81 French Acronyms and Abbreviations

Knowing French acronyms is a great way to not only shorten things up in your writing and speech, but to fit in with the natives. Acronyms and abbreviations are mostly only used in casual situations, but if you use them correctly, your French friends are sure to be impressed with your knowledge.
This post will give you 80+ French acronyms and abbreviations to help you out in any casual conversation.
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Abbreviation/Acronym | French Definition | English Definition |
Bjr | Bonjour | Good Afternoon |
Bsr | Bonsoir | Good Evening |
Cc | Cous-cous | Hi |
Ccv | Comment ça va? | How are you? |
Slt | Salut | Hi |
QDN | Quoi de neuf? | What's up? |
Common French Words
Abbreviation/Acronym | French Definition | English Definition |
SVP | Bonjour | Good Afternoon |
STP | Bonsoir | Good Evening |
Pk | Cous-cous | Hi |
Dsl | Comment ça va? | How are you? |
Vrm | Salut | Hi |
Mci | Quoi de neuf? | What's up? |
Dac | D'accord | Okay |
Bcp | Beaucoup | A lot |
QQC | Quelque chose | Something |
QQ1 | Quelqu'on | Someone |
Je c | Je sais | I know |
Tt | Tout | All |
Abbreviation/Acronym | French Definition | English Definition |
Jms | Jamais | Never |
Ajh | Aujourd'hui | Today |
Tjs | Toujours | Always |
h | Heure | Hour |
Aprèm | Après-midi | Afternoon |
Abbreviation/Acronym | French Definition | English Definition |
M. | Monsieur | Mr. |
Mme. | Madame | Mrs. |
Mlle. | Madamoiselle | Miss |
Dr. | Docteur | Doctor |
Pr. | Professeur | Professor |
Me. | Maître | Lawyer |
Abbreviation/Acronym | French Definition | English Definition |
AR | Aller Retour | Round trip |
DOMTOM | Départements d'Outre-Mer et Territoires d'Outre-Mer | French overseas departments and territories |
RATP | Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens | Autonomous Operator of Parisian Transports |
RER | Réseau Express Régional | Regional Express Network |
SNCF | Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Français | National Society of French Railways |
TGV | Train à Grande Vitesse | High-speed train |
É.-U. | États-Unis | United States |
Abbreviation/Acronym | French Definition | English Definition |
Psy | Psychologue | Psychologist |
SAMU | Service d'Aide Médicale Urgente | Emergency medical services |
IVG | Interruption volontaire de grossesse | Abortion |
SIDA | Syndrome Immunodéficitaire Acquis | AIDS |
ADN | Acide Désoxyribonucléique | DNA |
Abbreviation/Acronym | French Definition | English Definition |
Bât. | Bâtiment | Building |
Al | A louer | For rent |
Appt. | Appartement | Apartment |
Asc. | Ascenseur | Elevator |
Ch. | Chambre | Room |
Disp. | Disponible | Available |
Et. | Étage | Floor |
SDB | Salle de bains | Bathroom |
SDF | Sans domicile fixe | Homeless |
HLM | Habitation à loyer moderé | Social housing |
Work, Law and Money
Abbreviation/Acronym | French Definition | English Definition |
CV | Curriculum Vitae | Resume |
TTC | Toutes taxes comprises | Including all taxes |
HT | Hors taxes | Excluding taxes |
FDP | Frais de port | Shipping costs |
CB | Carte bancaire | Credit card |
CDI | Contrat à durée indéterminée | Permanent contract |
SMIC | Salaire minimum interprofessionnel de croissance | Minimum wage |
RIB | Relevé d'identité bancaire | Bank account details |
PME | Petites et moyennes entreprises | Small and medium sized businesses |
PV | Procès-verbal | Summary report of events |
TIG | Travaux d'intérêt général | Community service |
ONG | Organisation non-gouvernementale | Non-governmental organization |
ONU | Organisation des Nations Unies | United Nations |
UE | Union Européenne | European Union |
More Useful Abbreviations and Acronyms
Abbreviation/Acronym | French Definition | English Definition |
Hist. | Histoire | History |
Ki | Qui | Who |
C.À.D | C'est à dire | In other words |
RDV | Rendez-vous | Appointment, meeting |
HS | Hors service | Out of service |
NRV | Énervé | Nervous |
BG | Beau Gosse | Good looking guy |
Vazi | Vas-y | Go ahead |
MDR | Mort de rire | Dying of laughter, LOL |
C ca | C'est ça | That's right |
Je re | Je reviens | I'll be back |
JTM | Je t'aime | I love you |
RSVP | Répondez s'il vous plaît | Respond, please |
Perso | Personellement | Personally |
Le bac | Le baccalauréat | Big exam taken at the end of high school |
Apéro | Apéritif | Pre-dinner snack/drinks |
The best way to pick up on these abbreviations is to see them used in context. This will happen most often when texting but you may also see them be used in emails, presentations or even in speech! You might even see them in videos.
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Sure you’re not going to be using these abbreviations and acronyms all the time, but the important thing here is to at least have an idea of what they mean when you really need them, you never know when they can come in handy!
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And One More Thing...
If you like learning French at your own pace and from the comfort of your device, I have to tell you about FluentU.
FluentU makes it easier (and way more fun) to learn French by making real content like movies and series accessible to learners. You can check out FluentU's curated video library, or bring our learning tools directly to Netflix or YouTube with the FluentU Chrome extension.
One of the features I find most helpful is the interactive captions—you can tap on any word to see its meaning, an image, pronunciation, and other examples from different contexts. It’s a great way to pick up French vocab without having to pause and look things up separately.
FluentU also helps reinforce what you’ve learned with personalized quizzes. You can swipe through extra examples and complete engaging exercises that adapt to your progress. You'll get extra practice with the words you find more challenging and even be reminded you when it’s time to review!
You can use FluentU on your computer, tablet, or phone with our app for Apple or Android devices. Click here to take advantage of our current sale! (Expires at the end of this month.)