
300+ Common Spanish Words and Phrases to Build Your Vocabulary

Nearly any Spanish conversation calls for an understanding of basic vocabulary. In your day-to-day interactions with friends, neighbors and co-workers, chances are that you’re using basic nouns, verbs, interrogative words and conversational phrases.

Knowing this list of over 300 words will help you to build your Spanish core vocabulary.

Most Common Spanish Words


There are certain Spanish words that you will hear pretty much everyday. Here are some of the most common Spanish words.

Por favorplease
Graciasthank you
Lo sientoI'm sorry
Perdónsorry/excuse me
¿Cómo estás?how are you?
De nadayou're welcome
Yo quiero...I want...
Me gusta...I like...
No me gusta...I don't like...
El / Lathe
YoI, me
Élhe, him
Ellashe, her
Ustedyou (formal)
Vosotrosyou (plural)
Ellos / Ellasthey, them
UstedesYou (plural)
Por / Parafor

You can also check out this video with 300 Spanish words that you must know if you’re an absolute beginner:

Common Spanish Greetings and Conversational Phrases


If you want to start a conversation, you need to know how to greet someone properly. Then you’ll need to whip out some phrases that allow for basic communication in any situation. Learn these essentials phrases to speak with friends as well as strangers!

Buenos díasgood morning
Buenas tardesgood afternoon
Buenas nochesgood night
¿Cómo te llamas?what’s your name?
Me llamo…my name is…
¿Qué tal?how are you?/how's it going?
¿Cómo te va?how's it going?
¿Qué pasa?what's up?
¿Cómo está usted?how are you? (formal)
Bien, graciasfine, thank you
¿Y tú?and you?
Estoy...I am...
Estoy buscando...I'm looking for...
¿Qué haces?what are you doing?
¿Te gusta...?do you like...?

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Common Spanish Nouns


Nouns identify people, places or things, and they make up a large percentage of Spanish core vocabulary. They’re some of the most basic words and are used in nearly every sentence—so get to know a few of the most common ones!

La casathe house
La mesathe table
La ventanathe window
La sillathe chair
La puertathe door
El relojthe clock/watch
El pisothe floor
El coche /El carrothe car
La callethe street
La tiendathe store
La bibliotecathe library
El librothe book
La playathe beach
La montañathe mountain
La iglesiathe church
El museothe museum
La universidadthe university
El aeropuertothe airport
La narizthe nose
Los ojosthe eyes
La bocathe mouth
La cabezathe head
El brazothe arm
La piernathe leg
La manothe hand
El piethe foot
El árboltree
La florflower
La veztime (as in “five times”)
La partepart
El tiempotime
La vidalife
El gobiernogovernment
El díaday
El paíscountry
Los añosyears

Common Spanish Verbs


Verbs describe actions and are essential words when speaking any language. Of course, you’ll need to learn all their conjugations, but when memorizing new verbs it’s always best to learn the infinitive

Abrirto open
Ayudarto help
Bailarto dance
Cambiarto change
Caminarto walk
Cantarto sing
Comenzarto begin
Contarto count/tell
Comprarto buy
Correrto run
Creerto think/believe
Darto give
Deberto have to
Decirto say
Entenderto understand
Estarto be
Estudiarto study
Gustarto like
Haberto have
Hablarto speak/talk
Hacerto do/make
Irto go
Jugarto play
Llamarto call
Pagarto pay
Partirto leave/divide
Pedirto ask for
Poderto be able to
Ponerto put
Preguntarto ask
Quererto want
Saberto know
Serto be
Tenerto have
Viajarto travel
Visitarto visit
Vivirto live

Common Spanish Adjectives and Colors


Common Spanish Numbers


Common Spanish Words for People


Of course you’ll probably need to know some words to describe people and animals, since those are things you’ll also probably encounter every day!

La personathe person
El hombrethe man
La mujerthe woman
El niñothe boy
La niñathe girl
La familiathe family
El esposothe husband
La esposathe wife
El padrethe father
La madrethe mother
El hijothe son
La hijathe daughter
El hermanothe brother
La hermanathe sister 
El abuelothe grandfather
La abuelathe grandmother
El tíothe uncle
La tíathe aunt
El primothe cousin (m)
La primathe cousin (f)

Common Spanish Words for Animals

Perro Dog
Gato Cat
Pez Fish
Pájaro / Ave Bird
Conejo Rabbit
Hámster Hamster
Conejillo de indias / Cobayo Guinea pig
Tortuga Turtle
Hurón Ferret
Cerdo Pig
Caballo Horse
Burro Donkey
Vaca Cow
Pollo Chicken
Oveja Sheep
Cabra Goat
Pavo Turkey
Pato Duck
Búfalo Buffalo
Toro Bull
Buey Ox
Delfín Dolphin
Tiburón Shark
Ballena Whale
Estrella de mar Starfish
Calamar Squid
Anguila Eel
Caballo de mar Seahorse
Medusa Jellyfish
Foca Seal
Nutria Otter
Morsa Walrus
León marino Sea lion
Pingüino Penguin
Pulpo Octopus
Langosta Lobster
Cangrejo Crab
Gaviota Seagull
Pelícano Pelican
Camarón Shrimp
Manta raya Manta ray
Almeja Clam
Loro Parrot
Halcón Falcon
Águila Eagle
Cuervo Crow
Pinzón Finch
Pájaro carpintero Woodpecker
Avestruz Ostrich

Common Spanish Words Related to Food


Food is a big part of Spanish culture, so here are the essential words for you to order your favorite meal!

