French Phone Conversations: 70+ Key Vocabulary Words and Phrases

Talking on the phone is an art.
Whether it be to help you do your job or to easily socialize with your cool new French friends, having a natural, smooth-flowing phone conversation will require thinking quickly on your feet.
So in this post, we’re going to help you remain cool, calm and collected while having French phone conversations. We’ve included key vocabulary and phrases and example phone dialogues, so you’ll have all you need to perfect this important skill.
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How to Have Flawless French Phone Conversations
Phone Call Greetings
- Allô ? (Hello?)
Easy peasy, and almost exactly like the English, with a cute little hat on the “o.”
- [Name of office/company], bonjour. ([Name of office/company], hello.)
In more formal environments like the business world, for example, answering the phone requires taking it up a notch. If you call the bank or Internet service provider, you’re likely to hear something like “Société Générale, bonjour” (Société Général, hello) or “Bouygues Telecom, bonjour” (Bouygues Telecom, hello).
Getting Connected to the Right Person
In an ideal world, we’d reach the person we’d like to speak to immediately. More often, though, you have to pass through an intermediary. In casual conversations, this may mean talking to a parent, sibling or partner. In more formal contexts, you’ll often have to go through a secretary.
- Bonjour, c’est [Y], [X] est là/disponible? (Hello, it’s [Y], is [X] there/available?)
- Puis-je parler à [X]? (May I please speak to [X]?)
- Je voudrais parler à [X]. (I would like to speak to [X].)
- Est-ce le bureau de [X]? (Is this [X]’s office?)
Asking Who’s on the Line
Asking who is on the line in the age of caller ID may seem like a thing of the past, but you know how it goes. People forget to save numbers, phones get lost, phones break and numbers change. C’est la vie (That’s life).
Regardless of how well you may or may not know a person, if their identity is temporarily unknown, it’s best to be polite (dare I say formal) rather than grunting a (very) casual “C’est qui ?” (Who is it?). Here are two alternatives:
- Qui est à l’appareil ? (Who is on the phone?)
Un appareil is French for a device, and in the contexts of phone conversations, it refers to the phone.
- C’est de la part de qui ? (Who is calling/speaking, please?)
More broadly speaking, the expression “de la part de” means “on behalf of.”
Holding During a French Phone Call
They say that patience is a virtue. I believe this to be especially true when you’re forced to listen to hold music (which I’ve been led to believe is the same all over the world, thanks to extensive personal research).
- Ne quitte pas. (Please hold.)
- Je te le/la passe. (I’ll put you through (to him or her).)
- Merci de vouloir patienter quelques instants. (Wait a moment, please.)
- Veuillez patienter, s’il vous plaît. (Be so kind as to wait please.)
Note that veuillez is the second person plural imperative form of vouloir (to want).
- Ne quittez pas (la ligne). (Please hold.)
- Je vous le/la passe. (I’ll put you through (to him or her).)
- La ligne est occupée. (The line is busy.)
Technical Difficulties on French Phone Calls
Can you hear me now? Unfortunately, dropped calls and spotty reception are things cell phone users know all too well. Let’s take a look at how to handle such inconveniences in French.
- Je ne capte pas très bien. (My reception isn’t very good.)
Capter is a verb with several meanings. In addition to “to receive a signal,” as in the case of a phone’s reception, it can also mean “to attract attention,” “to tap” a resource such as water, or in more informal contexts capter can also mean “to understand” or “to grasp.”
- Ça coupe. (You’re breaking up.)
Ça, a contraction of cela, meaning “this” or “that,” is an indefinite demonstrative pronoun. Here, ça refers to “this connection.”
- Je ne t’entends pas. (I don’t hear you.)
- La connexion est de mauvaise qualité. (The connection is bad.)
- Nous avons été coupés. (We were disconnected.)
- Pouvez-vous répéter cela? (Can you repeat that?)
Use the above line instead of screaming “Quoi ?” (What?) at your interlocutor.
Ending a French Phone Conversation
- Salut (Bye.)
