
102 Australian Slang Words and Phrases


We Australians— or Aussies—love to shorten our words.

We love abbreviations because we sound friendlier and more casual when we use short words.

Overall, Australians are very laid back and this shows when we speak. 

Let’s have a look at some abbreviated Australian slang words and how they’re used in the land down under.


1. Accadacca — AC/DC

AC/DC is the most famous Australian band. You’ll hear an Accadacca song almost everywhere you go when you visit Australia.

“No band rocks like Accadacca.”

2. Ambo — ambulance

This abbreviation is used to refer to both the ambulance vehicle and the ambulance driver.

“Call an ambo! I broke my arm.”

3. Ankle biter — young child

Aussies use this cute slang to describe young children, who are short enough to bite your ankles (but hopefully won’t!).

“Now that I’ve got an ankle biter of my own, I’m knackered!”

4. Arvo — afternoon

“Wanna come over this arvo?”

5. Avo — avocado

Pro tip: spread some Vegemite on a piece of toast, then add some avo and top it all off with some thinly sliced cheese. Once you’ve mastered that snack, you’ll be even more of a true Aussie!

“We need some more avos. Go round the market.”

6. Barbie — barbecue 

Everyone seems to know the phrase “Throw some shrimp on the barbie,” but in reality, we say “prawns” here. We Aussies tend to grill up fish, prawns, chicken and steak on the barbie.

“Let’s have a barbie on the beach this arvo.”

7. Bathers — swimsuit

Australia has a lot of slang for swimsuits and this is one of them.

“Have you got your bathers in the car? I’d love to take a dip.”

8. Biccy — biscuit

In Australia, a biccy can be many things: a cracker, a cookie (American) or a plain, slightly sweet round snack you eat with your tea. The most common biccies are Tim-Tams, Saos (not sweet), choc-chip biccies and digestives.

“Let’s have a biccy with our tea.”

9. Billabong — stagnant waterhole

This word comes from the Wiradjuri Indigenous word bilabang, which translates to “lake.” Today, most people associate the word with the popular surf company, but it’s also used to describe stagnant lakes in the outback.

“Don’t swim in that billabong.”

10. Billy — teapot

“Put on the billy, would you?”

11. Bloke — man

This one comes from British English and it simply means “man,” or “dude” if you’re American.

“That bloke just stole my car!”

12. Bludger — lazy person

This is a funny slang term for someone no one wants to know: a sloth, otherwise known as a lazy bloke (or woman) who doesn’t want to do much of anything.

“Don’t be a bludger, Tommy. Get up and look for a job!”

13. Bogan — unsophisticated person

This word isn’t a compliment. It usually refers to an uncouth person from somewhere in the outback.

“This town is full of bogans.”

14. Bottle-o — liquor store

This is the abbreviation for a bottle shop, usually called a liquor store in American English.

“Swing by the bottle-o and pick up a sixer of tinnies.”

15. Brekky – breakfast

“Let’s have some avo toast for brekky.”

16. Brickie — bricklayer 

A brickie is a tradie (see #100) who works as a bricklayer. This type of skilled work involves laying bricks in floors, sidewalks and building walls of new buildings and houses.

“That brickie must be knackered. This wall is crooked.”

17. Brolly — umbrella

When it rains, you need a “brolly,” although truth be told, Aussies are more raincoat types than umbrella holders.

“Bring your brolly. It’s supposed to rain.”

18. Budgie smugglers – Speedos

A “budgie” in Australia is a small parakeet. So a “budgie smuggler” means that it looks like the man wearing the Speedos has a budgie shoved down in his swimsuit. Sorry for the image!

“Man, look at you all proud in your budgie smugglers.”

19. Cabbie — cab/taxi driver

We usually refer to cabs as taxis in Australia. However, we prefer to use the word “cabbie” for the taxi driver. Americans use this term as well.

“Hail that cabbie!”

20. Chewie — chewing gum

“My mouth is dry. I need some chewie.”

21. Choccy — chocolate

If you don’t feel like a plain biccy, simply ask if they have a choccy biccy—that’s a chocolate biscuit!

“I’m craving some choccy.”

22. Chockers — crowded

“Man the beach is chockers today.”

23. Chook — chicken

“Pick up some chook for the barbie.”

24. Chrissie — Christmas

Chrissy is my favorite holiday of the year!”

25. Chuck a sickie — take a sick day

When you need a day off work, but you’re not really sick, this is the term for you. 

“The waves are too good… I’m chucking a sickie today!”

26. Cobber — very good friend

“I love you man. You’re my cobber.”

27. Coppa — police officer

This Australian slang word is based on the English slang word “cop” or “copper.” This derives from the verb “to cop” which means “to catch.” As the original white settlers in Australia were English convicts, the term copper probably came over from England.

“Slow down! There’s a coppa!”

