Where to Find Korean News Articles for Beginners

Learning Korean with the news expands your vocabulary, reading and listening skills while connecting you to Korean culture.
By using modern technology, you can access real-time Korean news and practice the language without leaving your couch. You can even do it for free!
Whether you want Korean news articles for beginners or something more advanced, these six sites offer authentic, local Korean news resources.
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6 Korean News Resources
1. 어린이동아 (Kids Dong-a)
Written for Korean children, this is the entry-level outlet of 동아일보 (Dong-a Ilbo), one of the oldest Korean newspapers. It’s also a fantastic resource for Korean news articles for beginners.
Expect simplified versions of news stories, a news-themed learning center and plenty of comics. The focus is mainly on positive social news, but you’ll also occasionally find articles on science, IT and even politics.
These themes will help bring you up to speed on essential keywords and structures used in regular news. The articles tend to be concise and approachable, making the news a lot more manageable for beginner and low-intermediate students!
2. 영어신문학습 (JoongAng Ilbo Bilingual Column)
The influential paper 중앙일보 (JoongAng Ilbo) publishes a couple of its own articles every day on its Bilingual Column blog in English and Korean. Granted, the articles are geared towards a Korean audience looking to perfect their English, but they can be easily adapted for learners of the Korean language as well.
The editors do a great job curating diverse content. If you follow this section diligently, you’ll be able to read about serious subjects such as politics, diplomacy and economics, as well as lighter news topics including K-pop, health, technology and religion.
If you study on your own, this is also a fantastic resource to practice translations from Korean to English and make sure that you’ve fully understood an article. Just scroll down so you don’t peek at the English section first.
Try reading the article once quickly, then do it again while looking up unknown words in a Korean dictionary or dictionary app. Write down difficult words and go over the article one more time, this time trying to translate it in its entirety. Write down your translation and verify your accuracy by reading the official English version.
3. 네이버뉴스 (Naver News)
Naver News is a comprehensive news aggregator that curates articles from all over the Korean internet. It will help you quickly identify what’s trending in Korea and discover interesting news sources.
The best part is that you can access both written articles and video news. Simply click on 신문보기 (read the newspaper) or TV in the header, depending on what type of content you’d like.
If you’re just getting started and feel a bit overwhelmed, simply study the headlines. They incorporate very common buzzwords and expressions that will at least tell you what’s being discussed. It’s also a great introduction to hanja (Korean characters borrowed from Chinese), since headlines feature them prominently.
4. 서울신문 (Seoul Newspaper)
What better way than local news to learn a language? Localized news sources are often a lot more concise and easier to read than national outlets, and Korean news is no exception.
With its focus on Seoul, this is the perfect outlet to deepen your knowledge of Korean and still read important information.
You’ll expand your vocabulary about a full range of subjects, including specific terminology of local government. You’ll also gain familiarity with Seoul’s neighborhoods, subway stations and main sights. This will come in handy if you ever plan a trip to or study abroad in the city.
5. 매일경제 (Daily Economics)
If you have a knack for economics, you’ll love this site. This reputable publication offers solid, in-depth insights into the Korean market, trade news and economic institutions.
Along with factual articles, you’ll encounter some interesting graphs and charts to give you a more granular, objective view of the Korean economy, and how the language is used in these contexts.
This is the perfect source to acquire the proper jargon used in economics, including the vocabulary of statistics, polling and forecasting.
6. Todai Easy Korean
This site provides Korean news articles for beginners by collecting popular articles from around the web (including from Dong-a and JoongAng, both mentioned above) and presenting them in simpler Korean.
This is a great place to start if you’re really worried about not understanding much, because there are a lot of learning tools included.
Vocabulary words are noted for you within the text, and you can practice them with digital flashcards. You can listen to audio of the article, then practice your own pronunciation. There’s also an included dictionary for reference.
Even better, this news source is also available as an app for Android and iOS devices.
Why Learn Korean Through the News?
News articles and shows are clear and well-written, and therefore ideal for Korean studies. They’re often to-the-point with precise vocabulary and correct grammar.
Fresh news content is an additional motivational factor. By reading the news regularly, you’ll be able to tell your friends about all the fascinating things happening on the Korean peninsula before your country’s news sources even pick up the stories!
It will also help you develop the vocabulary to discuss current events, which will help you interact with native Korean speakers outside the classroom. Most of the words, grammar structures and expressions used in a given article will be used elsewhere in the news, so it’s an investment that will serve you throughout your studies.
Most importantly, it brings you closer to Korean society. You’ll understand the challenges facing the peninsula today, along with the main stakeholders and personalities that influence Korea’s future. This will make you more sensitive to local mentalities and help you avoid cultural faux pas.
Tips for Learning with Korean News
- Mix articles and news sources. Reading the various styles of different writers and publications will ensure that you diversify your vocabulary and remain challenged. Some may be easier for you than others, so keep at it until you’re able to understand Korean news without effort.
- Select appropriate content for your level. Your news sources don’t have to be serious; lowbrow content can also be beneficial to your learning, especially if you’re just getting started. Aim for topics and formats that interest you and are accessible; cartoons, ads, horoscopes, weather forecasts and society news are easier to understand than politics and finance, for instance.
- Remember that frequency matters. Try to read one article and watch one short clip every day. Even practicing five minutes a day will give you “only” 35 minutes a week. Since it’s spread out, you’ll likely see better results than if you do a single one-hour session during the week.
- Work at it. Use a notebook to write down vocabulary words that come up frequently, and go over your notes daily. Review again at the end of the week and periodically throughout the month until you learn the words.
To structure your learning, list words and expressions by themes. They can be broad, like “Politics” and “Soccer,” or event-based lists like “Elections” or “World Cup.” This will make it easier for you to anticipate the content when reading articles about these subjects.
- Reinforce with additional learning methods. For example, you can pair your news learning with FluentU‘s contextual dictionary and video-enhanced flashcards.
FluentU takes authentic videos—like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks—and turns them into personalized language learning lessons.
You can try FluentU for free for 2 weeks. Check out the website or download the iOS app or Android app.
P.S. Click here to take advantage of our current sale! (Expires at the end of this month.)
Now that you’ve unlocked the secret to learning Korean through the news, all that you need is to take the plunge and enjoy the ride.
Good luck to you!
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