
46 Weird and Unique Spanish Words With No Direct English Translations


Numerous words exist in Spanish that don’t have direct English translations. Some words may mean something in English literally, but they mean something completely different in Spanish. 

Knowing these weird Spanish words won’t just help you understand native speakers but also give you tons of new ways to express ideas. We’ve previously covered some on our YouTube channel but you’ll find more in the post below:

1. Pardo

Meaning: The color between gray and brown.

Some of the first things we teach our children are the colors, right? 

Have you ever seen a car that isn’t quite gray but it isn’t quite brown either? I have one, actually, and whenever English-speaking people ask me what color my car is I just shrug. When Spanish-speaking people ask me, I’ve got an answer.

2. Lampiño

Meaning: Hairless, but more specifically a man who cannot grow facial hair or has very thin facial hair. A person who is clean-shaven.

Do you know someone like this? I have a friend who looks like he’s twelve even though he’s in his thirties. He doesn’t really have substantial facial hair, can’t grow a beard and has evidently found the fountain of youth.

3. Manco / Manca

Meaning: A one-armed person.

Interestingly, we don’t have this word in the English vocabulary. We have words that come close, but most of them are derogatory.

4. Tuerto / Tuerta

Meaning: A one-eyed person. A person who is blind in one eye. 

To say that someone has one eye or is blind in one eye, you can use the word tuerto/tuerta in Spanish.

5. Vergüenza Ajena 

Meaning: To feel embarrassed for someone even if they don’t feel embarrassed themselves; “second-hand embarrassment.”

Have you ever heard of the trope of “people of Walmart”? The idea is that people decided to go to Walmart with no shame. Most are wearing clothes that are too inappropriate or downright scary.

This is an example of vergüenza ajena, when you feel embarrassed for someone else.

6. Morbo

Meaning: A morbid fascination.

Do you love Tim Burton? Or the sight of blood? Maybe you enjoyed reading “The Tell-Tale Heart” by Edgar Allen Poe.

Or better yet, something super popular right now that I bet a lot of people can relate to is binge-watching true crime. Have you come across any of those YouTube channels of people telling real-life stories of murders or kidnappings for 30-40 minutes? If they make you want to get cozy in bed and grab a bag of popcorn, true crime might be your morbo.

When you love something dark, and you aren’t sure why because it’s creepy or gross, that thing is your morbo in Spanish. In English, it means something like “morbid fascination.”

7. Empalagar

Meaning: When something’s sickening or nauseating because it’s too sweet.

On a rare occasion, I’ll take a bite of chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and think to myself, “Wow! That’s sweet!” Minutes later I’ll regret that chocolate cake because my head is pulsing from sweetness overload.

Have you ever felt a little nauseated after seeing a couple be overly affectionate with each other? This verb works for that, too.

8. Quincena

Meaning: A period of 15 days, biweekly pay.

Everyone is waiting for the quincena! That’s the payment that many employees receive in the Spanish-speaking world: once on the 15th of the month, and once at the end of the month.

For people awaiting paychecks, that first payment of the month always falls on the 15th.

9. Duende

Meaning: The feeling of awe and inspiration. The overwhelming sense of beauty and magic.

Duende is a very multi-faceted word in Spanish. The meaning changes based on the context. Duende can mean “elf,” “goblin” or “spirit.” But the main meaning? You know that “magical” feeling you get when you’re walking barefoot in the grass, watching a sunset, or in awe of nature? That’s duende.

10. Aturdir

Meaning: When something overwhelms, bewilders, or stuns you to the point that you can’t focus and think straight.

I often felt this way when I was in college, and I had two papers, an exam, a project and twenty pages of reading due the next day.

We can also use this verb when we hear any news that dumbfounds or stuns us, leaving us speechless or bothered.

11. Enmadrarse

Meaning: When a child is very attached (emotionally) to their mother.

This word is often used in Spanish to describe children who are very emotionally attached to their mothers.

12. Concuñado / Concuñada

Meaning: The sibling or spouse of your brother- or sister-in-law.

