankful, the more you attract things to be thankful for."UnknownWhen you appreciate what you have, more good things will come your way.
"Gratitude is the memory of the heart."Jean Baptiste MassieuGratitude is a feeling stored in your heart, remembering the good things in life.
"Thanksgiving is a time to give, a time to love and a time to reflect on the things that matter most in life."Danielle DuckeryThanksgiving is a time to be generous, show love and think about what's truly important.
"Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy and change ordinary opportunities into blessings."William Arthur WardBeing thankful can make regular days special, turn work into happiness and make ordinary moments feel like gifts.
"Thanksgiving is a time to come together and share our love and gratitude."UnknownThanksgiving is a time for people to gather and express their love and thankfulness.
"Gratitude is the key to a happy heart."UnknownBeing thankful is the way to have a joyful and content heart.
"Gratitude is the simplest way to bring joy into your life."UnknownBeing thankful is the easiest way to make your life happier.
"Thanksgiving is a time to share and care."UnknownThanksgiving is a time to give and look out for others.
"Gratitude makes every meal a feast."UnknownWhen you are thankful, even a simple meal can feel like a grand feast.
"Thanksgiving is a time to savor the moments and create lasting memories."UnknownThanksgiving is a time to enjoy the present and make memories that will stay with you.
"Gratitude is the wine for the soul. Go on, get drunk."RumiThankfulness is like a delicious drink for your soul; enjoy it to the fullest.
"Thanksgiving is a time to appreciate the harvest of good things in our lives."UnknownThanksgiving is a time to be thankful for the natural world and all the things it provides us.
"Gratitude is the music of the heart when its chords are swept by the breeze of kindness."UnknownThankfulness is like the sweet music your heart plays when you're treated with kindness.
"Thanksgiving is a time to enjoy the warmth of togetherness."UnknownThanksgiving is a time to feel close and connected to the people you're with.
"Gratitude is the best seasoning for every meal."UnknownBeing thankful adds extra flavor and enjoyment to any meal.
"Gratitude is the best pillow."UnknownBeing thankful helps you have a peaceful and comfortable sleep.
"Gratitude is the fairest blossom that springs from the soul."Henry Ward BeecherBeing thankful is the most beautiful thing that comes from deep within us.
"Thanksgiving is a time to fill your heart with love and your plate with food."UnknownThanksgiving is a time to be full of love and enjoy a delicious meal.

Jokes About Thanksgiving

While Thanksgiving is an important occasion, it doesn’t mean you can’t make a joke about it. If your American friends have a sense of humor (and I’m sure most of them do), they might appreciate you telling them some jokes. Ask the question first, and if no one is answering or if they’re giving the wrong answer, give them the answers below.

Why did the turkey sit next to the computer?Because it wanted to keep an eye on the mouse!The turkey sat near the computer because it thought the computer mouse might be a real mouse. Turkeys can get scared of mice.
What do you get when you cross a turkey with a banjo?A turkey that can pluck itself!If you mix a turkey (the bird we eat on Thanksgiving) with a banjo (a musical instrument with strings), you might get a funny image of a turkey that can pull or "pluck" its own feathers, which is just a playful idea.
Why was the math book sad on Thanksgiving?Because it had too many problems.The math book was like a person, and it felt sad on Thanksgiving because it had too many math questions and didn't want to work on a holiday.
What do you call a turkey on the day after Thanksgiving?Lucky!The turkey is lucky because it's the day after Thanksgiving, and it wasn't cooked and eaten, which is what usually happens to turkeys on that day.
What's a turkey's favorite dessert?Peach gobbler!The joke is a wordplay on "peach cobbler," a type of dessert. It imagines that turkeys might like a dessert made from peaches, so they call it "peach gobbler" instead. ("Gobble" is the sound turkeys make, and can also mean "to eat.")
What did the cranberries say to the turkey on Thanksgiving?Stop staring at me, you're making me cranberry sauce!The cranberries were joking with the turkey and telling it not to look at them because they were afraid the turkey might turn them into cranberry sauce, which is often served with turkey.
Why did the scarecrow become a successful stand-up comedian?Because he was outstanding in his field!Scarecrows are usually placed in fields to scare away birds. This joke plays with the word "outstanding," saying the scarecrow was very good in his field, but it also sounds like he's "out standing" in the field.
What do you call a can opener that doesn't work?A can't opener.This joke is a play on words. Instead of "can opener" (a tool to open cans), it says "can't opener," which means it can't open cans, emphasizing that it's broken or not working.
What's the key to a great Thanksgiving dinner?The tur-key!This joke plays with the word "key." It's a pun, saying that the essential thing for a great Thanksgiving dinner is not an actual key but a turkey (the main dish).
What did one plate say to the other plate on Thanksgiving?Don't worry, I've got you covered!This joke is about the plates used for serving food. One plate reassures the other plate that it will protect it or "cover" it, meaning it will help serve the food together.

