
25 Angry German Words and Phrases

What if you could speak to your spouse, kids, coworkers, friends or just about anyone in German, but not express when you’re ticked off?

Telling your significant other you love them is nice, but revealing anger is just as important as schmoozing when it comes to resolving problems.

That’s why I put together a list of 25 of the most common angry German words for you to express your feelings, get a point across or even to tease your friends.

1. Quatsch!  — Nonsense!

Pronounced like “Kvatch,” this is one of the more commonly used terms when showing your angry side. The point is to come back with the word when someone is talking nonsense, so although it doesn’t have a direct English translation, it pretty much means “Nonsense!”

Das ist totaler Quatsch! (That is complete nonsense!)

2. Schleich dich!  — Get lost!

Schleichen is a verb that means “to creep,” yet when combined with the word dich, it has a literal translation of “Get lost.”

I enjoy this saying because you can fit it into playful conversation as well as angered dialogue. It’s also not too vulgar or insulting that you would end up getting into a brawl with it.

Nimm deine Sachen und schleich dich! (Take your things and get lost!)

One thing to note is that this phrase is using the du form, so is just referring to one person informally. If you want to tell multiple people to put a lid on it, you’ll need to use the ihr form. In this case, in becomes: schleicht euch!

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3. Hau ab! — Buzz off!

Hau ab is another way to say “Get lost,” but keep in mind that the verb hauen means “to hit,” so it’s a tad more aggressive than the “Schleich dich!” option.

If you find yourself at a beer garden in Munich, and a guy tries to pick a fight with you, consider staying away from the “Hau ab!” phrase.

Hau ab, du Volltrottel! (Buzz off, you moron!)

4. Ich bin sauer. I am mad.

This is a simple statement that states “I’m angry.” Although it may not seem like the ideal way to reveal your emotion, being clear and to the point is often the most rational method instead of throwing a tantrum or something like that.

This is also a better way to tell a friend, coworker or relative that you aren’t to be messed with right now, since it’s not all that aggressive, and you can keep the situation from going out of control.

Lass mich in Ruhe. Ich bin sauer auf dich! (Leave me alone. I’m mad at you!)

5. Ich bin wütend. I am furious.

Translated as “I’m furious,” this sentence takes the level up a notch, revealing that you truly mean business. Germans don’t have that many hand gestures to pair with these statements, so when you’re feeling furious, resort to the standard face expressions and arm movements you would consider when speaking English.

A red face and a grimace usually gets the point across. Not to mention, flipping the bird is as understood in Germany as it is in most parts of the world.

Was hat ihn so wütend gemacht? (What made him so furious?)

6. Halt deinen Mund.  — Shut your mouth.

You may not even use this as an angry statement, but it works for that as well. The sentence simply means “Be quiet,” but the more literal translation is “Shut your mouth.”

Halt deinen Mund und hör zu! (Shut your mouth and listen!)

7. Geh mir aus den Augen!  — Get out of my sight!

The sentence “Geh mir aus den Augen!” means “Get out of my sight,” which can obviously be used in many situations such as when frustrated with a significant other, worker or child.

Geh mir aus den Augen, ich will dich gerade nicht ansehen. (Get out of my sight, I don’t want to look at you right now.)

8. Leck mich! Screw you! 

The literal translation for this is “Lick me,” but that doesn’t make much sense, now does it? The “Leck mich!” phrase is actually what you would use if you’re trying to say something like “Bite me” or “Screw off!”

Leck mich! Ich will nichts mehr von dir hören. (Screw you! I don’t want to hear anything from you anymore.)

9. Leck mich am Arsch!  — Kiss my a**!

Tying into the goofy “Lick me” statement above, we have an even funnier direct translation that doesn’t actually mean what the translation says. “Leck mich am Arsch!” directly translates to “Lick me on the a**.” Now that’s not intimidating. It’s certainly weird though.

Although that’s the case, it’s actually the German version of “Kiss my a**.” For a more PG-rated version of this phrase, simply replace the word Arsch with Hintern to say “Kiss my butt!”

Try the hand gesture:

Much of the world uses the “a-OK” hand gesture as a way to indicate that things are going well. However, some Germans use the gesture to represent the word a**hole, which you can pair with the saying above to put some emphasis on what you mean.

10. Du kannst mich mal! — Bite me!

To keeps things open-ended, the “Du kannst mich mal!” saying literally means “You can ~ me,” allowing you to fill in the blank with your own imagination.

Das ist mir egal. Du kannst mich mal! (I don’t care. Bite me!)

11. Du kannst mich gern haben! No, forget it, I’m not doing that!

If you’d like to get a little more specific with the “Du kannst mich!” sentence, consider this one. The immediate translation is “You can like me,” but that would be crazy to tell to someone you’re mad at.

What it’s actually saying is “No, forget it, I’m not doing that,” which is ideal if someone is trying to get you to do something you don’t want to do at work or school.

Du kannst mich gern haben, wenn du denkst, ich mache das. (No, forget it; I’m not doing that if you think I will.)

12. Hast (du) ein Wahn oder was? Are you crazy or what?

This means “Are you crazy or what?” since the word Wahn means “deluded” or “delusional.” To take it a step further, you may consider telling another person they’re an idiot, with the phrase “Du bist ein Dummkopf.” 

Germans also pair this saying with a hand motion, somewhat flexing the bicep in front of the chest and patting the elbow with the opposite hand. The motion indicates that the other person’s brain is located in their elbow.

Hast du ein Wahn oder was? Das macht doch keinen Sinn! (Are you crazy or what? That makes no sense!)