In French, salut can also work as the casual greeting of “hi” or “hey” instead of bonjour (hello, good morning).
- Allez, ciao/bises. (Alrighty, ciao/kisses.)
In French, allez is often used as an expression of finality, which makes it a bit difficult to translate into English but it roughly translates to “alright” or “alrighty” in the above instance.
- À tout (à l’heure). (See you (later).)
- Au revoir. (Goodbye.)
- Bonne journée, au revoir. (Have a nice day, goodbye.)
French Phone Vocabulary
- Un annuaire —Phone book
- Un numéro — Telephone number
- Une sonnerie (de téléphone) — Ringtone
- Un répondeur —Answering machine
- Un répertoire — Contacts
- Une tonalité — Dial tone
- Appeler — To call
- Composer un numéro — To dial a number
- Décrocher — To pick up
- Laisser un message — To leave a message
- Patienter — To wait
- Raccrocher — To hang up
- Rappeler — To call back
- Sonner — To ring
- Recevoir un appel — To receive a call
- Passer un appel — To make a call
- Téléphone portable — Cell phone / Mobile phone
- Téléphone fixe — Landline phone
- Appel en absence — Missed call
- Mettre en haut-parleur — To put on speakerphone
- Carte SIM — SIM card
- Écouter un message — To listen to a message
- Passer en mode silencieux — To put on silent mode
- Couper la sonnerie — To mute the ringer
- Joindre quelqu’un — To get in touch with someone
- Communication — Call
- Communication internationale — International call
- Communication locale — Local call
Sample French Phone Conversations
Before we get into the sample dialogues, here’s a fun clip from our YouTube channel discussing what the French are like in phone calls:
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Did you know that in French, phones don’t go ring ring but rather dring dring ? Anyway! Now that you’ve learned some lines, let’s look at some examples, shall we?
Casual Phone Dialogues
Dring dring !
M. Durand: Allô ? (Hello?)
Paul: Allô, c’est Paul, Michel est là ? (Hello, it’s Paul; is Michel there?)
M. Durand: Ah, Paul ! Tu vas bien ? Oui, Michel est dans le salon. Je te le passe. (Ah, Paul! How are you doing? Yes, Michel is in the living room. I’ll put you through.)
Paul: Merci (Thank you)
Michel: Salut mec, ça va ? (Hey, dude, how’s it going?)
Paul: Ça va et toi ? (Everything’s good and you?)
Michel: Ça roule. (Everything’s good.)
Paul: Écoute, je pense avoir oublié mes crampons chez toi. Tu peux regarder dans ta chambre ? (Listen, I think I forgot my soccer cleats at your house. Can you look in your room?)
Michel: Pas de souci. Attends une seconde. (No worries. Hold on a second.)
—2 minutes plus tard (Two minutes later)—
Michel: Ouais, ils sont là. Je te les ramène demain. (Yeah, they’re here. I’ll bring them to you tomorrow).
Paul: Cool, merci. À demain, alors. (Cool, thanks. See you tomorrow then.)
Michel: À demain, salut. (See you tomorrow, bye).
Now let’s take a look at a conversation where things go a little less smoothly.
Dring dring !
Elise: Allô ? (Hello)
Sarah: Allô, Elise ? C’est Sarah. Ça va ? (Hello, Elise. It’s Sarah. How it’s going?)
Elise: Oui et toi ? (Good and you?)
Sarah: Oui je suis à la campagne chez ma tante. Je capte très mal ici. (Yes, I am in the countryside at my aunt’s house. My reception is really bad here.)
Elise: Allô ? Allô ? Sarah, tu es toujours là ? (Hello? Hello? Are you still there, Sarah?)
Sarah: Oui mais ça coupe. (Yes, but you’re breaking up.)
Sarah: Je te rappellerai plus tard. Ça marche ? (I will call you later. Does that work?)
Elise: Oui, ça marche. (Yes, that works.)
Sarah: D’accord. Bises, à toute ! (Ok. Kisses! Until later!)
