18+ Ways to Say Good Night in German

In this guide, learn all the ways to say “good night” in German, from casual to formal expressions. Then, keep reading to see romantic good night wishes, regional variations and even more expressions and vocabulary words for German nights.
Whether you’re traveling to Germany, connecting with German-speaking friends or simply expanding your language skills, you’ll be able to say “Gute Nacht”… and beyond.
- Common Ways to Say Good Night in German
- 1. Gute Nacht — Good Night
- 2. Guten Abend — Good Evening
- 3. Schönen Abend — Lovely evening
- 4. Schlaf gut — Sleep tight
- 5. Bis bald — See you soon
- 6. Angenehme Nachtruhe — Sleep well
- 7. Ich wünsche Ihnen einen angenehmen Abend — I wish you a pleasant evening
- 8. Gute Nacht, meine Damen und Herren — Good night, ladies and gentlemen
- 9. Ich wünsche Ihnen eine erholsame Nacht — I wish you a restful night
- 10. Süße Träume — Sweet dreams
- 11. Schlaf schön — Sleep well
- 12. Träum was Schönes — Dream something beautiful
- 13. Bis morgen — Until Tomorrow
- 14. Gute Nacht, mein Liebling — Good night, my darling
- 15. Bis später — Until later
- 16. Schnarch gut — Sleep well
- 17. Abendliche Grüße — Evening greetings
- 18. Friedvollen Abend — Peaceful evening
- Regional Variations on Good Night in German
- Romantic Ways to Say Good Night in German
- More German Night Expressions
- German Night Vocabulary Words
- And One More Thing...
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Common Ways to Say Good Night in German
1. Gute Nacht — Good Night
Formality level: Neutral
This is the most standard and universal way to say “Good Night” in German. It’s suitable for use in most situations, whether with family, friends, or acquaintances. Just as we would use it in English, you use this one when you’re saying goodbye to someone at night, not as a greeting.
At this point, you might be wondering: Is it Gute Nacht or guten Nacht? The correct phrase is “Gute Nacht”! “Gute” is in the nominative case, and “Nacht” (meaning “night”) is a feminine noun. Therefore, “Gute Nacht” is the correct way to say “Good night” in German.
2. Guten Abend — Good Evening
Formality level: Neutral
The most common way to say “Good evening” in German is “Guten Abend.” This phrase is used in both formal and informal settings and is a standard way to greet someone in the evening in the German language.
3. Schönen Abend — Lovely evening
Formality level: Informal
This informal greeting is used to wish someone a pleasant evening, and is suitable for casual settings with friends and family. While less formal than “Guten Abend,” it’s still a polite way to greet someone.
This phrase is a good choice when you’re meeting someone you know well or when you are in a more relaxed setting. You can also use it when answering the phone in the evening, if you want to sound more casual.
4. Schlaf gut — Sleep tight
Formality level: Informal
This phrase is a simple and straightforward way to wish someone a restful night. As this is using the du form of the imperative, this is more appropriate for informal situations. You would want to use the Sie form for formal situations: Schlafen Sie gut!
5. Bis bald — See you soon
Formality level: Neutral
Meaning “See you soon,” this phrase is used when you plan to see the person again soon, perhaps the next day or in the near future.
6. Angenehme Nachtruhe — Sleep well
Formality level: Formal
This phrase conveys a wish for a calm and peaceful night. It literally means “pleasant night’s rest”, and so you can imagine that it is more so used in formal situations.
7. Ich wünsche Ihnen einen angenehmen Abend — I wish you a pleasant evening
Formality level: Formal
This phrase is a polite and formal way to bid someone good night, especially in professional or formal settings.
8. Gute Nacht, meine Damen und Herren — Good night, ladies and gentlemen
Formality level: Formal
“Good Night, ladies and gentlemen” is a courteous and formal way to say good night in a group or public setting.
9. Ich wünsche Ihnen eine erholsame Nacht — I wish you a restful night
Formality level: Formal
This is a formal and warm way to bid good night, especially in written messages or when addressing someone you respect.
10. Süße Träume — Sweet dreams
Formality level: Informal
Translating to “Sweet Dreams,” this phrase is ideal for expressing wishes for pleasant dreams. It’s suitable for use among loved ones, especially children.
11. Schlaf schön — Sleep well
Formality level: Informal
Meaning “Sleep well” or “Have a good sleep,” this is a warm and friendly way to wish someone a good night’s sleep. It’s suitable for informal settings.
12. Träum was Schönes — Dream something beautiful
Formality level: Informal
This phrase is a creative and affectionate way to wish someone good night. Use it with close friends or romantic partners.
13. Bis morgen — Until Tomorrow
Formality level: Informal
This is a friendly way to say good night with the expectation of seeing the person the next day. Use it with friends and family.
