French Gender Quiz for Beginners

1. pomme (apple)
Correct! Wrong!

2. tennis (tennis)
Correct! Wrong!

3. frigo (fridge)
Correct! Wrong!

4. chimie (chemistry)
Correct! Wrong!

5. rouge (red)
Correct! Wrong!

6. bâtiment (building)
Correct! Wrong!

7. soir (evening)
Correct! Wrong!

8. bateau (boat)
Correct! Wrong!

9. voiture (car)
Correct! Wrong!

10. mère (mother)
Correct! Wrong!

11. lit (bed)
Correct! Wrong!

12. lait (milk)
Correct! Wrong!

13. bus (bus)
Correct! Wrong!

14. feuille (leaf)
Correct! Wrong!

15. télévision (television)
Correct! Wrong!

French Gender Quiz for Beginners
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Review the resources in this post a few more times, then refresh the page to retake the quiz and shoot for a higher score.
You're getting there!
You've learned the gender of some French nouns! Review the resources in this post a couple more times to learn some more, then refresh the page to retake the quiz.
Nice job!
You're well on your way to mastering the gender of these French nouns! Review the resources in this post again, and then refresh the page to try the quiz again.
Way to go!
Look at you! You've mastered most of these French nouns and their gender. Refresh the page to retake the quiz and shoot for a perfect score. Then you can move on to the intermediate quiz!
Perfect score!
Congratulations! You've mastered these French nouns and their genders. It's time to move on to the intermediate quiz!

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