
50 Most Common Portuguese Verbs [with Conjugations]

various portuguese verbs on a green background

If you’ve just started learning Portuguese, you’ll need to arm yourself with a wide array of words and phrases in order to communicate, and verbs are an important component of that essential vocabulary.

In this post, I’ll share 50 of the most common Portuguese verbs, along with their present tense conjugations and example sentences.

Note that “you” varies by country. In Brazil, você  (singular) and vocês (plural) are more commonly used. In Portugal, tu (singular) and vós (plural) are more common.

1. Ser (To be)

Used to describe fixed characteristics, like appearance.

Eu sou I am
Tu és You are (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela é You are (formal, singular), He/She is
Nós somos We are
Vós sois You are (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas são You are (formal, plural), They are

Example Sentence: Ele é brasileiro.  (He is Brazilian.)

2. Estar (To be)

Used to describe changeable characteristics, like location and feelings.

Eu estou I am
Tu estás You are (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela está You are (formal, singular), He/She is
Nós estamos We are
Vós estais You are (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas estão You are (formal, plural), They are

Example Sentence: Nós estamos bem.  (We are well.)

3. Poder (To be able)

Eu posso I can
Tu podes You can (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela pode You can (formal, singular), He/She can
Nós podemos We can
Vós podeis You can (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas podem You can (formal, plural), They can

Example Sentence: Eu posso fazer isso.  (I can do that.)

4. Parecer (To seem/appear)

Eu pareço I seem/appear
Tu pareces You seem/appear (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela parece You seem/appear (formal, singular), He/She seems/appears
Nós parecemos We seem/appear
Vós pareceis You seem/appear (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas parecem You seem/appear (formal, plural), They seem/appear

Example Sentence: Você parece simpático.  (You seem nice.)

5. Querer (To want)

Eu quero I want
Tu queres You want (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela quer You want (formal, singular), He/She wants
Nós queremos We want
Vós quereis You want (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas querem You want (formal, plural), They want

Example Sentence: Vocês querem bolo.  (You all want cake.)

6. Gostar (To like)

Eu gosto I like
Tu gostas You like (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela gosta You like (formal, singular), He/She likes
Nós gostamos We like
Vós gostais You like (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas gostam You like (formal, plural), They like

Example Sentence: Ela gosta de ciência.  (She likes science.)

7. Esperar (To wait, to expect, to hope)

Eu espero I wait/expect/hope
Tu esperas You wait/expect/hope (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela espera You wait/expect/hope (formal, singular), He/She waits/expects/hopes
Nós esperamos We wait/expect/hope
Vós esperais You wait/expect/hope (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas esperam You wait/expect/hope (formal, plural), They wait/expect/hope

Example Sentence: Eu espero poder ir.  (I hope I can go.)

8. Amar (To love)

Eu amo I love
Tu amas You love (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela ama You love (formal, singular), He/She loves
Nós amamos We love
Vós amais You love (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas amam You love (formal, plural), They love

Example Sentence: Eu te amo.  (I love you.)

9. Sentir (To feel)

Eu sinto I feel
Tu sentes You feel (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela sente You feel (formal, singular), He/She feels
Nós sentimos We feel
Vós sentis You feel (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas sentem You feel (formal, plural), They feel

Example Sentence: Ele se sente feliz.  (He feels happy.)

10. Saber (To know)

Used when discussing facts, knowledge and skills.

Eu sei I know
Tu sabes You know (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela sabe You know (formal, singular), He/She knows
Nós sabemos We know
Vós sabeis You know (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas sabem You know (formal, plural), They know

Example Sentence: Você sabe a resposta?  (Do you know the answer?)

11. Conhecer (To know)

Used when discussing people, places or things, but not with solid facts or knowledge.

Eu conheço I know
Tu conheces You know (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela conhece You know (formal, singular), He/She knows
Nós conhecemos We know
Vós conheceis You know (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas conhecem You know (formal, plural), They know

Example Sentence: Eu o conheço.  (I know him.)

