
The 20 Best Ways to Learn Spanish as an Adult


Did you know that adults are actually better at learning a new language than kids? So, if you were worried learning Spanish may be harder when you’re not a child, I am here to tell you that it is never too late to learn a new language.

But what is the best way to learn Spanish as an adult? In this post, I will go over 20 effective tips for learning Spanish… especially as an adult. You have more of an advantage than you might think,

Woman in orange shirt studying at computer

1. Set personal learning goals

Now that you have decided to study Spanish, start by planning your learning. Make a list of small goals you want to accomplish and a big, fat, final goal that will be your final destination. Allot some specific time to each of your small goals and try to reach them one by one.

The best strategy is not giving up and not skipping any of your goals! Go step by step and do not start your next goal until you have accomplished the previous one.

No matter how you divide your tasks, always keep them in mind and re-read them from time to time so that you do not lose track of your destination.

2. Make learning Spanish a habit

I know it is easier said than done, but the more you treat your Spanish studies as something you have to do at specific times on specific days, the more it will become ingrained in your brain and the faster it will turn into a good habit.

When I am learning a new language (which is pretty much every single day of my life) I dedicate at least 30 minutes to it every day after work. Over the years, this has stopped being a compulsory activity and it is now more of a pleasant habit that allows me to unwind and relax before going to bed.

3. Track your progress and review, review, review!

From time to time—say, once a week—you will need to look back to track and assess your progress. If you feel that you gave yourself too little time for some goals, rewrite the plan and keep on updating and adapting it to your current situation.

Changes do not mean failure. We are adults and we all have lives!

Give yourself at least a couple of days between small goals in order to review what you have learned so far. Reviewing is as important as the act of learning itself. While reviewing, you will be able to see what you have really learned and what needs more work on your part.

4. Label your house, literally!

Take some notepaper and write the words for furniture, household items, electronic devices, etc. on them, both in English and Spanish (or just in Spanish). Then, stick them to the corresponding objects so you can see their Spanish name every time you have a look or reach for them!

Are you brushing your teeth? Then you should be looking at yourself in the espejo (mirror). Heating a meal in the microondas (microwave)? The sticky note sure says so! Maybe you are going to take something from the fridge? Every time you get close to it, you will see it is called frigorífico or nevera  in Spanish!

It really is as easy as it sounds. Plus, seeing the words in Spanish every single day will help you memorize them with literally zero effort.

5. Use programs to immerse yourself

One of the best ways to learn a language is through immersion. And there are many different ways to surround yourself with Spanish, even if you’re learning from home.

There are several ideas for immersion in this post. But if you want to go the extra mile, using an online program to immerse yourself is the next step. 

Let’s look at a few different programs you can use to immerse yourself:

  • Language Zen: This program gives students the option of immersing and learning through music, or by taking a more traditional approach to their studies. Courses are available for a wide range of skill levels, and you can take courses on basic topics or more specialized ones.
  • LingQ: This program lets you use authentic reading materials and certain videos to learn from real written Spanish. Each word is highlighted until you learn it or mark it as known, so you can work your way through to understanding the text one word at a time.
  • FluentU: To learn with authentic Spanish video content, you could try FluentU.

    FluentU takes authentic videos—like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks—and turns them into personalized language learning lessons.

    You can try FluentU for free for 2 weeks. Check out the website or download the iOS app or Android app.

    Click here to take advantage of our current sale! (Expires at the end of this month.)

      FluentU Ad

6. Go one topic at a time

One easy way to start building your vocabulary is by learning vocabulary words by themes. Start by studying the numbers, the colors, some weather expressions, the animals, etc. You decide!

Pick a topic and focus on it. Learn everything there is to know about it: the basic vocabulary, the expressions, the grammar behind it, the pronunciation of each word and so on. Do not go on to the next topic until you have mastered the one you are working on and know the meaning of all the words you have chosen.

You can use flashcards or make your own vocabulary lists to help you study.

7. Turn your hobby into your biggest strength

This is somewhat related to the previous method because you will be focusing on one topic at a time. First, make a list of all the hobbies you have

Use this knowledge to your advantage and look for vocabulary lists or books related to that topic. In Spanish, of course!

