22 Romantic French Phrases to Try Out

French is known around the world as the language of romance. If you want to contribute to this romantic tradition, you’ll need some set romantic French phrases to use when out and about in the French-speaking countries.
Here are 22 surefire ways to be flirt, declare your love and just be generally romantic.
- 1. Je peux vous offrir un verre ?
- 2. Vous venez souvent ici ?
- 3. Vous êtes célibataire ? Mais comment est-ce possible ?
- 4. On peut se tutoyer ?
- 5. C’est quoi ton 06 ?
- 6. T’es trop charmante.
- 7. T’as de beaux yeux, tu sais ?
- 8. J’ai une première édition de ‘À la recherche du temps perdu.’ Tu veux le voir ?
- 9. J’ai envie de t’embrasser.
- 10. Je t’aime.
- 11. Veux-tu m’épouser ?
- 12. Je veux passer ma vie avec toi.
- 13. Tu es l’amour de ma vie.
- 14. Mon cœur bat pour toi.
- 15. Tu es ma raison de vivre.
- 16. Je veux passer le reste de ma vie avec toi.
- 17. Sans toi, je suis perdu.
- 18. Je t’aime plus que les mots ne peuvent le dire.
- 19. Ton amour est mon trésor le plus précieux.
- 20. Chaque moment passé avec toi est un cadeau.
- 21. Je vis pour toi.
- 22. Tu es mon désir le plus profond.
- How to Flirt in French
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1. Je peux vous offrir un verre ?
Translation: Can I buy you a drink?
A nice drink for someone you find interesting can never hurt, right?
2. Vous venez souvent ici ?
Translation: Do you come here often?
This global classic works well in French, too, to break the ice.
3. Vous êtes célibataire ? Mais comment est-ce possible ?
Translation: You’re single? But how is that possible?
Flattery will get you far. When in doubt, play the fool with this sentence.
4. On peut se tutoyer ?
Translation: Can we speak informally?
You can’t seduce from a distance. When you feel that the moment is ripe, suggest a switch from the formal vous to the informal tu with this sentence.
5. C’est quoi ton 06 ?
Translation: Can I have your number?
You might hear this sentence uttered in French streets, the equivalent of the construction worker whistle. Most French cell phone numbers start with 06, so asking for someone’s “06” is the equivalent of asking for their number.
But if you use it right, it can be charming.
6. T’es trop charmante.
Translation: You’re charming.
This is yet another one you’ll frequently hear called out in the street. It’s not so much the sentence but the way that it’s used that is unfortunate.
Call someone charming, and you’ll likely get a smile. Shout it to someone you don’t know walking down the street, and the reaction will probably not be so fantastic.
7. T’as de beaux yeux, tu sais ?
Translation: You have beautiful eyes, you know ?
This sentence works in pretty much any language, but if it works so well in French, it’s because it’s also a quote from a classic French film called Le quai des brumes.
A worn of caution: This phrase is very cliché and no French person would dare to use it seriously, but it’s interesting to know nonetheless!
8. J’ai une première édition de ‘À la recherche du temps perdu.’ Tu veux le voir ?
Translation: I have the first edition of “In Search of Lost Time.” Do you want to see it?
In France, cultural knowledge is sexy. There’s no question about it. It’s said that you can identify a Frenchman when he says that his summer plans are to reread Proust — bearing in mind that for many, rereading will actually constitute their first brush with the genius of this 20th century French writer.
9. J’ai envie de t’embrasser.
Translation: I want to kiss you.
When you feel that the chemistry is there, you could use this sexy phrase.
10. Je t’aime.
Translation: I love you.
What could be more simple, and yet more useful?
Culturally, you’ll find that French people often drop the L-bomb much earlier than their American counterparts. Don’t be worried if you hear it within a few weeks of beginning to date someone new.
11. Veux-tu m’épouser ?
Translation: Do you want to marry me?
When you’ve moved past je t’aime, it might be time to pop the big question. Unlike in English, it’s not “will you” but “do you want to marry me?” that is asked.
12. Je veux passer ma vie avec toi.
Translation: I want to spend my life with you.
Whether this is said before or after the big question, the sentiment is sure to speak volumes.
13. Tu es l’amour de ma vie.
Translation: You are the love of my life.
It never hurts to throw a little romance into a relationship that’s going well.
14. Mon cœur bat pour toi.
Translation: My heart beats for you.
This romantic phrase works with both new love and with an established relationship. I even say this to my dog sometimes.
15. Tu es ma raison de vivre.
Translation: You are my reason to live.
This is a bit overly romantic to say on a first date, but you could try it.
16. Je veux passer le reste de ma vie avec toi.
Translation: I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
This seriously romantic phrase should be reserved for when you think you’ve truly found the right person.
17. Sans toi, je suis perdu.
Translation: Without you, I’m lost.
I said this to someone once just a few hours after I met them, and I have to say, it cinched the deal. And I wasn’t lying.
18. Je t’aime plus que les mots ne peuvent le dire.
Translation: I love you more than words can say.
Use this romantic phrase when you really feel like this. I know from personal experience that saying “I love you” sometimes just doesn’t cut it.
19. Ton amour est mon trésor le plus précieux.
Translation: Your love is my most precious treasure.
This one is a bit over-the-top, but when you need to be really, really romantic (say when you’re about to kiss on a French bridge in a soft rain), use this one.
20. Chaque moment passé avec toi est un cadeau.
Translation: Every moment spent with you is a gift.
This one is good for just after an argument, but you can also use it when you really feel your special person is a gift.
21. Je vis pour toi.
Translation: I live for you.
For me, this is even more powerfully romantic than “I love you.”
22. Tu es mon désir le plus profond.
Translation: You are my deepest desire.
When you want to take your romance to a physical level, you can use this sexy phrase.
How to Flirt in French
Draguer is the French art of flirting. It differs from flirting in other parts of the world in that there is not always an endgame. French flirting can sometimes be the end, not just the means!
Here’s a great bilingual subtitled video about flirting in France:
Here’s another video on French romantic phrases from our YouTube channel:
These are just a handful of ways that you can flirt with and seduce a French paramour Soon, you’ll be an expert in all things French—not just kissing!
For more romantic language, check out our guide on how to say “I miss you” in French next.
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