12. Pensar (To think, to reflect)

Eu penso I think/reflect
Tu pensas You think/reflect (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela pensa You think/reflect (formal, singular), He/She thinks/reflects
Nós pensamos We think/reflect
Vós pensais You think/reflect (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas pensam You think/reflect (formal, plural), They think/reflect

Example Sentence: Ele pensa sobre isso.  (He thinks about that.)

13. Achar (To think, to find out)

Eu acho I think/find out
Tu achas You think/find out (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela acha You think/find out (formal, singular), He/She thinks/finds out
Nós achamos We think/find out
Vós achais You think/find out (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas acham You think/find out (formal, plural), They think/find out

Example Sentence: Você acha que é uma boa ideia?  (Do you think it’s a good idea?)

14. Aprender (To learn)

Eu aprendo I learn
Tu aprendes You learn (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela aprende You learn (formal, singular), He/She learns
Nós aprendemos We learn
Vós aprendeis You learn (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas aprendem You learn (formal, plural), They learn

Example Sentence: Nós aprendemos português.  (We learn Portuguese.)

15. Entender (To understand)

Eu entendo I understand
Tu entendes You understand (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela entende You understand (formal, singular), He/She understands
Nós entendemos We understand
Vós entendeis You understand (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas entendem You understand (formal, plural), They understand

Example Sentence: Você entende inglês?  (Do you understand English?)

16. Decidir (To decide)

Eu decido I decide
Tu decides You decide (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela decide You decide (formal, singular), He/She decides
Nós decidimos We decide
Vós decidis You decide (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas decidem You decide (formal, plural), They decide

Example Sentence: Nós decidimos ir.  (We decided to go.)

17. Ver (To see, to watch)

Eu vejo I see/watch
Tu vês You see/watch (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela You see/watch (formal, singular), He/She sees/watches
Nós vemos We see/watch
Vós vedes You see/watch (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas veem You see/watch (formal, plural), They see/watch

Example Sentence: Eles veem a polícia.  (They see the police.)

18. Olhar (To look)

Eu olho I look
Tu olhas You look (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela olha You look (formal, singular), He/She looks
Nós olhamos We look
Vós olhais You look (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas olham You look (formal, plural), They look

Example Sentence: Eu olho para o pôr do sol.  (I look at the sunset.)

19. Ouvir (To hear)

Eu ouço I hear
Tu ouves You hear (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela ouve You hear (formal, singular), He/She hears
Nós ouvimos We hear
Vós ouvis You hear (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas ouvem You hear (formal, plural), They hear

Example Sentence: Ela ouve o boato.  (She hears the rumor.)

20. Escutar (To listen)

Eu escuto I listen
Tu escutas You listen (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela escuta You listen (formal, singular), He/She listens
Nós escutamos We listen
Vós escutais You listen (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas escutam You listen (formal, plural), They listen

Example Sentence: Ele nunca escuta.  (He never listens.)

21. Ir (To go)

Eu vou I go
Tu vais You go (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela vai You go (formal, singular), He/She goes
Nós vamos / Nós imos We go
Vós ides / Vós vades You go (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas vão You go (formal, plural), They go

Example Sentence: Eles vão almoçar.  (They go to lunch.)

22. Vir (To come)

Eu venho I come
Tu vens You come (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela vem You come (formal, singular), He/She comes
Nós vimos We come
Vós vindes You come (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas vêm You come (formal, plural), They come

Example Sentence: Ele vem à minha casa.  (He comes to my house.)

23. Sair (To go out)

Eu saio I go out
Tu sais You go out (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela sai You go out (formal, singular), He/She goes out
Nós saímos We go out
Vós saís You go out (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas saem You go out (formal, plural), They go out

Example Sentence: Vamos sair hoje à noite.  (Let’s go out tonight.)

24. Caminhar (To walk)

Eu caminho I walk
Tu caminhas You walk (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela caminha You walk (formal, singular), He/She walks
Nós caminhamos We walk
Vós caminhais You walk (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas caminham You walk (formal, plural), They walk

Example Sentence: Ele caminha para a casa de sua tia.  (He walks to his aunt’s house.)

