
60 Terms to Describe Your Daily Routine in Spanish


Travel phrases will come in handy when you’re gallivanting about in Spanish-speaking countries, and food words will help you navigate your way around even the most advanced Spanish-language restaurant menus.

But when it comes to vocabulary that you can use every day, there’s nothing quite like Spanish daily routine vocabulary.

Morning Routine Spanish Vocabulary

Despertarse To wake upMe despierto en la mañana. (I wake up in the morning.)
Levantarse To get upMe levanté a las ocho y media. (I got out of bed at eight thirty.)
Hacer la cama To make the bedHago la cama todos los días. (I make the bed every day.)
Vestirse To get dressedPuedo vestirme muy rápido. (I can get dressed very fast.)
Ponerse To put on (clothes)Me pongo la camisa después de ducharme. (I put on my shirt after I shower.)
Afeitarse To shaveÉl tiene que afeitarse cada mañana. (He has to shave each morning.)
Maquillarse / pintarse To put on makeupNo tengo tiempo para maquillarme en la mañana. (I don't have time to put makeup on in the morning.)
Ir a... To go to...Enrique va a la escuela a las siete. (Enrique goes to school at seven.)

Hygiene Spanish Vocabulary

Ducharse To take a showerElla prefiere ducharse por la noche. (She prefers to shower at night.)
Bañarse To take a bathTú te bañas cada mañana. (You take a bath each morning.)
Lavarse To clean/wash oneselfMe lavo las manos después de ir al baño. (I wash my hands after going to the bathroom.)
Lavarse / cepillarse los dientes To brush one's teethMe cepillo los dientes dos veces al día. (I brush my teeth twice a day.)
Cepillarse el pelo To brush one's hairSe cepilla el pelo antes de irse a la escuela. (She brushes her hair before leaving for school.)
Peinarse To comb one's hair, to do your hairNo me gusta peinarme. (I don't like to comb my hair.)
Mi madre me peina. (My mom does my hair.)

Meal Time Spanish Vocabulary

Comer To eatComemos juntos una vez por semana. (We eat together once a week.)
Hacer la comida To make foodYo hago la comida cuando tengo hambre. (I make food when I'm hungry.)
Desayunar To eat breakfast¿Te gustaría desayunar conmigo el viernes? (Would you like to eat breakfast with me on Friday?)
Almorzar To eat lunchVoy a almorzar con mis amigos cada semana. (I go and have lunch with my friends every week.)
Cenar To eat dinnerMis abuelos salen para cenar los viernes. (My grandparents go out for dinner on Fridays.)
Tomar un descanso To rest, to take a breakTomo un descanso a las cinco. (I take a break at 5.)
Merendar To have an afternoon snack/teaLos ingleses meriendan cada tarde. (The English have a tea break every afternoon.)
Picar To snack onLos niños pican papas fritas cuando llegan en la tarde. (The kids snack on potato chips when they arrive in the afternoon.)

Bedtime Routine Spanish Vocabulary

Llegar a casa To arrive homeLlegué a casa a las once. (I got home at eleven.)
Quitarse la ropa To take off one's clothesMe quito la ropa después del trabajo. (I take my clothes off after work.)
Desvestirse To undress oneselfTe desvistes antes de ducharte. (You get undressed before you shower.)
Desnudarse To get nakedElla se desnuda antes de ducharse. (She undresses before taking a shower.)
Dormirse To fall asleepMe duermo temprano. (I fall asleep early.)
Acostarse To go to bed, to lie downEl niño se acuesta a las ocho. (The child goes to bed at 8.)

Activity Routine Spanish Vocabulary

Trabajar To workMe voy a trabajar a las ocho. (I go to work at 8.)
Estudiar To studyEstudias treinta minutos cada día. (You study 30 minutes every day.)
Ver la televisión To watch TVVemos la televisión mientras cenamos. (We watch TV while we eat dinner.)
Escuchar música To listen to musicEllos escuchan música a las 5 a. m. y lo odio. (They listen to music at 5AM and I hate it.)
Mandar mensajes To send textsElla me manda mensajes después de trabajar cada noche. (She sends me texts after work every night.)
Leer To readIntento leer al menos quince minutos cada día. (I try to read at least 15 minutes a day.)

Vocabulary for Adding Details to Your Routine

So we’ve got the main routine words down, but what if you want to describe them a little more—for example, tell someone when or how often you do said routine?

