150+ Cool Spanish Words (Audio Included)

Level up your Spanish by adding these cool Spanish words to your vocabulary, from words that literally mean “cool” to ones that just sound cool or have some awesome meanings.
By learning these sorts of words you’ll have an easier time understanding locals and expressing yourself as well. Let’s take a look.
- Ways to Say “Cool” in Spanish
- Cool Spanish Words with No Direct Translation
- Cool Spanish Slang Words by Country
- Cool Spanish Words About Nature and the Environment
- Cool Spanish Words About Emotions and Feelings
- Cool Spanish Words About Food
- Cool Spanish Words About Art and Creativity
- Beautiful Spanish Words
- And One More Thing…
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Ways to Say “Cool” in Spanish
There are a ton of different ways to say “cool” depending on where you are in the Spanish-speaking world.
A couple of the main ones are:
To read more in depth about how to say “cool,” in Spanish, check out this blog post:
Ways to Say “Cool” in Spanish Around the World | FluentU Spanish Blog
To sound cool in Spanish, you’ll want to learn these words! These ways to say “cool” will help you understand colloquial Spanish and start to sound like a native…
Cool Spanish Words with No Direct Translation
Nothing is cooler than using a word in Spanish that doesn’t even exist in English. These Spanish words don’t have direct translations in English:
Spanish | English |
Antojo | A strong craving |
Empalagarse | To overindulge to the point of feeling sick |
Pena ajena | Feeling embarrassed for someone else's actions |
Merienda | Afternoon snack |
Trasnochar | To stay up all night |
Comilón | Someone who enjoys eating a lot |
Carné | ID card or membership card |
Friolero | Someone who is always cold |
Desvelarse | To stay awake all night |
Chuchería | A small, usually inexpensive gift or trinket |
Empalme | The overlap of two events or commitments |
Mangante | Someone who constantly borrows things and doesn't return them |
Sobremesa | The conversation that continues after a meal |
Pelusa | The small pieces of lint or fuzz |
Morriña | A feeling of homesickness or nostalgia |
Friolera | A small and insignificant amount |
Madrugada | Early hours of the morning |
There are many more unique Spanish words with no direct English translations! You can find even more here:
46 Weird and Unique Spanish Words With No Direct English Translations | FluentU Spanish Blog
There are lots of weird Spanish words that don’t have direct English translations. Knowing them won’t just help you understand native speakers but also give you tons of…
Cool Spanish Slang Words by Country
What’s cool in different parts of the Spanish-speaking world? These cool colloquialisms will get you started:
Cool Spanish Words from Spain
Spanish | English |
Guay | Cool, awesome |
Flipar | To be amazed, to trip out |
Molar | To be cool, to like |
Caña | A glass of beer |
Pijo | Fancy, posh |
Chulo | Stylish, attractive |
Tío / Tía | Dude, guy/girl |
Colega | Friend, buddy |
Marcha | Nightlife, partying |
Cani | A young person with a distinctive style |
Cool Spanish Words from Mexico
Spanish | English |
Chido | Cool, great |
Padre | Cool, awesome |
Neta | Truth, real |
Carnal | Brother, friend |
Onda | Vibe, atmosphere |
Chamba | Job, work |
Cuate | Friend, buddy |
Chela | Beer |
Güey | Dude, guy |
Cool Spanish Words from Argentina
Spanish | English |
Copado | Cool, awesome |
Guita | Money |
Bondi | Bus |
Faso | Cigarette, joint |
Boliche | Nightclub, bar |
Chanta | Faker, con artist |
Laburar | To work |
Che | Hey, buddy |
Boludo | Fool, idiot |
Cool Spanish Words from Colombia
Spanish | English |
Bacán | Cool, great |
Parche | Group of friends hanging out |
Vaina | Thing, stuff |
Chimba | Amazing, awesome |
Joda | Party, fun |
Parcero | Buddy, friend |
Rumbear | To party |
Ñero/a | Dude, guy/girl |
Cool Spanish Words from the Dominican Republic
Spanish | English |
Chévere | Cool, great |
Juma | Party, gathering |
Pariguayo | Fool, naive person |
Quillado | Angry, annoyed |
Chepa | Luck, chance |
Bembé | Party, celebration |
Cool Spanish Words About Nature and the Environment
Spanish | English |
Acantilado | Cliff |
Alborada | The first light of day |
Amanecer | Sunrise, dawn |
Arbusto | Shrub |
Arcoíris | Rainbow |
Brisca | A light breeze |
Brote | Sprout, bud |
Catarata | Waterfall |
Cielo | Sky |
Escarcha | Frost |
Espesura | Thicket, dense forest |
Espuma | Foam, froth |
Estrella | Star |
Fronda | Foliage, leafy branch |
