
Korean Adjectives [Descriptive Verbs]


To really understand Korean adjectives, you’ll need to learn more about Korean verbs:

That’s because Korean adjectives actually belong to a class of verbs.

They’re also known as “descriptive verbs.”

Here’s your guide to the basics of Korean adjectives.

Common Korean Adjectives

Shapes and sizes

big 두꺼운 thick
작은 small 얇은 thin
long 일자형의 straight
짧은 short 둥근 round
좁은 narrow 삼각형의 triangular
넓은 wide 정사각형의 square


검정 black 보라 purple
하얀 white 갈색 brown
회색 gray 주황 orange
파랑 blue 노랑 yellow
빨강 red 초록 green


bitter 매운 spicy
salty 달콤한 sweet


늙은 old 젖은 wet
새로운 new cheap
좋은 good 비싼 expensive
나쁜 bad 빠른 fast
깨끗한 clean 느린 slow
더러운 dirty 무거운 heavy
empty 가벼운 light
가득한 full 같은 same
딱딱한 hard 다른 different
부드러운 soft 이른 early
건조한 dry 늦은 late

Adjectives to describe people

예의 바른 polite 슬픈 sad
무례한 rude 건강한 healthy
조용한 quiet 멍청한 stupid
시끄러운 loud 똑똑한 smart
외향적인 outgoing 뚱뚱한 fat
수줍은 shy 날씬한 slim
웃긴 funny 미혼인 single
진지한 serious 결혼한 married
아름다운 beautiful 가난한 poor
못생긴 ugly 돈이 많은 rich
행복한 happy

Where to Place Korean Adjectives in Sentences

Korean adjectives can be placed before or after the noun.

But the adjectives look a little different, depending on their placement.

Before the noun

In Korean, you can stick the conjugated forms before the noun.

For conjugated forms like 큰 and 작은, you put them side-by-side right before their noun.

For example, “big ears” would be 큰 immediately before 귀, the Korean word for ears.

큰 귀 — big ears

Similarly, “small face” would be 작은 before 얼굴, the Korean word for face.

작은 얼굴 — small face

After the noun

Korean sentences usually end with a verb, which also means they can technically end in an adjective.

For the adjectives that come after the noun (those at the end of sentences), you can just use the “dictionary form.”

That is the 다 form, the un-conjugated, infinitive state of the adjective.

Here are some examples: 

우리 집은 크다 — Our house is big

우리 차는 작다 — Our car is small

In the first sentence, 크다 is used instead of the conjugated 큰.

For the second, notice that 작다 is used instead of the conjugated 작은.

How to Conjugate Korean Adjectives

Remember that Korean verbs in the infinitive or dictionary form end in 다. For example:

크다 — to be big

작다 — to be small

예쁘다 — to be pretty

But this isn’t the form you usually deal with in conversations.

Instead, you’ll be dealing with conjugated adjectives that have gone through some transformation.

Here’s how it works.

Step 1: Drop the 다

The first step to conjugating Korean adjectives is to remove the 다 at the end.

This leaves you with the verb stem.

In the examples above, by removing the 다, you’re left with:


Step 2: Add the appropriate ending

After dropping the 다 to get the stem, you now need to add a suffix ending.

The ending adds another unit of meaning to your verb stem.

For our purposes here, the suffix you use will depend on whether or not the stem ends with a vowel or a consonant.

If the stem ends with a vowel, you add ㄴ.

In the example above, 크 (big) and 예쁘 (pretty) both end with the vowel —.


          크 + ㄴ = , the conjugation for “big” in Korean.

          예쁘 + ㄴ = 예쁜, the conjugation for “pretty” in Korean.

You now know that it comes from the dictionary form 크다 .

If the stem ends with a consonant, you add 은.

In the example above, 작 (small) ends with the consonant ㄱ.


          작 + 은 = 작은 , the conjugation for “small” in Korean.

Irregular Korean adjectives

Irregular adjectives are the few exceptions to the rule. Here are two of the most common ones:

When the verb stem ends in ㅂ, drop it and add 운.

For example, like the verb 쉽다 , which means “to be easy.”

First, you drop the 다.

          쉽다 – 다 = 쉽

Now you have the verb stem. From it, drop the ㅂ.

          쉽 – ㅂ = 쉬

Finally, you add the syllable 운.

          쉬 + 운 = 쉬운 , which means “easy.”

When the verb stem ends in ㄹ, drop it and add ㄴ.

For example, like the verb 길다 , which is “to be long.”

First, drop the 다.

          길다 – 다 = 길

Then, drop the ㄹ.

          길 – ㄹ = 기

Finally, add ㄴ.

          기 + ㄴ = , which means “long.”

How to Conjugate Korean Adjectives According to Tense

So far, we’ve only been talking about the present tense conjugation of adjectives.

Since Korean adjectives are technically verbs, they can also be conjugated according to tense.

That’s why we can just put nouns and adjectives/verbs next to each other without any intervening words.

Again, with tense, it’ll involve looking at the last vowel in the stem.

Past Tense

For adjective stems that have the vowels ㅗ and ㅏ, you add -았어요.

For example, the past tense conjugation of 좋다 (good) would be 좋았어요 (was good).

For adjective stems that have the vowels other than ㅗ and ㅏ, you add -었어요.

So for 맛있다 (delicious), you add -었어요 and end up with 맛있었어요 (was delicious).

Future Tense

To conjugate in the future tense, you simply add -ㄹ 거예요 or -을 거예요 to the verb stem.

If the verb stem ends with a vowel, we add -ㄹ 거예요.

So for the stem 예쁘 (pretty), the future tense of this would be 예쁠 거예요 (will be pretty).

If the verb stem ends with a consonant, we add -을 거예요.

So, for the stem 늦 (late), we end up with 늦을 거예요 (will be late.)


And there you have it—the core basics you need to know about using Korean adjectives, plus 70 of them to instantly add more color to your conversations!

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