This summer my husband was shadowing a doctor to learn more about his practice. When people asked how we knew the doctor it became confusing fast. If only concuñado were a word in English.

13. Consuegro / Consuegra

Meaning: The relationship between two sets of in-laws. The parent-in-law of your daughter or son.

This word is used in Spanish to describe the father-in-law or mother-in-law of your son or daughter. The in-laws of your child are your consuegros

14. Resol

Meaning: The reflection of the sun off of a surface or the glare of the sun.

Have you ever held a mirror in your hand, caught the sun’s glare just right and shined it in your older brother’s eyes? Who hasn’t?

15. Recogerse

Meaning: To go indoors in the evening once the day is over or to go home to rest or go to bed.

You’ve been sitting on the porch enjoying the evening. But now the sun has set. The evening’s coming to an end and you all decide to go indoors.

16. Estrenar

Meaning: To wear something for the first time or to break something in.

After you go shopping, you’re beyond excited to wear your new clothes for the first time. At least, that’s how I always feel. 

17. Merendar

Meaning: Going out to have a snack, coffee, brunch or some other small meal.

In English, we often call this “going out for coffee.” But that’s very limiting to just getting coffee. Merendar widens that idea up quite a bit.

18. Sobremesa

Meaning: The conversation at the dinner table after the meal is over.

Do you ever stay long after finishing a meal talking to those you are dining with?

This is such a key part of the culture in many Spanish-speaking countries, so much so that there is a word to describe this after-dinner conversation: sobremesa.

19. Puente

Meaning: When Thursday is a holiday, and you take off Friday to bridge the holiday to the weekend.

Or, when Tuesday is a holiday and you take off Monday to extend your weekend.

20. Antier

Meaning: The day before yesterday.

Technically this word can be translated directly into English, but it’s a lengthy, wordy phrase. Wouldn’t it be nice if we had a single word?

Antier is a bit antiquated, and anteayer  is the more common phrase in modern day.

21. Friolento / Friolenta

Meaning: A person who is sensitive to the cold (in terms of weather, drinks or food).

We all know someone who is always cold, even in the middle of a heatwave. The word to describe someone who is sensitive to the cold in Spanish is friolento/friolenta.

22. Desvelado / Desvelada

Meaning: Unable to sleep or sleep-deprived.

We’ve all had those nights when we’ve tossed and turned and tried to sleep but couldn’t convince the sandman to stop at our mattress.

23. Te quiero

Meaning: More than “I like you,” but not quite “I love you.”

You’re in a new relationship. You’re starting to fall for this guy/girl. You like them as more than a friend, but jumping from friend to “I love you” is like trying to jump across a vast lake. 

24. Tutear

Meaning: When you speak to someone in the informal  form.

Usted versus is a confusing concept for someone who’s just learning Spanish or for someone who speaks no Spanish at all. We don’t have formal and informal speeches in English.

25. Estadounidense

Meaning: Someone who’s from the United States.

In Spanish, there is a specific word for someone from the United States. In English, the word is “American,” but if you say this translated literally into Spanish (americano) it refers to the American continent and you’ll often be asked to clarify exactly where (e.g., North America or South America).

To say that you are from the United States, the correct demonym in Spanish is: estadounidense

26. Entrecejo

Meaning: The space between your eyebrows.

Do you remember Bert and Ernie from “Sesame Street”? Bert had that fabulous unibrow, a fuzzy line across his puppet face. He didn’t have an entrecejo.

27. Chapuza

Meaning: A lousy job, a shabby piece of work. When something’s put together poorly.

Have you ever seen a car held together by zip ties and duct tape? Or maybe someone has made a cake and it looks awful?

28. Dar un toque

Meaning: Calling someone, letting it ring once, then hanging up so the person knows to call you back.

I could be wrong, but I don’t think this even exists in American culture. But it’s extremely common in Spanish-speaking countries.