28. Cozzie — swimsuit

Here’s another slang word for swimsuit. This one derives from the British “swimming or bathing costume.”

“Bring your cozzie! It’s going to be a hot one.”

29. Crikey! — exclamation of surprise

Crikey! It’s hot today!”

30. Cuppa — a cup of tea

It’s very common to drink tea in Australia (brought over by the early British settlers) so this is one of the most common slang terms you’ll hear.

“Would ya like to pop around for a cuppa?”

31. Daggy — unfashionable

“Daggy” can be used in a number of ways, from describing a scruffy or unfashionable outfit to an affectionate insult to your best mate, who may not have the best social skills or fashion sense.

“What a daggy track! We need to get a new DJ.”

32. Deadset — absolutely 

This word is used to express certainty about something. It can refer to being extremely determined to do something (“I’m deadset on getting that job”) or being serious about it. It can also mean “absolutely” or “without a doubt.”

“Mate, deadset I will give you back your jacket.”

33. Defo — definitely 

This word is mainly used to say “yes.”

“Do you want to go to the pub tonight?”
Defo! Let’s do it.”

34. Devo — devastated 

This is usually used as an exaggeration for mildly disappointed.

“The surf was bad this weekend. I was devo!”

35. Drongo — fool

This fun slang word means “fool,” “simpleton” or “idiot,” but it can also be used affectionately.

“He’s such a drongo.”

36. Dunny — toilet

This is our cute version of “toilet,” don’t ask me why. It’s actually the original term for an outside toilet, often known as an outhouse in America.

“I gotta use the dunny!”

37. Esky — cooler

This is one of those situations where the most popular brand name becomes a term for the whole category, sort of like Kleenex in the U.S. Any cooler can now be called an “Esky.”

“Fill up the Esky. We’re headed to the beach.”

38. Facey — Facebook

“Did ya see that new photo on Facey?”

39. Fair dinkum — true

This is Aussie gold standard slang. It means “true” or “genuine.” “The real thing” is another way of putting it. The phrase was brought to Straya from Britain, where it originated in the dialects of Derbyshire and Lincolnshire, where it meant “work,” or “a due share of work.” 

Fair dinkum for a fair day’s pay.”

40. Fair go — give someone a fair chance

If you give someone a fair go, you give them a chance. For example, you may not be qualified to be a cabbie, but if the taxi company gives you a fair go and you do well, you may get the job anyway.

“We’re giving her a fair go even though she flubbed the interview.”

41. Firey — firefighter

“I imagine it’d be pretty scary to be a firey.”

42. Flat chat — very fast

This word means to do something at maximum speed or effort. If you drive full speed or “flat chat” to Melbourne, you can make it in five hours. 

“I’m working flat chat, mate. No time for anything else.”

43. Footy — rugby

We love rugby so much that there are four major types: Rugby Union, Rugby League, AFL and Touch football. Don’t get confused with the other football. We call this soccer (like the Americans do).

“You wanna watch footie round mine this arvo?”

44. Fossick — search for valuable items

If you’re broke, you may need to “fossick.” This originally meant searching for gold, although now it could mean searching for spare change or even spare clothes to sell for extra money.

“I’m fossicking through my garage for old bits of copper pipe I can sell.”

45. Garbo — garbage collector

This is short for garbage collector or garbage truck driver, which is considered a good job in Straya.

“There’s the garbo! Quick get the rubbish out!”

46. G’day — hello

This is a common greeting in Australia (short for “Good day”) that can be used at any time of day. 

G’day, mate! How’s it going?”

47. Gnarly — awesome

This is a slang term that came from Australia’s surf culture. “Gnarly” means awesome, but it can also mean very difficult or bad.

“That dirt road to the beach is gnarly.”

48. Good on ya — well done

“Good on ya” is a way to recognize that someone’s done something well. You may say this after someone graduates from university or gets a new job.

Good on ya, Tina! You’re going to make a great doctor.”

49. Grommet — rookie

When you’re just a kid and you’re learning to surf, the other surfers will refer to you as a “grommet.” This word is also used with skateboarding and other activities. 

“The break is packed with grommets today.”

50. Hard yakka — hard work

The word “yakka” derives from the word for work (yaga), which comes from Yagara, one of the Indigenous languages in Australia.

“Cleaning out the yard is hard yakka.”

51. Heaps — a lot, many

“The market has heaps of bananas on sale right now!”

52. Hoon — hooligan

“Hoon” means hooligan, but it’s usually used to describe someone who drives recklessly.

“What a hoon! He’s all over the road!”

53. Jumper — sweater

When it’s cold outside, grab a “jumper,” Aussie (and British) for the American term “sweater.” 

“I need a jumper. It’s chilly out.”

54. Knackered — tired, exhausted

“Dude, I’m knackered from surfing all day.”

