31 Ways to Say Good Morning in German

You’ve done your daily routine—you’ve made your bed, brushed your teeth and eaten Frühstück. But no morning truly feels like one until you or someone else says so directly, with a friendly “Good morning!”
Depending on the social context and the German-speaking region you’re in, you may have to be selective about your first greeting of the day. In this post, I’ll cover some of the more popular ways to say “good morning” in German, plus a few regional variations.
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Guten Morgen : The Basic “Good Morning” in German
This may be one of the first German phrases you’ve ever learned. It’s the most standard German morning greeting that can be used anywhere.
It’s typical to greet someone with Guten Morgen before 11 a.m. You can also say just Morgen in more informal situations (or if you feel a little too lazy to muster the Guten).
Formal Ways to Say Good Morning in German
Want a morning greeting beyond Guten Morgen? These greetings are the best options when you’re in polite company, like with your boss or someone who is older or has a higher status than you.
- Einen schönen guten Morgen! (A lovely good morning!)
- Einen wunderschönen guten Morgen. (A beautiful, good morning .)
- Herzlich willkommen in einem neuen Tag! (Warmly welcome to a new day)
- Ich hoffe, Sie hatten eine angenehme Nacht. (I hope you had a pleasant night.)
- Haben Sie gut geschlafen? (Did you sleep well?)
- Möge Ihr Tag erfolgreich und erfüllend sein. (May your day be successful and fulfilling.)
- Einen wundervollen Start in den Tag wünsche ich Ihnen. (I wish you a wonderful start to the day.)
- Mit frischem Schwung in den neuen Morgen! (With fresh energy into the new morning!)
- Ich hoffe, der heutige Tag bringt Ihnen Freude und Erfolg. (I hope today brings you joy and success.)
- Ich wünsche Ihnen einen angenehmen Morgen. (I wish you a pleasant morning.)
Casual Ways to Say Good Morning in German
Hanging out with friends in the morning? Use these casual greetings, instead!
- Hallöchen! (Howdy!)
- Guten Morgen zusammen! (Good morning everyone!)
- Guten Morgen, Welt! (Good morning, world!)
- Na, ausgeschlafen? (So, well-rested?)
- Was geht? (What’s up?)
- Schönen guten! (Lovely morning!)
- Morgen! (Morning!)
- Guten Morgen, Schlafmütze! (Good morning, sleepyhead!)
- Morgen, Digga! (Morning, dude!)
- Gut geschlafen? (Sleep well?)
Regional Variations on German Good Mornings
Where you are in the German-speaking world might affect how you say good morning. Here are a few regional variations you’d hear in different regions and countries.
Moin (Hello)
Where it’s used: Northwestern Germany, Hamburg
This doesn’t just resemble the sound effect of a bouncing cartoon character. Moin is a standard, casual greeting common in parts of northern Germany, such as Lower Saxony and Hamburg. It can be used in the afternoon and night, not just in the morning.
Locals may cheerfully say Moin Moin , which is more informal and friendlier in tone. You can also use Moinsen with your pals.
I’ll be honest, this is probably my favorite greeting on the list!
Mojen (Morning)
Where it’s used: Berlin
Berlin is the capital of Germany, and being such a large city filled with all kinds of people, it’s not surprising that there is such a thing as a Berlin dialect (known as Berlinerisch). Full of fun phrases and slang, this dialect is sometimes noted to be rather brusque and witty.
Mojen is a daytime greeting sometimes used by locals in the bustling metropolis. Being short and to the point, it’s likely favored by those busy folks who want to shoot a quick greeting while still moving along.
Moagn (Morning)
Where it’s used: Austria
No, it’s not a typo. Austria has its own dialect, and Moagn is an Austrian pronunciation of Morgen!
It’s absolutely fine to say Morgen as well, although Moagn may help you fit in just a little bit more when you’re walking down those pleasant Austrian streets. (I used it often when I visited Vienna years ago, and it was always nice when a local responded positively to it!)
It’s a little challenging to say correctly. Make sure you drop the hard enunciation of the r in Morgen, so that your tongue wouldn’t form a curled position.
Guete Morge (Good morning)
Where it’s used: Switzerland
Did you know that the most commonly spoken language in Switzerland is German? There’s a slight catch, though: The German used there is quite unique, enough to form a dialect known as Swiss German.
So it’s natural that the typical Swiss German way of saying “good morning” isn’t Guten Morgen. Guete Morge is what you’re more likely to hear, and it’s appropriate for both informal and formal contexts.