La comidaFood
La bebidaDrink
El panBread
La frutaFruit
La verduraVegetable
El huevoEgg
La carne Meat
El pollo Chicken
La carne de vaca Beef
La papa /La patata  Potato
El cerdo Pork
Los mariscos Seafood
El camarón Shrimp
El arroz Rice
Los frijoles Beans
El agua Water
El té Tea
El caféCoffee
El jugo Juice
La lecheMilk
La gaseosa Soft drink
El alcohol Alcohol
El vino Wine
La cervezaBeer
El desayunoBreakfast
El almuerzoLunch
La cenaDinner
El restauranteRestaurant

Spanish Question Words


Asking questions is an important part of speaking any language. These are the words you need to ask questions in Spanish:


how much / how many

Easy Spanish Words (Spanish-English Cognates!)


Cognates are words that have the same origin or root word. There are hundreds of Spanish and English cognates, but start with learning these as an excellent way to effortlessly increase your vocabulary!


Common Spanish Words for Days of the Week

Hoy es.. Today is...
Mañana es... Tomorrow is...
Ayer fue... Yesterday was...
El día The day
La fecha The date
El próximo Next
Que viene... The upcoming...
Siguiente... The folllowing...
Pasado Last
Anterior Previous
Antier  / Anteayer The day before yesterday
Pasado mañana The day after tomorrow
La semana The week
El fin de semana The weekend
Entre semana Midweek
Cada / Todos los... Every
El primer... del mes The first __ of the month
De... a... From __ to __
Desde... hasta... From __ to __

Common Spanish Words for Traveling

La maletasuitcase
El regalopresent
El aviónplane
La escalastopover/layover
Viajarto travel
Descansarto rest
Dar un paseoto go for a walk
La playabeach
El hotelhotel

More Resources to Learn Spanish Vocabulary

Common Spanish words open doors by facilitating communication. The more common vocabulary you know, the better off you’ll be. 

This list is a great spot to start building your foundational vocabulary, but there are tons of great resources out there that can get you learning and practicing even more common Spanish words!

Here are some of the best resources to find more common Spanish vocabulary words to add to your word bank and build your core vocabulary!


This site contains a comprehensive list of 1,000 useful Spanish words that cover a wide variety of topics.

If your intent is to grow your vocabulary and add common words to your skillset, then this is a super great resource.


This vocabulary resource provides several lists divided into topics with some of the most common Spanish words.

Whether you’re honing your skills on greetings, body parts, shopping lingo or a number of other subjects, all of the applicable vocabulary is pre-sorted and labeled.

The website’s interface is very simple, so it’s easy to navigate and find vocabulary about whatever you want.


This resource has 1,000 common Spanish words and is more interactive than just a list of vocabulary.

The words and translations are divided into lists of 20 random words alphabetically sorted.

At the end of each list, learners are given the opportunity to take a quiz on what they’ve just learned. Each quiz asks learners to choose the correct translation of a word, so it’s a pretty straightforward, speedy process.

Quizzing yourself is a great method for gauging retention of these common words. 


Now that you have over 300 more words in your core Spanish vocabulary, you have a good basis for most conversations. 

So why not take a look at some not-so-common vocab, too?

Keep learning words and building that foundation!

And One More Thing…

If you've made it this far that means you probably enjoy learning Spanish with engaging material and will then love FluentU.

Other sites use scripted content. FluentU uses a natural approach that helps you ease into the Spanish language and culture over time. You’ll learn Spanish as it’s actually spoken by real people.

FluentU has a wide variety of videos, as you can see here:


FluentU brings native videos within reach with interactive transcripts. You can tap on any word to look it up instantly. Every definition has examples that have been written to help you understand how the word is used. If you see an interesting word you don’t know, you can add it to a vocab list.


Review a complete interactive transcript under the Dialogue tab, and find words and phrases listed under Vocab.


Learn all the vocabulary in any video with FluentU’s robust learning engine. Swipe left or right to see more examples of the word you’re on.


The best part is that FluentU keeps track of the vocabulary that you’re learning, and gives you extra practice with difficult words. It'll even remind you when it’s time to review what you’ve learned. Every learner has a truly personalized experience, even if they’re learning with the same video.

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