25. Voltar (To return)

Eu volto I return
Tu voltas You return (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela volta You return (formal, singular), He/She returns
Nós voltamos We return
Vós voltais You return (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas voltam You return (formal, plural), They return

Example Sentence: João volta hoje à noite.  (João returns tonight.)

26. Deixar (To leave, to quit, to let)

Eu deixo I leave/quit/let
Tu deixas You leave/quit/let (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela deixa You leave/quit/let (formal, singular), He/She leaves/quits/lets
Nós deixamos We leave/quit/let
Vós deixais You leave/quit/let (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas deixam You leave/quit/let (formal, plural), They leave/quit/let

Example Sentence: Vou deixar minhas coisas aqui. (I will leave my stuff here.)

27. Chegar (To arrive)

Eu chego I arrive
Tu chegas You arrive (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela chega You arrive (formal, singular), He/She arrives
Nós chegamos We arrive
Vós chegais You arrive (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas chegam You arrive (formal, plural), They arrive

Example Sentence: Muitas vezes chegamos atrasados.  (We often arrive late.)

28. Ter (To have)

Eu tenho I have
Tu tens You have (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela tem You have (formal, singular), He/She has
Nós temos We have
Vós tendes You have (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas têm You have (formal, plural), They have

Example Sentence: A criança tem um brinquedo.  (The child has a toy.)

29. Fazer (To do, to make)

Eu faço I do/make
Tu fazes You do/make (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela faz You do/make (formal, singular), He/She does/makes
Nós fazemos We do/make
Vós fazeis You do/make (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas fazem You do/make (formal, plural), They do/make

Example Sentence: Eles me fazem feliz.  (They make me happy.)

30. Comer (To eat)

Eu como I eat
Tu comes You eat (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela come You eat (formal, singular), He/She eats
Nós comemos We eat
Vós comeis You eat (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas comem You eat (formal, plural), They eat

Example Sentence: Francisca come goiaba.  (Francisca eats guava.)

31. Beber (To drink)

Eu bebo I drink
Tu bebes You drink (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela bebe You drink (formal, singular), He/She drinks
Nós bebemos We drink
Vós bebeis You drink (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas bebem You drink (formal, plural), They drink

Example Sentence: Ele bebe café.  (He drinks coffee.)

32. Viver (To live)

Eu vivo I live
Tu vives You live (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela vive You live (formal, singular), He/She lives
Nós vivemos We live
Vós viveis You live (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas vivem You live (formal, plural), They live

Example Sentence: Nós vivemos no campo.  (We live in the country.)

33. Dormir (To sleep)

Eu durmo I sleep
Tu dormes You sleep (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela dorme You sleep (formal, singular), He/She sleeps
Nós dormimos We sleep
Vós dormis You sleep (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas dormem You sleep (formal, plural), They sleep

Example Sentence: O bebê precisa dormir.  (The baby needs to sleep.)

34. Descansar (To rest)

Eu descanso I rest
Tu descansas You rest (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela descansa You rest (formal, singular), He/She rests
Nós descansamos We rest
Vós descansais You rest (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas descansam You rest (formal, plural), They rest

Example Sentence: Precisamos descansar depois do jogo de futebol.  (We need to rest after the soccer game.)

35. Comprar (To buy)

Eu compro I buy
Tu compras You buy (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela compra You buy (formal, singular), He/She buys
Nós compramos We buy
Vós comprais You buy (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas compram You buy (formal, plural), They buy

Example Sentence: Eles compram comida quando estão com fome.  (They buy food when they are hungry.)

36. Estudar (To study)

Eu estudo I study
Tu estudas You study (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela estuda You study (formal, singular), He/She studies
Nós estudamos We study
Vós estudais You study (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas estudam You study (formal, plural), They study

Example Sentence: Eu estudo a língua portuguesa.  (I study the Portuguese language.)

37. Trabalhar (To work)

Eu trabalho I work
Tu trabalhas You work (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela trabalha You work (formal, singular), He/She works
Nós trabalhamos We work
Vós trabalhais You work (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas trabalham You work (formal, plural), They work

Example Sentence: Trabalhamos o dia todo.  (We work all day.)

