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Portuguese Vocab and Grammar

The Complete Guide to Portuguese Pronouns
In Portuguese, there are many types of pronouns, from Portuguese personal pronouns like direct or indirect object pronouns to indefinite…
10 Ways to Say “I Love You” in Portuguese
My darling, my love, my squash—there are several terms of endearment and ways to say “I love you” in Portuguese.…
50 Most Common Portuguese Verbs [with Conjugations]
If you’ve just started learning Portuguese, you’ll need to arm yourself with a wide array of words and phrases in…
“Hello” in Portuguese: 25 Greetings for Any Situation
There are so many different ways to greet someone by saying “Hello,” “Hi” and “How are you?” in Portuguese. (hello)…
50+ Common Portuguese Adjectives and How to Use Them
Using adjectives in Portuguese, or any language for that matter, will help you speak and write more descriptively. Plus, being…
60+ English Portuguese Cognates
English-Portuguese cognates—or words shared by two languages that look and sound similar and share the same meaning—are a goldmine of…
50 Common Portuguese Idioms
Idioms usually can’t be translated literally—when they are, confusion ensues for language learners. If you’re learning Portuguese, knowing some of…
15 Ways to Say “Thank You” in Portuguese in Every Situation
You’re in Rio de Janeiro, and your host offers you a traditional Brazilian dessert called brigadeiro. “Obrigado” (thank you), you…