14. Gute Nacht, mein Liebling — Good night, my darling
Formality level: Informal
“Good Night, my darling” is a sweet and affectionate way to bid good night to someone you love or care deeply about.
15. Bis später — Until later
Formality level: Informal
This phrase is used when you expect to see the person again later that night or in the near future. It’s a friendly way to say goodbye.
16. Schnarch gut — Sleep well
Formality level: Informal
This humorous phrase literally means “snore well” and is used among friends or in a light-hearted context.
17. Abendliche Grüße — Evening greetings
Formality level: Formal
This phrase is used in a business setting, or when greeting someone you don’t know very well. It’s frequently utilized in emails, text messages and other forms of written communication.
18. Friedvollen Abend — Peaceful evening
Formality level: Neutral
This warm expression can be used in both formal and informal contexts. Whether spoken or written, this phrase carries a sense of genuine care and a desire for the recipient to experience a peaceful end to their day.
You can see these German phrases in action on FluentU, along with other common everyday vocabulary.
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Regional Variations on Good Night in German
Depending on where in Germany you are, you might hear different ways of saying good night. Here are the most common regional variations you’ll encounter in your linguistic travels:
In Bavarian dialects and Austrian German, instead of “Gute Nacht” you might hear “G’sund bleibn,” which means “Stay healthy.”
Swiss German
In Swiss German, you might encounter “Guete Nacht,” which is similar to the standard “Gute Nacht” but with a regional accent.
In the Saxon dialect (Sächsisch), “Good Night” can be expressed as “Schlof gut.” This regional variation is found in the state of Saxony in eastern Germany.
In the Rhineland-Palatinate region, particularly in the Palatinate dialect, you might hear “Guad Nacht,” which is influenced by the local dialect.
Northern Germany
In northern parts of Germany, standard German phrases like “Gute Nacht” are commonly used. Regional variations are less pronounced in the north compared to some southern and western regions.
Romantic Ways to Say Good Night in German
A simple good night won’t cut it for your significant other. Here are a few beautiful and romantic ways to say good night in German!
- Gute Nacht, meine Liebe. — Good night, my love.
- Schlaf schön, mein Schatz. — Sleep well, my sweetheart.
- Gute Nacht, ich liebe dich von ganzem Herzen. — Good night, I love you with all my heart.
- Träum von mir. — Dream of me.
- Du bist der Stern in meiner Nacht. — You are the star in my night.
- Es ist so schön, in deinen Armen einzuschlafen. — It’s so nice falling asleep in your arms.
- Gute Nacht, meine Maus. — Good night, my dear.
- Die Nacht ist schöner, wenn du bei mir bist. — The night is more beautiful when you are with me.
And if you’re missing someone, consider clicking over to this post on how to say “I miss you” in German.
More German Night Expressions
Continue your German evening conversations with these expressions dealing with the nighttime:
- Es ist eine schöne Nacht. — It’s a beautiful night.
- Ich gehe schlafen. — I’m going to get some sleep.
- Ich sehe dich morgen früh. — I’ll see you in the morning.
- Die Sterne sind so hell heute Nacht. — The stars are so bright tonight.
- Der Mond scheint hell. — The moon is shining brightly.
- Ich fühle mich schläfrig. — I’m feeling sleepy.
- Ich bin Nachtmensch. — I’m a night owl.
- Die Nacht ist so friedlich. — The night is so peaceful.
- Ich mache gerne Mitternachtsspaziergänge. — I like to take midnight strolls.
- Ich muss früh ins Bett gehen. — I need to turn in early.
- Lass uns einen Mitternachtssnack haben. — Let’s have a midnight snack.
- Ich kann nicht schlafen; ich habe Schlaflosigkeit. — I can’t sleep; I have insomnia.
- Ich werde dir eine Gutenachtgeschichte vorlesen. — I’m going to read you a bedtime story.
German Night Vocabulary Words
Are you ready for bedtime? Here are 20 useful nighttime vocabulary words in German to take you beyond the simple “good night.”
- der Albtraum — Nightmare
- aufwachen — To wake up
- das Bett — the bed
- die Decke — the blanket
- die Dunkelheit — the darkness
- einschlafen — to fall asleep
- das Kissen — the pillow
- der Mond — the moon
- die Nacht — the night
- der Schlafanzug — the pajamas
- der Nachtisch — the dessert (sometimes enjoyed before bedtime)
- die Nachttischlampe — the bedside lamp
- die Nachtluft — the night air
- das Nachtlicht — the nightlight
- die Nachtzeit — the nighttime
- der Schlaf — the sleep
- das Schlafzimmer — the bedroom
- der Stern — the stars
- der Traum — the dream
Now that you know all the different ways to say “good night” in German, you’re ready to bid anyone an evening farewell.
And One More Thing...
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