
How to Use the Future Tense in French


The future is one of the most dynamic topics in any language. In French, mastering future tenses allows you to express these plans and ideas with precision. From simple statements to complex sequences, French has a variety of future forms that add depth to conversation.

Let’s explore when and how to use these tenses to talk confidently about what lies ahead.

When to Use the Future Tenses

French has multiple future tenses, and just like in English, they’re used when referring to events that haven’t occurred yet—things that will take place anytime in l’avenir  (the future). The indicative tense forms of the future tense are also sometimes used to express other things, such as:

  1. Politeness: “Je vous demanderai de ne pas faire de bruit.”  (I have to ask you to not make noise.)
  2. Probability or hypothesis: “Si ça sonne à la porte, ce sera sûrement lui” (If it rings at the door, it will surely be him.)
  3. Emotion: “Nous devrons tout supporter en silence.”  (We must endure everything silently.) 

Of course, it expresses the future as well, and it can be simple to use.

Simple Future vs. Future Perfect: What’s the Difference?

The simple future tense ( le futur simple ) is the basic form of the future, and the English equivalent of “will + verb.” Here’s an example of how the simple future tense is used:

Ils mangeront dans l’avion. (They will eat on the plane.)

Note that in French, there is no translation for the often-used “will” in English. The future tense is one entity; more specifically, it is made of the entire verb plus an ending, depending on what subject is being used.

In the above case, ils  refers to a group of people ( “Il”  meaning “he” and the extra “s” meaning “they,” referring to either a group of men or a group of men and women). Ils (and elles which is used for groups of women) gets an ending of -ont at the end. For further explanation about what endings go with what subject, see the conjugation section below. 

The future perfect tense ( le futur antérieur ), on the other hand, expresses an act that will have happened in the future. Here’s an example of how the future perfect tense is used:

Demain, j’aurai déjà lu mon livre. (Tomorrow, I will have already read my book.)

See here how this tense is very specific. You know for a fact that you’ve set aside time to read the book tomorrow, and, therefore, it will be finished.

Oftentimes, these two tenses are used together:

Quand j’aurai déjeuné, je travaillerai. (After I’ve eaten, I will start working).

The first half of that sentence is in the future perfect tenseand expresses an action (eating) that you know will have to be completed before you are able to complete the next action in the future (working, expressed with the simple future tense).

Conjugating Future Tenses in French

501 French Verbs: with CD-ROM (501 Verbs Series)

Here’s how to conjugate both tenses. One of my favorite tools for looking up irregular conjugations is WordReference, as well as my book of “501 French Verbs”.

The guidelines are for regular conjugations, so use the aforementioned tools for complete conjugating rules. You’ll also find some common irregular verbs conjugated in the simple future tense below.

Simple Future Tense in French

Formation of Simple Future Tense: Use the entire verb as the stem, adding -ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont at the end.

Here are two examples of regular -er and -ir verbs conjugated in the simple future tense:

Parler (to speak)Finir (to finish)
Je parlerai Je finirai
Tu parleras Tu finiras
Il/Elle parlera Il/Elle finira
Nous parlerons Nous finirons
Vous parlerez Vous finirez
Ils/Elles parleront Ils/Elles finiront

Regular -re verbs also follow a pattern: simply remove the “e” from the ending of the infinitive and add your future endings. For example: for descendre  (to descend, to go down) and apprendre (to learn), add the future endings to the stem descendr- (je descendrai, etc) and apprendr- (je apprendrai, etc) respectively.

Descendre (to descend, to go down)Apprendre (to learn)
Je descendrai J'apprendrai
Tu descendras Tu apprendras
Il/Elle descendra Il/Elle apprendra
Nous descendrons Nous apprendrons
Vous descendrez Vous apprendrez
Ils/Elles descendront Ils/Elles apprendront

Être and Avoir in the Simple Future Tense

Être (to be) and avoir  (to have) are not only basic verbs in French, but are also helping verbs for the future perfect tense. They have irregular conjugations in the simple future tensejust as they’re irregular in the present tense. Since we’ll be using their simple future conjugations when we form the future perfect tense, here are their simple future tense conjugations for reference:

Avoir (to have)Être (to be)
J'aurai Je serai
Tu auras Tu seras
Il/Elle aura Il/Elle sera
Nous aurons Nous serons
Vous aurez Vous serez
Ils/Elles auront Ils/Elles seront

Notice that with irregular verbs, it’s only the stem that changes—the endings remain the same. For avoir, the stem is aur-, and for être, it’s ser-.

There are many other verbs that also have irregular conjugations in the simple future tense (meaning the stem changes). Here are some of the most common irregular verb conjugations:

Aller (to go)Faire (to do, to make)Pouvoir (to be able to)Envoyer (to send)
J'irai Je ferai Je pourrai J'enverrai
Tu iras Tu feras Tu pourras Tu enverras
Il/Elle ira Il/Elle fera Il/Elle pourra Il/Elle enverra
Nous irons Nous ferons Nous pourrons Nous enverrons
Vous irez Vous ferez Vous pourrez Vous enverrez
Ils/Elles iront Ils/Elles feront Ils/Elles pourront Ils/Elles enverront

For more irregular verbs in the simple future tense, check out this very useful ThoughtCo. article.

Future Perfect Tense in French

Channel your knowledge of the simple past tense, the French tense that uses either avoir or être as a stem with a past participle. A past participle indicates a past or completed action or time, and there is a specific participle for every verb in the French language.

To form the past participle:

For regular -er verbs, like parler: knock off the “r” and accent the “e.” For parler, we get parlé.

For regular -ir verbs, like finir: take away the “r.” For finir, we get fini.

For regular -re verbs, like descendre: remove the “re” and add “u.” For descendre, we get descendu.