For this, knowing some Spanish adverbs of frequency and where to place them in a sentence will help. 

Here are some adverbs and other vocabulary words that might come in handy for expressing your routine with a bit more accuracy. 

Día DayTrabajo cada día. (I work every day.)
Semana WeekTrabajo durante la semana. (I work during the week.)
Mes MonthElla visita a su abuela una vez al mes. (She visits her grandma once a month.)
Año YearTienes que ver el doctor una vez al año. (You have to see the doctor one time each year.)
Lunes MondayEl lunes es el primer día de la semana laboral. (Monday is the first day of the work week.)
Martes TuesdayMis padres salen a cenar los martes. (My parents go out for dinner on Tuesdays.)
Miércoles WednesdayElla no trabaja los miércoles. (She doesn't work on Wednesdays.)
Jueves ThursdayNecesitamos ir al supermercado el jueves. (We need to go to the supermarket on Thursday.)
Viernes FridayHay una fiesta el viernes. (There's a party on Friday.)
Sábado Saturday¿Quieres ir al cine el sábado? (Do you want to go to the movies on Saturday?)
Domingo SundayMi familia va a la iglesia los domingos. (My family goes to church on Sundays.)
A veces SometimesA veces voy al aeropuerto y veo los aviones. (Sometimes I go to the airport and watch the planes.)
Normalmente NormallyNormalmente voy al gym a las 5 p. m. (I normally go to the gym at 5pm.)
Cada Each/everyElla hace huevos cada mañana. (She makes eggs every morning.)
Hoy TodayHoy voy a escuela. (I'm going to school today.)
Mañana TomorrowAna tiene una entrevista mañana. (Ana has an interview tomorrow.)
Ayer YesterdayAyer fui a trabajar después del desayuno. (I went to work after breakfast yesterday.)
Luego LaterNos vamos a juntar luego. (We're going to meet up later.)
Ahora NowNos vamos ahora. (We're leaving now.)
Más tarde LaterEllos van a salir más tarde. (They're going to go out later.)
Antes de BeforeLeo antes de tener que ir al trabajo. (I read before I have to go to work.)
Después de AfterVas a cocinar la cena después de la fiesta. (You're going to cook dinner after the party.)
Entonces ThenEntonces entendí lo que había pasado. (Then I understood what had happened.)
Después ThenVamos a cenar y después iremos a bailar. (We're going to have dinner and then we're going dancing.)
Ya Already¿Ya te cepillaste los dientes? (Did you brush your teeth already?)
Durante DuringMi padre duerme durante sus reuniones de trabajo. (My dad sleeps during his work meetings.)

If you want a little more practice with the days of the week, there’s a story-based lesson on our YouTube channel that could be helpful:

Reflexive Verbs and Daily Routine

You probably noticed that a lot of these words end in se, which means they’re reflexive verbs. This is the verb type we use when the agent of the action is acting on his or her own self.

When an agent is acting on someone else, we might still use pronouns like me, te and le to indicate who is being acted upon, but the verb is no longer reflexive.

Let’s look at the difference between despertar and despertarse (to wake up).

If we’re going to use the reflexive version of this verb, then the acting agent must be the same as who the agent is acting upon, so you’ll start with the reflexive infinitive verb despertarse and turn that into:

Me despierto (I wake up)

Te despiertas (You wake up) 

Se despierta (He/she wakes up)

To indicate that someone is acting on someone else, you might have:

Ella despierta a Juan (She wakes up Juan)

Mi madre me despierta (My mother wakes me up)

Te despierto (I wake you up)

How to Practice Daily Routine Vocabulary

Now that we’ve gone over these new vocabulary words, let’s look at some different ways you can practice these words and a few different resources you can use:

  • Create a daily journal. Write about what you’ve done each day, using these words to describe your own routine. As you write, you’ll become accustomed to describing your day with your new vocabulary words.
  • Create flashcards. Flashcards are the tried-and-true method to learn vocabulary. You can create them by hand or use an app such as Anki.
  • Listen to these words in use. This will help you learn the words and how to pronounce them correctly. You can listen to native speakers talking about daily routines in Spanish with podcasts and YouTube, or on FluentU if you want a little extra support.

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As you can see, everyday vocabulary doesn’t have to be boring.

With these great words and phrases you can use to describe your daily routine, every day!

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