
58 Words and Phrases to Discuss Hobbies in Spanish

Pasatiempo is “hobby” in Spanish, and talking about your pasatiempos means talking about something you love. Combine your passion for your hobby with your passion for Spanish learning and you will have double the motivation to learn.

Key Vocabulary for Hobbies in Spanish

General Hobbies

hobbies in spanish

El cine Cinema, filmMe gusta el cine. (I like film.)
La televisión TelevisionVes la televisión todo el día. (You watch television all day.)
Cocinar To cookMi madre cocina muy bien. (My mom cooks really well.)
Hornear To bakeMe encanta hornear en invierno. (I love baking in the winter.)
Escribir To writeSolíamos escribirnos cartas. (We used to write letters to each other.)
Leer To readHacen un picnic y leen. (They have a picnic and read.)
Coleccionar To collectColecciona las tarjetas de béisbol. (He collects baseball cards.)
Ir de compras To go shoppingVamos de compras con mi abuela. (We're going shopping with my grandma.)
Viajar To travelMe encanta viajar sola. (I love to traveling alone.)

Sports and Physical Activities

hobbies in spanish

Los deportes Sports¿Juegas deportes? (Do you play sports?)
Correr To runPodemos correr por la mañana. (We can run in the morning.)
Nadar To swimQuiero nadar en el océano. (I want to swim in the ocean.)
Esquiar To skiEsquiaremos todo el invierno. (We will ski all winter.)
El karate KarateÉl tiene clase de karate los lunes. (He has karate class on Mondays.)
El ciclismo CyclingMi pasatiempo favorito es el ciclismo. (My favorite hobby is cycling.)
Bailar To danceTú bailas competitivamente. (You dance competitively.)
Ejercitarse / hacer ejercicio To exercise / to do exerciseEjercitan en el gimnasio todos los días. (They exercise in the gym every day.)
Patinar To skateMe pidió que fuera a patinar sobre hielo. (He asked me to go ice skating.)
Jugar To playJugué hockey en la universidad. (I played hockey in college.)
El fútbol SoccerLos niños están aquí para un torneo de fútbol. (The kids are here for a soccer tournament.)
El fútbol americano American footballQuiere jugar al fútbol americano en Estados Unidos. (He wants to play American football in the United States.)
El baloncesto / el básquetbol BasketballMi hermano juega básquetbol. (My brother plays basketball.)
El béisbol BaseballVamos a jugar béisbol el viernes. (We're going to play baseball on Friday.)
El hockey HockeyA mi padre le encanta ver hockey. (My dad loves to watch hockey.)
El golf GolfMis colegas juegan al golf todos los domingos. (My coworkers play golf every Sunday.)
El tenis TennisJuego al tenis con mi padre después de la cena. (I play tennis with my dad after dinner.)

Visit this post for more sports vocabulary in Spanish: 

Outdoor Hobbies

hobbies in spanish

Acampar To campVamos a acampar este fin de semana. (We're going camping this weekend.)
La jardinería GardeningLa jardinería es el pasatiempo favorito de mi abuela. (Gardening is my grandma's favorite hobby.)
El excursionismo / el senderismo HikingMi papá y yo vamos de excursión todas las semanas. (My dad and I go hiking every week.)
La naturaleza NatureMe encanta pasar tiempo en la naturaleza. (I love spending time in nature.)
La observación de aves BirdwatchingHicieron un viaje de observación de aves por su aniversario. (They went on a birdwatching trip for their anniversary.)
Pescar To fishEllos van a pescar mañana. (They're going fishing tomorrow.)
Cazar To hunt¿Te gusta cazar? (Do you like to hunt?)

Musical Hobbies

hobbies in spanish

La música Music¿Cuál es tu tipo de música favorito? (What's your favorite type of music?)
Cantar To singElla canta en un coro. (She sings in a choir.)
Tocar To playTocaba la guitarra cuando era joven. (I played the guitar when I was young.)
El instrumento Instrument¿Tocas algún instrumento? (Do you play any instruments?)
La guitarra GuitarEl hombre que toca la guitarra es famoso. (The man who's playing the guitar is famous.)
El piano PianoMi amiga está tomando clases de piano. (My friend is taking piano classes.)
Escuchar To listenMe gusta escuchar música mientras hago ejercicio. (I like to listen to music while I work out.)

Art-related Hobbies

hobbies in spanish

El arte ArtQuiero ir a un museo de arte. (I want to go to an art museum.)
Sacar fotos / tomar fotos To take photosMi madre saca muchas fotos cuando viajamos. (My mom takes lots of pictures when we travel.)
La fotografía PhotographyDeberías probar la fotografía. (You should try photography.)
Dibujar To drawEstamos dibujando nuestras manos. (We're drawing our hands.)
Pintar To paintEstoy pintando algo para mi papá. (I'm painting something for my dad.)
Coser To sewLas abuelas cosen ropa para sus nietos. (The grandmas sew clothes for their grandkids.)
Tejer To knit/weave/crochetPuedes tejer muy rápidamente. (You can weave very quickly.)
El teatro TheaterMi abuela y yo vamos al teatro a menudo. (My grandma and I go to the theater often.)