Has someone ever called you, let it ring only one time, then hung up to let you know they want you to see their message or call them back? That’s exactly what dar un toque means. It literally means “to give a touch.” So you can think of it as tapping the call button, then quickly giving the “end call” button a touch.

I remember when I first solo traveled to Peru. My friend would tell me she was coming to pick me up, and when she got to my apartment, she would text me that she was here, then immediately call me for just one ring and hang up before I could answer. She did this to get my attention so I could let her in quickly.

29. Golpista

Meaning: The leader of a military coup.

Perhaps it’s good that we haven’t needed this word in English.

30. Mimoso / Mimosa

Meaning: Someone who enjoys being given affection or wants to give affection through physical contact.

From your grandma to your cat, we all know that person who loves hugs, kisses, and affection. They may even like to be fussed over.

31. Pavonearse

Meaning: Strutting around like a peacock, acting like they own the place.

I’m willing to bet you have someone in your life who can’t seem to do anything or go anywhere without their significant other. Or you have a pet who is always at your hip, whines when you leave the house, and is always on your lap when you’re on the couch or in bed.

We call these people or pets mimoso in Spanish. It’s like a combination of cuddly, attached, always on your hip, and affectionate. Someone who is mimoso or mimosa enjoys being given affection or wants to give it through physical contact.

32. Soler

Meaning: Doing something out of habit, doing something that you’re used to doing.

Everyone does this a million times a day without even realizing it—tying our shoes, washing our hands a certain way, pouring our cereal first then the milk, etc.

33. Tocayo / Tocaya

Meaning: Someone who has the same name as you.

If we had a fun word in English like this, children would stop being annoyed when someone else has the same name.

34. Amigovio / Amigovia

Meaning: Friend with benefits.

Have you ever been in a relationship that’s not actually a relationship? You don’t really know what to call it or where you stand with this person—some call it “the talking phase,” a “situationship,” etc.

Other times you do know what you have with them: something casual. More like friends with benefits.

Amigo means friend and novio means boyfriend, so you can guess what it means when you put them together. You end up with something in between—someone more than a friend, but not quite a boyfriend or girlfriend. An amigovio. Or amigovia if you’re talking about a woman.

35. Madrugar

Meaning: To wake up at sunrise, to get up very early.

Madrugar is commonly used to say “to get up early” in Spanish.

This word is also featured in the wise Spanish proverb:

“No por mucho madrugar amanece más temprano.” (Waking up early doesn’t make the sun rise earlier.)

36. Dominguero / Dominguera

Meaning: A person who leaves the city on weekends and holidays to go to the countryside.

This word reminds me of those Hallmark movies where the super successful, highly independent daughter escapes from her big city life in New York to her humble hometown on holidays or the weekends. In Spanish, we’d call her a dominguera.

A dominguero is someone who takes “mini vacations” or getaways to the countryside over holidays or the weekends, usually to escape the city.

But dominguero also has another meaning. Is there something you do every Sunday without fail—it’s just become your Sunday routine? Or have you ever had someone ask what your “Sunday plans” are? We can use dominguero to turn the word “Sunday” into an adjective in these cases. For example, mi plan dominguero es ver el partido y tomar unas cervezas (my Sunday plan is to watch the game and drink a few beers).

37. Picotear

Meaning: To peck, nibble on, snack on.

Are you the type of person who hovers by the snack table at a party?

You’ll find many uses for the verb picotear. There’s also a noun form to describe the type of social event where one can picotear: un picoteo .

38. Gentilicio

Meaning: An adjective that describes where someone comes from.

Examples of gentilicios:

  • uruguayo/uruguaya (Uruguayan)
  • madrileño/madrileña (person from Madrid)
  • andaluz/andaluza (person from Andalucía)
  • neoyorquino/neoyorquina (New Yorker)

39. Arroba

Meaning: @ sign

A useful word for when you need to give your email address over the phone or in person.

The arroba also accomplishes a unique function in Spanish: it allows Spanish speakers to be gender-neutral in their writing.