38. Ajudar (To help)

Eu ajudo I help
Tu ajudas You help (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela ajuda You help (formal, singular), He/She helps
Nós ajudamos We help
Vós ajudais You help (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas ajudam You help (formal, plural), They help

Example Sentence: Eu gosto de te ajudar.  (I like to help you.)

39. Viajar (To travel)

Eu viajo I travel
Tu viajas You travel (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela viaja You travel (formal, singular), He/She travels
Nós viajamos We travel
Vós viajais You travel (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas viajam You travel (formal, plural), They travel

Example Sentence: Eu quero viajar para o Brasil.  (I want to travel to Brazil.)

40. Usar (To use)

Eu uso I use
Tu usas You use (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela usa You use (formal, singular), He/She uses
Nós usamos We use
Vós usais You use (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas usam You use (formal, plural), They use

Example Sentence: Para quê você usa isso?  (What do you use it for?)

41. Escrever (To write)

Eu escrevo I write
Tu escreves You write (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela escreve You write (formal, singular), He/She writes
Nós escrevemos We write
Vós escreveis You write (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas escrevem You write (formal, plural), They write

Example Sentence: Eu escrevo todos os dias.  (I write every day.)

42. Ler (To read)

Eu leio I read
Tu lês You read (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela You read (formal, singular), He/She reads
Nós lemos We read
Vós ledes You read (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas leem You read (formal, plural), They read

Example Sentence: Ele muitos livros.  (He reads a lot of books.)

43. Dar (To give)

Eu dou I give
Tu dás You give (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela You give (formal, singular), He/She gives
Nós damos We give
Vós dais You give (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas dão You give (formal, plural), They give

Example Sentence: Ele me presentes.  (He gives me presents.)

44. Escolher (To choose)

Eu escolho I choose
Tu escolhes You choose (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela escolhe You choose (formal, singular), He/She chooses
Nós escolhemos We choose
Vós escolheis You choose (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas escolhem You choose (formal, plural), They choose

Example Sentence: Eu escolho lembranças.  (I choose souvenirs.)

45. Jogar (To play)

Eu jogo I play
Tu jogas You play (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela joga You play (formal, singular), He/She plays
Nós jogamos We play
Vós jogais You play (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas jogam You play (formal, plural), They play

Example Sentence: Nós jogamos jogos juntos.  (We play games together.)

46. Passar (To pass)

Passar is often used in other phrases, which is why it’s so common.

Eu passo I pass
Tu passas You pass (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela passa You pass (formal, singular), He/She passes
Nós passamos We pass
Vós passais You pass (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas passam You pass (formal, plural), They pass

Example Sentence: Ele passa as roupas.  (He irons his clothes; literally, “he passes his clothes.”)

47. Precisar (To need)

Eu preciso I need
Tu precisas You need (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela precisa You need (formal, singular), He/She needs
Nós precisamos We need
Vós precisais You need (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas precisam You need (formal, plural), They need

Example Sentence: O cachorro precisa de água.  (The dog needs water.)

48. Falar (To speak, to talk)

Eu falo I speak/talk
Tu falas You speak/talk (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela fala You speak/talk (formal, singular), He/She speaks/talks
Nós falamos We speak/talk
Vós falais You speak/talk (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas falam You speak/talk (formal, plural), They speak/talk

Example Sentence: Eu falo um pouco de português.  (I speak a little Portuguese.)

49. Chamar (To call)

Eu chamo I call
Tu chamas You call (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela chama You call (formal, singular), He/She calls
Nós chamamos We call
Vós chamais You call (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas chamam You call (formal, plural), They call

Example Sentence: Como você se chama?  (What do you call yourself?; used like “what’s your name?”)

50. Perguntar  (To ask)

Eu pergunto I ask
Tu perguntas You ask (informal, singular)
Você, Ele / Ela pergunta You ask (formal, singular), He/She asks
Nós perguntamos We ask
Vós perguntais You ask (informal, plural)
Vocês, Eles / Elas perguntam You ask (formal, plural), They ask

Example Sentence: O que você quer perguntar?  (What do you want to ask?)

