
Clothes in Italian: 257 Words and Phrases


As you know, Italy is home to one of the fashion capitals of the world—Milan—but make no mistake, there isn’t anywhere in the Boot where you won’t be jazzed by the capi di abbigliamento  (clothing).

Italian vestiti  (clothes) are so incredible that department stores and boutiques from around the globe send their buyers to see the latest fashions, gauge trends and, of course, buy amazing clothing

Learn everything from essential Italian shopping and clothing vocabulary to tips for shopping in Italy in this post below.

Key Italian Phrases for Trying on Clothes


Would you like to try on some clothes while shopping in Italy? These words and phrases will make that a seamless affair!

Voglio provare questo. I want to try this on.
Avete un camerino di prova? Do you have a changing room?
Hai questo in un'altra taglia? Do you have this in another size?
Mi porteresti una taglia diversa, per favore? Would you bring me a different size, please?
Taglia Size
Piccola Small
Media Medium
Grande Large
Fai modifiche? Do you do alterations?
Questo deve essere accorciato. This needs to be shortened.
Questo deve essere allungato. This needs to be lengthened.
Questo vestito è troppo stretto. This dress is too tight.
Questi pantaloni sono troppo larghi. These pants are too loose.
Quanto tempo ci vorrà per fare le modifiche a questo vestito? How long will it take for you to alter this dress?
Sto cercando… I'm looking for...
Ho bisogno di… I need...
Mi scusi Excuse me.
Che taglia è? What size is it?
Che taglia porta? What size are you?
È una taglia di troppo/in meno. It's a size too big/small.
Avete la taglia 34 di questo? Do you have this in a size 4?
Posso provarlo? Can I try this on?
Dove sono i camerini? Where are the dressing rooms?
Il mio numero di scarpe è 34. My shoe size is 34.
Di solito porto la taglia S. I usually wear a size small.

Talking About Clothing in Italian

Women talking

È richiesto un abbigliamento formale? Is formal attire required?
Cosa mi metto? What should I wear?
Come sto? How do I look?
Stai benissimo! You look great!
Adoro i tuoi sandali! I love your sandals!
Ti piacciono queste scarpe?
Do you like these shoes?
Che bella gonna. È nuova? What a beautiful skirt. Is it new?
Qual è il dress code? What's the dress code?
Ho bisogno di un cappotto? Do I need a coat?
Le tue nuove scarpe sono fantastiche! Your new shoes are amazing!
Quella giacca era costosa? Was that jacket expensive?
Dove hai comprato quella sciarpa? Where did you buy that scarf?
Ho la stessa maglietta! I have the same shirt!
Quel vestito è firmato? Is that suit designer?
Stai benissimo con quella giacca. You look great in that jacket?
Dovrei comprare le scarpe blu o rosse? Should I buy the blue or the red shoes?
Sei bellissima stasera. You look gorgeous tonight.
Questa cosa vecchia? Ce l'ho da sempre. This old thing? I've had it forever.

Italian Dress Codes

Man in tuxedo

Cravatta nera Black tie
Black tie facoltativo Black tie optional
Black tie creativo Black tie creative
Look da sera Evening wear
Abito da sera Evening gown
Giacca e cravatta Suit and tie
Elegante Elegant
Look da lavoro Office attire
Uniforme Uniform
Uniforme scolastica School uniform
Business formal Business formal
Formale Formal
Semi-formale Semi-formal
Casual chic Stylish casual
Abbigliamento casual Casual
Frac Full evening dress
Costumi Costumes

Italian Words for Clothing Colors, Patterns and Fabrics


Have you found the perfect clothing item or accessory—but you’d like a different color? No worries! Asking for colors and fabric choices in Italian is a breeze.

