Common Spanish Winter Words and Phrases

Chestnuts roasting by an open fire, the smell of eggnog in the air… winter is here. But how do you say “winter” in Spanish, or “chestnuts,” or “eggnog”?
Just as you may use some Spanish words more often in the summer, there are some winter words you’ll find useful once it starts to get cold. We’ve helpfully rounded them up for you so that by the time you’ve finished this post, you’ll have all the vocabulary you need to get you through the chilly months.
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Winter Weather in Spanish
A favorite pastime of many nationalities, talking about the weather never gets old.
Some words you might need include:
- La nieve (snow)
- Nevar (to snow)
- El hielo (ice)
- El copo de nieve (a snowflake)
- El muñeco de nieve (a snowman)
- La tormenta de nieve (a snowstorm)
- Bola de nieve (snowball)
- Batalla de bolas de nieve (a snowball fight)
- Aguanieve (slush)
- Sensación térmica por el viento (a wind-chill)
- Bajo cero (below freezing)
- Rasqueta (ice scraper)
- Pala (shovel)
- La niebla (fog)
- El granizo (hailstones)
- Empañarse (mist or fog up)
- Escarcha (frost)
And here are some phrases:
- ¡Está nevando! (It’s snowing)
- ¡Mira! ¡Hay mucha nieve! (Look! There’s loads of snow!)
- Hace dos grados bajo cero (It’s two degrees below freezing)
Winter Activities in Spanish
Winter activities are a highlight of winter for many of us. Here are some activities and related words that could be worth knowing.
- El esquí (skiing)
- Esquiar (to ski)
- Snowboard (snowboard)
- Hacer snowboard (to snowboard)
- Patinaje sobre hielo (ice skating)
- Patines de hielo (ice skates)
- Andar en trineo (sledding)
- Trineo (sled)
- Papá Noel (Santa Claus)
- Tenos (reindeers)
- Hockey sobre hielo (ice hockey)
- Palo de hockey (hockey stick)
- Disco (puck)
- Escultura de hielo (ice sculpture)
- Quedarse adentro / quedarse en casa (stay inside/home)
- El fuego (the fire)
- Jugar a las cartas (play cards)
- Rompecabezas (jigsaw puzzle)
- Juego de mesa (board game)
- Peli / película (film)
So far we’ve learned quite a few winter Spanish vocabulary, but you can learn even more with the videos on FluentU.
FluentU takes authentic videos—like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks—and turns them into personalized language learning lessons.
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Winter Foods in Spanish
Our this wintery picture isn’t quite complete without some food to warm up.
- Chocolate caliente (hot chocolate)
- El ponche de huevo (eggnog)
- Vino caliente (hot wine)
- Estofado / guiso (stew)
- Sopa (soup)
- La chirivía (parsnip)
- La calabaza (pumpkin)
- Repollitos de bruselas (brussel sprouts)
- Al horno (roasted)
Winter Clothing in Spanish
For those without great heating, sometimes it can feel as if you need to wear every piece of clothing you own not only outside, but inside the house, just to keep warm.
- Abrigarse (to wrap up warm)
- Abrigado (wrapped up warm)
- Guantes (gloves)
- Bufanda (scarf)
- Gorra (hat)
- Botas (boots)
- Manopla (mittens)
- Capas (layers)
- El traje de esquí (a skisuit)
Other Useful Spanish Winter Words
- El invierno (winter)
- Estar resfriado (to have a cold)
- Mocos (snot)
- Estornudando (sneezing)
- Fiebre (fever)
- Gripe (flu)
- Estar engripado (to have the flu)
- Los pañuelos (the tissues)
- Reposo (bedrest)
- El calefón / el calentador (the boiler)
- La estufa (the heater)
- La calefacción (the heating)
- Las vacaciones (the holidays)
Become a master of Spanish seasonal vocabulary faster than you ever thought possible! Have fun, and don’t forget to abrigarse.
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And One More Thing…
If you've made it this far that means you probably enjoy learning Spanish with engaging material and will then love FluentU.
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