
52 Vegetables in Portuguese


Vegetables are a staple of Portuguese and Brazilian cuisine. Both cultures embrace a variety of vegetables in their meals, with an emphasis on fresh, locally sourced produce.

So if you want to get around in the Portuguese language, it’s a good idea to stock up on some vegetable names in Portuguese. Enjoy these Portuguese legumes (vegetable) vocabulary words

Root Vegetables in Portuguese

Vegetais de raiz (root vegetables) like potatoes, carrots, yams and cassava are commonly used in both Portuguese and Brazilian cuisines, contributing to the heartiness of many traditional dishes.

The Portuguese feijoada à transmontana, for instance, is a stew made up of beans, various meats and root vegetables like carrots and turnips.  

Beet Beterraba
Carrot Cenoura
Horseradish Raiz-forte
Jicama Jicama
Parsnip Pastinaca
Potato Batata
Radish Rabanete
Rutabaga Nabo-rábano
Sweet potato Batata-doce
Taro Taro
Turnip Nabo
Yucca Mandioca

Leafy Greens in Portuguese

Vegetais de folhas (leafy greens) are even more widely used in the traditional dishes of Portugal and Brazil.

You may even already be familiar with some, like the Portuguese caldo verde, which gets its name and green color from kale, or the Brazilian couve à mineira, sautéed collard greens that’s often served as a side dish in Brazilian cuisine. 

Arugula Rúcula
Bok choy Acelga chinesa
Cabbage Repolho
Collard greens Couve
Endive Endívia
Kale Couve-galega
Lettuce Alface
Spinach Espinafre
Swiss chard Acelga
Watercress Agrião

Alliums in Portuguese

Alliums (known by the same name in Portuguese) are a family of plants that include onions, garlic, leeks, shallots and chives. They’re generally used to add aroma and flavor to dishes, and as such are widely used in many cultures. 

Chive Cebolinha
Garlic Alho
Leek Alho-poró
Onion Cebola
Scallion Cebolinha verde
Shallot Chalota

Legumes in Portuguese

Legumes, known in Portuguese as leguminosas  are a category of vegetables that include beans, lentils, chickpeas and peas. They’re rich in protein, fiber and various nutrients.

In both Portuguese and Brazilian cuisines, legumes are widely used in a variety of dishes. Favas à algarvia, for instance, is a dish from the Portuguese Algarve region made with broad beans, often cooked with chorizo or bacon. In Brazil, the national dish is feijoada, a black bean stew that typically contains various meats and sausages.

Black beans Feijão preto
Black-eyed peas Feijão-fradinho
Chickpeas Grão-de-bico
Kidney beans Feijão vermelho
Lentils Lentilhas
Peas Ervilhas
Pinto beans Feijão carioca
Soybeans Soja
Split peas Ervilhas partidas

Other Vegetables in Portuguese

This list includes vegetables that didn’t quite fall under any of the categories above. 

Artichoke Alcachofra
Asparagus Aspargo
Avocado Abacate
Bell peppers Pimentão
Brussels sprouts Couve de Bruxelas
Broccoli Brócolis
Cauliflower Couve-flor
Celery Aipo
Corn Milho
Cucumber Pepino
Eggplant Berinjela
Okra Quiabo
Squash Abóbora
Tomato Tomate
Zucchini Abobrinha


Have you had your fill? These vocabulary words for vegetables in Portuguese will keep you sated as you navigate learning the language!

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