For example, a Spanish speaker might start a group email with “¡Hola a tod@s!” (Hello everyone!). When apartment hunting in Spain, I frequently saw listings that read “se busca compañer@ de piso” (seeking male or female roommate).

40. Botellón

Meaning: Mass outdoor drinking session.

I couldn’t help but laugh when I first learned this word. The fact that this situation has its own word makes you think about just how common it is.

Picture this: you’re walking through a park in Spain at 11:30 pm and come across a group of young people. They’re laughing, playing music, and surrounded by alcohol. What you’re witnessing is a botellón—a mass outdoor drinking session.

Botellones are especially popular among college students—and you can expect to see a lot of them at the end of the year when graduation is right around the corner. But it’s important to note that botellón is used strictly in Spain, not Latin America.

41. Sesear

Meaning: Speaking with Latin American pronunciation.

There are many differences between Latin American and European Spanish. Perhaps the most noticeable difference is in how the two continents pronounce their c’s and z’s.

In Spain, these two letters are pronounced with a lisped “th” sound. In Latin America, on the other hand, these letters sound identical to an “s.”

For example: zapato (shoe)

Zapato (Spanish “th” pronunciation)

Zapato (Latin American “s” pronunciation)

42. Manía

Meaning: Compulsion, obsession, fixation.

The versatile word manía covers all sorts of things: bad habits, superstitions, pet peeves, obsessions, and so on.

Often, people will talk about their manías with a hint of irony or self-deprecation. They know their fixation is silly or unreasonable, but they obsess nonetheless!

43. Trámite

Meaning: “Annoying bureaucratic stuff”—the many little tasks you must complete to get something done.

Visa applications, getting your driver’s license, getting a marriage license, getting divorced—what do all of these things have in common? Steps like paperwork, appointments, phone calls to make, and anything else that leaves you thinking “When will this be over?”

The first time I heard the word trámite, it was one of those Spanish words that, when I heard it for the first time in a sentence, I understood what it meant without really knowing the translation. The closest English word I can think of to trámite is “process,” but that doesn’t fully convey the meaning.

Trámite means “annoying bureaucratic stuff.” But it’s not just used to complain about government processes. Government officials and people telling you the trámites also use the word. For example, if you wanted to apply for a work visa in a Spanish-speaking country, you would ask ¿cuáles son los trámites? (What are the trámites?)

44. Vergüenza ajena

Meaning: Second-hand embarrassment

If you’ve ever felt embarrassed for someone else—because of something they did or something that happened to them, but not you—you’ve experienced verguënza ajena.

Verguënza means “embarrassment” or “shame,” while ajeno is an adjective that means “other’s” or “not affiliated with me.” So verguënza ajena literally means “shame that is not affiliated with me” or “other’s shame.” It’s basically what we call “second-hand embarrassment” in English.

45. Costarse

Meaning: To be difficult

Think of something hard for you to do—emotionally, physically, mentally, whatever it may be. When you think about it in English, you probably only think, “This thing is hard to do,” “This thing pains me to do” or “I don’t like doing this thing.”

But the Spanish way of looking at difficult things is that it’s hard because it costs you something—energy, time, happiness, anything. That’s what the verb costarse means. Without the reflexive pronoun se, costar just means “to cost” and is used to talk about money. But costarse literally means “to cost oneself” and is used to describe things that are hard for you to do.

For example, me cuesta mucho entender los chilenos (it’s hard for me to understand Chileans). Or getting more emotional: me cuesta decir “te amo” (it’s difficult for me to say “I love you”).

46. Estrenar

Meaning: To wear something new for the first time

You just got home from the mall with your friends. You bought a new pair of jeans you plan to wear to a concert. You already tried them on in the mall and fell in love with them, so you’re counting down the days until you get to wear them out for the first time.

In Spanish, you’d be estrenándolos. Estrenar means “to wear something new for the first time”—it represents that excitement you get to show off your latest fashion purchase that we can’t quite capture with one word in English.


There are even more unique Spanish words not on this list. You’re likely to spot them by listening to conversations between native speakers.

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