Adjectives You Can Use on Thanksgiving

Looking for the right word or words to describe how you feel about Thanksgiving? Get a load of the adjectives below.

Thanksgiving AdjectivesMeaningExample Sentence
autumnalrelating to or characteristic of autumnThe leaves turned beautiful shades of red and orange in the autumnal season.
bountifulgenerously given or providing a large amountThe Thanksgiving table was filled with a bountiful feast of food.
cornysilly, funny or not coolNow that Tom is a father, he seems to constantly make “dad jokes”—corny jokes that no one laughs at.
cozywarm and comfortable, creating a feeling of snugnessThey gathered around the fireplace to enjoy a cozy evening together.
deliciousvery tasty and enjoyable to eatThe homemade pie was so delicious that everyone asked for seconds.
festivefull of joy and celebration, often related to a holiday or special occasionThe streets were decorated with colorful lights, creating a festive atmosphere for Thanksgiving.
graciousbeing kind, polite and showing good mannersOn Thanksgiving, people are often gracious and say "thank you" when they receive a delicious meal.
gratefulfeeling or showing appreciation and thankfulnessThey were grateful for the support of their friends and family during difficult times.
heartwarmingeliciting warm and positive emotions, often related to touching or moving momentsThe family's reunion on Thanksgiving was a heartwarming experience filled with tears of joy.
homemademade at home, often referring to food prepared from scratchThe homemade pumpkin pie had a special, unique flavor.
homeycomfortable and cozy, like being at homeThe Thanksgiving dinner at Grandma's house felt very homey with the warm fireplace and soft chairs.
joyfulfull of joy and happinessThe children's laughter and games made the Thanksgiving gathering joyful and lively.
nourishingproviding good nutrition and making you feel healthy and strongTurkey is a nourishing food, and it helps us feel full and energetic during the holiday.
peacefulfree from disturbance or conflict; calm and tranquilThe countryside offered a peaceful setting for a Thanksgiving weekend getaway.
plentifulhaving a lot of something, often more than enoughThe Thanksgiving feast was plentiful, with dishes like mashed potatoes, gravy and vegetables.
reverentshowing deep respect and honor, often in a religious or spiritual contextThey held a reverent ceremony to give thanks for their blessings on Thanksgiving Day.
rusticsimple, natural and related to the countrysideWe celebrated Thanksgiving in a rustic cabin in the woods, surrounded by trees and nature.
savoryfood with a salty or flavorful taste, often associated with a pleasant, rich and delicious flavorThe pizza was very savory because it had a lot of cheese and tasty toppings.
thankfulfeeling or expressing gratitude and appreciationThey were thankful for the health and happiness they enjoyed in their lives.
traditionalfollowing or connected with long-established customs or beliefsThey prepared a traditional Thanksgiving dinner with turkey, stuffing and cranberry sauce.
turkey-filledfilled with or featuring turkey as a central part of the mealThe turkey-filled Thanksgiving feast left everyone feeling full and satisfied.
warmcomfortably mild, or having a pleasant and friendly atmosphereThe warm fire in the fireplace kept the room cozy on a chilly Thanksgiving evening.
wholesomegood for your health and well-being, usually referring to food that is nutritiousEating fresh vegetables and fruits is a wholesome choice for a Thanksgiving meal.

Companies Associated With Thanksgiving

When talking about Thanksgiving, your American friends will likely be throwing around company names related to the holiday. If you’re not sure what they mean—well, here’s a list to help you decode those random-sounding names.