55. Lappy — laptop

“I need to get a new lappy. I spilled a cuppa on mine.”

56. Larrikin — mischievous person

This is usually used to describe a mischievous, boisterous or rowdy young person, sometimes called a “hooligan.” 

“Tommy’s little brother is a bit of a larrikin. He needs to calm down.”

57. Lollies — candy

Though “lollies” is short for “lollipops,” in Straya, it can be used to describe any sweet candy treat.

“I’ve got a craving for lollies.”

58. Macca’s — McDonald’s

“Let’s go down to Macca’s for some burgers.”

59. Mate — friend

This comes from British English and is a very common way for Aussies to address or refer to their friends. 

“Come here, mate. Give us a hug.”

60. Muso — musician

Anyone who plays in a band at a pub is referred to as a “muso.” Most of the time, they get a small amount of money and free beer for performing at their local watering hole or pub.

“The musos are starting up around nine.”

61. No worries — no problem

This slang phrase has been exported to almost every English-speaking country on Earth. It means “no problem” or “don’t worry about it” and it perfectly encapsulates the Aussie mindset.

No worries, mate. It’s all good.”

62. Ocker — uncultured Australian person

This word usually describes an Australian male who’s uncouth, unrefined or even boorish. It can also be used affectionately to describe a stereotypical Aussie bloke, love him or hate him.

“He’s an ocker, but I love him!”

63. Op shop — thrift store

A charity shop or a thrift shop where you can buy used clothes and housewares is known as an “op shop” in Australia because you never know what opportunity awaits there.

“I picked up a new designer suit at the op shop.”

64. Outback — rural areas of Australia

The remote, sparsely populated areas of Australia are known collectively as “the outback,” meaning out back behind the cities on the coasts.

“I just got back from two weeks camping in the outback.”

65. Pash — passionate kiss

When you kiss someone and it involves tongue, Aussies call it a “pash,” which is short for “passion” or “passionate.” Americans tend to call this kind of kiss a “French kiss.”

“She gave him a pash right in front of me.”

66. Petty — gasoline 

This word is more common among younger people. Petrol is what we call gasoline, and this is the shortened version. 

“Scrounge up some cash for petty.”

67. Polly — politician

“The new PM is nothing but a polly.”

68. Pom — English person

The origin is unclear, but we call Brits “poms” in the land down under. One theory of the word’s origins is that it comes from the letters “POME,” which was stamped on the clothing of British prisoners in the late 1800s as an acronym for “Prisoner of Mother England.”

“Typical pom. He likes tea and has bad teeth.”

69. Pommy shower — using deodorant instead of taking a shower

When you don’t have time to take a full shower, just reapply deodorant! This hilarious Aussie term may not be ideal, but it’s better than nothing, right?

“We have to go! Just have a pommy shower.”

70. Postie — postal worker

A postie is a postman/postwoman, or someone who delivers our letters and parcels each day.

“Did the postie come round yet? I’m waiting for a check.”

71. Prezzie  — present

When you’re invited to a birthday party or any other celebration, make sure that you bring a prezzie. Typical prezzies include wine, beer or gift vouchers.

“Thanks for the prezzie, mate!”

72. Rapt — very happy

“Bro, I’m rapt! This is great news.”

73. Ratbag — troublemaker

A “ratbag” is a mischievous, troublemaking or even eccentric person. The term, though usually negative, can also be used as an affectionate insult.

“Her son is such a ratbag! He’s always getting into trouble.”

74. Reckon — think, believe

Usually, we Aussies don’t think something, we “reckon” it. 

“I reckon we should head to the beach.”

75. Rellie — relative

“I can’t go out tonight, I gotta see my rellies.”

76. Ridgy-didge — genuine, real

This is another fun slang word for “authentic,” closely related in meaning to “true blue.”

“He’s a true blue, ridgy-didge Aussie.”

77. Ripper — great, fantastic

“That party was a real ripper!”

78. Rock up — arrive

“We rocked up to the party at midnight.”

79. Roo — kangaroo

“Watch out for roos on the road!”

80. Rort — scam, fraud

This word means a trick, scam, fraud or some other unsavory and dishonest practice that you don’t want to be involved with.

“It’s a rort. Don’t get involved.”

81. Sanger — sandwich

“I’m making sangers. You want one?”

82. S’arvo — this afternoon

This word literally means “this afternoon” as opposed to any afternoon in general.

“What are you up to s’arvo?”

83. Servo — gas station

In Australia, we call a gas station a service station or a “servo” for short.  

“I gotta swing by the servo to pick up some pies and petrol.”

84. Sheila — woman

This one is used less than it used to be because it can be considered sexist, but you still hear it in the outback. 

“That Sheila is a real catch!”

85. She’ll be right — everything will be fine

This phrase can be used to express a general optimism that everything will turn out alright in the end.