Hai questo in altri colori? Do you have this in other colors?
Vorrei questo in un altro colore, per favore. I'd like this in another color, please.
Che colori hai? What colors do you have?
Vorrei questo in… I'd like this in…
Rosso Red
Blu Blue
Verde Green
Nero Black
Bianco White
Giallo Yellow
Arancione Orange
Viola Purple
Rosa Pink
Grigio Gray
Marrone Brown
Argento Silver
Oro Gold
A strisce Striped
A quadri Checked
Zebrato Zebra
Pitonato Python
Leopardato Leopard
Gessato Pin striped
Scozzese Tartan
Fiorato Flowered
Tinta unita Plain
A pois Polka-dot
Cotone Cotton
Lana Wool
Rafia Raffia
Pile Pile
Macramé Macrame
Iuta Jute
Cachemire Cashmere
Pizzo Lace
Tulle Tulle
Ciniglia Chenille
Nylon Nylon
Lycra Lycra
Poliestere Polyester
Raso Satin
Tela Canvas
Jersey Jersey
Pelle lucida Patent leather
Pelle scamosciata Suede
Pelle Leather
Velluto Velvet
Denim Denim
Chiffon Chiffon
Seta Silk
Lino Linen

Important Italian Phrases for Purchasing Clothes


Now that you’ve tried some clothing on and found your perfect size and favorite color—you can get into the nitty-gritty of actually buying the clothes you want!

Purchasing capi di abbigliamento  (clothing) in Italy is a rewarding adventure.

Something to keep in mind is that some of the smaller clothing stalls, especially in flea markets and side-streets shops, don’t accept credit cards. They run on a strictly cash-only structure, so be prepared with cash or be ready to make a quick run to an ATM.

Quanto costa questo? How much does this cost?
Quanto costa questa sciarpa di seta? How much does this silk scarf cost?
Qual è il prezzo di due? What's the price of two?
È in vendita? Is this on sale?
C'è uno sconto? Is there a discount?
Accettate carte di credito? Do you accept credit cards?
Posso pagare in contanti? Can I pay by cash?
Puoi consegnarlo? Can you deliver it?
Quando arriverà? When will it arrive?
Vorrei restituire questo, per favore. I'd like to return this, please.
Lo prendo, grazie. I'll take this, thank you.
Come vorrebbe pagare? How would you like to pay?
È/Sono in saldo. It's/They're on sale.
La carta di credito Credit card
contanti Cash
Il portafoglio Walllet
La cassa Cash register

And if you need something for a child, ask for abbigliamento per bambini (children’s clothing) to see the latest kids’ fashions!

Shopping in Italian is a fantastic way to have an immersive Italian experience. You’ll get a feel for the culture, fashion and maybe even make some fast friendships.

Italian Clothes Vocabulary for Women

clothes in italian

Il vestito Dress
La gonna Skirt
La gonna corta Short skirt
La gonna lunga Long skirt
Le calze Stockings
I collant Tights
La camicetta Blouse
Lo scialle Shawl
La camicia da notte Nightdress
Mutande Panties
Il reggiseno Bra
La borsa Purse
I tacchi alti High heels
Abito da sera Evening dress
Abito corto Short dress
Vestito lungo Long dress
Maxi abito Maxi dress
Abito formale Formal dress
Vestito da ballo Ball gown
Abito da cerimonia Ceremonial dress
Tunica Tunic dress
Caffettano Kaftan dress
Abito da sposa Wedding dress
Pinocchietto Capri pants
Fuseaux Leggings
Pantalone a cavallo basso Harem pants
Blusa Blouse
Minigonna Mini skirt
LonguetteMidi skirt
Gonna a matita Pencil skirt
Gonna a trapezio A-line skirt
Gonna plissettata Pleated skirt

Words for Clothes in Italian for Men

clothes in italian

Il completo Suit
Il soprabito Overcoat
La cravatta Necktie
La cravatta a farfalla Bow tie
Il gilet / Il gilè / Il panciotto Vest
La camicia Dress shirt
I pantaloni Trousers
La felpa Sweatshirt, fleece
I boxer Boxer shorts, boxers
Le bretelle Suspenders
Cappotto Coat
Trench Trenchcoat
Parka Parka
Bomber Bomber jacket
Giubbotto Jacket
Impermeabile Raincoat
Giacca a vento Windbreaker
Pantalone sartoriale Suit pants
Pantalone elegante Dress pants
Jeans Jeans
Pantaloncino Shorts
Pantalone da ginnastica Track pants
Pantalone della tuta Sweatpants
Pantalone cargo Cargo pants
Pantalone chino Chinos
Maglietta T-shirt
Camicia button down Button down shirt
Maglione Sweater
Cardigan Cardigan
Dolcevita Turtleneck
Polo Polo shirt
Canotta Tank top
Canottiera da uomo Singlet
Tuta da ginnastica Sweatsuit
Giacca Blazer
Giacca a doppio petto Double-breasted jacket

