French gender quiz

La souris can refer to...
Correct! Wrong!

In French, all of the seasons are...
Correct! Wrong!

If the French name of a country ends in -e, then it’s generally...
Correct! Wrong!

Une étudiante is...
Correct! Wrong!

Masculinité (masculinity) is a ______ noun in French.
Correct! Wrong!

Des is the indefinite article for _____ nouns in French.
Correct! Wrong!

French nouns that end in -oir are generally...
Correct! Wrong!

French nouns that end in -ance are generally...
Correct! Wrong!

The names of specific fruits in French are generally...
Correct! Wrong!

French nouns that are derived from adjectives and end with –eur are...
Correct! Wrong!

French gender quiz
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