“Don’t worry. She’ll be right in the end.”

86. Snag — sausage

Another shortened slang word, a “snag” can be any kind of sausage, and it’s often found at barbies.

“Pick up some snags for the barbie!”

87. Sook — whiny person

In America, they’re often called whiners, but down under we tend to call them sooks. These are people who complain about everything.

“Don’t be such a sook.”

88. Spit the dummy — throw a tantrum

People who have a hard time controlling their tempers might get angry and throw a tantrum. Toddlers often do this, as do drunk people. 

“You don’t have to spit the dummy, just tell me what’s wrong.”

89. Stoked — excited

Emerging from surf culture, “stoked” means excited or thrilled about something.

“I’m stoked about our surf trip to Bali.”

90. Straya — Australia

If you say “AU-STRA-LIA” to an Aussie, they might make fun of your pronunciation (but in a nice way). We just say the last two syllables instead.

“Isn’t Straya great?”

91. Strewth! — exclamation of surprise

When an Aussie is surprised or shocked, they may exclaim “Strewth!”

Strewth! That spider came out of nowhere.”

92. Sunnies — sunglasses

Sunnies are a necessity down under because it’s so sunny much of the year.

“I’m blinded! I forgot my sunnies!”

93. Surfies — surfers

In a country with many beaches and a rich and dynamic beach culture, it’s no wonder there are plenty of surfers.

“The break is chocked with surfies today.”

94. Tassie —Tasmania

Tassie is what we call that island state off the southeast coast of Australia that’s famous for its little devils.

“You want to do a weekend in Tassie?”

95. Telly — television

“Let’s stay in and watch telly.”

96. Thongs — flip-flops

In North America, “thongs” may be a type of racy underwear, but in Straya, they’re those cheap rubber beach slippers known as “flip-flops.”

“I stubbed my toe because I was wearing thongs.”

97. Tinny — can of beer

In Australia, many of our beers are sold in cans. We call these tins. So, when you go to the bottle-o, have a look for the famous Toohey’s New or Victoria Bitter (VB) tinnys.

“If you get the tinnys, I’ll buy the meat pies.”

98. Togs — swimsuit

I told you Aussie English has a lot of slang words for “swimsuit,” right? Well here’s another one.

“Bring your togs. I wanna stop by the beach for a dip.”

99. Trackie dacks — tracksuit pants, sweat pants

“Are trackie dacks acceptable attire for the party?”

100. Tradie — tradesman

“Tradesman” is a term for all those people who work doing a trade or a job that requires particular skills and training. For example, electricians, plumbers and carpenters have trade jobs. 

“I’m thinking of becoming a tradie after school.”

101. True blue — genuine, patriotic

If you’re “true blue,” you’re the real thing. It can mean genuine, patriotic or just that you’re a stand-up person.

“Tommy’s a true blue Aussie.”

102. Ute — pickup/utility truck, SUV

“Can I borrow your ute? I have to move this weekend.”

Quiz on Australian Slang

Now that we’ve gone over some Australian slang words, it’s time to test what you’ve learned! Take the brief quiz below and just refresh the page if you want to start over or retake it. 

What do Australians call a present?
Correct! Wrong!

What is a "ratbag" in Australian slang?
Correct! Wrong!

What do Australians call a cooler?
Correct! Wrong!

What does "daggy" mean in Australian slang?
Correct! Wrong!

What do Australians call doing something at maximum speed or effort?
Correct! Wrong!

What does "rapt" mean in Australian slang?
Correct! Wrong!

What do Australians call a police officer?
Correct! Wrong!

What does "grommet" mean in Australian slang?
Correct! Wrong!

What do Australians call a gas station?
Correct! Wrong!

What does a "cozzie" mean in Australian slang?
Correct! Wrong!

What do Australians call a thrift store?
Correct! Wrong!

What does a "snag" mean in Australian slang?
Correct! Wrong!

What do Australians call a cookie?
Correct! Wrong!

What does "togs" mean in Australian slang?
Correct! Wrong!

What do Australians call a passionate kiss?
Correct! Wrong!

Australian Slang
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You've mastered these Australian slang terms. Now it's time to start using them in your casual conversations with Aussies!

How to Learn Australian Slang

If you need some more practice, here’s a fantastic video to help you with context—when and how to use the words—as well as pronunciation:

For a hilarious lesson on Australian slang, you can learn along with American comedian and talk show host Conan O’Brien:

You can also follow some Australian YouTubers like Garn., an Australian comedy filmmaking duo, or Misfit Minds for some hilarious pranks. For lifestyle content, check out Australian couple Chloe and Mitch


We’ve covered a lot of Australian slang but there’s always more to learn out there.

Hopefully, this new lingo will help you on your study or travel adventure down under!

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