Companies Associated With ThanksgivingWhat This Company Is Known For
Ocean Spraycranberry products
Campbell'scanned soups
Stove Topstuffing mixes
Pearl Milling Companypancake and syrup products
Macy'sdepartment store; Thanksgiving parade
McCormickherbs and spices
Pillsburyrefrigerated dough products
King's Hawaiiansweet rolls and bread products
StarbucksCoffee and lattes (like the Pumpkin Spice Latte and Thanksgiving Blend)

Common Expressions Used on Thanksgiving

Here are some expressions you’ll often hear during Thanksgiving dinner.

Common Thanksgiving ExpressionsMeaning
"Happy Thanksgiving!"wishing a joyful Thanksgiving
"I'm thankful for ..."expressing gratitude or thankfulness
"Can you pass the gravy?"asking for gravy to be passed or given to you
"I love the stuffing!"showing appreciation for the stuffing
"This pumpkin pie is delicious."complimenting or saying something good about the pie
"Let's give thanks."asking other people to give thanks or show gratitude
"It's time for the Thanksgiving parade."referring to the traditional parade
"I'm so grateful for family and friends."expressing thankfulness for loved ones
"What are you thankful for this year?"encouraging others to share their gratitude
"Let's dig in!"inviting everyone to start eating
"More mashed potatoes, please."requesting additional mashed potatoes
"Cheers to Thanksgiving!"offering a toast for the holiday
"I can't believe how much food there is."expressing amazement at the abundance of food
"Let's watch the football game."a suggestion to watch the traditional football game

Idioms About Thanksgiving

Yes, Thanksgiving has its own set of idioms, too.

Thanksgiving IdiomsMeaningExample Sentence
count your blessingsan expression about being grateful for the good things in your lifeOn Thanksgiving, we count our blessings by sharing things we're thankful for with our family and friends.
talk turkeyto speak plainly and directly about a matterIf you want to save money for your Thanksgiving dinner, it's time to talk turkey with your family and discuss a budget.
gravy trainto enjoy abundant or effortless benefitsHe's on the gravy train with his new job, making more money than ever before.
in the gravyto be richWow, my cousin sure is in the gravy.
feast your eyes on somethingto admire something with great pleasureFeast your eyes on the delicious pies and turkey at the Thanksgiving table; they look amazing!
a full platehaving a busy or demanding scheduleDuring the holiday season, I have a full plate with work, shopping and preparing for Thanksgiving.
turn into a pumpkinto go home to rest or sleepAfter eating all the Thanksgiving food, I just want to turn into a pumpkin!
turkey shoota situation where success or victory is easily achieved, much like shooting a turkey, which is a relatively large and slow-moving birdI'm confident that the exam will be a turkey shoot for a smart person like you.
butter upto flatter or praise excessively, often done when trying to persuade someone or create a harmonious atmosphereShe decided to butter up her parents by helping with the Thanksgiving cooking to ask for their permission to go out the next day.
cold turkeyto quit or stop something abruptly, often used when discussing dietary changes after a season of holiday feastingAfter eating too much during Thanksgiving, I decided to quit sweets cold turkey to start eating healthier.
be a turkeya weird or funny personAs a joke, while John was riding the bus, he was making airplane sounds and pretending that he was a pilot. He’s a real turkey sometimes.
hot potatoa difficult problem or situation that no one wants to solveThe presentation is becoming a hot potato, so someone needs to take charge.
wishbonea fork-shaped bone from a bird (like a turkey) that is used to make a wishAfter Thanksgiving dinner, we'll break the wishbone, and the person with the bigger piece gets to make a special wish.

Let’s Practice These Thanksgiving Words and Phrases

Now that you have 201 new words related to Thanksgiving, let’s practice with them. Check out this article on Wikipedia’s Simple English entry for Thanksgiving, and see how many of the words above you can find and understand. You’ll probably be surprised that most of them are in that text, and that you can understand them!

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I’m thankful that you took the time to read this article. I hope you have a great Thanksgiving, even if it’s just a small Thanksgiving in your mind.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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