
20 Ways to Say “You’re Welcome” in Spanish

One of the best things you can learn in another language is how to express gratitude.

But, what are you supposed to say when someone thanks you?

In English, of course, you’d say something like “you’re welcome,” “my pleasure” or even “no problem!”

Well, Spanish has a variety of phrases for this situation too!

Here are 20 common responses to gracias that you can use in many different scenarios. 

1. De nada  (You’re welcome)

The expression de nada literally means “of nothing.” It’s the most common way of saying “you’re welcome” in Spanish.

2. No hay de qué  (You’re welcome)

This expression literally means “there is not from what.” It’s also a very common way of answering someone who thanks you.

3. No hay por qué darlas (There’s no need to thank me)

This is similar to the previous phrase but takes longer to say and is a bit more formal. It literally means “There’s no reason to give them,” where “them” (las) refers to las gracias (the graces). 

4. No hay problema  (No problem)

This is an informal way of saying “you’re welcome,” “no problem” or “don’t mention it.”

5. No es nada (It’s nothing)

This phrase is like saying “It’s not a big deal” in English. It’s a casual way to reply to gracias in Spanish.

6. Por nada  (Not at all)

This is another way to say that whatever someone is thanking you for was not a big deal and that the person doesn’t need to thank you. 

7. No se preocupe  (Don’t worry; Don’t mention it)

Informal: No te preocupes

This expression literally means “don’t worry,” but it’s commonly used as a way of saying “you’re welcome.”

However, while the English “don’t mention it” feels a bit informal, in Spanish you just need to substitute te for se in order to make the expression totally formal.

8. Ni lo mencione (Don’t mention it)

Informal: Ni lo menciones

This is yet another way to express that what you did was nothing and that you helped the person without expecting anything in return.

9. Es un placer (It’s a pleasure)

Quite self-explanatory, you can use this expression to tell the person thanking you that it’s been a pleasure to help them and you’d do it again.

10. Con gusto  (With pleasure)

Alternative: Con mucho gusto (With great pleasure)

Same as un placer, you can use this expression to tell someone you’re happy to help.

11. El placer es mío  (The pleasure is mine)

We enter into a loop of gratitude with this expression since it’s normally the answer to un placer.

Use this expression when you want to say it’s a pleasure for you to thank someone after they’ve told you it’s a pleasure to help you.

12. En cualquier momento (Anytime)

This phrase is pretty self-explanatory—just make sure not to use it when you’ve done something that you’d really prefer not to do again! 

13. Cuando guste (Whenever you like)

Informal: Cuando gustes. 

This is similar to saying “En cualquier momento” as it expresses that you’re available to help out whenever the person needs it.

You can also use it when someone invites you to do something, like meeting up for coffee (considering you have a flexible schedule). 

14. Gracias a usted  (Thank you)

Informal: Gracias a ti

When someone tells you “thank you” and you want to express your gratitude because they’ve also helped you somehow, answer with gracias a ti (informal) or gracias a usted (formal).

In English, you would say “thank you,” with special emphasis on the word “you.”

You can also shorten it and just say a ti or a usted

15. ¿Qué agradeces? (What are you thanking me for?)

This rhetorical question is used to express that what you did for the person was nothing or no big deal. 

16. No tienes nada que agradecer  (You have nothing to thank)

Similar to the previous question, this phrase is like saying “Think nothing of it” in English, implying that whatever you did was no bother to you and the person doesn’t need to thank you. 

It’s another way to express the false modesty that we know and love. 

17. Está bien  (It’s all good)

This is a casual response to gracias that doesn’t necessarily mean “You’re welcome,” but can be used to express something similar.

Just make sure you use it with a friendly tone and a smile to make sure the person knows it really is all good. 

18. A la orden (At your service)

This is a phrase you’ll hear in the service industry or in shops. For example, if you thank a shop assistant in Spanish, they’ll often respond with “A la orden.”

19. Hoy por ti, mañana por mí. (Today for you, tomorrow for me.)

You can use this Spanish saying when someone thanks you and you hope they repay the favor at some point. It’s mainly used in an informal way with friends, family and other close acquaintances (ti is the informal form). 

20. Para eso estoy (That’s what I’m here for) 

Para eso estamos los amigos. (That’s what friends are for.)
Para eso está la familia. (That’s what family’s for.) 

This is a nice phrase you can use to let the person know that they can rely on you for whatever it is you’re helping them with.

It can also be used in a professional setting when someone has provided a service. In this case, they would say “Para eso estoy” or “Para eso estamos” to refer to the whole team/business. 

How to Practice Saying “You’re Welcome” in Spanish

Before you use these phrases with native Spanish speakers, you’ll likely want to practice.

One way to do this is by using Spanish dialogues. There are so many situations when someone might say “thank you” and “you’re welcome.” Find some in dialogues, then read or listen along to see how each conversation flows.

You can also practice by watching authentic Spanish videos, like movie clips, interviews and more on FluentU.

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Now if someone thanks you in Spanish, you can confidently reply with a variety of phrases. 

These responses to gracias will make you sound more natural, and you won’t have to say the same thing every time!

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