13. Mist! / So ein Misthaufen! Crap!/What a pile of crap!

If you stick to the word Mist, it’s like saying “Crap!” since the German word means manure. However, you can also take it a step further by saying “So ein Misthaufen,” which translates to “What a pile of crap!”

So ein Misthaufen, warum passiert mir das immer? (What a pile of crap, why does this always happen to me?)

14. Ach du lieber Himmel! Good heavens!

“Ach du lieber Himmel!” has a rough translation to “Good heavens!” for when you get frustrated with someone or you can’t believe how dense someone is being.

Ach du lieber Himmel, das habe ich total vergessen! (Good heavens, I completely forgot about that!)

15. Lass mich in Ruhe! Leave me alone!

This angry German word works wonders for that moment when you can’t stand being around people. “Lass mich in Ruhe!” is a simple way to say “Leave me alone.”

Obviously we don’t condone yelling at people in German only to strike up an argument, but it’s human nature to get frustrated or angry sometimes, so it’s essential to have an arsenal of angry German words to express your emotions and reach a state of fluency.

Lass mich in Ruhe, ich brauche Zeit für mich. (Leave me alone; I need time for myself)

16. Verpiss dich! — Piss off!

Adding a strong punch to your repertoire, “Verpiss dich!” is the perfect way to tell someone to leave you alone. It carries the weight of “Piss off!” in English, making it clear that you’ve had enough and need some space.

Verpiss dich, ich will deine Meinung nicht hören. (Piss off, I don’t want to hear your opinion.)

17. Kümmer dich um deinen eigenen Kram! — Mind your own business!

For those nosy moments when people just won’t stop prying, “Kümmer dich um deinen eigenen Kram!” serves as the ideal retort. Translating to “Mind your own business!” it’s a direct yet effective way to shut down unwanted questions.

Kümmer dich um deinen eigenen Kram, das geht dich nichts an. (Mind your own business; it’s none of your concern.)

18. Was zum Teufel? — What the hell?

This angry German phrase is perfect for expressing surprise or frustration, “Was zum Teufel?” directly translates to “What the hell?” It’s a versatile phrase you can use to convey your disbelief or irritation in different situations.

Was zum Teufel machst du hier? (What the hell are you doing here?)

19. Ich kann dich nicht riechen. — I can’t stand you.

In these moments when tolerance reaches its limit, use “Ich kann dich nicht riechen.” It translates to “I can’t smell you,” which is, often, a good thing. But in this context, the sweet scent of fond affection is clearly missing. 

Du bist so überheblich! Ich kann dich nicht riechen! (You’re so arrogant! I can’t stand you!)

20. Das ist lächerlich! — That’s ridiculous!

Germans use the phrase “Das ist lächerlich!” in moments of absurdity to express how they feel. Translating to “That’s ridiculous!” it’s a straightforward expression to show how you feel about something absurd or nonsensical.

Das ist lächerlich, das kann doch nicht wahr sein! (That’s ridiculous; this can’t be true!)

21. Es reicht! — That’s enough!

When you’ve had your fill, “Es reicht!” serves as a concise way to say “That’s enough!” This phrase is perfect for stating the end of tolerating a situation or behavior.

Es reicht jetzt! Ich kann nicht mehr! (That’s enough now! I can’t take it anymore!)

22. Ich platze gleich vor Wut! — I’m about to explode with anger!

Taking anger to the next level, “Ich platze gleich vor Wut!” translates to “I’m about to explode with anger!” It vividly captures the intensity of your emotions, showing that you’re reaching a boiling point.

Ich platze gleich vor Wut, wenn das noch einmal passiert! (I’m about to explode with anger if that happens again!)

23. Du nervst! — You’re annoying!

For those times when irritation sets in, “Du nervst!” is your go-to phrase. Translating to “You’re annoying!” that’s what Germans use to express frustration (when they want to stay away from more explicit language).

Du nervst, hör bitte auf! (You’re annoying; please stop!)

24. Das geht mir auf die Nerven. — That gets on my nerves.

When something or someone is getting on your nerves, express it with “Das geht mir auf die Nerven.” Translating to “That gets on my nerves,” it’s a relatable phrase for moments when you feel irritated.

Das geht mir auf die Nerven, wenn du immer so laut sprichst. (That gets on my nerves when you always speak so loudly.)

25. Ich bin stinksauer! — I’m livid!

When anger reaches its peak, let it out with “Ich bin stinksauer!” This powerful phrase means “I’m furious!” and perfectly shows the intensity of your wrath.

Ich bin stinksauer auf meinen Kollegen. (I’m livid with my colleague.)

Why Would You Want to Learn Angry German Words?

Anger is a natural emotion, so if you need to express that you’re dissatisfied at a business meeting or disappointed with a friend, you must learn how to show that in the German language. It’s also nice, since many of these anger-based sentences double as joking statements when speaking with friends.

You can also leverage anger to show people that you’re truly being serious. This works great for many professions, such as teachers or coaches who need to grab attention quickly.

It’s worth noting that the German population generally has no problem with cursing, and they show it on TV without any censorship. That’s another perfect reason for learning angry German words and sentences! I can’t imagine a good German movie or TV show without some sort of conflict involved. So if you’re learning German through books, movies or TV, it’s imperative to recognize these emotional sentences.

Video content featuring native speakers is a great way to hear German used in lots of different situations. By seeing and hearing the language in action, you can learn how to properly utilize German expressions with confidence. You can find plenty of German videos online, and you should watch with the eyes and ears of a learner–taking copious notes of how emotion is conveyed in varying degrees through words.


Hearing German words and phrases in context while watching movies or web videos will help the language you learn stick better in your mind. See if you can find videos on the web that feature the phrases from our list above.

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