Formation of Future Perfect Tense: Simple future (of main verb’s auxiliary, avoir or être) + past participle (of main verb).

How do you know which helping verb to use (avoir or être)? Well, each French verb either takes one or the other, so with time you’ll learn which verbs go with which helping verb.

For now, know that most verbs that use être are verbs of movement (although not all verbs of movement use être). Reflexive verbs such as s’habiller  (to get dressed) also use être as their helping verb.

The best way to remember when starting out is to familiarize yourself with the main verbs that take être as its helping verb. When I was learning French, my French professors suggested the following mnemonic: DR. AND MRS. VANDERTRAMPP. 

Devenir (to come from)
Revenir (to come back, to return)
Monter (to go up, climb)
Rester (to stay)
Sortir (to go out)

Venir (to come)
Aller (to go)
Naître (to be born)
Descendre (to go down)
Entrer (to enter)
Rentrer (to return)
Tomber (to fall)
Retourner (to return)
Arriver (to arrive, to come)
Mourir (to die)
Partir (to leave)
Passer (to pass [by])

This list is not exhaustive, but it covers the verbs that people use most often.

Here are some of these verbs conjugated in the future perfect tense: 

Aller (to go)Sortir (to go out)Descendre (to descend, to go down)
Je serai allé/allée Je serai sorti/sortie Je serai descendu/descendue
Tu seras allé/allée Tu seras sorti/sortie Tu seras descendu/descendue
Il/Elle sera allé/allée Il/Elle sera sorti/sortie Il/Elle sera descendu/descendue
Nous serons allés/allées Nous serons sortis/sorties Nous serons descendus/descendues
Vous serez allés/allées Vous serez sortis/sorties Vous serez descendus/descendues
Ils/Elles seront allés/allées Ils/Elles seront sortis/sorties Ils/Elles seront descendu/descendues

The rest of the time, verbs use avoir as their helping verb.

The verbs parler (to speak), entendre (to hear) and finir (to finish) take avoir as their helping verb. So, to form the future perfect tense, we begin with the conjugated avoir (in simple future tense) and pair it with the past participle of parler, entendre or finir.

Parler (to speak)Entendre (to hear)Finir (to finish)
J'aurai parlé J'aurai entendu J'aurai fini
Tu auras parlé Tu auras entendu Tu auras fini
Il/Elle aura parlé Il/Elle aura entendu Il/Elle aura fini
Nous aurons parlé Nous aurons entendu Nous aurons fini
Vous aurez parlé Vous aurez entendu Vous aurez fini
Ils/Elles auront parlé Ils/Elles auront entendu Ils/Elles auront fini

For a full list of past participles, check out this chart.

The Near Future Tense: Using Aller to Express the Future

The near future tense ( le futur proche ) is used to express something that will be happening in the very near future, and is formed by conjugating the verb aller (to go) into the present tense and pairing it with the infinitive verb.

Formation of Near Future Tense: Present tense of aller  + infinitive (main verb)

Aller (to go)
Je vais
Tu vas
Il/Elle va
Nous allons
Vous allez
Ils/Elles vont
+ Infinitive verb

Here’s a sample sentence in the near future tense:

    Je vais nager. (I am going to swim.)

See here that aller is conjugated in the present while nager stays in its infinitive form, unconjugated. You would say this if you were going swimming in the near future. 

If you were going to swim sometime further in the future, your sentence would look more like this:

    Je nagerai.  (I will swim.)

This implies that you will swim sometime in the future. You can, of course, add words to be more specific, like la semaine prochaine  (next week), demain  (tomorrow) or l’été prochain  (next summer).

The Present Tense as Future in French

In French, the future can also be expressed using the present tense. You’ll often see an exchange similar to the one below:

John: Je rentre chez moi bientôt.  (I’m going home soon.)
Molly: Ok, j’arrive dans cinq minutes.  (I’ll be there in five minutes.)

Notice here that no future tense is being used in the French. When you use a word that implies the future, like bientôt  (soon), dans cinq minutes  (in five minutes), l’an prochain  (next year) or demain  (tomorrow), you’re already expressing the future within the sentence.

Therefore, in spoken French, the future is sometimes completely left off.

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Where to Practice the French Future Tense

The best way to learn how to use the future tense is to practice. Here are some good ways to do so:

  • Find a language partner who’s a native French speaker. This is especially crucial when it comes to distinguishing between using the present tense to express the future and the future tense itself. Learning how and when to use these tenses in everyday conversation is crucial, and will help your writing skills, as well.
  • This BBC future tense article has great comprehensive examples of how and when to use the future tensethe present tense as the future and the near future tense.
  • Use ToLearnFrench.com to practice the future tense with quizzes.
  • Watch French television or movies and listen to podcasts in French. Listen for the future tense and take note of both how it’s used and when native speakers use it, such as on news podcasts when the hosts try to predict what will happen next.


So try out some of these methods, listen to how the future tense is used and then try it for yourself.

Who knows, perhaps in l’avenir  with all of your forthcoming knowledge, you will want to talk about what’s to come in your career, family life and romantic relationships.

And if not, you’re safe to use this French with whatever’s just around the corner!

And One More Thing...

If you like learning French at your own pace and from the comfort of your device, I have to tell you about FluentU.

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One of the features I find most helpful is the interactive captions—you can tap on any word to see its meaning, an image, pronunciation, and other examples from different contexts. It’s a great way to pick up French vocab without having to pause and look things up separately.


FluentU also helps reinforce what you’ve learned with personalized quizzes. You can swipe through extra examples and complete engaging exercises that adapt to your progress. You'll get extra practice with the words you find more challenging and even be reminded you when it’s time to review!


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