No matter the reason, the key to learning to read German is practice, which involves finding things to read. That’s where German newsletters can help—keep reading to find out about 6 interesting newsletters you can subscribe to as a German learner.
Given how challenging it can be to find German newsletters, here’s a list of suggested reads. The newsletters are listed in alphabetical order. Topics run the gamut from world news to technology to writing, and the mailing frequencies range from daily to monthly.
As mentioned, feel free to sign up for a variety of newsletters to start, but be sure to unsubscribe if you find yourself ignoring the messages that pop up in your inbox over time.
1. Bande de Coquins
For longer travel pieces, check out the Bande de Coquins newsletter, which is focused on the author’s trips and journeys.
The travelogues are personal, featuring lots of pictures and sensory detail. Rather than being dry, the writing in Bande de Coquins is hip and colloquial—great for intermediate German practice.
Deutsche Welle offers a wide variety of German newsletters, including some in English for those just getting started learning German. Some of the newsletters are more news-focused, while others emphasize cultural topics.
The newsletter for Deutsch als Fremdsprache (German as a foreign language) is especially useful, as it’s designed to be read by non-native speakers.
3. FluentU German Learner Newsletter
Looking for German learning tips and resources? The FluentU German newsletter sends a weekly email with links to the latest FluentU German Learner blog posts, which cover everything from grammar concepts and vocabulary lists to study techniques to book, movie and TV show recommendations.
Julian Schmidli’s newsletter is one of many personal newsletters found online. Just like personal zines, personal newsletters are imbued with the personality of their writers.
Julian’s newsletter focuses on travel, political essays (such as an issue focused on the #MeToo movement) and other topics he finds interesting.
Süddeutsche Zeitung is a daily German newspaper. They offer a number of newsletters, each tailored to different interests. Most of the daily and weekly newsletters offer curated links to explore.
Of their offerings, “jetzt-Newsletter” is a good one to start out with, as its Millennial-focused news uses slang and touches on topics relevant to 20- and 30-somethings.
If you’re a news junkie, other newsletters worth mentioning include the daily Morning Briefing or the weekly Reportagen (Reportage).
The Textmatters newsletter offers German writing advice, which can be surprisingly useful for the intermediate learner. An introductory issue, for example, talks about “Stinkende Adjektive” (“stinking adjectives”) that can overpower text.
Just as good writing in English helps to communicate ideas with brevity and clarity, so does good German writing.
How to Find Your New Favorite German Newsletter
It can be challenging to find interesting German newsletters. If you search around for lists of bloggers’ favorite newsletters, even German sites like to share newsletters written in English. That said, it isn’t impossible.
The easiest way to find your new Lieblings-Newsletter (favorite newsletter) is to look and see if a German blogger or site that you enjoy has a mailing list. Note that it’s likely more marketing-related than, say, a curated newsletter, but you might still get interesting content. Even German spam can have its uses!
Look out for the word “abonnieren,” or “subscribe.”
If you don’t already have a site in mind, you can do a few Google searches to see what comes up for your interests. Try variations of “abonnieren + [your interest in German] + newsletter.” Sometimes “abonnieren” will be shortened to “abo,” so you can search with that, as well.
For example, if I were into gardening, I might search for “abonnieren garten newsletter” (“subscribe to garden newsletter”). One of the first results is the email newsletter of a German garden and landscape magazine—probably something worth checking out!
For newsletter-specific queries, it can be helpful to include the names of mailing services in the search. Two major services are MailChimp and TinyLetter. MailChimp is mostly used for big marketing campaigns or for large-scale newsletters. TinyLetter, on the other hand, has a subscriber cap and is mostly used for small, personal affairs.
To compare, think of the difference between a glossy magazine and a hand-stapled zine: both can be excellent, but their audiences are slightly different. Due to the differences in these services, using one or the other in your query can change the search results. Try both and see what happens.
German newsletters can be a simple and effective way to practice reading. By subscribing to newsletters about topics you enjoy, you can motivate yourself to read something new every day.
Try subscribing to one of the newsletters from this list and find your own Lieblings-Newsletter today.
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