How to Talk About Hobbies in Spanish

General questions and answers

If you want to ask someone what their hobby is, you can ask one of these questions.

¿Tienes algún pasatiempo? Do you have any hobbies?
¿Qué haces en tu tiempo libre? What do you do in your free time?
¿Qué haces para divertirte? What do you do for fun?
Mi pasatiempo favorito es pintar. My favorite hobby is to paint.
Estoy interesado en la astronomía. I'm interested (masculine) in astronomy.
Estoy interesada en la astronomía. I'm interested (feminine) in astronomy.

Gustar (Like)

If you want to talk about what you like, you can use this grammar form. This can be a tricky grammar formulation as it uses Spanish indirect pronouns, but all it takes is practice!

Me gusta I
Te gusta You (informal singular)
Le gusta
You (formal singular)
Nos gusta We
Os gusta You (informal plural)
Les gusta They
You (formal plural)

Verbs like gustar agree in number with the noun they’re referring to, not with the subject doing the liking. For example, Me gusta is used when the thing you like is singular, while me gustan is used when it’s plural.

You can use this structure with other verbs and use them with indirect pronouns, such as interesar (to interest), encantar (to love), or fascinar (to fascinate). 

Me gusta(n) — I like

Me gusta bailar. — I like to dance.

Me gustan los libros. — I like books.

Te gusta(n) — You (informal singular) like 

¿Te gusta cocinar? — Do you like to cook?

Te gustan las películas de terror. — You like horror movies.

Le gusta(n) — He/she likes, you (formal singular) like 

This one can mean “he likes,” “she likes,” or “you (formal) like.” This is contextual so it has to be clear who you are referring to. 

Le gusta leer. — He likes to read.

Le gustan los animales. — She likes animals.

Nos gusta(n) — We like

Nos gusta viajar. — We like to travel.

Nos gustan las películas de comedia. — We like comedy movies.

Os gusta(n) — You (informal plural) like

This is a bit less common and is only used in Spain. It’s the plural form of te gusta but addressing a group informally.

¿Os gusta el fútbol? — Do you all like soccer?

Os gustan los conciertos en vivo. — You all like live concerts.

Les gusta(n) — They/you (formal plural) like

Les gusta jugar al ajedrez. — They like to play chess.

Les gustan las frutas. — You like fruits.

If you want to use someone’s name or specify the pronoun, you can add “a” + name/pronoun first.

A mí me gusta cocinar. — I like to cook.

A Juan le gusta nadar. — Juan likes to swim.

A nosotros nos gusta bailar y a vosotros os gusta cantar. — We like to dance, and you like to sing.

Disfrutar/Amar (Enjoy/Love)

If you want to use simpler verb conjugations, try out the verbs disfrutar (to enjoy) or amar (to love)—which is even stronger than encantar—. These verbs follow the regular rules of Spanish verb conjugation

Yo amo I
Tú amas You (informal singular)
Él ama
Ella ama
Usted ama
You (formal singular)
Nosotros amamos We
Vosotros amáis You all (informal plural)
Ellos aman
Ustedes aman
You all (formal plural)

After amo, you can then put either a noun or a verb in its infinitive form, such as pintar or jugar in the following examples.

Yo amo pintar paisajes en mis ratos libres. — I love painting landscapes in my free time.

Él ama leer novelas de misterio. — He loves reading mystery.

Vosotros amáis jugar al fútbol en el parque con amigos. — You all love playing soccer in the park with friends.

Yo disfruto I
Tú disfrutas You (informal singular)
Él disfruta
Ella disfruta
Usted disfruta
You (formal singular)
Nosotros disfrutamos We
Vosotros disfrutáis You all (informal plural)
Ellos disfrutan
Ustedes disfrutan
You all (formal plural)

After disfrutar, it’s standard to add de before the thing you enjoy doing, although this is often omitted in everyday speech:

Tú disfrutas de ir a pescar. or Tú disfrutas ir a pescar. — I enjoy going fishing.

Why Learn to Talk About Hobbies in Spanish

  • Knowing Spanish vocabulary about hobbies will help you engage in small talk and allow you to continue a conversation to build connections.
  • Most hobbies are relatively neutral topics, making them great conversation points for when you’re talking to someone new.
  • Learning Spanish vocabulary related to your hobbies will also help you connect with people with similar interests. 
  • Your hobby-related vocabulary will even help you understand material about your favorite pastimes.
  • Learning key vocabulary can improve your understanding of authentic reading materials, videos or streaming programs about your hobbies.

To find some great video material about your hobbies, you can look at FluentU.

FluentU takes authentic videos—like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks—and turns them into personalized language learning lessons.

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Go ahead and share your interests! With these Spanish hobby-related vocabulary words, you will never be at a loss for something fun to talk about.

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