Pay attention to that first e in Guete—you’re not just saying Gute. I find that little e helps to make the whole phrase sound more sprightly than Guten Morgen. You can use this children’s song as a guide!
Morsche (Morning)
Where it’s used: West central Germany, the Rhine
This is a greeting common to parts of central Germany, particularly in the west where the unique Hessian dialect is used.
Morsche sounds very similar to the standard German word morsch, which means “brittle” or “derelict.” The difference in pronunciation is quite subtle, so I recommend you use this greeting in the regions where you know it will be understood.
Grüß Gott (God bless)
Where it’s used: Southern Germany, Austria, Bavaria
This curious greeting is common in the South, but if spoken anywhere else, it may cause some misinterpretation.
The full phrase from which Grüß Gott is derived from is Grüß dich Gott, which translates literally to “Greet God” but basically means “may God bless you.” The religious connotation stems from the history of Catholicism in the regions.
Nowadays, the phrase is more or less a casual greeting that equates to “good day” and is appropriate for most situations.
Servus (Hello)
Where it’s used: Southern Germany, Austria, Bavaria, Switzerland
This greeting is derived from the Latin servus, which a long time ago was used respectfully to mean “at your service.” Now, however, Servus as used by Germans has become an informal way to say hello or goodbye to someone.
So while it doesn’t strictly mean “good morning,” Servus is a common daytime greeting that may be used in place of other phrases.
Other Ways to Say Good Morning in German
These aren’t specific to mornings, but you can use them at any point of the day!
Guten Tag (Hello/good afternoon)
This phrase works so long as the sun’s up and shining. You can use it when the hour is still in the a.m. zone, but it’s preferable to use it after 11 o’clock and closer to or afternoon.
To be more casual, you can simply say a quick Tag. You may also want to say Tach in northern Germany or even the cutesy Tagchen in Brandenburg and Saxony.
Hab einen schönen Tag (Have a great day)
After a pleasant exchange with someone and just before either of you take leave, it may be nice to throw in a Hab einen schönen Tag to end on a friendly note.
Notice that Hab is the imperative form of the verb haben (to have)!
You can also shorten it to say Schönen Tag noch , which literally means “Good day (yet).”
Raus aus den Federn (Rise and shine)
Literally meaning, “out of the feathers,” this phrase may sound like a death knell to the groggy recipients who are content to lay in bed. It’s probably not a greeting that you should expect to be received warmly.
Regardless, if you’re the morning bird in the group, feel free to use this greeting (command, really) to rouse your friends and family members.
To practice more German greetings like this and pick up conversational expressions, check out FluentU.
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Related Morning Phrases and Vocabulary
Keep your morning discussions going with these phrases and vocabulary words for German mornings:
Morning Routine Vocabulary
- aufwachen (to wake up)
- Wecker (alarm clock)
- die Schlummertaste (the snooze button)
- sich die Zähne putzen (to brush your teeth)
- sich das Gesicht waschen (to wash your face)
- sich rasieren (to shave)
- sich duschen (to shower)
- sich schminken/Make-up auftragen (to put on makeup)
- die Morgengymnastik (morning exercise)
- die Morgenroutine (morning routine)
- der Tagesplan (daily schedule)
- die Aufgabenliste (to-do list)
- der Kalender (calendar)
- die Zeitung (newspaper)
- aufstehen (to get up)
- sich die Haare kämmen (to comb your hair)
Breakfast Vocabulary
- das Frühstück (breakfast)
- der Morgenspaziergang (morning walk)
- der Kaffee (coffee)
- der Tee (tea)
- das Brötchen (roll)
- die Marmelade (jam)
- die Butter (butter)
- die Orangensaft (orange juice)
- das Müsli (cereal)
- der Joghurt (yogurt)
- der Honig (honey)
- die Milch (milk)
- das Obst (fruit)
- Eier kochen (to boil eggs)
- der Toast (toast)
- der Cappuccino (cappuccino)
Heading to Work/School
- der Arbeitstag beginnt (workday starts)
- der Verkehr (traffic)
- die U-Bahn/S-Bahn (subway/urban train)
- pendeln (to commute)
- die Schule (school)
More Morning Vocabulary
- der Sonnenaufgang (sunrise)
- der Schlafanzug (pajamas)
- die Morgensonne (morning sun)
- schläfrig (sleepy)
- die Morgendämmerung (dawn)
- das Bett (bed)
- die Decke (blanket)
“Good morning” phrases make up only a fraction of the vast pool of German greetings.
And although it may be only one or a few words long, that simple salutation can go a long way in making your (and someone else’s) day!
And One More Thing...
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