Formal Phone Dialogues
Dring dring !
Secrétaire: Cabinet medical de Belleville, bonjour. (Belleville Doctor’s office, hello).
Mme Martin: Bonjour, je vous appelle pour prendre rendez-vous avec le docteur Boisaubert. (Hello, I am calling to schedule an appointment with Doctor Boisaubert.)
Secrétaire: D’accord. Ne quittez pas. (Ok. Please hold.)
Quelques instants plus tard (A few moments later)
Secretaire: Merci d’avoir patienté. Le docteur Boisaubert est disponible demain à 14h et jeudi à 9h30. Quel créneau horaire vous conviendrait ? (Thank you for waiting. Doctor Boisaubert is available tomorrow at 2 p.m. and Thursday at 9:30 a.m. Which time slot works for you?)
Mme Martin: Demain à 14h me convient. (Tomorrow at 2 p.m. works for me.)
Secrétaire: Votre nom, madame ? (Your last name, ma’am?)
Mme Martin: Martin. Et le prénom c’est Elisabeth. (Martin. And the first name is Elisabeth.)
Secrétaire: D’accord Madame Martin. Je confirme votre rendez-vous avec le docteur Boisaubert pour demain à 14h. (Ok Mrs. Martin. I have booked your meeting with Doctor Boisaubert for tomorrow at 2 p.m.)
Mme Martin: Merci beaucoup. (Thank you very much.)
Secrétaire: Je vous en prie. Bonne journée, au revoir. (You are welcome. Have a nice day, goodbye.)
Mme Martin: De même, au revoir. (You too, goodbye.)
And to think that some people say scheduling appointments is a hassle! Now, let’s take a look at a formal phone conversation in which the person of interest is unavailable.
Dring dring
Secrétaire: Relations publiques, bonjour. (Public relations, hello.)
M. Portier: Bonjour, Jean Giraud à l’appareil. Puis-je parler à Jean-Bernard Watteau ? (Hello, Jean Giraud speaking. May I please speak to Jean-Bernard Watteau?)
Secrétaire: Veuillez patienter, s’il vous plâit. (Be so kind as to wait, please.)
—Quelques instants plus tard (A few moments later)—
Secrétaire: Monsieur Giraud ? Je suis désolé(e). Monsieur Watteau est en réunion. Voulez-vous laisser un message ?(Mr. Giraud? I’m sorry, Mr. Watteau is in a meeting. Do you want to leave a message?)
M. Portier: Je vais le rappeler à un autre moment. Merci beaucoup. (I will call him back at another time. Thank you very much.)
Sécretaire: Je vous en prie. Bonne journée, au revoir. (You are welcome. Have a nice day, goodbye.)
M. Portier: Bonne journée à vous aussi, au revoir. (Have a nice day as well, goodbye.)
It may seem like a lot to master, but practicing multiple times and seeing these French phone conversations in context will help the words and phrases stick for the long-term.
Practice alone as much as needed so that you know exactly when and how to say what. Mime along to French dialogues to loosen up your tongue and build up your skills. Have pretend conversations with yourself. You can even role-play various realistic situations and hold a phone to your ear through it all to really sell it!
Wherever your adventures in French phone conversations may take you—dropped calls, missed calls and more—you’re bound to be a smooth operator.
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And One More Thing...
If you like learning French at your own pace and from the comfort of your device, I have to tell you about FluentU.
FluentU makes it easier (and way more fun) to learn French by making real content like movies and series accessible to learners. You can check out FluentU's curated video library, or bring our learning tools directly to Netflix or YouTube with the FluentU Chrome extension.
One of the features I find most helpful is the interactive captions—you can tap on any word to see its meaning, an image, pronunciation, and other examples from different contexts. It’s a great way to pick up French vocab without having to pause and look things up separately.
FluentU also helps reinforce what you’ve learned with personalized quizzes. You can swipe through extra examples and complete engaging exercises that adapt to your progress. You'll get extra practice with the words you find more challenging and even be reminded you when it’s time to review!
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