Try to get to know as much as possible about that topic you love so much. Learning about something close to our hearts is not only easier, but can also be useful!

8. Memorize and repeat phrases, sentences and expressions

Some of my students prefer to follow what I call The Parrot Method. They make a list of the words and expressions they want to learn and try to listen to them and repeat them out loud as many times as they can.

Repetition is a great technique for those who may have a mild allergy to grammar rules and prefer a more hands-on approach to learning a language.

If you are a lover of perfecting sentences by repeating them over and over until you sound like a real native, this is a great place to start. Besides, this method goes very well with the next one…

9. Talk to yourself in the mirror

No, I am not crazy. I do it myself and it works wonders.

Talking to yourself in the mirror and repeating Spanish words and expressions you have been practicing is a great way of seeing how your mouth, tongue and teeth move when you talk.

You can compare your mouth movements with those of natives and see where you can improve. You can even imagine that you are talking to another person and practice some small talk and simple conversations! Once you get beyond the feeling of embarrassment, you will be able to effectively practice your Spanish in front of the mirror.

10. Make YouTube your best friend

That is exactly what I do! But YouTube can be used for much more than just talking to yourself in the mirror. You have literally millions of videos that can teach you Spanish from scratch. You can look for specific grammar topics you are studying, vocabulary lists, reading and listening exercises… Everything can be found there.

FluentU has a Spanish YouTube channel where you can find lots of native, authentic content mixed with explanations from Spanish teachers. For example, this video takes a Spanish dubbed episode of “Friends” and turns it into an in-depth lesson on the vocabulary, grammar patterns, cultural explanations and expressions used.

If cartoons are more your style, there are also videos using SpongeBob episodes:

There are also tons of Spanish YouTubers out there, so go explore and find a few that you really enjoy. Then, immerse yourself in their content.

11. Download language learning apps

Learning with the help of phone apps is getting more and more popular.

There are apps for every kind of student, from little children to adults like us. Think about what you want to practice through apps and download the ones you enjoy the most.

There are literally thousands of apps waiting for you just a finger away!

12. Use the proper grammar books

Not all grammar books are the same, just as no two students are the same.

As with phone apps, there are thousands of grammar books available to gorge on some juicy, good old grammar, but you need to choose the one that works best for you. Whether it is a book full of explanations and examples or a workbook to get your pencil and brain moving, have a look at different grammar resources before choosing one.

Try to avoid all those magical “fluent in two days” books, though. If you really want to learn Spanish beyond hola (hello) and buenos días  (good morning), you had better find a good grammar book.

13. Play games in Spanish

Everyone has their favorite board game, myself included! Try to get a hold of the Spanish versions of your favorite games. They will be a great asset and will let you have fun while learning!

I personally buy “Scrabble” for every single language I learn. Other games I really enjoy are “Trivial Pursuit” and “¿Quién es quién?” (“Guess who?”). Remember, you are only allowed to talk in Spanish while playing, so take your grammar guide and dictionary with you!t

Girl listening to music through earphones

These methods are not as easy to do just because they are rather advanced or they require a little more money than the previous ones.

14. Practice your listening skills with podcasts

If you are a total beginner, listening to podcasts from day one may be a bit of a stretch. But if you have already studied some grammar and vocabulary and you choose the right ones, podcasts can be a great way to practice your listening skills and improve your pronunciation.

Always choose podcasts hosted by native speakers and start listening to them every chance you can.

15. Read bilingual books

Bilingual books have always been popular, but they are mushrooming lately. There are bilingual books for every reader, for every topic and at almost any level. Just choose the right ones for you and start your adventure.

Reading bilingual books may not be for everyone, though.

It is true that you will be seeing the translation right away, but the more knowledge you have about the target language, the more useful bilingual books will become. This is because you will not only be adding vocabulary to your word bank but you will also be able to spot grammar rules and patterns and learn how to use them to your advantage!

16. Buy language courses

There are millions of language courses you can buy, install on your computer and start using in the blink of an eye. Most of them are divided by level and sold separately, which can make them cost a little more. Others are complete and include all the resources you will ever need to go from knowing nothing to being conversational.

Out of the infinite number of courses out there, Rosetta Stone, the Michel Thomas method, Babbel and a number of other excellent programs are definitely worth a try.