Huracán | Hurricane |
Llamarada | Flare, blaze |
Luciérnaga | Firefly |
Marejada | Swell, surge |
Mariposa | Butterfly |
Orilla | Shore, edge |
Ráfaga | Gust of wind |
Remanso | Quiet water, backwater |
Resplandor | Radiance, glow |
Rocío | Dew |
Sereno | Calm, serene |
Terral | Hot, dry wind |
Tormenta | Storm |
Trueno | Thunder |
Vendaval | Gale, strong wind |
Want more Spanish nature words? Check out this post next:
125 Nature Words in Spanish [With Audio] | FluentU Spanish Blog
Nature words in Spanish are a key element of everyday vocabulary. The environment is a part of our daily lives and our constant surroundings, so it comes up a lot in…
Cool Spanish Words About Emotions and Feelings
Spanish | English |
Afán | Eagerness, zeal |
Aflicción | Grief, distress |
Añoranza | Longing, yearning |
Arrepentimiento | Remorse, regret |
Asombro | Astonishment, wonder |
Culpa | Guilt |
Desapego | Detachment, non-attachment |
Desazón | Unease, discomfort |
Desengaño | Disappointment |
Desvelo | Sleeplessness, staying awake at night |
Empalagar | To have too much of a good thing |
Enamoramiento | Infatuation |
Encanto | Delight, charm |
Esperanza | Hope |
Estupor | Amazement, astonishment |
Morriña | A feeling of homesickness or nostalgia |
Pesar | Sorrow, regret |
Querencia | A place where one feels at home. |
Serenidad | Serenity |
Solaz | Amusement, entertainment |
Soledad | Loneliness |
Ternura | Tenderness |
Zozobra | Anxiety, unease |
Cool Spanish Words About Food
Spanish | English |
Agridulce | Sweet and sour |
Aperitivo | Appetizer |
Canela | Cinnamon |
Cazuela | Stew or casserole |
Comilón | Someone who loves eating a lot |
Crujiente | Crispy, crunchy |
Degustación | Tasting, sampling |
Degustar | To taste, savor |
Dulzor | Sweetness |
Empanada | A savory pastry |
Glasear | To glaze |
Guiso | Stew |
Horchata | A refreshing drink made from rice or nuts |
Jugoso | Juicy |
Manjar | Delicacy, treat |
Merienda | Afternoon snack |
Parrilla | Grill, barbecue |
Picante | Spicy, hot |
Pimienta | Pepper |
Rebozado | Breaded, coated |
Repostería | Pastry, bakery |
Sabroso | Tasty, flavorful |
Sazón | Seasoning, flavor |
Untuoso | Rich, creamy |
Cool Spanish Words About Art and Creativity
Spanish | English |
Acuarela | Watercolor |
Bastidor | Frame, stretcher |
Boceto | Sketch |
Desafío | Challenge |
Esbozo | Rough draft |
Escenografía | Stage design |
Lienzo | Canvas |
Mezcla | Mix, blend |
Óleo | Oil painting |
Pincelada | Brushstroke |
Retratar | To portray |
Retrato | Portrait |
Trazo | Stroke, line |
Vitrina | Display case |
Check out more Spanish art words here:
Common Art Words in Spanish [With Audio] | FluentU Spanish Blog
Learn these 80 Spanish art words to expand your vocabulary and better express yourself when discussing art with a friend, visiting a museum or taking a class. This list…
Beautiful Spanish Words
Spanish is a beautiful language. Moving slightly away from cool and into the realm of the gorgeous, check out some beautiful Spanish words that belong in your word bank:
Spanish | English |
Abrazo | Hug, embrace |
Amistad | Friendship |
Amor | Love |
Aurora | Dawn |
Cálido | Warm |
Caricia | Caress |
Cielo | Sky |
Destello | Sparkle, flash |
Dulce | Sweet |
Dulzura | Sweetness |
Embeleso | Enchantment, captivation |
Encantamiento | Charm, enchantment |
Esperanza | Hope |
Murmullo | Murmur |
Palabra | Word |
Querencia | A place where one feels at home |
Relucir | To shine, to gleam |
Resplandor | Radiance, glow |
Sonrisa | Smile |
Sosiego | Quietness, calmness |
Susurro | Whisper |
Tesoro | Treasure |
Want to learn even more beautiful Spanish words? This post has some beautiful Spanish phrases that you can add to your vocabulary:
30 Beautiful Spanish Phrases and How to Use Them | FluentU Spanish Blog
These beautiful Spanish phrases will help you express yourself more authentically and sound like a native speaker. Click here to learn 30 beautiful phrases in Spanish,…
And if you’re searching for even more cool and beautiful Spanish words to learn, you can find them on FluentU.
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Awesome, you sound cooler already!
And One More Thing…
If you've made it this far that means you probably enjoy learning Spanish with engaging material and will then love FluentU.
Other sites use scripted content. FluentU uses a natural approach that helps you ease into the Spanish language and culture over time. You’ll learn Spanish as it’s actually spoken by real people.
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