Why the Right Portuguese Verbs Are Important

Using the best possible verb adds clarity to your communication. Whether you’re speaking Portuguese or writing, you probably want to be understood. While you might be able to fumble through with just a few verbs, having more verbs in your vocabulary allows you to communicate much more clearly.

Additionally, learning common Portuguese verbs will help you understand what others are saying. Even if your Portuguese listening skills are on point, you can’t always deduce verb meanings based on context. Familiarizing yourself with common verbs will make it much easier to recognize them when you hear them.

Finally, knowing an array of verbs will help you sound more like a native speaker. Even tourists who haven’t studied Portuguese will probably know a few basic verbs. However, if you want to sound more like a native speaker, you’ll need a lot more verbs than the standard tourist!

How to Practice Portuguese Verbs


Conjugating verbs is a terrific way to practice. Not only can it help reinforce the word, but it can also help you memorize tricky conjugations.

To practice conjugating, you might make conjugation tables. Not sure if your conjugations are correct? Check them with a tool like Reverso.

Immerse yourself in Portuguese content.

One of the best ways to practice Portuguese verbs is by immersing yourself in authentic Portuguese content. For example, you could watch Portuguese movies and TV shows, or you could also try using an immersive language learning program like FluentU.

FluentU takes authentic videos—like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks—and turns them into personalized language learning lessons.

You can try FluentU for free for 2 weeks. Click here to check out the website or download the iOS app or Android app.

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By listening to the language, you’ll be able to pick up new Portuguese verbs and see how they are used by native speakers.

Have real conversations.

Once you think you know your Portuguese verbs, using them in real conversations is a great way to test your skills. If there’s a Portuguese learning group or a large Portuguese-speaking population near you, you shouldn’t have much trouble finding people to practice with.

If your community is devoid of Portuguese speakers, you can still practice online! Sites like My Language Exchange and Conversation Exchange can help you connect with native Portuguese speakers for conversation practice.

Or, you can try italki, where you can choose from thousands of tutors based on your interests and learning goals. Create your own schedule with any tutor and get one-on-one lessons that target exactly what you want to learn most. Using italki is a great opportunity to get personalized training while meeting people from all over the world!

Play games.

Sure, games are fun, but they’re also a great learning tool! Thankfully, there are several websites with games that can help you learn Portuguese verbs.

Conjuguemos has verb conjugation activities. You can choose between flashcards, graded practice and games. Games include crosswords, word searches, memory games and more.

Sporcle has an epic quiz that asks you to name common Portuguese verbs in just 15 minutes. Since there are 100 verbs, it’s quite the challenge!

ListeningPractice.org has a versatile verb conjugator. There are eight levels of Brazilian Portuguese and eight levels of European Portuguese. You can select tenses, verb frequency and person/number to cater the experience to meet your needs. Then, the conjugator will present you with conjugations to complete.


Now that you’ve learned 50 essential Portuguese verbs, it’s time to start using them!

Boa sorte! (Good luck!)

And One More Thing…

If you've made it this far that means you probably enjoy learning Portuguese with engaging material and will then love FluentU.

FluentU takes authentic videos—like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks—and turns them into personalized Portuguese lessons.

Other sites use scripted content. FluentU uses a natural approach that helps you ease into the Portuguese language and culture over time. You’ll learn Portuguese as it’s actually spoken by real people.

FluentU has a wide variety of videos, as you can see here:


FluentU brings native videos within reach with interactive transcripts. You can tap on any word to look it up instantly. Every definition has examples that have been written to help you understand how the word is used. If you see an interesting word you don’t know, you can add it to a vocab list.


Review a complete interactive transcript under the Dialogue tab, and find words and phrases listed under Vocab.


Learn all the vocabulary in any video with FluentU’s robust learning engine. Swipe left or right to see more examples of the word you’re on.


The best part is that FluentU keeps track of the vocabulary that you’re learning, and gives you extra practice with difficult words. It'll even remind you when it’s time to review what you’ve learned. Every learner has a truly personalized experience, even if they’re learning with the same video.

You can try FluentU for free for 2 weeks. Click here to check out the website or download the iOS app or Android app.

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