17. Attend a language course

Going to a group language course is more affordable than having a private tutor come to your place or teach you through Skype.

Man talking to a woman at a table

The last three methods can be expensive, difficult and even plain crazy, but they are the most effective if you want to learn really fast.

18. Talk to native speakers

Talking, chatting and writing to native speakers gives you the best and most direct feedback you could ever have. If you are a shy person, this may sound like going a little too far but I can assure you that it works!

You surely will make mistakes and you might even have some embarrassing moments when you will say what you should not, but this real-life practice is priceless. Tell your native friends to correct your mistakes as you speak or write. Take notes and apply what they say to future conversations.

19. Get a private tutor

It can be expensive, I know. But effective! If you really want to make a good investment, hiring a native Spanish speaker is the best way to go. But beware! Not all native speakers are good teachers. Make sure your tutor has experience in teaching and has the qualifications needed to be one.

20. Actually go abroad and get immersed in the language

This last method is only for the brave of heart and for those who have the resources and time to be able to spend a few months in another country. If you are one of the lucky ones, do not hesitate to pack your bags and travel to a Spanish-speaking country.

Living immersed in the culture and having 24/7 access to the language is undoubtedly the best way of learning it. You will be able to listen to native speakers talk all day long about thousands of different topics.

Why Learn Spanish as an Adult?

For all those readers out there who are still hesitating and wondering whether they should embark on this new journey or not, I have come up with a list of the main advantages of learning Spanish as an adult.

There may be hundreds of advantages to learning Spanish as an adult, but based on my personal experience, the following are the four most valuable ones:

Freedom of choice

Learning a new language as adults allows us to decide what, when, where and how we want to do it. The freedom we have to choose the method, the time and everything else regarding our study is something children do not have.

Take advantage of that!

Managing your own path

Do you want to learn Spanish for business? Maybe you would rather start with vocabulary lists? Or do you want an intensive course with a private tutor?

Whatever you want to do, you are the sole decision-maker and the one to draw the path of your learning. Choose what works for you, work around schedule and do not waste a single moment with a learning method that is not working.

Knowing what you want and need

You are mature enough to know why you want to learn that new language. You know what you want from your classes or courses and you can say “Next!” if things do not go as planned.

Not wasting your time and money

To continue on from the previous advantage: You are old enough to know whether you want to pay for learning a language or not. You can decide if buying the premium version of that app may pay off, if you want to invest a few hundred in a thorough learning plan or if you would rather use entirely free resources.

If you want more tips on how to learn languages fast as an adult, you can check out this video from the FluentU YouTube channel:


And that is all for today, my friends—now you know the best way to learn Spanish as an adult! I hope I have been able to convince you that learning a new language as an adult is more than a good idea. It is a great idea!

It is never too late to learn new things, especially a language as beautiful as Spanish.

Choose the methods that suit you best and start learning right away. I am sure this new chapter of your life will be full of new and exciting adventures… in Spanish!

Spanish Immersion from Your Device

I get it–learning Spanish isn’t always a walk in the park. But it doesn’t have to be a boring, tedious, or hair-pulling experience either. In fact, making it fun is key to your success!

With FluentU, you can learn Spanish naturally by turning any YouTube or Netflix video with subtitles into an interactive language lesson. I’m talking about language immersion from the convenience of your device.

You can even import your favorite YouTube videos into your FluentU account to learn from them using the app or website. Or browse our curated library of videos handpicked for beginners and intermediate learners.


While you watch a video, FluentU’s interactive subtitles let you tap on any word for an instant definition, example sentences, images, and audio. No more pausing and searching for translations—everything you need is right there!


It's all built to help you learn how to use words in real contexts. And as you learn, you can add new words to your flaschards with just a click! For example, if I tap on the word "tiempo," this is what pops up:


Learn even faster with built-in quizzes that reinforce vocab from every video. FluentU tracks your progress, gives you extra practice with tricky words, and reminds you when it’s time to review—so your learning is always personalized and effective.


Try FluentU today on your computer or tablet, or download our app from the App Store or Google Play. Click here to take advantage of our current sale! (Expires at the end of this month.)

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