Underwear and Sleepwear in Italian


Boxer Boxer shorts
Reggiseno Bra
Mutandina da donna Panties
Mutandina Underwear (for men)
Biancheria intima Lingerie
Perizoma G-string
Tanga Thong
Collant Pantyhose
Calzino Socks
Catsuit Catsuit
Canottiera Undershirt
Il pigiama Pajamas
L’accappatoio Robe
Mascherina per occhi Eye mask

Headwear and Accessories in Italian

Man in hat

Accessori Accessories
Occhiali da sole Sunglasses
Ombrello Umbrella
Cravatta Tie
Orologio Watch
Zaino Backpack
Borsa Bag
Cintura Belt
Cappello Hat
Berretto Beanie
Basco Beret
Cappello da baseball Baseball cap

Beachwear in Italian

Italian beach cove

Costume da bagno da uomo Swimming trunks (for men)
Costume da bagno da donna Swimming suit (for women)
Duepezzi Bikini
Pareo Sarong
Cappello di paglia Straw hat
Infradito Flip flops
Costume intero One piece bathing suit

Footwear in Italian


Le calzature Footwear
Le calzature da uomo Men's footwear
Le scarpe da donna Women's footwear
Le calzature formali Formal footwear
Le scarpe per bambini Children's footwear
Le calzature estive Summer footwear
Le calzature invernali Winter footwear
Le calzature sportive Sports footwear
Le scarpe Shoes
Gli stivali Boots
Gli stivaletti Ankle boots
Gli stivali alti Knee-high boots
I sandali infradito / Le infradito Flip-flops
I sandali Sandals
Le pantofole Slippers
Mocassini Moccasins
Sneaker Sneakers
Zoccoli Clogs
Scarpe da corsa Running shoes
Scarponcini da trekking Hiking boots
Scarpe col tacco Stilettos
Décolleté Pumps
Stivali di gomma Rain boots
Scarpe basse Flats
Scarpe da ginnastica Gym shoes

Some Tips for Shopping in Italy

Now that you know the essential phrases and vocabulary, you’re ready to go shopping in Italy!

Shopping in Italy is super fun! I’ll be honest—I’ve lost days just wandering the shops, vintage markets and clothing stalls. They’re home to some of my greatest Italian memories!

There are so many lovely items to look at, try on and appreciate. 

Rome, Milan and Venice are featured as Italian shopping hot spots, but, honestly, anywhere is a great spot. If you’re looking for designer clothing, then certainly consider the bigger cities, but if you’re checking out authentic everyday fashion, remember the small shops, vintage flea markets, boutiques and stalls.

Want that true Italian look? Then go for authentic, Italian-made goods.

Often, in small shops, the shopkeeper is also the seamstress, which sets you up for a very unique opportunity to discuss all things related to clothing in Italian with someone who’s a true expert. You’ll not only get to practice your Italian but also learn more about Italian fashion and culture!

With these Italian clothing words and phrases, you’ll be able to speak with confidence wherever you shop! To make sure you have the confidence you want to speak about fashion, you can prepare yourself by watching Italian videos that talk about fashion-related topics. You can also try searching for fashion-related words on FluentU to hear them used in context.

FluentU takes authentic videos—like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks—and turns them into personalized language learning lessons.

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P.S. Click here to take advantage of our current sale! (Expires at the end of this month.)

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Let’s face it—shopping in Italy is a blast. It’s just a magical country with so much to offer and the friendliest citizens around—what’s not to love about browsing and buying under those conditions? I love shopping in the Boot—and I haven’t met anyone who doesn’t!

Shopping in Italy allows travelers to learn about the country, culture and styles—and get some really sweet conversational practice in with locals. And trust me, local Italians love to chat about clothing and fashion; food, too—but that’s a story for a different day.

And One More Thing...

If you're as busy as most of us, you don't always have time for lengthy language lessons. The solution? FluentU!

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